  Mon Feb 1 08:20:52 2021 -0800
adding note about what the uniprot other track contains to uniprot docs, refs #26889

diff --git src/product/README.QuickStart src/product/README.QuickStart
deleted file mode 100644
index ade5c33..0000000
--- src/product/README.QuickStart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-Getting a browser up and running quickly in a minimal state
-(see also: http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Browser_installation)
-The browser can be made to operate with a bare minimum of tables
-for the purpose of demonstrating the CGI binaries are functioning.
-The only tables you need to load for this are:
-1. all tables in the hgcentral database
-2. six tables in the human genome
-Create an empty hgcentral database:
-$ hgsql -e "create database hgcentral;" mysql
-Load all tables into the hgcentral database.
-Copy all the mysql data files from
-    rsync -avP rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/mysql/hgcentral/ .
-directly into the MySQL data area for your hgcentral database.
-(something usually like /var/lib/mysql/hgcentral/)
-(or load this database with mysql/hgsql commands and the hgcentral.sql
-	text file dump of these tables from:
-    rsync -avP rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/genome/admin/hgcentral.sql .
-    (or: http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/hgcentral.sql)
-And then six tables for the latest human database.
-The gateway page always needs a minimum human database in order
-to function even if the browser is being built for the primary
-purpose of displaying other genomes.  This default can currently
-be changed in the source tree in src/hg/lib/hdb.c
-(to be done: specify this default in hg.conf file)
-Start with an empty database, for example hg18:
-$ hgsql -e "create database hg18;" mysql
-Again, copy the MySQL files directly from the download
-server, for example hg18:
-    rsync -avP rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/mysql/hg18/ .
-    (beware, this is an immense amount of data)
-into your MySQL data area.  Or load these tables from the text SQL
-dumps from:
-    rsync -avP rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg18/database/ .
-    (beware, this is an immense amount of data)
-The minimal set of tables required are:
-The gap table is an example of the split table concept for performance
-purposes.  It consists of the tables: chr*_gap which is a total
-of 49 tables just for the gap track.  (3 * 49 = 147 MySQL data files)
-(each MySQL data table is three files: .MYD .MYI and .frm files)
-With this set of six tables the gateway page will
-begin to function and the browser page and table browser
-will function.  Other browser functions are not ready yet without
-additional tables and databases.  This is a bare minimum just to
-demonstrate the CGI binaries are working.
-This will all work even without copying any files for the /gbdb/
-data area, although most functions will not work, such as fetching
-the DNA sequence from a browser view.  The DNA sequence for
-an assembly is found in, for example hg18: /gbdb/hg18/nib/chr*.nib
-Some assemblies have all the DNA sequence in a single .2bit file,
-for example: /gbdb/mm8/mm8.2bit