  Mon Feb 1 08:20:52 2021 -0800
adding note about what the uniprot other track contains to uniprot docs, refs #26889

diff --git src/product/README.local.git.source src/product/README.local.git.source
deleted file mode 100644
index e917bbe..0000000
--- src/product/README.local.git.source
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Use the following procedures to create your own personal copy of the kent source
-tree where you can have your own edits that are not part of the development at
-UCSC.  This is useful for mirror sites that have their own customizations in
-the source tree for local circumstances.
-Install Git:
- Install Git software version or later. See the Git Community Handbook
- installation (http://book.git-scm.com/2_installing_git.html) and setup
- (http://book.git-scm.com/2_setup_and_initialization.html) instructions, as well
- as our Installing git (http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Installing_git)
- Genomewiki page.
-Start an initial Git local repository:
-  $ git clone git://genome-source.soe.ucsc.edu/kent.git
- or, if a firewall prevents git daemon port 9418, use:
-  $ git clone http://genome-source.soe.ucsc.edu/kent.git
- The kent source tree will be imported to the current working directory in a
- directory named ./kent/.
-Track the beta branch at UCSC repository:
- Most users want to use the beta branch, which has tested, released versions of
- the browser. To create a beta tracking branch:
-  $ cd kent
-  $ git checkout -t -b beta origin/beta
- The -b creates a local branch with name "beta", and checks it out.
- The -t makes it a tracking branch, so that 'git pull' brings in updates from
- origin/beta, the "real" beta branch in our public central read-only repository.
-To get the latest UCSC release:
- From anywhere within the kent source tree:
-  $ git pull
- UCSC generally updates the origin/beta branch every three weeks. If you are 
- updating database tables for a mirror site, we recommend that you update the
- source at the same time, as source code is sometimes modified to include
- operations on new columns that have been added to database tables.
-See also: the README files in the source tree directory src/product/README.*.
-For instructions on keeping local tracks separate from UCSC Genome Browser
-tracks, see src/product/README.trackDb.