  Fri Jan 22 04:16:19 2021 -0800
Making right label of how big bar is use same calculations for string width as the left labels, and in process preventing them from getting clipped as often.

diff --git src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
index aa85492..f0b5e10 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/barChartClick.c
@@ -363,39 +363,48 @@
 // to help with QAing the change, we add the "oldFonts" CGI parameter so QA can compare
 // old and new fonts to make sure that things are still readible on mirrors and servers
 // without the new fonts installed. This only needed during the QA phase
 bool useOldFonts = cgiBoolean("oldFonts");
 /* Exec R in quiet mode, without reading/saving environment or workspace */
 dyStringPrintf(cmd, "Rscript --vanilla --slave hgcData/barChartBoxplot.R %s '%s' %s %s %s %s %d",
                                 item, units, colorFile, df, pngTn.forHtml, isEmpty(name2) ? "n/a" : name2, useOldFonts);
 int ret = system(cmd->string);
 if (ret == 0)
     printf("<img src = \"%s\" border=1><br>\n", pngTn.forHtml);
     warn("Error creating boxplot from sample data with command: %s", cmd->string);
+static double estimateStringWidth(char *s)
+/* Get estimate of string width based on a memory font that is about the
+ * same size as svg will be using.  After much research I don't think we
+ * can get the size from the server, would have to be in Javascript to get
+ * more precise */
+MgFont *font = mgHelvetica14Font();
+return mgFontStringWidth(font, s);
 static double longestLabelSize(struct barChartCategory *categList)
 /* Get estimate of longest label in pixels */
-MgFont *font = mgHelvetica14Font();
 int longest = 0;
 struct barChartCategory *categ;
 for (categ = categList; categ != NULL; categ = categ->next)
-    int size = mgFontStringWidth(font, categ->label);
+    int size = estimateStringWidth(categ->label);
     if (size > longest)
         longest = size;
 return longest * 1.09;
 void deunderbarColumn(struct fieldedTable *ft, char *field)
 /* Ununderbar all of a column inside table because space/underbar gets
  * so confusing */
 int fieldIx = fieldedTableFindFieldIx(ft, field);
 struct fieldedRow *row;
 for (row = ft->rowList; row != NULL; row = row->next)
     replaceChar(row->row[fieldIx], '_', ' ');
@@ -430,31 +439,32 @@
 /* Some constants that control layout */
 double heightPer=18.0;
 double totalWidth=1250.0;
 double borderSize = 1.0;
 double headerHeight = heightPer + 2*borderSize;
 double innerHeight=heightPer-borderSize;
 double labelWidth = longestLabelSize(categs) + 9;  // Add some because size is just estimate
 if (labelWidth > totalWidth/2) labelWidth = totalWidth/2;  // Don't let labels take up more than half
 double patchWidth = heightPer;
 double labelOffset = patchWidth + 2*borderSize;
 double statsOffset = labelOffset + labelWidth;
 double barOffset = statsOffset + statsSize;
 double statsRightOffset = barOffset - 9;
-double barMaxWidth = totalWidth-barOffset - 45;	    // The 45 is to leave room for ~6 digit number at end.
+double barNumLabelWidth = estimateStringWidth(" 1234.000"); 
+double barMaxWidth = totalWidth-barOffset -barNumLabelWidth ;
 double totalHeight = headerHeight + heightPer * categCount + borderSize;
 printf("<svg width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\">\n", totalWidth, totalHeight);
 /* Draw header */
 printf("<rect width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\" style=\"fill:#%s\"/>\n", totalWidth, headerHeight, HG_COL_HEADER);
 printf("<text x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" font-size=\"%g\">%s</text>\n", 
     labelOffset, innerHeight-1, innerHeight-1, "Sample");
 if (statsSize > 0.0)
     printf("<text x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" font-size=\"%g\" text-anchor=\"end\">%s</text>\n", 
 	statsRightOffset, innerHeight-1, innerHeight-1, "N");
 printf("<text x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\" font-size=\"%g\">%s %s</text>\n", 
     barOffset, innerHeight-1, innerHeight-1, metric, "Value");
 /* Set up clipping path for the pesky labels, which may be too long */