  Mon Feb 15 05:48:31 2021 -0800
updating CADD track docs, refs #18492

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/cadd.ra src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/cadd.ra
index 8ece27b..588125f 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/cadd.ra
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/cadd.ra
@@ -1,81 +1,85 @@
 track caddSuper
 shortLabel CADD
 longLabel CADD 1.6 Score for all single-basepair mutations and selected insertions/deletions
 superTrack on show
 type bed
 visibility hide
 group phenDis
 color 100,130,160
-        track caddIns
-        shortLabel Insertions
-        longLabel CADD Score: Insertions - label is length of insertion
-        type bigBed 9 +
-        parent caddSuper
-        visibility dense
-        bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/cadd/ins.bb
-        mouseOver Mutation: $change CADD Phred score: $phred
-        track caddDel
-        shortLabel Deletions
-        longLabel CADD Score: Deletions - label is length of deletion
-        type bigBed 9 +
-        parent caddSuper
-        visibility dense
-        bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/cadd/del.bb
-        mouseOver Mutation: $change CADD Phred score: $phred
 track cadd
 shortLabel CADD
 longLabel CADD 1.6 Score for all possible single-basepair mutations (zoom in to show exact score on mouse over, same basepair = score 0.0)
 type bigWig
 compositeTrack on
 parent caddSuper
 visibility dense
 #maxWindowToQuery 500000
 group phenDis
 color 100,130,160
+html caddSuper
         track caddA
         shortLabel Mutation: A
-        longLabel CADD Score: Mutation is A
+        longLabel CADD 1.6 Score: Mutation is A
         type bigWig
         parent cadd on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/cadd/a.bw
         maxHeightPixels 128:20:8
         viewLimits 0:30
         viewLimitsMax 0:100
         track caddC
         shortLabel Mutation: C
-        longLabel CADD Score: Mutation is C
+        longLabel CADD 1.6 Score: Mutation is C
         type bigWig
         parent cadd on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/cadd/c.bw
         maxHeightPixels 128:20:8
         viewLimits 0:30
         viewLimitsMax 0:100
         track caddG
         shortLabel Mutation: G
-        longLabel CADD Score: Mutation is G
+        longLabel CADD 1.6 Score: Mutation is G
         type bigWig
         parent cadd on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/cadd/g.bw
         maxHeightPixels 128:20:8
         viewLimits 0:30
         viewLimitsMax 0:100
         track caddT
         shortLabel Mutation: T
-        longLabel CADD Score: Mutation is T
+        longLabel CADD 1.6 Score: Mutation is T
         type bigWig
         parent cadd on
         visibility dense
         bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/cadd/t.bw
         maxHeightPixels 128:20:8
         viewLimits 0:30
         viewLimitsMax 0:100
+track caddIns
+shortLabel Insertions
+longLabel CADD 1.6 Score: Insertions - label is length of insertion
+type bigBed 9 +
+parent caddSuper
+visibility dense
+bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/cadd/ins.bb
+mouseOver Mutation: $change CADD Phred score: $phred
+html caddSuper
+track caddDel
+shortLabel Deletions
+longLabel CADD 1.6 Score: Deletions - label is length of deletion
+type bigBed 9 +
+parent caddSuper
+visibility dense
+bigDataUrl /gbdb/$D/cadd/del.bb
+mouseOver Mutation: $change CADD Phred score: $phred
+html caddSuper