  Thu Mar 18 13:10:00 2021 -0700
When overwriting barChart boxplot labels with empty value because we draw custom ones later, I forgot to override the y-label value for new vertical boxplots, refs #27149

diff --git src/hg/hgc/hgcData/barChartBoxplot.R src/hg/hgc/hgcData/barChartBoxplot.R
index 870da6e..45d98ac 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/hgcData/barChartBoxplot.R
+++ src/hg/hgc/hgcData/barChartBoxplot.R
@@ -1,188 +1,188 @@
 # Boxplot of data values by category (bar in barChart)
 #       usage:   Rscript barChartBoxplot.R itemName units colorFile dataFile outFile altName
 # where:
 #       colorFile is a tab-sep file in the format: category hex-color
 #       dataFile is a tab-sep file, with a header and row for each sample in the format:
 #               sample  category  value
 #       outFile is filename suitable for writing graphic (e.g. in PNG format)
 # if more than this categories, switch to a display mode that is easier to read:
 # - instead of plotting boxplot from left to right, plot from top to bottom
 # - box plot labels are horizontal
 # - labels and number are printed in black, not colored
 drawBoxPlot <- function(df) {
     # it's not easy at all in R to add optional arguments via a list object, so duplicate code
     if (count < DENSECUTOFF) {
         # old-style vertical bars with labels at a 45 degree angle. Harder to read but saves screen space
         yLimit <- c(-(max*.02), max+ (max*.03))
         par(mar=c(marBottom,marLeft,3,1) + 0.1, mgp=c(2,1,0), font.main=1)
         exprPlot <- boxplot(value ~ df$category, data=df, ylab=yLabel, ylim=yLimit,
                         col=colorsHex, border=c(darkgray),
                         # medians
                         medcol="black", medlwd=2,
                         # outliers
                         outcex=.5, outcol=darkgray,
                         # whiskers
                         whisklty=1, whiskcol=gray, 
                         # 'staples'
                         staplecol=gray, staplecex=1.3, staplewex=.8,
                         # with R versions 3.6 and later must suppress x-labels manually
                         # erase X axis labels (add later rotated)
                         names=rep(c(""), count))
         y1 <- par("usr")[3]
         size <- .8
         # draw sample count twice (once in color, once in black) to make light colors readable
         adjust <- .4*abs(y1)
         text(.4, y1 + adjust, "N=", cex=size, xpd=TRUE)
         text(1:count, y1 + adjust, exprPlot$n, cex=size, col=colorsHex)
         text(1:count, y1 + adjust, exprPlot$n, cex=size, col="black")
         # add sample (X axis) labels at 45 degree angle
         rot <- 45
         size <- 1
         text(1:count, y1 - adjust, cex=size, labels=labels, srt=rot, xpd=TRUE, adj=c(1,.5), col="black")
         text(1:count, y1 - adjust, cex=size, labels=labels, srt=rot, xpd=TRUE, adj=c(1,.5), col=colorsHex)
     else { 
         # new-style vertical bars, easier to read
         size <- .7
         longestLabelIdx = which.max(nchar(labels))
         longestLabel = labels[longestLabelIdx]
         marLeft = nchar(longestLabel)/2.5 # 2.5 was trial and error, strwidth(longestLabel, "inches") didn't work
         par(mar=c(3,marLeft,2,1) + 0.1, mgp=c(2,1,0), font.main=1)
         yLimit <- c(-(max*.02), max+ (max*.03))
         # by default, the order of horizontal barcharts is reversed compared to vertical barcharts
         # this is why we inverse the order with at=rev(...) and later for text() apply rev(...) on all y-coords
         exprPlot <- boxplot(value ~ df$category, data=df, ylim=yLimit, xlim=c(0, count),
                         space = 0.3,
                         col=colorsHex, border=c(darkgray),
                         # medians
                         medcol="black", medlwd=2,
                         # outliers
                         outcex=.5, outcol=darkgray,
                         # whiskers
                         whisklty=1, whiskcol=gray, 
                         # 'staples'
                         staplecol=gray, staplecex=1.3, staplewex=.8,
                         # erase y ticks
                         # with R versions 3.6 and later must suppress x-labels manually
-                        xlab="",
+                        xlab="", ylab=""
                         # erase X axis labels (add later rotated)
                         names=rep(c(""), count))
         y1 <- par("usr")[1]
         # draw numbers only black, at 90 degrees and left-adjusted
         rot <- 0
         adjust <- .15*abs(y1)
         text(y1 + adjust, rev(1:count), exprPlot$n, cex=size, col="black", srt=rot, adj=0.0)
         # draw labels
         size <- .9
         adjust <- .4*abs(y1)
         text(y1-adjust, rev(1:count), cex=size, labels=labels, srt=rot, xpd=TRUE, adj=c(1,.5), col="black")
 drawBarPlot <- function(df) {
     yLimit <- c(-(max*.02), max+ (max*.03))
     par(mar=c(marBottom,marLeft,3,1) + 0.1, mgp=c(2.5,1,0), font.main=1)
     df <- df[(order(match(df$category, colorDf$category))),]
     exprPlot <- barplot(df$value, ylab=yLabel, ylim=yLimit,
                         col=colorsHex, border=c(darkgray),
                         # erase X axis labels (add later rotated)
                         names.arg=rep(c(""), count))
     limits <- par("usr")
     xmin <- limits[1]
     xmax <- limits[2]
     ymin <- limits[3]
     ymax <- limits[4]
     adjust <- abs(ymin)
     # draw box around bargraph
     rect(xmin, ymin + adjust, xmax, ymax, border=c(darkgray), lwd=2, xpd=TRUE)
     # add sample (X axis) labels at 45 degree angle
     rot <- 45
     size <- 1
     text(exprPlot, ymin - adjust, cex=size, labels=labels, srt=rot, xpd=TRUE,
         adj=c(1,.5), col="black") # does this have any effect?
     text(exprPlot, ymin - adjust, cex=size, labels=labels, srt=rot, xpd=TRUE,
         adj=c(1,.5), col=colorsHex)
 args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
 locus <- args[1]
 units <- args[2]
 colorFile <- args[3]
 dataFile <- args[4]
 outFile <- args[5]
 name2 <- args[6]
 # this argument can be used by QA to check if the new fonts look very different from the old fonts
 # see #22838
 useOldFonts <- (!is.na(args[7]) && args[7]=="1")
 if (!useOldFonts && require("showtext",character.only=TRUE, quietly=TRUE)) {
     library(showtext, quietly=TRUE)
     showtext_opts(dpi = 72)
 # read colors file
 colorDf = read.table(colorFile, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
 colorsHex <- paste("#",as.character(as.hexmode(colorDf$color)), sep="")
 # order categories as in colors file
 df <- read.table(dataFile, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
 df$category <- ordered(df$category, levels=colorDf$category)
 labels <- names(table(df$category))
 count <- length(labels)
 # draw graph
 # adjust X label height based on length of labels
 # TODO: scale by number of categories ?
 if (count < DENSECUTOFF) {
     png(file=outFile, width=1070, height=600)
 } else {
     png(file=outFile, width=1070, height=18*count)
 # res=72 is default
 gray <- "#A6A6A6"
 darkgray <- "#737373"
 # plot with customized margins, symbol and line styles and colors, in the style of
 # GTEx gene expression plots (based on GTEx Portal at the Broad)
 # adjust margins based on max label size
 marBottom <- 10;
 marLeft <- 4;
 if (max(nchar(labels)) > 30) {
     # change margins to appropriately fit longest label name
     # left * .45 + 1 accounts for final rotation and length / 3 for length to margins ratio
     marBottom <- max(nchar(labels))/3;
     marLeft <- marLeft + (marLeft * .45 + 1);
 yLabel <- units
 max <- max(df$value)
 title <- locus
 labels = gsub("_", " ", labels)
 if (name2 != "n/a")
     title <- paste(locus, " (", name2, ")", sep="")
 if (length(unique(df$category)) == length(df$category)) {
 } else {