  Thu Mar 4 15:39:32 2021 -0800
Add ZIP file of subtree JSON & Newick files for download.  Add subtree numbers to the filenames so it's not all trashDir soup.

diff --git src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/runUsher.c src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/runUsher.c
index 6987b4a..f208a1b 100644
--- src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/runUsher.c
+++ src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/runUsher.c
@@ -1,858 +1,861 @@
 /* Invoke usher to place user's uploaded samples in the phylogenetic tree & parse output files. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2020 The Regents of the University of California */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "parsimonyProto.h"
 #include "phyloPlace.h"
 #include "regexHelper.h"
 #include "pipeline.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 // Keywords in stderr output of usher:
 #define sampleIdPrefix "Sample name:"
 #define pScorePrefix "Parsimony score:"
 #define numPlacementsPrefix "Number of parsimony-optimal placements:"
 #define bestNodePrefix "Best node ("
 #define mutationsPrefix "Mutations: "
 #define sampleMutsPrefix "Sample mutations:"
 #define imputedMutsPrefix "Imputed mutations:"
 static void parseSampleIdAndParsimonyScore(char **words, char **retSampleId,
                                            struct hash *samplePlacements)
 /* If words[] seems to contain columns of the line that gives sample ID and parsimony score,
  * then parse out those values. */
 // Example line:
 // words[0] = Current tree size (#nodes): 70775
 // words[1] = Sample name: MyLabSequence2
 // words[2] = Parsimony score: 1
 // words[3] = Number of parsimony-optimal placements: 1
 char *p = stringIn(sampleIdPrefix, words[1]);
 if (p)
     *retSampleId = cloneString(trimSpaces(p + strlen(sampleIdPrefix)));
     struct placementInfo *info;
     hashAdd(samplePlacements, *retSampleId, info);
     info->sampleId = *retSampleId;
     p = stringIn(pScorePrefix, words[2]);
     if (p)
         info->parsimonyScore = atoi(skipToSpaces(p + strlen(pScorePrefix)));
         errAbort("Problem parsing stderr output of usher: "
                  "expected '" sampleIdPrefix "...' to be followed by '"
                  pScorePrefix "...' but could not find the latter." );
     p = stringIn(numPlacementsPrefix, words[3]);
     if (p)
         info->bestNodeCount = atoi(skipToSpaces(p + strlen(numPlacementsPrefix)));
         errAbort("Problem parsing stderr output of usher: "
                  "expected '" sampleIdPrefix "... " pScorePrefix " ...' to be followed by '"
                  numPlacementsPrefix "...' but could not find the latter." );
     errAbort("Unexpected format of sample ID line:\n%s\t%s\t%s\t%s",
              words[0], words[1], words[2], words[3]);
 static struct singleNucChange *parseSnc(char *sncStr)
 /* If sncStr looks like a <old><pos><new>-style single nucleotide change then parse out those
  * values & return singleNucChange (with parBase and newBase; no refBase), otherwise return NULL.  */
 struct singleNucChange *snc = NULL;
 regmatch_t substrs[4];
 if (regexMatchSubstr(sncStr, "^([ACGT])([0-9]+)([ACGT])$", substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
     int chromStart = regexSubstringInt(sncStr, substrs[2]) - 1;
     snc = sncNew(chromStart, '\0', sncStr[0], sncStr[substrs[3].rm_so]);
 return snc;
 static struct variantPathNode *parsePipeyPath(char *pipeyPath)
 /* Parse something like "|C8782T|T28144C| > |C29095T|  > |G2494A|T11083G|C18501T|"
  * into a variant path with unknown node names. */
 if (isEmpty(pipeyPath))
     return NULL;
 struct variantPathNode *variantPath = NULL;
 char *words[strlen(pipeyPath) / 5];
 int wordCount = chopString(pipeyPath, " > ", words, ArraySize(words));
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < wordCount;  i++)
     struct variantPathNode *vpn;
     vpn->nodeName = cloneString("?");
     char *mutStr = words[i];
     // Trim first and last pipes
     if (mutStr[0] == '|')
     if (mutStr[strlen(mutStr)-1] == '|')
         mutStr[strlen(mutStr)-1] = '\0';
     // Split by pipe
     char *muts[strlen(mutStr) / 4];
     int sncCount = chopString(mutStr, "|", muts, ArraySize(muts));
     int j;
     for (j = 0;  j < sncCount;  j++)
         struct singleNucChange *snc = parseSnc(muts[j]);
         if (!snc)
             errAbort("Expected single-nucleotide change but got '%s' when parsing pipe-separated "
                      "best node path", muts[j]);
         slAddHead(&vpn->sncList, snc);
     slAddHead(&variantPath, vpn);
 return variantPath;
 static boolean parseBestNode(char **words, struct placementInfo *info)
 /* If the line starts with "Best node", parse out the name and path of the node
  * (or one of the nodes) with the lowest parsimony distance from the sample being placed;
  * add to info->bestNodes and return TRUE. */
 // Example line (* means this node was chosen for placement):
 // words[0] = Best node (child)*: 1239
 // words[1] = Mutations: |C8782T|T28144C| > |C29095T| > |T8782C| > |T29095C| > |C28144T|
 // or
 // words[0] = Best node (sibling): SomeLeafName
 // words[1] = Mutations: |C8782T|T28144C| > |C29095T| > |T8782C| > |T29095C| > |C28144T| > |G11083T| > |G2494A|T11083G|C18501T|
 boolean matches = FALSE;
 if (stringIn(bestNodePrefix, words[0]))
     matches = TRUE;
     struct bestNodeInfo *bn;
     char *p = words[0] + strlen(bestNodePrefix);
     if (startsWith("sibling", p))
         bn->isSibling = TRUE;
     boolean isChosen = (stringIn(")*:", words[0]) != NULL);
     p = stringIn(": ", words[0]);
     if (p)
         bn->name = cloneString(p + strlen(": "));
         errAbort("parseBestNode: expected first column to have ': ' followed by name, but got '%s'",
     if (startsWith(mutationsPrefix, words[1]))
         bn->variantPath = parsePipeyPath(words[1] + strlen(mutationsPrefix));
         errAbort("parseBestNode: expected second column to have '" mutationsPrefix"' followed by "
                  "path, but got '%s'", words[1]);
     if (isChosen)
         slAddHead(&info->bestNodes, bn);
         slAddTail(&info->bestNodes, bn);
 return matches;
 static boolean parseSampleMutations(char **words, struct placementInfo *info)
 /* If words[] looks like it defines the sample mutations relative to the reference genome,
  * then parse out the list and add to info->sampleMuts and return TRUE. */
 // Example line:
 // words[0] = Sample mutations:
 // words[1] = |C241T| |C3037T| |C14408T| |A23403G|
 boolean matches = FALSE;
 if (stringIn(sampleMutsPrefix, words[0]))
     matches = TRUE;
     char *mutStr = words[1];
     stripChar(mutStr, '|');
     info->sampleMuts = slNameListFromString(mutStr, ' ');
 return matches;
 static boolean parseImputedMutations(char **words, struct placementInfo *info)
 /* If words[] looks like it defines imputed mutations of the most recently named sample,
  * then parse out the list and add to info->imputedBases and return TRUE. */
 // Example line:
 // words[0] = Imputed mutations: 
 // words[1] = 6709:A;23403:G
 boolean matches = FALSE;
 if (stringIn(imputedMutsPrefix, words[0]))
     matches = TRUE;
     char *muts[strlen(words[1]) / 4];
     int mutCount = chopString(words[1], ";", muts, ArraySize(muts));
     struct baseVal *bvList = NULL;
     int i;
     for (i = 0;  i < mutCount;  i++)
         boolean problem = FALSE;
         char *colon = strchr(muts[i], ':');
         if (colon)
             int pos = atoi(muts[i]);
             char *val = cloneString(colon+1);
             if (pos < 1)
                 problem = TRUE;
             else if (!isAllNt(val, strlen(val)))
                 problem = TRUE;
                 struct baseVal *bv;
                 bv->chromStart = pos - 1;
                 bv->val = val;
                 slAddHead(&bvList, bv);
         if (problem)
             errAbort("Problem parsing stderr output of usher: "
                      "expected imputed mutation to be number:base, but got '%s'", muts[i]);
     info->imputedBases = bvList;
 return matches;
 static void parseStderr(char *amsStderrFile, struct hash *samplePlacements)
 /* The stderr output of usher is where we find important info for each sample:
  * the path of variants on nodes from root to sample leaf, imputed values of ambiguous bases
  * (if any), and parsimony score. */
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(amsStderrFile, TRUE);
 char *sampleId = NULL;
 int size;
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, &size))
     char lineCpy[size+1];
     safencpy(lineCpy, sizeof lineCpy, line, size);
     char *words[16];
     int wordCount = chopTabs(lineCpy, words);
     if (wordCount == 4)
         parseSampleIdAndParsimonyScore(words, &sampleId, samplePlacements);
     else if (wordCount == 2)
         if (! sampleId)
             errAbort("Problem parsing stderr output of usher: "
                      "Got line starting with '%s' that was not preceded by a line that "
                      "defines sample ID.:\n%s", words[0], line);
         struct placementInfo *info = hashFindVal(samplePlacements, sampleId);
         if (!info)
             errAbort("Problem parsing stderr output of usher: "
                      "Can't find placement info for sample '%s'", sampleId);
         if (! parseBestNode(words, info) &&
             ! parseSampleMutations(words, info))
             parseImputedMutations(words, info);
 static void parseVariantPaths(char *filename, struct hash *samplePlacements)
 /* Parse out space-sep list of {node ID, ':', node-associated ,-sep variant list} into
  * variantPathNode list and associate with sample ID. */
 // Example line (note the back-mutation at 28144T... may want to highlight those):
 // words[0] = MySeq
 // words[1] = 1:C8782T,T28144C 2309:C29095T 2340:T8782C 2342:T29095C 2588:C28144T MySeq:C29867T 
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(filename, TRUE);
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     char *words[3];
     int wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
     lineFileExpectWords(lf, 2, wordCount);
     char *sampleId = words[0];
     char *nodePath = words[1];
     char *nodes[strlen(nodePath) / 4];
     int nodeCount = chopString(nodePath, " ", nodes, ArraySize(nodes));
     struct variantPathNode *vpNodeList = NULL;
     int i;
     for (i = 0;  i < nodeCount;  i++)
         struct variantPathNode *vpn;
         char *nodeVariants = nodes[i];
         // First there is a node ID followed by ':'.  If node ID is numeric, ignore;
         // otherwise it is a sample ID, indicating a mutation specific to the sample ID,
         // so include it.
         char *colon = strrchr(nodeVariants, ':');
         if (colon)
             *colon = '\0';
             char *nodeName = nodeVariants;
             nodeVariants = colon+1;
             vpn->nodeName = cloneString(nodeName);
         // Next there should be a comma-sep list of mutations/variants.
         char *variants[strlen(nodeVariants) / 4];
         int varCount = chopCommas(nodeVariants, variants);
         int j;
         for (j = 0;  j < varCount;  j++)
             variants[j] = trimSpaces(variants[j]);
             struct singleNucChange *snc = parseSnc(variants[j]);
             if (snc)
                 slAddHead(&vpn->sncList, snc);
                 errAbort("parseVariantPath: Expected variant path for %s to specify "
                          "single-nucleotide changes but got '%s'", sampleId, variants[j]);
         slAddHead(&vpNodeList, vpn);
     struct placementInfo *info = hashFindVal(samplePlacements, sampleId);
     if (!info)
         errAbort("parseVariantPath: can't find placementInfo for sample '%s'", sampleId);
     info->variantPath = vpNodeList;
 static struct variantPathNode *parseSubtreeMut(char *line)
 /* Parse a line with a node name and list of mutations.  Examples:
  * ROOT->1: C241T,C14408T,A23403G,C3037T,A20268G,C28854T,T24076C
  * 1: C20759T
  * USA/CA-CZB-4019/2020|EPI_ISL_548621|20-08-01: G17608T,G22199T
  * node_6849_condensed_4_leaves: 
 struct variantPathNode *vpn = NULL;
 char *colon = strrchr(line, ':');
 if (colon)
     char *nodeName = line;
     *colon = '\0';
     vpn->nodeName = cloneString(nodeName);
     char *mutString = trimSpaces(colon+1);
     char *mutWords[strlen(mutString)/4];
     int mutCount = chopCommas(mutString, mutWords);
     int i;
     for (i = 0;  i < mutCount;  i++)
         struct singleNucChange *snc = parseSnc(mutWords[i]);
         if (snc)
             slAddHead(&vpn->sncList, snc);
             errAbort("parseSubtreeMut: Expected subtree mutation list to specify single-nucleotide "
                      "changes but got '%s'", mutWords[i]);
     errAbort("parseSubtreeMut: Expected line to contain colon but got '%s'", line);
 return vpn;
 static struct variantPathNode *parseSubtreeMutations(char *filename)
 /* Parse subtree node mutation lists out of usher subtree-N-mutations.txt file. */
 struct variantPathNode *subtreeMutList = NULL;
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(filename, TRUE);
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     struct variantPathNode *vpn = parseSubtreeMut(line);
     if (vpn)
         // The ROOT->1 (subtree ancestor) sncList needs to be prepended to the subtree
         // root's sncList because Auspice doesn't seem to display mutations on nodes
         // with only one child.  Discard the subtree ancestor element.
         if (subtreeMutList && subtreeMutList->next == NULL &&
             startsWith("ROOT->", subtreeMutList->nodeName))
             vpn->sncList = slCat(subtreeMutList->sncList, vpn->sncList);
             subtreeMutList = NULL;
         slAddHead(&subtreeMutList, vpn);
 return subtreeMutList;
 static struct usherResults *usherResultsNew()
 /* Allocate & return usherResults (just bigTreePlusTn and samplePlacements, subtrees come later). */
 struct usherResults *results;
 trashDirFile(results->bigTreePlusTn, "ct", "phyloPlusSamples", ".nwk");
 results->samplePlacements = hashNew(0);
 return results;
 static void rPhyloLeafNames(struct phyloTree *node, struct slName **pList)
 /* Build up a list of leaf names under node in reverse depth-first-search order. */
 if (node->numEdges > 0)
     int i;
     for (i = 0;  i < node->numEdges;  i++)
         rPhyloLeafNames(node->edges[i], pList);
     slAddHead(pList, slNameNew(node->ident->name));
 static struct slName *phyloLeafNames(struct phyloTree *tree)
 /* Return a list of leaf names in tree in depth-first-search order. */
 struct slName *list = NULL;
 rPhyloLeafNames(tree, &list);
 return list;
 static struct hash *slNameListToIxHash(struct slName *list)
 /* Given a list of names, add each name to a hash of ints with the index of the name in the list. */
 struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
 struct slName *sln;
 int ix;
 for (ix = 0, sln = list;  sln != NULL;  ix++, sln = sln->next)
     hashAddInt(hash, sln->name, ix);
 return hash;
 static struct slName *getSubtreeSampleIds(struct slName *sampleIds, struct hash *subtreeIds)
 /* Return a list of sampleIds that are found in subtreeIds. */
 struct slName *subtreeSampleIds = NULL;
 struct slName *id;
 for (id = sampleIds;  id != NULL;  id = id->next)
     if (hashLookup(subtreeIds, id->name))
         slNameAddHead(&subtreeSampleIds, id->name);
 return subtreeSampleIds;
 static int hashElIntCmpDesc(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two hashEl by integer value, descending. */
 const struct hashEl *a = *((struct hashEl **)va);
 const struct hashEl *b = *((struct hashEl **)vb);
 return b->val - a->val;
 static char *summarizeCountries(struct slName *idList)
 /* If enough sample names in idList have identifiable countries, then return a summary string,
  * else NULL. */
 char *summary = NULL;
 int idCount = slCount(idList);
 int idWithCountryCount = 0;
 struct hash *countryCounts = hashNew(0);
 struct slName *id;
 for (id = idList;  id != NULL;  id = id->next)
     regmatch_t substrs[2];
     if (regexMatchSubstr(id->name, "([A-Za-z_]+)/[^/]+/20", substrs, ArraySize(substrs)))
         char country[256];
         regexSubstringCopy(id->name, substrs[1], country, sizeof country);
         hashIncInt(countryCounts, country);
 if ((double)idWithCountryCount / idCount >= 0.5)
     struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate("%d from ", idCount);
     struct hashEl *helList = hashElListHash(countryCounts);
     if (helList->next == NULL)
         dyStringAppend(dy, helList->name);
         slSort(&helList, hashElIntCmpDesc);
         struct hashEl *hel;
         for (hel = helList;  hel != NULL;  hel = hel->next)
             if (hel != helList)
                 dyStringAppend(dy, "+");
             dyStringAppend(dy, hel->name);
             int count = ptToInt(hel->val);
             if (count > 1)
                 dyStringPrintf(dy, "[%d]", count);
             if (dyStringLen(dy) > 100)
                 dyStringAppend(dy, "+...");
     // Labels have to be unique -- tack on an example ID
     dyStringPrintf(dy, " eg %s", idList->name);
     summary = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
     subChar(summary, ' ', '_');
 return summary;
 static char *expandCondensedNodeName(struct hash *condensedNodes, char *name)
 /* If name is found in condensedNodes, then return an expanded name that indicates countries of
  * origin (if we can find them) and an example ID.  Otherwise return NULL. */
 char *expandedName = NULL;
 struct slName *nodeList = hashFindVal(condensedNodes, name);
 if (nodeList)
     char *summary = summarizeCountries(nodeList);
     if (summary)
         expandedName = summary;
         int nodeCount = slCount(nodeList);
         struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate("%s_and_%d_others", nodeList->name, nodeCount-1);
         expandedName=  dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
 return expandedName;
 static struct hash *expandCondensedNodeNames(struct hash *condensedNodes, struct slName *idList)
 /* If idList contains names found in condensedNodes, then hash those names to new names that are
  * _-sep strings from the lists in condensedNodes.  Return hash (which may have no elements
  * if nothing in idList is found in condensedNodes). */
 struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
 struct slName *id;
 for (id = idList;  id != NULL;  id = id->next)
     char *expandedName = expandCondensedNodeName(condensedNodes, id->name);
     if (expandedName)
         hashAdd(hash, id->name, expandedName);
 return hash;
 static void rSubstTreeNames(struct phyloTree *node, struct hash *nameSubstitutions)
 /* If node or descendants have names in nameSubstitutions, then substitute those names. */
 if (node->ident->name)
     char *subst = hashFindVal(nameSubstitutions, node->ident->name);
     if (subst)
         node->ident->name = subst;
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < node->numEdges;  i++)
     rSubstTreeNames(node->edges[i], nameSubstitutions);
-static struct tempName *substituteTreeNames(struct phyloTree *tree, struct hash *nameSubstitutions)
+static struct tempName *substituteTreeNames(struct phyloTree *tree, char *treeName,
+                                            struct hash *nameSubstitutions)
 /* If tree has any nodes whose names are in nameSubstitutions, then substitute those names.
  * Write tree out to a trash file and return its location. */
 rSubstTreeNames(tree, nameSubstitutions);
 struct tempName *newTn;
-trashDirFile(newTn, "ct", "treeNameSubst", ".nwk");
+trashDirFile(newTn, "ct", treeName, ".nwk");
 FILE *f = mustOpen(newTn->forCgi, "w");
 phyloPrintTree(tree, f);
 return newTn;
 static struct slName *substituteNameList(struct slName *idList, struct hash *nameSubstitutions)
 /* Return a new list that is just like idList, except if any item in idList has a value in
  * nameSubstitutions, then the item is replaced by the substitution. */
 struct slName *newList = NULL;
 struct slName *id;
 for (id = idList;  id != NULL;  id = id->next)
     char *subst = hashFindVal(nameSubstitutions, id->name);
     slNameAddHead(&newList, subst ? subst : id->name);
 return newList;
 static void addMutationsToTree(struct phyloTree *node, struct variantPathNode **pNodeMutList)
 /* Store the list of mutations associated with each node in node->priv. */
 struct variantPathNode *nodeMuts = slPopHead(pNodeMutList);
 if (! nodeMuts)
     errAbort("addMutationsToTree: subtree mutation list has fewer nodes than subtree");
 if (node->ident->name && ! sameString(nodeMuts->nodeName, node->ident->name))
     errAbort("addMutationsToTree: subtree node name is '%s' but subtree mutation list item is '%s'",
              node->ident->name, nodeMuts->nodeName);
 if (node->priv != NULL)
     errAbort("addMutationsToTree: node already has mutations assigned");
 node->priv = nodeMuts->sncList;
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < node->numEdges;  i++)
     addMutationsToTree(node->edges[i], pNodeMutList);
-static struct subtreeInfo *parseOneSubtree(struct tempName *subtreeTn,
+static struct subtreeInfo *parseOneSubtree(struct tempName *subtreeTn, char *subtreeName,
                                            struct variantPathNode *subtreeMuts,
                                            struct slName *userSampleIds, struct hash *condensedNodes)
 /* Parse usher's subtree output, figure out which user samples are in subtree and expand names
  * of condensed nodes. */
 struct subtreeInfo *ti;
 ti->subtreeTn = subtreeTn;
 ti->subtree = phyloOpenTree(ti->subtreeTn->forCgi);
 addMutationsToTree(ti->subtree, &subtreeMuts);
 if (subtreeMuts != NULL)
     errAbort("addMutationsToTree: subtreeMutationList has more nodes than subtree");
 struct slName *subtreeIdList = phyloLeafNames(ti->subtree);
 // Don't do name substitutions on condensed node names in subtreeIdToIx since the IDs have to
 // match those in the original tree from protobuf.
 ti->subtreeIdToIx = slNameListToIxHash(subtreeIdList);
 ti->subtreeUserSampleIds = getSubtreeSampleIds(userSampleIds, ti->subtreeIdToIx);
 if (slCount(ti->subtreeUserSampleIds) == 0)
     errAbort("No user sample IDs found in subtree file %s", ti->subtreeTn->forCgi);
 // Substitute in nicer node names for condensed nodes for displaying to the user in
 // custom tracks and Nextstrain/auspice JSON.
 struct hash *nameSubstitutions = expandCondensedNodeNames(condensedNodes, subtreeIdList);
 if (nameSubstitutions->elCount > 0)
-    ti->subtreeTn = substituteTreeNames(ti->subtree, nameSubstitutions);
+    ti->subtreeTn = substituteTreeNames(ti->subtree, subtreeName, nameSubstitutions);
 ti->subtreeNameList = substituteNameList(subtreeIdList, nameSubstitutions);
 return ti;
 static struct subtreeInfo *parseSubtrees(int subtreeCount, struct tempName *singleSubtreeTn,
                                          struct variantPathNode *singleSubtreeMuts,
                                          struct tempName *subtreeTns[],
                                          struct variantPathNode *subtreeMuts[],
                                          struct slName *userSampleIds, struct hash *condensedNodes)
 /* Parse usher's subtree output, figure out which user samples are in each subtree, expand names
  * of condensed nodes.  Add parsed singleSubtree at head of list, followed by numbered subtrees. */
 struct subtreeInfo *subtreeInfoList = NULL;
 int sIx;
 for (sIx = 0;  sIx < subtreeCount;  sIx++)
-    struct subtreeInfo *ti = parseOneSubtree(subtreeTns[sIx], subtreeMuts[sIx], userSampleIds,
-                                             condensedNodes);
+    char subtreeName[512];
+    safef(subtreeName, sizeof(subtreeName), "subtree%d", sIx+1);
+    struct subtreeInfo *ti = parseOneSubtree(subtreeTns[sIx], subtreeName, subtreeMuts[sIx],
+                                             userSampleIds, condensedNodes);
     slAddHead(&subtreeInfoList, ti);
-struct subtreeInfo *ti = parseOneSubtree(singleSubtreeTn, singleSubtreeMuts, userSampleIds,
-                                         condensedNodes);
+struct subtreeInfo *ti = parseOneSubtree(singleSubtreeTn, "singleSubtree", singleSubtreeMuts,
+                                         userSampleIds, condensedNodes);
 slAddHead(&subtreeInfoList, ti);
 return subtreeInfoList;
 static void parseClades(char *filename, struct hash *samplePlacements)
 /* Parse usher's clades.txt, which might have {sample, clade} or {sample, clade, lineage}. */
 struct hash *wordStore = hashNew(0);
 struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(filename, TRUE);
 char *line;
 while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
     char *words[3];
     int wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
     char *sampleId = words[0];
     struct placementInfo *info = hashFindVal(samplePlacements, sampleId);
     if (!info)
         errAbort("parseClades: can't find placementInfo for sample '%s'", sampleId);
     if (wordCount > 1)
         // Nextstrain's clade "20E (EU1)" has to be tweaked to "20E.EU1" for matUtils to avoid
         // whitespace trouble; tweak it back.
         if (sameString(words[1], "20E.EU1"))
             words[1] = "20E (EU1)";
         info->nextClade = hashStoreName(wordStore, words[1]);
     if (wordCount > 2)
         info->pangoLineage = hashStoreName(wordStore, words[2]);
 static char *dirPlusFile(struct dyString *dy, char *dir, char *file)
 /* Write dir/file into dy and return pointer to dy->string. */
 dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s/%s", dir, file);
 return dy->string;
 static int processOutDirFiles(struct usherResults *results, char *outDir,
                               struct tempName **retSingleSubtreeTn,
                               struct variantPathNode **retSingleSubtreeMuts,
                               struct tempName *subtreeTns[], struct variantPathNode *subtreeMuts[],
                               int maxSubtrees)
 /* Get paths to files in outDir; parse them, move files that we'll keep up to trash/ct/,
  * remove outDir. */
 int subtreeCount = 0;
 memset(subtreeTns, 0, maxSubtrees * sizeof(*subtreeTns));
 memset(subtreeMuts, 0, maxSubtrees * sizeof(*subtreeMuts));
 struct dyString *dyScratch = dyStringNew(0);
 struct slName *outDirFiles = listDir(outDir, "*"), *file;
 for (file = outDirFiles;  file != NULL;  file = file->next)
     char *path = dirPlusFile(dyScratch, outDir, file->name);
     if (sameString(file->name, "uncondensed-final-tree.nh"))
         mustRename(path, results->bigTreePlusTn->forCgi);
     else if (sameString(file->name, "mutation-paths.txt"))
         parseVariantPaths(path, results->samplePlacements);
     else if (startsWith("subtree-", file->name))
         char fnameCpy[strlen(file->name)+1];
         safecpy(fnameCpy, sizeof fnameCpy, file->name);
         char *parts[4];
         int partCount = chopString(fnameCpy, "-", parts, ArraySize(parts));
         if (partCount == 2)
             // Expect "subtree-N.nh"
             char *dot = strstr(parts[1], ".nh");
             if (dot)
                 *dot = '\0';
                 int subtreeIx = atol(parts[1]) - 1;
                 if (subtreeIx >= maxSubtrees)
                     errAbort("Too many subtrees in usher output (max %d)", maxSubtrees);
                 if (subtreeIx >= subtreeCount)
                     subtreeCount = subtreeIx + 1;
                 char sname[32];
                 safef(sname, sizeof sname, "subtree%d", subtreeIx+1);
                 trashDirFile(subtreeTns[subtreeIx], "ct", sname, ".nwk");
                 mustRename(path, subtreeTns[subtreeIx]->forCgi);
                 warn("Unexpected filename '%s' from usher, ignoring", file->name);
         else if (partCount == 3)
             // Expect "subtree-N-mutations.txt" or "subtree-N-expanded.txt"
             int subtreeIx = atol(parts[1]) - 1;
             if (subtreeIx >= maxSubtrees)
                 errAbort("Too many subtrees in usher output (max %d)", maxSubtrees);
             if (subtreeIx >= subtreeCount)
                 subtreeCount = subtreeIx + 1;
             if (sameString(parts[2], "mutations.txt"))
                 subtreeMuts[subtreeIx] = parseSubtreeMutations(path);
             else if (sameString(parts[2], "expanded.txt"))
                 // Don't need this, just remove it
                 warn("Unexpected filename '%s' from usher, ignoring", file->name);
             warn("Unexpected filename '%s' from usher, ignoring", file->name);
     else if (startsWith("single-subtree", file->name))
         // One subtree to bind them all
         char fnameCpy[strlen(file->name)+1];
         safecpy(fnameCpy, sizeof fnameCpy, file->name);
         char *parts[4];
         int partCount = chopString(fnameCpy, "-", parts, ArraySize(parts));
         if (partCount == 2)
             // Expect single-subtree.nh
             if (!endsWith(parts[1], ".nh"))
                 warn("Unexpected filename '%s' from usher, ignoring", file->name);
             else if (retSingleSubtreeTn)
                 struct tempName *tn;
                 trashDirFile(tn, "ct", "subtree", ".nwk");
                 mustRename(path, tn->forCgi);
                 *retSingleSubtreeTn = tn;
         else if (partCount == 3)
             // Expect single-subtree-mutations.txt or single-subtree-expanded.txt
             if (sameString(parts[2], "mutations.txt"))
                 if (retSingleSubtreeMuts)
                     *retSingleSubtreeMuts = parseSubtreeMutations(path);
             else if (sameString(parts[2], "expanded.txt"))
                 // Don't need this, just remove it
                 warn("Unexpected filename '%s' from usher, ignoring", file->name);
             warn("Unexpected filename '%s' from usher, ignoring", file->name);
     else if (sameString(file->name, "clades.txt"))
         parseClades(path, results->samplePlacements);
     else if (sameString(file->name, "final-tree.nh"))
         // Don't need this, just remove it.
         warn("Unexpected filename '%s' from usher, ignoring", file->name);
 // Make sure we got a complete range of subtrees [0..subtreeCount-1]
 int i;
 for (i = 0;  i < subtreeCount;  i++)
     if (subtreeTns[i] == NULL)
         errAbort("Missing file subtree-%d.nh in usher results", i+1);
     if (subtreeMuts[i] == NULL)
         errAbort("Missing file subtree-%d-mutations.txt in usher results", i+1);
 return subtreeCount;
 #define MAX_SUBTREES 1000
 struct usherResults *runUsher(char *usherPath, char *usherAssignmentsPath, char *vcfFile,
                               int subtreeSize, struct slName *userSampleIds,
                               struct hash *condensedNodes, int *pStartTime)
 /* Open a pipe from Yatish Turakhia's usher program, save resulting big trees and
  * subtrees to trash files, return list of slRef to struct tempName for the trash files
  * and parse other results out of stderr output. */
 struct usherResults *results = usherResultsNew();
 char subtreeSizeStr[16];
 safef(subtreeSizeStr, sizeof subtreeSizeStr, "%d", subtreeSize);
 char *numThreadsStr = "16";
 struct tempName tnOutDir;
 trashDirFile(&tnOutDir, "ct", "usher_outdir", ".dir");
 char *cmd[] = { usherPath, "-v", vcfFile, "-i", usherAssignmentsPath, "-d", tnOutDir.forCgi,
                 "-k", subtreeSizeStr, "-K", "1000", "-T", numThreadsStr, "-u", "-l", NULL };
 char **cmds[] = { cmd, NULL };
 struct tempName tnStderr;
 trashDirFile(&tnStderr, "ct", "usher_stderr", ".txt");
 struct pipeline *pl = pipelineOpen(cmds, pipelineRead, NULL, tnStderr.forCgi);
 reportTiming(pStartTime, "run usher");
 parseStderr(tnStderr.forCgi, results->samplePlacements);
 struct tempName *singleSubtreeTn = NULL, *subtreeTns[MAX_SUBTREES];
 struct variantPathNode *singleSubtreeMuts = NULL, *subtreeMuts[MAX_SUBTREES];
 int subtreeCount = processOutDirFiles(results, tnOutDir.forCgi, &singleSubtreeTn, &singleSubtreeMuts,
                                       subtreeTns, subtreeMuts, MAX_SUBTREES);
 results->subtreeInfoList = parseSubtrees(subtreeCount, singleSubtreeTn, singleSubtreeMuts,
                                          subtreeTns, subtreeMuts, userSampleIds, condensedNodes);
 results->singleSubtreeInfo = results->subtreeInfoList;
 results->subtreeInfoList = results->subtreeInfoList->next;
 return results;