  Mon Mar 1 10:52:48 2021 -0800
add full table psl test and bring tests up to date no redmine

diff --git src/hg/hubApi/tests/jsonConsumer.pl src/hg/hubApi/tests/jsonConsumer.pl
index 2d378d6..364a716 100755
--- src/hg/hubApi/tests/jsonConsumer.pl
+++ src/hg/hubApi/tests/jsonConsumer.pl
@@ -1,482 +1,482 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use HTTP::Tiny;
 use Time::HiRes;
 use JSON;
 use Getopt::Long;
 # forward declaration
 sub performRestAction($$$);
 my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new();
 # my $server = 'https://api.genome.ucsc.edu';
 # my $server = 'https://apibeta.soe.ucsc.edu';
 my $server = 'https://api-test.gi.ucsc.edu';
 # my $server = 'https://hgwdev-api.gi.ucsc.edu';
 my $globalHeaders = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' };
 my $lastRequestTime = Time::HiRes::time();
 my $processStartTime = Time::HiRes::time();
 my $requestCount = 0;
 # command line options
 my $endpoint = "";
 my $hubUrl = "";
 my $genome = "";
 my $track = "";
 my $chrom = "";
 my $start = "";
 my $end = "";
 my $test0 = 0;
 my $trackDump = 0;
 my $debug = 0;
 my $trackLeavesOnly = 0;
 my $measureTiming = 0;
 my $jsonOutputArrays = 0;
 my $maxItemsOutput = "";
 sub usage() {
 printf STDERR "usage: ./jsonConsumer.pl [arguments]\n";
 printf STDERR "arguments:
 -test0 - perform test of /list/publicHubs and /list/ucscGenomes endpoints
 -trackDump - obtain all data for a single track from: track, genome (hubUrl)
            - proof of concept, will not work for all cases
 -hubUrl=<URL> - use the URL to access the track or assembly hub
 -genome=<name> - name for UCSC database genome or assembly/track hub genome
 -track=<trackName> - specify a single track in a hub or database
 -chrom=<chromName> - restrict the operation to a single chromosome
 -start=<coordinate> - restrict the operation to a range, use both start and end
 -end=<coordinate> - restrict the operation to a range, use both start and end
 -maxItemsOutput=<N> - limit output to this number of items.  Default 1,000
                       maximum allowed 1,000,000
 -trackLeavesOnly - for list tracks function, no containers listed
 -measureTimeing - turn on timing measurement
 -debug - turn on debugging business
 -endpoint=<function> - where <function> is one of the following:
    /list/publicHubs - provide a listing of all available public hubs
    /list/ucscGenomes - provide a listing of all available UCSC genomes
    /list/hubGenomes - list genomes from a specified hub (with hubUrl=...)
    /list/tracks - list data tracks available in specified hub or database genome
    /list/chromosomes - list chromosomes from specified data track
    /list/schema - show schema from specified data track in hubUrl or database
    /getData/sequence - return sequence from specified hub or database genome
    /getData/track - return data from specified track in hub or database genome
 # generic output of a hash pointer
 sub hashOutput($) {
   my ($hashRef) = @_;
   foreach my $key (sort keys %$hashRef) {
     my $value = $hashRef->{$key};
     $value = "<array>" if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY");
     $value = "<hash>" if (ref($value) eq "HASH");
      printf STDERR "%s - %s\n", $key, $hashRef->{$key};
 sub arrayOutput($) {
   my ($ary) = @_;
   my $i = 0;
   foreach my $element (@$ary) {
      printf STDERR "# %d\t%s\n", $i++, ref($element);
      if (ref($element) eq "HASH") {
 ### these functions were copied from Ensembl HTTP::Tiny example code:
 ###  https://github.com/Ensembl/ensembl-rest/wiki/Example-Perl-Client
 sub performJsonAction($$) {
   my ($endpoint, $parameters) = @_;
   my $headers = $globalHeaders;
   my $content = performRestAction($endpoint, $parameters, $headers);
   return {} unless $content;
   my $json = decode_json($content);
   return $json;
 sub performRestAction($$$) {
   my ($endpoint, $parameters, $headers) = @_;
   $parameters ||= {};
   $headers ||= {};
   $headers->{'Content-Type'} = 'application/json' unless exists $headers->{'Content-Type'};
   if($requestCount == 15) { # check every 15
     my $currentTime = Time::HiRes::time();
     my $diff = $currentTime - $lastRequestTime;
     # if less than a second then sleep for the remainder of the second
     if($diff < 1) {
     # reset
     $lastRequestTime = Time::HiRes::time();
     $requestCount = 0;
   $endpoint =~ s#^/##;
   my $url = "$server/$endpoint";
   if(%{$parameters}) {
     my @params;
     foreach my $key (keys %{$parameters}) {
       my $value = $parameters->{$key};
       push(@params, "$key=$value");
     my $param_string = join(';', @params);
     $url.= '?'.$param_string;
   if ($debug) { $url .= ";debug=1"; }
   if ($measureTiming) { $url .= ";measureTiming=1"; }
   if ($jsonOutputArrays) { $url .= ";jsonOutputArrays=1"; }
   if (length($maxItemsOutput)) { $url .= ";maxItemsOutput=$maxItemsOutput"; }
   printf STDERR "### '%s'\n", $url;
   my $response = $http->get($url, {headers => $headers});
   my $status = $response->{status};
   if(!$response->{success}) {
     # Quickly check for rate limit exceeded & Retry-After (lowercase due to our client)
     if($status == 429 && exists $response->{headers}->{'retry-after'}) {
       my ($status, $reason) = ($response->{status}, $response->{reason});
       my $retry = $response->{headers}->{'retry-after'};
       printf STDERR "Failed for $endpoint! Status code: ${status}. Reason: ${reason}, retry-after: $retry seconds\n";
 #      hashOutput($response->{headers});
       # After sleeping see that we re-request
       return performRestAction($endpoint, $parameters, $headers);
     else {
       my ($status, $reason) = ($response->{status}, $response->{reason});
 #      die "Failed for $endpoint! Status code: ${status}. Reason: ${reason}\n";
       printf STDERR "Failed for $endpoint! Status code: ${status}. Reason: ${reason}\n";
 # hashOutput($response->{headers});
 # hashOutput($response->{content});
 # printf STDERR "'%s'\n", $response->{content};
 # printf STDERR "'%s'\n", $response->{headers};
       return return $response->{content};
   if(length $response->{content}) {
     return $response->{content};
 sub columnNames($) {
   my ($nameArray) = @_;
   if (ref($nameArray) ne "ARRAY") {
     printf "ERROR: do not have an array reference in columnNames\n";
   } else {
     printf "### Column names in table return:\n";
     my $i = 0;
     foreach my $name (@$nameArray) {
       printf "%d\t\"%s\"\n", ++$i, $name;
 sub topLevelKeys($) {
   my ($topHash) = @_;
   printf "### keys in top level hash:\n";
   foreach my $topKey ( sort keys %$topHash) {
     # do not print out the downloadTime and downloadTimeStamps since that
     # would make it difficult to have a consistent test output.
     next if ($topKey eq "downloadTime");
     next if ($topKey eq "downloadTimeStamp");
     next if ($topKey eq "botDelay");
     next if ($topKey eq "dataTime");
     next if ($topKey eq "dataTimeStamp");
     my $value = $topHash->{$topKey};
     $value = "<array>" if (ref($value) eq "ARRAY");
     $value = "<hash>" if (ref($value) eq "HASH");
     printf "\"%s\":\"%s\"\n", $topKey,$value;
 sub checkError($$$) {
   my ($json, $endpoint, $expect) = @_;
   my $jsonReturn = performJsonAction($endpoint, "");
 #   printf "%s", $json->pretty->encode( $jsonReturn );
   if (! defined($jsonReturn->{'error'}) ) {
      printf "ERROR: no error received from endpoint: '%s', received:\n", $endpoint;
      printf "%s", $json->pretty->encode( $jsonReturn );
   } else {
      if ($jsonReturn->{'error'} ne "$expect '$endpoint'") {
 	printf "incorrect error received from endpoint '%s':\n\t'%s'\n", $endpoint, $jsonReturn->{'error'};
      printf "%s", $json->pretty->encode( $jsonReturn );
 sub verifyCommandProcessing()
     my $json = JSON->new;
     # verify command processing can detected bad input
     my $endpoint = "/list/noSubCommand";
     my $expect = "do not recognize endpoint function:";
     checkError($json, $endpoint,$expect);
 }	#	sub verifyCommandProcessing()
 #  Find the highest chromStart in the returned to data to obtain a continuation
 #  point.
 #  The item 'chromStart' is not necessarily always named as such,
 #    depending upon track type, it could be: tStart or genoStart or txStart
 sub findHighestChromStart($$) {
   my $highStart = -1;
   my ($hashPtr, $track) = @_;
   my $trackData = $hashPtr->{$track};
   foreach my $item (@$trackData) {
     if (defined($item->{'tStart'})) {
        $highStart = $item->{'tStart'} if ($item->{'tStart'} > $highStart);
     } elsif (defined($item->{'genoStart'})) {
        $highStart = $item->{'genoStart'} if ($item->{'genoStart'} > $highStart);
     } elsif (defined($item->{'txStart'})) {
        $highStart = $item->{'txStart'} if ($item->{'txStart'} > $highStart);
     } elsif (defined($item->{'chromStart'})) {
      $highStart = $item->{'chromStart'} if ($item->{'chromStart'} > $highStart);
     } else {
        die "ERROR: do not recognize table type for track '%s', can not find chrom start.\n", $track;
   return $highStart;
 # walk through all the chromosomes for a track to extract all data
 # XXX - NOT ADDRESSED - this produces duplicate items at the breaks when
 #       maxItemsLimit is used
 sub trackDump($$) {
   my ($endpoint, $parameters) = @_;
   my $errReturn = 0;
   my %localParameters;
   if (length($hubUrl)) {
      $localParameters{"hubUrl"} = "$hubUrl";
   if (length($genome)) {
      $localParameters{"genome"} = "$genome";
   if (length($track)) {
      $localParameters{"track"} = "$track";
   my $endPoint = "/list/chromosomes";
   my $jsonChromosomes = performJsonAction($endPoint, \%localParameters);
   $errReturn = 1 if (defined ($jsonChromosomes->{'error'}));
   my $json = JSON->new;
   my %chromInfo;	# key is chrom name, value is size
   if (0 == $errReturn) {
     my $chromHash = $jsonChromosomes->{'chromosomes'};
     foreach my $chr (keys %$chromHash) {
       $chromInfo{$chr} = $chromHash->{$chr};
     # for each chromosome, in order by size, smallest first
     $endPoint = "/getData/track";
     $maxItemsOutput = 14000;
     foreach my $chr (sort {$chromInfo{$a} <=> $chromInfo{$b}} keys %chromInfo) {
       $localParameters{"chrom"} = "$chr";
       delete $localParameters{'start'};
       delete $localParameters{'end'};
       printf STDERR "# working\t%s\t%d\n", $chr, $chromInfo{$chr};
       my $oneChrom = performJsonAction($endPoint, \%localParameters);
       my $itemsReturned = $oneChrom->{'itemsReturned'};
       my $reachedMaxItems = 0;
       $reachedMaxItems = 1 if (defined($oneChrom->{'maxItemsLimit'}));
       if ($reachedMaxItems) {
          while ($reachedMaxItems) {
            my $highestChromStart = findHighestChromStart($oneChrom, $track);
            printf STDERR "# chrom: %s\t%d items -> max item limit last chromStart %d\n", $chr, $itemsReturned, $highestChromStart;
 	   $localParameters{'start'} = "$highestChromStart";
 	   $localParameters{'end'} = "$chromInfo{$chr}";
            $reachedMaxItems = 0;
            $oneChrom = performJsonAction($endPoint, \%localParameters);
            $itemsReturned = $oneChrom->{'itemsReturned'};
            $reachedMaxItems = 1 if (defined($oneChrom->{'maxItemsLimit'}));
            if (0 == $reachedMaxItems) {
              $highestChromStart = findHighestChromStart($oneChrom, $track);
              printf STDERR "# chrom: %s\t%d items completed at last chromStart %d\n", $chr, $itemsReturned, $highestChromStart;
       } else {
          printf STDERR "# chrom: %s\t%d items - completed\n", $chr, $itemsReturned;
     }	# foreach chrom in chromInfo
   }	# if (0 == $errReturn)  chromInfo was successful
   return $errReturn;
 }	#	sub trackDump($$)
 sub processEndPoint() {
   my $errReturn = 0;
   if (length($endpoint)) {
      my $json = JSON->new;
      my $jsonReturn = {};
      my %parameters;
      if (length($hubUrl)) {
 	$parameters{"hubUrl"} = "$hubUrl";
      if (length($genome)) {
 	$parameters{"genome"} = "$genome";
      if (length($chrom)) {
 	$parameters{"chrom"} = "$chrom";
      if ($trackLeavesOnly) {
 	$parameters{"trackLeavesOnly"} = "1";
      if (length($track)) {
 	$parameters{"track"} = "$track";
      if (length($start)) {
 	$parameters{"start"} = "$start";
      if (length($end)) {
 	$parameters{"end"} = "$end";
      #	Pass along any bogus request just to test the error handling.
      if ($trackDump) {
         $errReturn = trackDump($endpoint, \%parameters);
      } else {
         $jsonReturn = performJsonAction($endpoint, \%parameters);
         $errReturn = 1 if (defined ($jsonReturn->{'error'}));
         printf "%s", $json->pretty->encode( $jsonReturn );
   } else {
     printf STDERR "ERROR: no endpoint given ?\n";
     exit 255;
   return $errReturn;
 }	# sub processEndPoint()
 ### test /list/publicHubs and /list/ucscGenomes
 sub test0() {
 my $json = JSON->new;
 my $jsonReturn = {};
 verifyCommandProcessing();	# check 'command' and 'subCommand'
 $jsonReturn = performJsonAction("/list/publicHubs", "");
 # this prints everything out indented nicely:
 # printf "%s", $json->pretty->encode( $jsonReturn );
 # exit 255;
 # __END__
 #	"dataTimeStamp" : 1552320994,
 #	"downloadTime" : "2019:03:26T21:40:10Z",
 #	"botDelay" : 2,
 #	"downloadTimeStamp" : 1553636410,
 #	"dataTime" : "2019-03-11T09:16:34"
 # look for the specific public hub named "Plants" to print out
 # for a verify test case
 if (ref($jsonReturn) eq "HASH") {
   if (defined($jsonReturn->{"publicHubs"})) {
      my $arrayData = $jsonReturn->{"publicHubs"};
      foreach my $data (@$arrayData) {
-	if ($data->{'shortLabel'} eq "Plants") {
-        printf "### Plants public hub data\n";
+	if ($data->{'shortLabel'} eq "Synonymous Constraint") {
+        printf "### Synonymous Constraint public hub data\n";
 	  foreach my $key (sort keys %$data) {
 	  next if ($key eq "registrationTime");
 	  printf "'%s'\t'%s'\n", $key, $data->{$key};
 } elsif (ref($jsonReturn) eq "ARRAY") {
   printf "ERROR: top level returns ARRAY of size: %d\n", scalar(@$jsonReturn);
   printf "should have been a HASH to the publicHub data\n";
 $jsonReturn = performJsonAction("/list/ucscGenomes", "");
 # printf "%s", $json->pretty->encode( $jsonReturn );
 if (ref($jsonReturn) eq "HASH") {
   if (defined($jsonReturn->{"ucscGenomes"})) {
      my $ucscGenomes = $jsonReturn->{"ucscGenomes"};
      if (exists($ucscGenomes->{'hg38'})) {
 	my $hg38 = $ucscGenomes->{'hg38'};
         printf "### hg38/Human information\n";
      foreach my $key (sort keys %$hg38) {
 	   printf "\"%s\"\t\"%s\"\n", $key, $hg38->{$key};
 } elsif (ref($jsonReturn) eq "ARRAY") {
   printf "ERROR: top level returns ARRAY of size: %d\n", scalar(@$jsonReturn);
   printf "should have been a HASH to the ucscGenomes\n";
 }	#	sub test0()
 sub elapsedTime() {
 if ($measureTiming) {
   my $endTime = Time::HiRes::time();
   my $et = $endTime - $processStartTime;
   printf STDERR "# procesing time: %.3fs\n", $et;
 ### main()
 my $argc = scalar(@ARGV);
 GetOptions ("hubUrl=s" => \$hubUrl,
     "endpoint=s"  => \$endpoint,
     "genome=s"  => \$genome,
     "track=s"  => \$track,
     "chrom=s"  => \$chrom,
     "start=s"  => \$start,
     "end=s"    => \$end,
     "test0"    => \$test0,
     "trackDump"    => \$trackDump,
     "debug"    => \$debug,
     "trackLeavesOnly"    => \$trackLeavesOnly,
     "measureTiming"    => \$measureTiming,
     "jsonOutputArrays"    => \$jsonOutputArrays,
     "maxItemsOutput=s"   => \$maxItemsOutput)
     or die "Error in command line arguments\n";
 if ($test0) {
    exit 0;
 if ($argc > 0) {
    if (processEndPoint()) {
 	exit 255;
    } else {
 	exit 0;