  Wed Feb 3 15:30:27 2021 -0800
allow gfPcr to query dynamic servers

diff --git src/gfClient/gfClient.c src/gfClient/gfClient.c
index 94942ec..9dba8b9 100644
--- src/gfClient/gfClient.c
+++ src/gfClient/gfClient.c
@@ -70,31 +70,31 @@
   "                 90 for nucleotide searches, 25 for protein or translated\n"
   "                 protein searches.\n"
   "   -out=type     Controls output file format.  Type is one of:\n"
   "                   psl - Default.  Tab-separated format without actual sequence\n"
   "                   pslx - Tab-separated format with sequence\n"
   "                   axt - blastz-associated axt format\n"
   "                   maf - multiz-associated maf format\n"
   "                   sim4 - similar to sim4 format\n"
   "                   wublast - similar to wublast format\n"
   "                   blast - similar to NCBI blast format\n"
   "                   blast8- NCBI blast tabular format\n"
   "                   blast9 - NCBI blast tabular format with comments\n"
   "   -maxIntron=N   Sets maximum intron size. Default is %d.\n"
   "   -genome=name  When using a dynamic gfServer, The genome name is used to \n"
   "                 find the data files relative to the dynamic gfServer root, named \n"
-  "                 in the form $genome.2bit, $genome.untrans.gfidx, and $genome.trans.gfidx, \n"
+  "                 in the form $genome.2bit, $genome.untrans.gfidx, and $genome.trans.gfidx\n"
   "   -genomeDataDir=path\n"
   "                 When using a dynamic gfServer, this is the dynamic gfServer root directory\n"
   "                 that contained the genome data files.  Defaults to being the root directory.\n"
   "                \n",
   gfVersion, ffIntronMaxDefault);
 struct gfOutput *gvo;
 void gfClient(char *hostName, char *portName, char *tSeqDir, char *inName, 
 	char *outName, char *tTypeName, char *qTypeName)
 /* gfClient - A client for the genomic finding program that produces a .psl file. */