  Sat Jun 27 15:33:26 2020 -0700
move genoFind build, save, and load to a library

diff --git src/gfServer/gfServer.c src/gfServer/gfServer.c
index b12a7fd..1723c85 100644
--- src/gfServer/gfServer.c
+++ src/gfServer/gfServer.c
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
 /* gfServer - set up an index of the genome in memory and
  * respond to search requests. */
 /* Copyright 2001-2003 Jim Kent.  All rights reserved. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include <signal.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netdb.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "nib.h"
 #include "twoBit.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "errAbort.h"
 #include "memalloc.h"
 #include "genoFind.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "trans3.h"
 #include "log.h"
 #include "internet.h"
@@ -60,33 +59,30 @@
 int stepSize = 0;		/* Can be overridden from command line. */
 boolean doTrans = FALSE;	/* Do translation? */
 boolean allowOneMismatch = FALSE; 
 boolean noSimpRepMask = FALSE;
 int repMatch = 1024;    /* Can be overridden from command line. */
 int maxDnaHits = 100;   /* Can be overridden from command line. */
 int maxTransHits = 200; /* Can be overridden from command line. */
 int maxGap = gfMaxGap;
 boolean seqLog = FALSE;
 boolean ipLog = FALSE;
 boolean doMask = FALSE;
 boolean canStop = FALSE;
 boolean writeIndex = FALSE;
 char *indexFile = NULL;
-static char indexMagic[] = "genoFind";
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "gfServer v %s - Make a server to quickly find where DNA occurs in genome\n"
   "   To set up a server:\n"
   "      gfServer start host port file(s)\n"
   "      where the files are .2bit or .nib format files specified relative to the current directory\n"
   "   To remove a server:\n"
   "      gfServer stop host port\n"
   "   To query a server with DNA sequence:\n"
   "      gfServer query host port probe.fa\n"
   "   To query a server with protein sequence:\n"
   "      gfServer protQuery host port probe.fa\n"
   "   To query a server with translated DNA sequence:\n"
@@ -459,49 +455,48 @@
 /* Clean up and report problem. */
 popAbortHandler();  // must come after memTracker
 static void errorSafeCleanupMess(int connectionHandle, char *message)
 /* Clean up and report problem. */
 logError("Recovering from error via longjmp");
 netSendString(connectionHandle, message);
 static void errorSafeQuery(boolean doTrans, boolean queryIsProt, 
-	struct dnaSeq *seq, struct genoFind *gf, struct genoFind *transGf[2][3], 
+	struct dnaSeq *seq, struct genoFindIndex *gfIdx, 
 	int connectionHandle, char *buf, struct hash *perSeqMaxHash)
 /* Wrap error handling code around index query. */
 int status;
 status = setjmp(gfRecover);
 if (status == 0)    /* Always true except after long jump. */
     if (doTrans)
        if (queryIsProt)
-	    transQuery(transGf, seq, connectionHandle, buf);
+	    transQuery(gfIdx->transGf, seq, connectionHandle, buf);
-	    transTransQuery(transGf, seq, 
-		connectionHandle, buf);
+	    transTransQuery(gfIdx->transGf, seq, connectionHandle, buf);
-	dnaQuery(gf, seq, connectionHandle, buf, perSeqMaxHash);
+	dnaQuery(gfIdx->untransGf, seq, connectionHandle, buf, perSeqMaxHash);
 else    /* They long jumped here because of an error. */
     	"Error: gfServer out of memory. Try reducing size of query.");
 static void errorSafePcr(struct genoFind *gf, char *fPrimer, char *rPrimer, 
 	int maxDistance, int connectionHandle)
 /* Wrap error handling around pcr index query. */
 int status;
@@ -557,287 +552,78 @@
 return perSeqMaxHash;
 static void hashZeroVals(struct hash *hash)
 /* Set the value of every element of hash to NULL (0 for ints). */
 struct hashEl *hel;
 struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(hash);
 while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
     hel->val = 0;
-static void writeGenoFind(struct genoFind *gf, FILE *f)
-/* write one genoFind structure */
-// write out the parameters
-mustWrite(f, &gf->maxPat, sizeof(gf->maxPat));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->minMatch, sizeof(gf->minMatch));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->maxGap, sizeof(gf->maxGap));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->tileSize, sizeof(gf->tileSize));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->stepSize, sizeof(gf->stepSize));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->tileSpaceSize, sizeof(gf->tileSpaceSize));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->tileMask, sizeof(gf->tileMask));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->sourceCount, sizeof(gf->sourceCount));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->isPep, sizeof(gf->isPep));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->allowOneMismatch, sizeof(gf->allowOneMismatch));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->segSize, sizeof(gf->segSize));
-mustWrite(f, &gf->totalSeqSize, sizeof(gf->totalSeqSize));
-// now write out the variable-size arrays. The ones we need to
-// keep are listSizes and allocated--endLists/lists are generated
-// at load time, and in fact *must* be as they are
-// pointer-to-pointers which cannot be mmapped properly.
-// sources: length = gf->sourceCount
-int i;
-for (i = 0; i < gf->sourceCount; i++)
-    {
-    struct gfSeqSource *ss = gf->sources + i;
-    size_t fileNameLen = ss->fileName ? strlen(ss->fileName) + 1 : 0;
-    mustWrite(f, &fileNameLen, sizeof(fileNameLen));
-    if (fileNameLen != 0)
-        mustWrite(f, ss->fileName, fileNameLen);
-    mustWrite(f, &ss->start, sizeof(bits32));
-    mustWrite(f, &ss->end, sizeof(bits32));
-    // no masking information written/read yet.
-    }
-// listSizes: length = gf->tileSpaceSize
-mustWrite(f, gf->listSizes, gf->tileSpaceSize * sizeof(gf->listSizes[0]));
-if (gf->segSize == 0)
-    {
-    // use lists
-    size_t count = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < gf->tileSpaceSize; i++)
-        {
-        if (gf->listSizes[i] < gf->maxPat)
-            count += gf->listSizes[i];
-        }
-    mustWrite(f, gf->allocated, count*sizeof(bits32));
-    }
-    {
-    // use endLists
-    size_t count = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < gf->tileSpaceSize; i++)
-        count += gf->listSizes[i];
-    mustWrite(f, gf->allocated, 3*count*sizeof(bits16));
-    }
-static void writeGenoFindIndex(struct genoFind *gf, struct genoFind *transGf[2][3], char *fileName)
-/* write index to file that can be mapped.  Only one of gf or transGf is used. */
-// create in atomic matter so we don't end up with partial index
-char fileNameTmp[PATH_LEN];
-safef(fileNameTmp, sizeof(fileNameTmp), "%s.%s.%d.tmp", fileName, getHost(), getpid());
-FILE *f = mustOpen(fileNameTmp, "w");
-mustWrite(f, indexMagic, sizeof(indexMagic));
-mustWrite(f, &doTrans, sizeof(doTrans));
-if (doTrans)
-    {
-    int i, j;
-    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
-            writeGenoFind(transGf[i][j], f);
-    }
-    {
-    writeGenoFind(gf, f);
-    }
-mustRename(fileNameTmp, fileName);
-static struct genoFind *loadGenoFind(FILE *f, void *memMapped)
-/* construct one genoFind, mapping file */
-struct genoFind *gf;
-// read the parameters
-mustRead(f, &gf->maxPat, sizeof(gf->maxPat));
-mustRead(f, &gf->minMatch, sizeof(gf->minMatch));
-mustRead(f, &gf->maxGap, sizeof(gf->maxGap));
-mustRead(f, &gf->tileSize, sizeof(gf->tileSize));
-mustRead(f, &gf->stepSize, sizeof(gf->stepSize));
-mustRead(f, &gf->tileSpaceSize, sizeof(gf->tileSpaceSize));
-mustRead(f, &gf->tileMask, sizeof(gf->tileMask));
-mustRead(f, &gf->sourceCount, sizeof(gf->sourceCount));
-mustRead(f, &gf->isPep, sizeof(gf->isPep));
-mustRead(f, &gf->allowOneMismatch, sizeof(gf->allowOneMismatch));
-mustRead(f, &gf->segSize, sizeof(gf->segSize));
-mustRead(f, &gf->totalSeqSize, sizeof(gf->totalSeqSize));
-// sources: length = gf->sourceCount
-gf->sources = needLargeMem(gf->sourceCount * sizeof(struct gfSeqSource));
-int i;
-for (i = 0; i < gf->sourceCount; i++)
-    {
-    struct gfSeqSource *ss = gf->sources + i;
-    size_t fileNameLen;
-    mustRead(f, &fileNameLen, sizeof(fileNameLen));
-    if (fileNameLen != 0)
-        {
-        ss->fileName = malloc(fileNameLen);
-        mustRead(f, ss->fileName, fileNameLen);
-        }
-    mustRead(f, &ss->start, sizeof(bits32));
-    mustRead(f, &ss->end, sizeof(bits32));
-    // no seq information written/read
-    // no masking information written/read
-    }
-// listSizes: length = (gf->tileSpaceSize)
-gf->listSizes = memMapped + ftell(f);
-mustSeek(f, (gf->tileSpaceSize * sizeof(gf->listSizes[0])), SEEK_CUR);
-gf->allocated = memMapped + ftell(f);
-if (gf->segSize == 0)
-    {
-    // use lists
-    gf->lists = needHugeZeroedMem(gf->tileSpaceSize * sizeof(gf->lists[0]));
-    bits32 *cur = gf->allocated;
-    size_t count = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < gf->tileSpaceSize; i++)
-        {
-        if (gf->listSizes[i] < gf->maxPat)
-             {
-            gf->lists[i] = cur;
-            cur += gf->listSizes[i];
-            count += gf->listSizes[i];
-            }
-        }
-    mustSeek(f, count*sizeof(bits32), SEEK_CUR);
-    }
-    {
-    // use endLists
-    gf->endLists = needHugeZeroedMem(gf->tileSpaceSize * sizeof(gf->endLists[0]));
-    bits16 *cur = gf->allocated;
-    size_t count = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < gf->tileSpaceSize; i++)
-        {
-        gf->endLists[i] = cur;
-        cur += 3 * gf->listSizes[i];
-        count += gf->listSizes[i];
-        }
-    mustSeek(f, 3*count*sizeof(bits16), SEEK_CUR);
-    }
-return gf;
-void loadGenoFindIndex(char *fileName, struct genoFind **gfRet, struct genoFind *transGf[2][3])
-/* load indexes from file.  Only one of gfRet or transGf is set. */
-FILE *f = mustOpen(fileName, "r");
-char fileMagic[sizeof(indexMagic) + 1];
-mustRead(f, fileMagic, sizeof(indexMagic));
-fileMagic[sizeof(indexMagic)] = '\0';
-if (strcmp(fileMagic, indexMagic))
-    errAbort("wrong magic string for index file");
-boolean isTrans;
-mustRead(f, &isTrans, sizeof(isTrans));
-if (doTrans != isTrans)
-    errAbort("index file isTrans==%d and -trans==%d", isTrans, doTrans);
-off_t fsize = fileSize(fileName);
-void *memMapped = mmap(NULL, fsize, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fileno(f), 0);
-if (memMapped == MAP_FAILED)
-    errnoAbort("mmap of index file failed: %s", fileName);
-if (madvise(memMapped, fsize, MADV_RANDOM | MADV_WILLNEED) < 0)
-    errnoAbort("madvise of index file failed: %s", fileName);
-if (doTrans)
-    {
-    int i, j;
-    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
-            transGf[i][j] = loadGenoFind(f, memMapped);
-    }
-    {
-    *gfRet = loadGenoFind(f, memMapped);
-    }
 void startServer(char *hostName, char *portName, int fileCount, 
 	char *seqFiles[])
 /* Load up index and hang out in RAM. */
-struct genoFind *gf = NULL;
-struct genoFind *transGf[2][3] = {{NULL, NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL}};
+struct genoFindIndex *gfIdx = NULL;
 char buf[256];
 char *line, *command;
 struct sockaddr_in6 fromAddr;
 socklen_t fromLen;
 int readSize;
 int socketHandle = 0, connectionHandle = 0;
 int port = atoi(portName);
 time_t curtime;
 struct tm *loctime;
 char timestr[256];
 curtime = time (NULL);           /* Get the current time. */
 loctime = localtime (&curtime);  /* Convert it to local time representation. */
 strftime (timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", loctime); /* formate datetime as string */
 logInfo("gfServer version %s on host %s, port %s  (%s)", gfVersion, 
 	hostName, portName, timestr);
 struct hash *perSeqMaxHash = maybePerSeqMax(fileCount, seqFiles);
 time_t startIndexTime = clock1000();
 if (writeIndex || (!writeIndex && (indexFile == NULL)))
-    if (doTrans)
-        {
-        uglyf("starting translated server...\n");
-        logInfo("setting up translated index");
-        gfIndexTransNibsAndTwoBits(transGf, fileCount, seqFiles,
-                                   minMatch, maxGap, tileSize, repMatch, NULL, allowOneMismatch, 
-                                   doMask, stepSize, noSimpRepMask);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        uglyf("starting untranslated server...\n");
-        logInfo("setting up untranslated index");
-        gf = gfIndexNibsAndTwoBits(fileCount, seqFiles, minMatch,
-                                   maxGap, tileSize, repMatch, NULL, allowOneMismatch,
-                                   stepSize, noSimpRepMask);
-        }
+    char *desc = doTrans ? "translated" : "untranslated";
+    uglyf("starting %s server...\n", desc);
+    logInfo("setting up %s index", desc);
+    gfIdx = genoFindIndexBuild(fileCount, seqFiles, minMatch, maxGap, tileSize, repMatch, doTrans, NULL,
+                               allowOneMismatch, doMask, stepSize, noSimpRepMask);
     logInfo("indexing building complete in  %4.3f seconds", 0.001 * (clock1000() - startIndexTime));
     if (writeIndex)
-        writeGenoFindIndex(gf, transGf, indexFile);
+        genoFindIndexWrite(gfIdx, indexFile);
         logInfo("index file built, exiting: %s", indexFile);
-    loadGenoFindIndex(indexFile, &gf, transGf);
+    gfIdx = genoFindIndexLoad(indexFile, doTrans);
     logInfo("indexing loading complete in  %4.3f seconds", 0.001 * (clock1000() - startIndexTime));
 /* Set up socket.  Get ready to listen to it. */
 socketHandle = netAcceptingSocket(port, 100);
 if (socketHandle < 0)
     errAbort("Fatal Error: Unable to open listening socket on port %d.", port);
 logInfo("Server ready for queries!");
 printf("Server ready for queries!\n");
 int connectFailCount = 0;
 for (;;)
     fromLen = sizeof(fromAddr);
     connectionHandle = accept(socketHandle, (struct sockaddr*)&fromAddr, &fromLen);
     if (connectionHandle < 0)
@@ -987,32 +773,32 @@
 				seq.size = maxSize;
 				seq.dna[maxSize] = 0;
 			    if (queryIsProt)
 				aaCount += seq.size;
 				baseCount += seq.size;
                             if (seqLog && (logGetFile() != NULL))
                                 FILE *lf = logGetFile();
                                 faWriteNext(lf, "query", seq.dna, seq.size);
-			    errorSafeQuery(doTrans, queryIsProt, &seq, gf, 
-                                           transGf, connectionHandle, buf, perSeqMaxHash);
+			    errorSafeQuery(doTrans, queryIsProt, &seq, gfIdx, 
+                                           connectionHandle, buf, perSeqMaxHash);
                             if (perSeqMaxHash)
 		    netSendString(connectionHandle, "end");
     else if (sameString("pcr", command))
 	char *f = nextWord(&line);
 	char *r = nextWord(&line);
 	char *s = nextWord(&line);
@@ -1024,31 +810,31 @@
 	else if (doTrans)
 	    warn("Can't pcr on translated server");
 	else if (badPcrPrimerSeq(f) || badPcrPrimerSeq(r))
 	    warn("Can only handle ACGT in primer sequences.");
 	    maxDistance = atoi(s);
-	    errorSafePcr(gf, f, r, maxDistance, connectionHandle);
+	    errorSafePcr(gfIdx->untransGf, f, r, maxDistance, connectionHandle);
     else if (sameString("files", command))
 	int i;
 	sprintf(buf, "%d", fileCount);
 	netSendString(connectionHandle, buf);
 	for (i=0; i<fileCount; ++i)
 	    sprintf(buf, "%s", seqFiles[i]);
 	    netSendString(connectionHandle, buf);