  Sun Feb 28 13:19:19 2021 -0800
have gfServer check that index files match the required naming convention

diff --git src/gfServer/gfServer.c src/gfServer/gfServer.c
index bd55595..a245f2e 100644
--- src/gfServer/gfServer.c
+++ src/gfServer/gfServer.c
@@ -1099,33 +1099,58 @@
 sprintf(buf, "%sfiles", gfSignature());
 mustWriteFd(sd, buf, strlen(buf));
 /* Get count of files, and then each file name. */
 if (netGetString(sd, buf) != NULL)
     fileCount = atoi(buf);
     for (i=0; i<fileCount; ++i)
 	printf("%s\n", netRecieveString(sd, buf));
+static void checkIndexFileName(char *gfxFile, char *seqFile)
+/* validate that index matches conventions, as base name is stored in index */
+char seqBaseName[FILENAME_LEN], seqExt[FILEEXT_LEN];
+splitPath(seqFile, NULL, seqBaseName, seqExt);
+if ((strlen(seqBaseName) == 0) || !sameString(seqExt, ".2bit"))
+    errAbort("gfServer index requires a two-bit genome file with a base name of `myGenome.2bit`, got %s%s",
+             seqBaseName, seqExt);
+char gfxBaseName[FILENAME_LEN], gfxExt[FILEEXT_LEN];
+splitPath(gfxFile, NULL, gfxBaseName, gfxExt);
+if (!sameString(gfxExt, ".gfidx"))
+    errAbort("gfServer index must have an file extension of '.gfidx', got %s", gfxExt);
+char expectBaseName[FILENAME_LEN];
+safef(expectBaseName, sizeof(expectBaseName), "%s.%s", seqBaseName,
+      (doTrans ? "trans" : "untrans"));
+if (!sameString(gfxBaseName, expectBaseName))
+    errAbort("%s index file base name must be '%s.gfidx', got %s%s",
+             (doTrans ? "translated" : "untranslated"), expectBaseName, gfxBaseName, gfxExt);
 static void buildIndex(char *gfxFile, int fileCount, char *seqFiles[])
 /* build pre-computed index for seqFiles and write to gfxFile */
+if (fileCount > 1)
+    errAbort("gfServer index only works with a single genome file");
+checkIndexFileName(gfxFile, seqFiles[0]);
 struct genoFindIndex *gfIdx = genoFindIndexBuild(fileCount, seqFiles, minMatch, maxGap, tileSize,
                                                  repMatch, doTrans, NULL, allowOneMismatch, doMask, stepSize,
 genoFindIndexWrite(gfIdx, gfxFile);
 static void dynWarnErrorVa(char* msg, va_list args)
 /* warnHandler to log and send back an error response */
 char buf[4096];
 int msgLen = vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, msg, args);
 buf[msgLen] = '\0';
 logError("%s", buf);
 printf("Error: %s\n", buf);