  Wed Dec 9 13:52:01 2020 -0800
fixed accidently backout of master changes in the last merge

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index 1eea6ae..3eaf710 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@ -626,53 +626,30 @@
     &&  winStart <= cb->chromEnd)
         safef(startBand, buffSize, "%s", cb->name);
     /* End is > rather than >= due to odditiy in the
        cytoband track where the starts and ends of two
        bands overlaps by one. */
     if (winEnd >  cb->chromStart
     &&  winEnd <= cb->chromEnd)
         safef(endBand, buffSize, "%s", cb->name);
-static void maybeNewFonts(struct hvGfx *hvg)
-/* Check to see if we want to use the alternate font engine (FreeType2). */
-if (sameString(cfgOptionDefault("freeType", "off"), "on"))
-    {
-    if (sameString(tl.textFont, "Bitmap"))
-        return;
-    char *fontDir = cfgOptionDefault("freeTypeDir", "/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1");
-    char buffer[4096];
-    extern char *freeTypeFontNames[];
-    extern char *freeTypeFontFiles[];
-    int ii;
-    for(ii=0; ii < 33; ii++)
-        if (sameString(freeTypeFontNames[ii], tl.textFont))
-            break;
-    char *fontFile = freeTypeFontFiles[ii];
-    char *fontName = freeTypeFontNames[ii];
-    safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s/%s", fontDir, fontFile);
-    hvGfxSetFontMethod(hvg, FONT_METHOD_FREETYPE, fontName, buffer );
-    }
 boolean makeChromIdeoImage(struct track **pTrackList, char *psOutput,
                         struct tempName *ideoTn)
 /* Make an ideogram image of the chromosome and our position in it.  If the
  * ideoTn parameter is not NULL, it is filled in if the ideogram is created. */
 struct track *ideoTrack = NULL;
 MgFont *font = tl.font;
 char *mapName = "ideoMap";
 struct hvGfx *hvg;
 boolean doIdeo = TRUE;
 int ideoWidth = round(.8 *tl.picWidth);
 int ideoHeight = 0;
 int textWidth = 0;
 struct tempName pngTn;
@@ -8017,30 +7994,31 @@
  * image.  If the ideoTn parameter is not NULL, it is filled in if the
  * ideogram is created.  */
 struct group *group;
 struct track *track;
 char *freezeName = NULL;
 boolean hideAll = cgiVarExists("hgt.hideAll");
 boolean defaultTracks = cgiVarExists("hgt.reset");
 boolean showedRuler = FALSE;
 boolean showTrackControls = cartUsualBoolean(cart, "trackControlsOnMain", TRUE);
 long thisTime = 0, lastTime = 0;
 basesPerPixel = ((float)virtWinBaseCount) / ((float)fullInsideWidth);
 zoomedToBaseLevel = (virtWinBaseCount <= fullInsideWidth / tl.mWidth);
 zoomedToCodonLevel = (ceil(virtWinBaseCount/3) * tl.mWidth) <= fullInsideWidth;
+zoomedToCodonNumberLevel = (ceil(virtWinBaseCount/3) * tl.mWidth * 5) <= fullInsideWidth;
 zoomedToCdsColorLevel = (virtWinBaseCount <= fullInsideWidth*3);
 if (psOutput != NULL)
    hideControls = TRUE;
    withNextItemArrows = FALSE;
    withNextExonArrows = FALSE;
    hgFindMatches = NULL;
 /* Tell browser where to go when they click on image. */
 hPrintf("<FORM ACTION=\"%s\" NAME=\"TrackHeaderForm\" id=\"TrackHeaderForm\" METHOD=\"GET\">\n\n", hgTracksName());
 jsonObjectAdd(jsonForClient, "insideX", newJsonNumber(insideX)); // TODO GALT  fullInsideX? or does not matter?
 jsonObjectAdd(jsonForClient, "revCmplDisp", newJsonBoolean(revCmplDisp));