  Wed Dec 9 13:52:01 2020 -0800
fixed accidently backout of master changes in the last merge

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
index 85cadb2..632cbf3 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/simpleTracks.c
@@ -232,30 +232,31 @@
 struct cart *lastDbPosCart = NULL;   /* store settings for use in lastDbPos and hgTracks.js setupHistory */
 char *organism;                 /* Name of organism we're working on. */
 char *database;			/* Name of database we're using. */
 char *chromName;		/* Name of chromosome sequence . */
 int winStart;                   /* Start of window in sequence. */
 int winEnd;                     /* End of window in sequence. */
 char *position = NULL;          /* Name of position. */
 int insideX;			/* Start of area to draw track in in pixels. */
 int insideWidth;		/* Width of area to draw tracks in in pixels. */
 int leftLabelX;                 /* Start of area to draw left labels on. */
 int leftLabelWidth;             /* Width of area to draw left labels on. */
 float basesPerPixel = 0;       /* bases covered by a pixel; a measure of zoom */
 boolean zoomedToBaseLevel;      /* TRUE if zoomed so we can draw bases. */
+boolean zoomedToCodonNumberLevel; /* TRUE if zoomed so we can print codons and exon number text in genePreds*/
 boolean zoomedToCodonLevel; /* TRUE if zoomed so we can print codons text in genePreds*/
 boolean zoomedToCdsColorLevel; /* TRUE if zoomed so we can color each codon*/
 boolean withLeftLabels = TRUE;		/* Display left labels? */
 boolean withIndividualLabels = TRUE;    /* print labels on item-by-item basis (false to skip) */
 boolean withCenterLabels = TRUE;	/* Display center labels? */
 boolean withGuidelines = TRUE;		/* Display guidelines? */
 boolean withNextExonArrows = FALSE;	/* Display next exon navigation buttons near center labels? */
 boolean withExonNumbers = FALSE;	/* Display exon and intron numbers in mouseOver instead of item name */
 boolean revCmplDisp = FALSE;          /* reverse-complement display */
 boolean measureTiming = FALSE;	/* DON'T EDIT THIS -- use CGI param "&measureTiming=." . */
 struct track *trackList = NULL;    /* List of all tracks. */
 struct cart *cart;	/* The cart where we keep persistent variables. */