  Fri Jan 22 06:46:58 2021 -0800
merge with master

diff --git src/hg/hgc/bigBedClick.c src/hg/hgc/bigBedClick.c
index 6d21715..b45f078 100644
--- src/hg/hgc/bigBedClick.c
+++ src/hg/hgc/bigBedClick.c
@@ -415,31 +415,31 @@
     if (bedSize >= 6 && scoreFilter && bed->score < minScore)
     // if there are extra fields, load them up because we may want to use them in URL:
     itemForUrl = getIdInUrl(tdb, item);
     printCustomUrlWithFields(tdb, bed->name, bed->name, item == itemForUrl, extraFieldPairs);
     if (itemForUrl)
         printIframe(tdb, itemForUrl);
     bedPrintPos(bed, bedSize, tdb);
     // display seq1 and seq2
     if (seq1Seq2 && bedSize+seq1Seq2Fields == 8)
         printf("<table><tr><th>Sequence 1</th><th>Sequence 2</th></tr>"
 	       "<tr><td> %s </td><td> %s </td></tr></table>", fields[6], fields[7]);
-    else if (isNotEmpty(rest))
+    else if (restCount > 0)
 	if (restCount > restBedFields)
             int printCount = extraFieldsPrint(tdb,NULL,extraFields, extraFieldCount);
             printAllExternalExtraFields(tdb, extraFieldPairs);
             if (printCount == 0)
                 int i;
                 char label[20];
                 safef(label, sizeof(label), "nonBedFieldsLabel");
                        trackDbSettingOrDefault(tdb, label, "Non-BED fields:"));
                 for (i = restBedFields;  i < restCount;  i++)
                     printf("%s%s", (i > 0 ? "\t" : ""), restFields[i]);