  Fri Jan 22 06:46:58 2021 -0800
merge with master

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/covid19.html src/hg/htdocs/covid19.html
index bde690a..50b1318 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/covid19.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/covid19.html
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <!--#set var="TITLE" value="COVID-19 Resources at UCSC" -->
 <!--#set var="ROOT" value="." -->
 <!--#include virtual="$ROOT/inc/gbPageStart.html"-->
 <h1>COVID-19 Pandemic Resources at UCSC 
 <span> <font size=-1 style="padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; margin-left: 15px;">
-<a href="#news">Updated: November 13, 2020</a></font></span></h1>
+<a href="#news">Updated: January 08, 2020</a></font></span></h1>
 <div class="row">
     <div class="col-md-6">
 The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus emerged in December 2019 as a novel human pathogen causing
 a severe acute respiratory syndrome (COVID-19). The disease
 spread rapidly worldwide and was
 declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization</a>
 on March 11, 2020.
 Genome sequencing of thousands of viral samples has helped researchers study mechanisms of 
 infection, transmission and response of the human immune system. 
@@ -145,30 +145,40 @@
         <div style="text-align: right; line-height: 1">
           <font SIZE=-1><em>Example UShER results displayed using
             <a href="" target=_blank>Nextstrain</a>.
             Sequences representing a hypothetical outbreak are yellow;
             previously sampled sequences are blue.  Branches are labeled
             by nucleotide mutations.</em><BR>
 <h2 id="news">News</h2>
+<b>January 8, 2021</b>:
+<a target="_blank" href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#010821">
+January 8th SARS-CoV-2 update</a> - 
+This update includes an updated track as well as three new tracks for
+the <a href="/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=wuhCor1" 
+target="_blank">coronavirus genome browser</a>, and a track for the <a 
+href="/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg19" target="_blank">hg19/GRCh37</a> and <a
+href="/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=hg38" target="_blank">hg38/GRCh38</a> human assemblies.
 <b>October 21, 2020</b>:
 <a target="_blank" href="goldenPath/newsarch.html#102120">
 New gene models, immunology, pathogenicity, and conservation annotation tracks</a>
 have been released. Click the above link to directly access track description pages
 for specific track titles such as PhyloCSF Genes, Weizman ORFs, icSHAPE RNA Structure,
 Validated epitopes from IEDB, and various Phylogenetic Tree tracks.
 <li id="covidHgiGwas">
 <b>September 22, 2020</b>: 
 First COVID-19-related annotation track on UCSC human genome browser: 
 <a href="/cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?db=hg38&g=covidHgiGwas" target="_blank">
 COVID-19 GWAS</a>: GWAS meta-analyses of studies contributed by multiple partners world-wide (18 in
 this release), as part of the
 <a target="_blank" href="">COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative</a>,  
 a collaborative effort to facilitate the generation, analysis and sharing of COVID-19 host genetics research.
@@ -262,30 +272,33 @@
 "" target = _blank><em>per capita</em>
 map</a> of the states.
 <li>Johns Hopkins University: <a target="_blank" href="">
 Coronavirus Resource Center</a></li>
 <a target="_blank" href="" >
 COVID-19 citizen science and crowdsourcing projects</a>
 <li>Wikipedia: <a target="_blank" href="">Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2</a></li>
+<li>COVID Textbook:
+<a target="_blank" href="">COVID Reference</a></li>
 Nature News graphical guide to vaccine designs:
 <a target="_blank" href="">
 The Race for Coronavirus Vaccines</a>
 <a target="_blank" href="">
 Inside the Coronavirus Genome</a>, and
 <a target="_blank" href="">
 How Coronavirus Mutates and Spreads</a>, The New York Times