  Fri Jan 22 06:46:58 2021 -0800
merge with master

diff --git src/hg/js/hgTracks.js src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
index e02fe81..c72d7be 100644
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
@@ -2728,61 +2728,64 @@
                             done = true;
                 if (done) {
                     o = {};
                     var any = false;
                     var title = rightClick.selectedMenuItem.title || "feature";
                     var maxLength = 60;
                     if (title.length > maxLength) {
                         title = title.substring(0, maxLength) + "...";
                     if ((isGene || isHgc || id === "wikiTrack") && href.indexOf("i=mergedItem") === -1) {
                         // Add "Open details..." item
                         var displayItemFunctions = false;
                         if (rec) {
                             if (rec.type.indexOf("wig") === 0
                             ||  rec.type.indexOf("bigWig") === 0
                             ||  id === "wikiTrack") {
                                 displayItemFunctions = false;
                             } else if (rec.type.indexOf("expRatio") === 0) {
                                 displayItemFunctions = title !== "zoomInMore";
                             } else {
                                 displayItemFunctions = true;
                             // For barChart mouseovers, replace title (which may be a category 
                             // name+value) with item name
                             if (rec.type.indexOf("barChart") === 0
                             || rec.type.indexOf("bigBarChart") === 0) {
                                 a = /i=([^&]+)/.exec(href);
                                 if (a && a[1]) {
                                     title = a[1];
-                        if (isHgc && href.indexOf('g=gtexGene') !== -1) {
-                            // For GTEx gene mouseovers, replace title (which may be a tissue name) with 
-                            // item (gene) name
+                        if (isHgc && ( href.indexOf('g=gtexGene')!== -1 || href.indexOf('g=unip') !== -1 )) {
+                            // For GTEx gene and UniProt mouseovers, replace title (which may be a tissue name) with 
+                            // item (gene) name. Also need to unescape the urlencoded characters and the + sign.
                             a = /i=([^&]+)/.exec(href);
                             if (a && a[1]) {
-                                title = a[1];
+                                title = decodeURIComponent(a[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
                         if (displayItemFunctions) {
                             o[rightClick.makeImgTag("magnify.png") + " Zoom to " +  title] = {
                                 onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                             rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject,
                                                     "selectWholeGene"); return true;
                             o[rightClick.makeImgTag("highlight.png") + " Highlight " + title] = 
                                 {   onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) {
                                         rightClick.hit(menuItemClicked, menuObject,
                                         return true;
                             if (rightClick.supportZoomCodon && rec.type.indexOf("genePred") !== -1) {