  Fri Jan 22 06:46:58 2021 -0800
merge with master

diff --git src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
index 7853912..50d84d2 100644
--- src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
+++ src/hg/utils/hubCheck/hubCheck.c
@@ -869,31 +869,31 @@
         char *twoBit = genome->twoBitPath;
         if (!extFileExists(twoBit))
             warn("Error: '%s' twoBitPath does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, twoBit);
         // groups and htmlPath are optional settings, again only warn if they are malformed
         char *groupsFile = genome->groups;
         if (groupsFile != NULL && !extFileExists(groupsFile))
             warn("warning: '%s' groups file does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, groupsFile);
         char *htmlPath = hashFindVal(genome->settingsHash, "htmlPath");
         if (htmlPath == NULL)
             warn("warning: missing htmlPath setting for assembly hub '%s'", genome->name);
         else if (!extFileExists(htmlPath))
             warn("warning: '%s' htmlPath file does not exist or is not accessible: '%s'", genome->name, htmlPath);
-    tdbList = trackHubTracksForGenome(hub, genome);
+    tdbList = trackHubTracksForGenome(hub, genome, NULL);
     tdbList = trackDbLinkUpGenerations(tdbList);
     tdbList = trackDbPolishAfterLinkup(tdbList, genome->name);
     trackHubPolishTrackNames(hub, tdbList);
 if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
     openedGenome = TRUE;
     genomeErr(errors, errCatch->message->string, hub, genome, options->htmlOut);
     if (errCatch->gotError || errCatch->gotWarning)
         genomeErrorCount += 1;
 verbose(2, "%d tracks in %s\n", slCount(tdbList), genome->name);