  Mon Dec 7 00:50:29 2020 -0800
BLAT mmap index support merge with master

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/bioSampleIdToText.sh src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/bioSampleIdToText.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68d0cfa
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/bioSampleIdToText.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+set -beEu -o pipefail
+# stdin: series of BioSample GI# IDs (numeric IDs, *not* accessions)
+# stdout: full text record for each BioSample
+# Add &id=... for each id in input, request in batches...
+initBatch() {
+    count=0
+    echo -n $baseParams > $paramFile
+sendBatch() {
+    curl -s -S -X POST -d @$paramFile "$url"
+    # Give NCBI a rest
+    sleep 1
+while read id; do
+    echo -n "&id=$id" >> $paramFile
+    count=$(expr $count + 1)
+    if [ $count == $batchSize ]; then
+        sendBatch
+        initBatch
+    fi
+if [ $count != 0 ]; then
+    sendBatch
+rm $paramFile