  Mon Dec 7 00:50:29 2020 -0800
BLAT mmap index support merge with master

diff --git src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/processRelease.sh src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/processRelease.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..979fcc4
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/processRelease.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+set -beEu -x -o pipefail
+#	Do not modify this script, modify the source tree copy:
+#	kent/src/hg/utils/otto/sarscov2phylo/processRelease.sh
+usage() {
+    echo "usage: $0 releaseLabel problematic_sites_sarsCov2.vcf"
+if [ $# != 2 ]; then
+  usage
+  exit 1
+echo "releaseLabel=$releaseLabel problematicSitesVcf=$problematicSitesVcf"
+scriptDir=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
+# UShER (and matToVcf)
+# strain_phylogenetics / find_parsimonious_assignments for parsimony scores
+# Files generated by getRelease.sh
+# We'll need to prune the tree to keep only those sequences that are in metadata and fasta:
+grep ^\> $fasta | sed -re 's/^>//' | sort > namesInFasta
+# Make renaming files for tree (EPI_ IDs) and VCF (isolate names): add strain name and
+# date with shortened year.
+awk -F"\t" '{print $3 "\t" $1 "|" $3 "|" $5;}' $metadata \
+| grep -Fwf namesInFasta \
+| sed -re 's/\|20/\|/;' \
+| sort > tree.renaming
+awk -F"\t" '{print $1 "\t" $1 "|" $3 "|" $5;}' $metadata \
+| grep -Fwf namesInFasta \
+| sed -re 's/\|20/\|/;' \
+| sort  > vcf.renaming
+wc -l tree.renaming
+wc -l vcf.renaming
+# Rename tree IDs from just EPI IDs to strain|epi|date ids and prune any sequences not in
+# metadata and fasta:
+phyloRenameAndPrune ft_SH.tree tree.renaming ft_SH.renamed.tree
+sed -re 's/\)[0-9.]+:/\):/g; s/:[0-9e.:-]+//g; s/[\(\);]//g; s/,/\n/g;'" s/'//g;" \
+  ft_SH.renamed.tree \
+| sort > tree.renamedPruned.ids.sorted
+wc -l tree.renamedPruned.ids.sorted
+# Set the root of the tree to the Wuhan/Hu-1 (NC_045512.2) reference not WIV04:
+~angie/github/newick_utils/src/nw_reroot ft_SH.renamed.tree \
+    'Wuhan/Hu-1/2019|EPI_ISL_402125|19-12-26' > ft_SH.reroot.nh
+# Run faToVcf without any filtering, masking or conversion of ambiguous alleles:
+time faToVcf $alignedFasta stdout -includeRef \
+  -ref=Wuhan/Hu-1/2019 \
+  -vcfChrom=NC_045512v2 -verbose=2 \
+| vcfRenameAndPrune stdin vcf.renaming gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.vcf
+ls -l gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.vcf
+wc -l gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.vcf
+gzip -f gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.vcf
+# Run usher and matToVcf to make ambig-resolved VCF for hgTracks
+time $usher -c \
+  --vcf gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.vcf.gz \
+  --tree ft_SH.reroot.nh \
+  --save-mutation-annotated-tree sarscov2phylo-$releaseLabel.notMasked.pb \
+  --write-uncondensed-final-tree
+mv uncondensed-final-tree.nh ft_SH.reroot.collapsed.notMasked.nh 
+$matToVcf -i sarscov2phylo-$releaseLabel.notMasked.pb \
+    -v gisaid-$releaseLabel.vcf
+bgzip -f gisaid-$releaseLabel.vcf
+tabix -p vcf gisaid-$releaseLabel.vcf.gz
+# Remove problematic sites recommended for masking for usher/phyloPlace
+tawk '{ if ($1 ~ /^#/) { print; } else if ($7 == "mask") { $1 = "NC_045512v2"; print; } }' \
+    $problematicSitesVcf > mask.vcf
+time vcfFilter -excludeVcf=mask.vcf gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.vcf.gz \
+| gzip -c \
+    > gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.masked.vcf.gz
+# Full find_parsimonious_assignments output on uncollapsed tree for collaborators
+time $find_parsimonious_assignments --tree ft_SH.reroot.nh \
+    --vcf gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.masked.vcf.gz \
+| gzip -c \
+    > find_parsimonious_assignments.$releaseLabel.out.gz
+# Run usher to collapse tree and make masked protobuf for hgPhyloPlace
+time $usher -c \
+  --vcf gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.masked.vcf.gz \
+  --tree ft_SH.reroot.nh \
+  --save-mutation-annotated-tree sarscov2phylo-$releaseLabel.masked.pb \
+  --write-uncondensed-final-tree
+mv uncondensed-final-tree.nh ft_SH.reroot.collapsed.nh 
+# Parsimony scores on collapsed tree
+time $find_parsimonious_assignments --tree ft_SH.reroot.collapsed.nh \
+    --vcf <(gunzip -c gisaid-$releaseLabel.vcf.gz) \
+| tail -n+2 \
+| sed -re 's/^[A-Z]([0-9]+)[A-Z,]+.*parsimony_score=([0-9]+).*/\1\t\2/;' \
+| tawk '{print "NC_045512v2", $1-1, $1, $2;}' \
+| sort -k2n,2n \
+    > gisaid-$releaseLabel.parsimony.bg
+bedGraphToBigWig gisaid-$releaseLabel.parsimony.bg /hive/data/genomes/wuhCor1/chrom.sizes \
+    gisaid-$releaseLabel.parsimony.bw
+# Full find_parsimonious_assignments output on collapsed tree for collaborators
+time $find_parsimonious_assignments --tree ft_SH.reroot.collapsed.nh \
+    --vcf gisaid-$releaseLabel.unfiltered.masked.vcf.gz \
+    > find_parsimonious_assignments.$releaseLabel.collapsed.out
+# Now filter by frequency for faster track display: alt al freq >= 0.001
+sampleCount=$(wc -l < tree.renamedPruned.ids.sorted)
+minAc001=$(( (($sampleCount + 999) / 1000) ))
+time vcfFilter -minAc=$minAc001 -rename gisaid-$releaseLabel.vcf.gz \
+    > gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.001.vcf
+ls -l gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.001.vcf
+wc -l gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.001.vcf
+bgzip -f gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.001.vcf
+tabix -p vcf gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.001.vcf.gz
+# Alt al freq >= 0.01
+minAc01=$(( (($sampleCount + 99) / 100) ))
+time vcfFilter -minAc=$minAc01 -rename gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.001.vcf.gz \
+    > gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.01.vcf
+ls -l gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.01.vcf
+wc -l gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.01.vcf
+bgzip -f gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.01.vcf
+tabix -p vcf gisaid-$releaseLabel.minAf.01.vcf.gz
+# Make sample color files
+#*** TODO: Nextstrain Clade is now in field 18!  Add that as an option!
+cut -f3,18-20 $metadata \
+| sort > metadata.epiToLineageAndClades
+# Join on EPI ID to associate tree sample names with lineages.
+join -t$'\t' tree.renaming metadata.epiToLineageAndClades -o 1.2,2.2,2.3,2.4 > sampleToLineage
+$scriptDir/cladeLineageColors.pl sampleToLineage
+gzip -f *Colors