  Thu Jan 16 11:14:03 2020 -0800
Revert "Initial pass at 64bit blat index"

This reverts commit 85f6ef8de85a89781978add2ed98fb158718cd40.

diff --git src/jkOwnLib/genoFind.c src/jkOwnLib/genoFind.c
index c6d2a82..24a8ff5 100644
--- src/jkOwnLib/genoFind.c
+++ src/jkOwnLib/genoFind.c
@@ -217,31 +217,31 @@
         return -1;
     tile += aa;
 return tile;
 static void gfCountSeq(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seq)
 /* Add all N-mers in seq. */
 char *poly = seq->dna;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int stepSize = gf->stepSize;
 int tileHeadSize = gf->tileSize - gf->segSize;
 int maxPat = gf->maxPat;
 int tile;
-gfOffset *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
+bits32 *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
 int i, lastTile = seq->size - tileSize;
 int (*makeTile)(char *poly, int n) = (gf->isPep ? gfPepTile : gfDnaTile);
 for (i=0; i<=lastTile; i += stepSize)
     if ((tile = makeTile(poly, tileHeadSize)) >= 0)
         if (listSizes[tile] < maxPat)
 	    listSizes[tile] += 1;
     poly += stepSize;
@@ -310,34 +310,34 @@
 *retSeqCount = seqCount;
 *retBaseCount = baseCount;
 static int gfAllocLists(struct genoFind *gf)
 /* Allocate index lists and set up list pointers. 
  * Returns size of all lists. */
 int oneCount;
 int count = 0;
 int i;
-gfOffset *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
-gfOffset **lists = gf->lists;
-void *allocated = NULL;
-gfOffset maxPat = gf->maxPat;
+bits32 *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
+bits32 **lists = gf->lists;
+bits32 *allocated = NULL;
+bits32 maxPat = gf->maxPat;
 int size;
 int usedCount = 0, overusedCount = 0;
 int tileSpaceSize = gf->tileSpaceSize;
 for (i=0; i<tileSpaceSize; ++i)
     /* If pattern is too much used it's no good to us, ignore. */
     if ((oneCount = listSizes[i]) < maxPat)
         count += oneCount;
         usedCount += 1;
         overusedCount += 1;
@@ -350,196 +350,197 @@
     if ((size = listSizes[i]) < maxPat)
         lists[i] = allocated;
         allocated += size;
 return count;
 static int gfAllocLargeLists(struct genoFind *gf)
 /* Allocate large index lists and set up list pointers. 
  * Returns size of all lists. */
 int count = 0;
 int i;
-gfOffset *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
-struct endList **endLists = gf->endLists;
-void *allocated = NULL;
+bits32 *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
+bits16 **endLists = gf->endLists;
+bits16 *allocated = NULL;
 int size;
 int tileSpaceSize = gf->tileSpaceSize;
 for (i=0; i<tileSpaceSize; ++i)
     count += listSizes[i];
 if (count > 0)
-    gf->allocated = allocated = needHugeMem(count * sizeof(struct endList));
+    gf->allocated = allocated = needHugeMem(3*count*sizeof(allocated[0]));
 for (i=0; i<tileSpaceSize; ++i)
     size = listSizes[i];
     endLists[i] = allocated;
-    allocated += size;
+    allocated += 3*size;
 return count;
-static void gfAddSeq(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seq, gfOffset offset)
+static void gfAddSeq(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seq, bits32 offset)
 /* Add all N-mers in seq.  Done after gfCountSeq. */
 char *poly = seq->dna;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int stepSize = gf->stepSize;
 int i, lastTile = seq->size - tileSize;
 int (*makeTile)(char *poly, int n) = (gf->isPep ? gfPepTile : gfDnaTile);
 int maxPat = gf->maxPat;
 int tile;
-gfOffset *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
-gfOffset **lists = gf->lists;
+bits32 *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
+bits32 **lists = gf->lists;
 for (i=0; i<=lastTile; i += stepSize)
     tile = makeTile(poly, tileSize);
     if (tile >= 0)
 	if (listSizes[tile] < maxPat)
 	    lists[tile][listSizes[tile]++] = offset;
     offset += stepSize;
     poly += stepSize;
-static void gfAddLargeSeq(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seq, gfOffset offset)
+static void gfAddLargeSeq(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seq, bits32 offset)
 /* Add all N-mers to segmented index.  Done after gfCountSeq. */
 char *poly = seq->dna;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int stepSize = gf->stepSize;
 int tileTailSize = gf->segSize;
 int tileHeadSize = tileSize - tileTailSize;
 int i, lastTile = seq->size - tileSize;
 int (*makeTile)(char *poly, int n) = (gf->isPep ? gfPepTile : gfDnaTile);
 int tileHead;
 int tileTail;
-gfOffset *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
-struct endList **endLists = gf->endLists;
-struct endList *endList;
+bits32 *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
+bits16 **endLists = gf->endLists;
+bits16 *endList;
 int headCount;
 for (i=0; i<=lastTile; i += stepSize)
     tileHead = makeTile(poly, tileHeadSize);
     tileTail = makeTile(poly + tileHeadSize, tileTailSize);
     if (tileHead >= 0 && tileTail >= 0)
 	endList = endLists[tileHead];
 	headCount = listSizes[tileHead]++;
 	endList += headCount * 3;		/* Because have three slots per. */
-	endList->tileTail = tileTail;
-	endList->offset = offset;
+	endList[0] = tileTail;
+	endList[1] = (offset >> 16);
+	endList[2] = (offset&0xffff);
     offset += stepSize;
     poly += stepSize;
-static int gfAddTilesInNib(struct genoFind *gf, char *fileName, gfOffset offset,
+static int gfAddTilesInNib(struct genoFind *gf, char *fileName, bits32 offset,
 	int stepSize)
 /* Add all tiles in nib file.  Returns size of nib file. */
 FILE *f;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int bufSize = tileSize * 16*1024;
 int nibSize, i;
 int endBuf, basesInBuf;
 struct dnaSeq *seq;
 printf("Adding tiles in %s\n", fileName);
 nibOpenVerify(fileName, &f, &nibSize);
 for (i=0; i < nibSize; i = endBuf)
     endBuf = i + bufSize;
     if (endBuf >= nibSize) endBuf = nibSize;
     basesInBuf = endBuf - i;
     seq = nibLdPart(fileName, f, nibSize, i, basesInBuf);
     gfAddSeq(gf, seq, i + offset);
 return nibSize;
 static void gfZeroOverused(struct genoFind *gf)
 /* Zero out counts of overused tiles. */
-gfOffset *sizes = gf->listSizes;
+bits32 *sizes = gf->listSizes;
 int tileSpaceSize = gf->tileSpaceSize, i;
 int maxPat = gf->maxPat;
 int overCount = 0;
 for (i=0; i<tileSpaceSize; ++i)
     if (sizes[i] >= maxPat)
         sizes[i] = 0;
 static void gfZeroNonOverused(struct genoFind *gf)
 /* Zero out counts of non-overused tiles. */
-gfOffset *sizes = gf->listSizes;
+bits32 *sizes = gf->listSizes;
 int tileSpaceSize = gf->tileSpaceSize, i;
 int maxPat = gf->maxPat;
 int overCount = 0;
 for (i=0; i<tileSpaceSize; ++i)
     if (sizes[i] < maxPat)
         sizes[i] = 0;
 struct genoFind *gfIndexNibsAndTwoBits(int fileCount, char *fileNames[],
 	int minMatch, int maxGap, int tileSize, int maxPat, char *oocFile,
 	boolean allowOneMismatch, int stepSize, boolean noSimpRepMask)
 /* Make index for all nibs and .2bits in list. 
  *      minMatch - minimum number of matching tiles to trigger alignments
  *      maxGap   - maximum deviation from diagonal of tiles
  *      tileSize - size of tile in nucleotides
  *      maxPat   - maximum use of tile to not be considered a repeat
  *      oocFile  - .ooc format file that lists repeat tiles.  May be NULL. 
  *      allowOneMismatch - allow one mismatch in a tile.  
  *      stepSize - space between tiles.  Zero means default (which is tileSize). 
  *      noSimpRepMask - skip simple repeat masking. */
 struct genoFind *gf = gfNewEmpty(minMatch, maxGap, tileSize, stepSize,
 	maxPat, oocFile, FALSE, allowOneMismatch, noSimpRepMask);
 int i;
-gfOffset offset = 0, nibSize;
+bits32 offset = 0, nibSize;
 char *fileName;
 struct gfSeqSource *ss;
 long long totalBases = 0, warnAt = maxTotalBases();
 int totalSeq = 0;
 if (allowOneMismatch)
     errAbort("Don't currently support allowOneMismatch in gfIndexNibsAndTwoBits");
 if (stepSize == 0)
     stepSize = gf->tileSize;
 for (i=0; i<fileCount; ++i)
     fileName = fileNames[i];
     if (twoBitIsFile(fileName))
 	int seqCount;
@@ -603,31 +604,31 @@
 static void maskSimplePepRepeat(struct genoFind *gf)
 /* Remove tiles from index that represent repeats
  * of period one and two. */
 if (gf->noSimpRepMask)
 int i;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int maxPat = gf->maxPat;
-gfOffset *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
+bits32 *listSizes = gf->listSizes;
 for (i=0; i<20; ++i)
     int j, k;
     for (j=0; j<20; ++j)
 	int tile = 0;
 	for (k=0; k<tileSize; ++k)
 	    tile *= 20;
 	    if (k&1)
 		tile += j;
 	        tile += i;
@@ -680,31 +681,31 @@
 for (isRc=0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc)
     if (isRc)
 	reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
     t3 = trans3New(seq);
     for (frame = 0; frame < 3; ++frame)
 	struct genoFind *gf = transGf[isRc][frame];
 	gfCountSeq(gf, t3->trans[frame]);
 static void transIndexBothStrands(struct dnaSeq *seq, 
-    struct genoFind *transGf[2][3], gfOffset offset[2][3],
+    struct genoFind *transGf[2][3], bits32 offset[2][3],
     int sourceIx, char *fileName)
 /* Add unmasked tiles on both strands of sequence to
  * index.  As a side effect this will reverse-complement seq. */
 int isRc, frame;
 struct trans3 *t3;
 struct gfSeqSource *ss;
 for (isRc=0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc)
     if (isRc)
 	reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
     t3 = trans3New(seq);
     for (frame = 0; frame < 3; ++frame)
@@ -717,31 +718,31 @@
 	offset[isRc][frame] += t3->trans[frame]->size;
 	ss->end = offset[isRc][frame];
 void gfIndexTransNibsAndTwoBits(struct genoFind *transGf[2][3], 
     int fileCount, char *fileNames[], 
     int minMatch, int maxGap, int tileSize, int maxPat, char *oocFile,
     boolean allowOneMismatch, boolean doMask, int stepSize, boolean noSimpRepMask)
 /* Make translated (6 frame) index for all .nib and .2bit files. */
 struct genoFind *gf;
 int i,isRc, frame;
-gfOffset offset[2][3];
+bits32 offset[2][3];
 char *fileName;
 struct dnaSeq *seq;
 int sourceCount = 0;
 long long totalBases = 0, warnAt = maxTotalBases();
 if (allowOneMismatch)
     errAbort("Don't currently support allowOneMismatch in gfIndexTransNibsAndTwoBits");
 /* Allocate indices for all reading frames. */
 for (isRc=0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc)
     for (frame = 0; frame < 3; ++frame)
 	transGf[isRc][frame] = gf = gfNewEmpty(minMatch, maxGap, 
 		tileSize, stepSize, maxPat, oocFile, TRUE, allowOneMismatch, noSimpRepMask);
@@ -837,31 +838,31 @@
 	gf = transGf[isRc][frame];
 	gf->totalSeqSize = offset[isRc][frame];
 static struct genoFind *gfSmallIndexSeq(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seqList,
 	int minMatch, int maxGap, int tileSize, int maxPat, char *oocFile, 
 	boolean isPep, boolean maskUpper)
 /* Make index for all seqs in list. */
 int seqCount = slCount(seqList);
 bioSeq *seq;
 int i;
-gfOffset offset = 0;
+bits32 offset = 0;
 struct gfSeqSource *ss;
 if (isPep)
 for (seq = seqList; seq != NULL; seq = seq->next)
     gfCountSeq(gf, seq);
 if (seqCount > 0)
     AllocArray(gf->sources, seqCount);
 gf->sourceCount = seqCount;
 for (i=0, seq = seqList; i<seqCount; ++i, seq = seq->next)
     gfAddSeq(gf, seq, offset);
     ss = gf->sources+i;
@@ -873,31 +874,31 @@
 	ss->maskedBits = maskFromUpperCaseSeq(seq);
 gf->totalSeqSize = offset;
 return gf;
 static struct genoFind *gfLargeIndexSeq(struct genoFind *gf, bioSeq *seqList,
 	int minMatch, int maxGap, int tileSize, int maxPat, char *oocFile, 
 	boolean isPep, boolean maskUpper)
 /* Make index for all seqs in list. */
 int seqCount = slCount(seqList);
 bioSeq *seq;
 int i;
-gfOffset offset = 0;
+bits32 offset = 0;
 struct gfSeqSource *ss;
 for (seq = seqList; seq != NULL; seq = seq->next)
     gfCountSeq(gf, seq);
 AllocArray(gf->sources, seqCount);
 gf->sourceCount = seqCount;
 for (i=0, seq = seqList; i<seqCount; ++i, seq = seq->next)
     gfAddLargeSeq(gf, seq, offset);
     ss = gf->sources+i;
     ss->seq = seq;
     ss->start = offset;
     offset += seq->size;
@@ -939,46 +940,46 @@
     stepSize = tileSize;
 if (gf->segSize > 0)
     gfLargeIndexSeq(gf, seqList, minMatch, maxGap, tileSize, maxPat, oocFile, isPep, maskUpper);
     gfSmallIndexSeq(gf, seqList, minMatch, maxGap, tileSize, maxPat, oocFile, isPep, maskUpper);
 return gf;
 static int bCmpSeqSource(const void *vTarget, const void *vRange)
 /* Compare function for binary search of gfSeqSource. */
-const gfOffset *pTarget = vTarget;
-gfOffset target = *pTarget;
+const bits32 *pTarget = vTarget;
+bits32 target = *pTarget;
 const struct gfSeqSource *ss = vRange;
 if (target < ss->start) return -1;
 if (target >= ss->end) return 1;
 return 0;
-static struct gfSeqSource *findSource(struct genoFind *gf, gfOffset targetPos)
+static struct gfSeqSource *findSource(struct genoFind *gf, bits32 targetPos)
 /* Find source given target position. */
 struct gfSeqSource *ss =  bsearch(&targetPos, gf->sources, gf->sourceCount, 
 	sizeof(gf->sources[0]), bCmpSeqSource);
 if (ss == NULL)
-    errAbort("Couldn't find source for %lld", targetPos);
+    errAbort("Couldn't find source for %d", targetPos);
 return ss;
 void gfClumpFree(struct gfClump **pClump)
 /* Free a single clump. */
 struct gfClump *clump;
 if ((clump = *pClump) == NULL)
 void gfClumpFreeList(struct gfClump **pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated gfClump's */
@@ -987,31 +988,31 @@
 for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 *pList = NULL;
 void gfClumpDump(struct genoFind *gf, struct gfClump *clump, FILE *f)
 /* Print out info on clump */
 struct gfSeqSource *ss = clump->target;
 char *name = ss->fileName;
 if (name == NULL) name = ss->seq->name;
-fprintf(f, "%llu-%llu %s %llu-%llu, hits %d\n", 
+fprintf(f, "%u-%u %s %u-%u, hits %d\n", 
 	clump->qStart, clump->qEnd, name,
 	clump->tStart - ss->start, clump->tEnd - ss->start,
 for (hit = clump->hitList; hit != NULL; hit = hit->next)
     fprintf(f, "   q %d, t %d, diag %d\n", hit->qStart, hit->tStart, hit->diagonal);
 /* Fast sorting routines for sorting gfHits on diagonal. 
  * More or less equivalent to system qsort, but with
  * comparison function inline.  Worth a little tweaking
  * since this is the bottleneck for the whole procedure. */
 static void gfHitSort2(struct gfHit **ptArray, int n);
@@ -1292,31 +1293,31 @@
     clump->hitList = NULL;	/* We ate up the hit list. */
 static int gfNearEnough = 300;
 static struct gfClump *clumpNear(struct genoFind *gf, struct gfClump *oldClumps, int minMatch)
 /* Go through clump list and make sure hits are also near each other.
  * If necessary divide clumps. */
 struct gfClump *newClumps = NULL, *clump, *nextClump;
 struct gfHit *hit, *nextHit;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
-gfOffset lastT;
+bits32 lastT;
 int nearEnough = (gf->isPep ? gfNearEnough/3 : gfNearEnough);
 for (clump = oldClumps; clump != NULL; clump = nextClump)
     struct gfHit *newHits = NULL, *oldHits = clump->hitList;
     int clumpSize = 0;
     clump->hitCount = 0;
     clump->hitList = NULL;	/* Clump no longer owns list. */
     nextClump = clump->next;
     slSort(&oldHits, gfHitCmpTarget);
     lastT = oldHits->tStart;
     for (hit = oldHits; hit != NULL; hit = nextHit)
 	nextHit = hit->next;
 	if (hit->tStart > nearEnough + lastT)
@@ -1375,31 +1376,31 @@
 struct gfHit **buckets = NULL, **pb;
 /* Sort hit list into buckets. */
 AllocArray(buckets, bucketCount);
 for (hit = hitList; hit != NULL; hit = nextHit)
     nextHit = hit->next;
     pb = buckets + (hit->tStart >> bucketShift);
     slAddHead(pb, hit);
 /* Sort each bucket on diagonal and clump. */
 for (i=0; i<bucketCount; ++i)
     int clumpSize;
-    gfOffset maxT;
+    bits32 maxT;
     struct gfHit *clumpHits;
     pb = buckets + i;
     for (hit = *pb; hit != NULL; )
 	 /* Each time through this loop will get info on a clump.  Will only
 	  * actually create clump if it is big enough though. */
 	 clumpSize = 0;
 	 clumpHits = lastHit = NULL;
 	 maxT = 0;
 	 for (; hit != NULL; hit = nextHit)
 	     nextHit = hit->next;
 	     if (lastHit != NULL && hit->diagonal - lastHit->diagonal > maxGap)
@@ -1425,54 +1426,54 @@
 	     usedHits += clumpSize;
     *pb = NULL;
     boundary += bucketSize;
 clumpList = clumpNear(gf, clumpList, minMatch);
 gfClumpComputeQueryCoverage(clumpList, tileSize);	/* Thanks AG */
 slSort(&clumpList, gfClumpCmpQueryCoverage);
 #ifdef DEBUG
 uglyf("Dumping clumps B\n");
 for (clump = clumpList; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next)	/* uglyf */
-    uglyf(" %lld %lld %s %lld %lld (%d hits)\n", clump->qStart, clump->qEnd, clump->target->seq->name,   clump->tStart, clump->tEnd, clump->hitCount);
+    uglyf(" %d %d %s %d %d (%d hits)\n", clump->qStart, clump->qEnd, clump->target->seq->name,   clump->tStart, clump->tEnd, clump->hitCount);
 #endif /* DEBUG */
 return clumpList;
 static struct gfHit *gfFastFindDnaHits(struct genoFind *gf, struct dnaSeq *seq, 
-	Bits *qMaskBits,  gfOffset qMaskOffset, struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount,
-	struct gfSeqSource *target, gfOffset tMin, gfOffset tMax)
+	Bits *qMaskBits,  int qMaskOffset, struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount,
+	struct gfSeqSource *target, int tMin, int tMax)
 /* Find hits associated with one sequence. This is is special fast
  * case for DNA that is in an unsegmented index. */
 struct gfHit *hitList = NULL, *hit;
-gfOffset size = seq->size;
+int size = seq->size;
 int tileSizeMinusOne = gf->tileSize - 1;
 int mask = gf->tileMask;
 DNA *dna = seq->dna;
 int i, j;
-gfOffset bits = 0;
-gfOffset bVal;
+bits32 bits = 0;
+bits32 bVal;
 int listSize;
-gfOffset qStart, *tList;
+bits32 qStart, *tList;
 int hitCount = 0;
 for (i=0; i<tileSizeMinusOne; ++i)
     bVal = ntValNoN[(int)dna[i]];
     bits <<= 2;
     bits += bVal;
 for (i=tileSizeMinusOne; i<size; ++i)
     bVal = ntValNoN[(int)dna[i]];
     bits <<= 2;
     bits += bVal;
     bits &= mask;
     listSize = gf->listSizes[bits];
@@ -1492,63 +1493,63 @@
 		    hit->qStart = qStart;
 		    hit->tStart = tStart;
 		    hit->diagonal = tStart + size - qStart;
 		    slAddHead(&hitList, hit);
 *retHitCount = hitCount;
 return hitList;
 static struct gfHit *gfStraightFindHits(struct genoFind *gf, aaSeq *seq, 
-	Bits *qMaskBits, gfOffset qMaskOffset, struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount,
-	struct gfSeqSource *target, gfOffset tMin, gfOffset tMax)
+	Bits *qMaskBits, int qMaskOffset, struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount,
+	struct gfSeqSource *target, int tMin, int tMax)
 /* Find hits associated with one sequence in a non-segmented
  * index where hits match exactly. */
 struct gfHit *hitList = NULL, *hit;
 int size = seq->size;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int lastStart = size - tileSize;
 char *poly = seq->dna;
 int i, j;
 int tile;
 int listSize;
-gfOffset qStart, *tList;
+bits32 qStart, *tList;
 int hitCount = 0;
 int (*makeTile)(char *poly, int n) = (gf->isPep ? gfPepTile : gfDnaTile);
 for (i=0; i<=lastStart; ++i)
     tile = makeTile(poly+i, tileSize);
     if (tile < 0)
     listSize = gf->listSizes[tile];
     if (listSize > 0)
 	qStart = i;
 	if (qMaskBits == NULL || bitCountRange(qMaskBits, qStart+qMaskOffset, tileSize) == 0)
 	    tList = gf->lists[tile];
 	    for (j=0; j<listSize; ++j)
-		gfOffset tStart = tList[j];
+		int tStart = tList[j];
 		if (target == NULL || 
 			(target == findSource(gf, tStart) && tStart >= tMin && tStart < tMax) ) 
 		    hit->qStart = qStart;
 		    hit->tStart = tStart;
 		    hit->diagonal = tStart + size - qStart;
 		    slAddHead(&hitList, hit);
 *retHitCount = hitCount;
@@ -1557,31 +1558,31 @@
 static struct gfHit *gfStraightFindNearHits(struct genoFind *gf, aaSeq *seq, 
 	Bits *qMaskBits, int qMaskOffset, struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount,
 	struct gfSeqSource *target, int tMin, int tMax)
 /* Find hits associated with one sequence in a non-segmented
  * index where hits can mismatch in one letter. */
 struct gfHit *hitList = NULL, *hit;
 int size = seq->size;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int lastStart = size - tileSize;
 char *poly = seq->dna;
 int i, j;
 int tile;
 int listSize;
-gfOffset qStart, *tList;
+bits32 qStart, *tList;
 int hitCount = 0;
 int varPos, varVal;	/* Variable position. */
 int (*makeTile)(char *poly, int n); 
 int alphabetSize;
 char oldChar, zeroChar;
 int *seqValLookup;
 int posMul, avoid;
 if (gf->isPep)
     makeTile = gfPepTile;
     alphabetSize = 20;
     zeroChar = 'A';
     seqValLookup = aaVal;
@@ -1657,55 +1658,55 @@
 	Bits *qMaskBits, int qMaskOffset, struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount,
 	struct gfSeqSource *target, int tMin, int tMax)
 /* Find hits associated with one sequence in general case in a segmented
  * index. */
 struct gfHit *hitList = NULL, *hit;
 int size = seq->size;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int tileTailSize = gf->segSize;
 int tileHeadSize = gf->tileSize - tileTailSize;
 int lastStart = size - tileSize;
 char *poly = seq->dna;
 int i, j;
 int tileHead, tileTail;
 int listSize;
-gfOffset qStart;
-struct endList *endList;
+bits32 qStart;
+bits16 *endList;
 int hitCount = 0;
 int (*makeTile)(char *poly, int n) = (gf->isPep ? gfPepTile : gfDnaTile);
 for (i=0; i<=lastStart; ++i)
     if (qMaskBits == NULL || bitCountRange(qMaskBits, i+qMaskOffset, tileSize) == 0)
 	tileHead = makeTile(poly+i, tileHeadSize);
 	if (tileHead < 0)
 	tileTail = makeTile(poly+i+tileHeadSize, tileTailSize);
 	if (tileTail < 0)
 	listSize = gf->listSizes[tileHead];
 	qStart = i;
 	endList = gf->endLists[tileHead];
 	for (j=0; j<listSize; ++j)
-	    if (endList->tileTail == tileTail)
+	    if (endList[0] == tileTail)
-		int tStart = endList->offset;
+		int tStart = (endList[1]<<16) + endList[2];
 		if (target == NULL || 
 			(target == findSource(gf, tStart) 
 			&& tStart >= tMin && tStart < tMax) ) 
 		    hit->qStart = qStart;
 		    hit->tStart = tStart;
 		    hit->diagonal = tStart + size - qStart;
 		    slAddHead(&hitList, hit);
 	    endList += 3;
@@ -1718,32 +1719,32 @@
 	aaSeq *seq, Bits *qMaskBits, int qMaskOffset, struct lm *lm, int *retHitCount,
 	struct gfSeqSource *target, int tMin, int tMax)
 /* Find hits associated with one sequence in a segmented
  * index where one mismatch is allowed. */
 struct gfHit *hitList = NULL, *hit;
 int size = seq->size;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int tileTailSize = gf->segSize;
 int tileHeadSize = gf->tileSize - tileTailSize;
 int lastStart = size - tileSize;
 char *poly = seq->dna;
 int i, j;
 int tileHead, tileTail;
 int listSize;
-gfOffset qStart;
-struct endList *endList;
+bits32 qStart;
+bits16 *endList;
 int hitCount = 0;
 int varPos, varVal;	/* Variable position. */
 int (*makeTile)(char *poly, int n); 
 int alphabetSize;
 char oldChar, zeroChar;
 int headPosMul, tailPosMul, avoid;
 boolean modTail;
 int *seqValLookup;
 if (gf->isPep)
     makeTile = gfPepTile;
     alphabetSize = 20;
@@ -1778,33 +1779,33 @@
 		avoid = -1;
 		avoid = seqValLookup[(int)oldChar];
 	    if (tileHead >= 0 && tileTail >= 0)
 		for (varVal=0; varVal<alphabetSize; ++varVal)
 		    if (varVal != avoid)
 			listSize = gf->listSizes[tileHead];
 			qStart = i;
 			endList = gf->endLists[tileHead];
 			for (j=0; j<listSize; ++j)
-			    if (endList->tileTail == tileTail)
+			    if (endList[0] == tileTail)
-				int tStart = endList->offset;
+				int tStart = (endList[1]<<16) + endList[2];
 				if (target == NULL || 
 					(target == findSource(gf, tStart) 
 					&& tStart >= tMin && tStart < tMax) ) 
 				    hit->qStart = qStart;
 				    hit->tStart = tStart;
 				    hit->diagonal = tStart + size - qStart;
 				    slAddHead(&hitList, hit);
 			    endList += 3;
@@ -2094,32 +2095,32 @@
 binKeeperAdd(bk, start, end, src);
 static struct gfClump *pcrClumps(struct genoFind *gf, char *fPrimer, int fPrimerSize, 
 	char *rPrimer, int rPrimerSize, int minDistance, int maxDistance)
 /* Find possible PCR hits.  The fPrimer and rPrimer are on the same strand. */
 struct gfClump *clumpList = NULL;
 int tileSize = gf->tileSize;
 int fTile;
 int fTileCount = fPrimerSize - tileSize;
 int *rTiles, rTile;
 int rTileCount = rPrimerSize - tileSize;
 int fTileIx,rTileIx,fPosIx,rPosIx;
-gfOffset *fPosList, fPos, *rPosList, rPos;
-gfOffset fPosListSize, rPosListSize;
+bits32 *fPosList, fPos, *rPosList, rPos;
+int fPosListSize, rPosListSize;
 struct hash *targetHash = newHash(0);
 /* Build up array of all tiles in reverse primer. */
 AllocArray(rTiles, rTileCount);
 for (rTileIx = 0; rTileIx<rTileCount; ++rTileIx)
     rTiles[rTileIx] = gfDnaTile(rPrimer + rTileIx, tileSize);
     if (rTiles[rTileIx] == -1)
         errAbort("Bad char in reverse primer sequence: %s", rPrimer);
 /* Loop through all tiles in forward primer. */
 for (fTileIx=0; fTileIx<fTileCount; ++fTileIx)
     fTile = gfDnaTile(fPrimer + fTileIx, tileSize);