  Thu Jan 16 11:14:03 2020 -0800
Revert "Initial pass at 64bit blat index"

This reverts commit 85f6ef8de85a89781978add2ed98fb158718cd40.

diff --git src/lib/bits.c src/lib/bits.c
index efb6ef1..1cca72c 100644
--- src/lib/bits.c
+++ src/lib/bits.c
@@ -35,384 +35,384 @@
 	if (i&8)
 	if (i&0x10)
 	if (i&0x20)
 	if (i&0x40)
 	if (i&0x80)
 	bitsInByte[i] = count;
-Bits *bitAlloc(bits64 bitCount)
+Bits *bitAlloc(int bitCount)
 /* Allocate bits. */
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 return needLargeZeroedMem(byteCount);
-Bits *bitRealloc(Bits *b, bits64 bitCount, bits64 newBitCount)
+Bits *bitRealloc(Bits *b, int bitCount, int newBitCount)
 /* Resize a bit array.  If b is null, allocate a new array */
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
-bits64 newByteCount = ((newBitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int newByteCount = ((newBitCount+7)>>3);
 return needLargeZeroedMemResize(b, byteCount, newByteCount);
-Bits *bitClone(Bits* orig, bits64 bitCount)
+Bits *bitClone(Bits* orig, int bitCount)
 /* Clone bits. */
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 Bits* bits = needLargeZeroedMem(byteCount);
 memcpy(bits, orig, byteCount);
 return bits;
 void bitFree(Bits **pB)
 /* Free bits. */
-Bits *lmBitAlloc(struct lm *lm, bits64 bitCount)
+Bits *lmBitAlloc(struct lm *lm,int bitCount)
 // Allocate bits.  Must supply local memory.
 assert(lm != NULL);
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 return lmAlloc(lm,byteCount);
-Bits *lmBitRealloc(struct lm *lm,Bits *b, bits64 bitCount, bits64 newBitCount)
+Bits *lmBitRealloc(struct lm *lm,Bits *b, int bitCount, int newBitCount)
 // Resize a bit array.  If b is null, allocate a new array.  Must supply local memory.
 assert(lm != NULL);
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
-bits64 newByteCount = ((newBitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int newByteCount = ((newBitCount+7)>>3);
 return lmAllocMoreMem(lm, b ,byteCount, newByteCount);
-Bits *lmBitClone(struct lm *lm,Bits* orig, bits64 bitCount)
+Bits *lmBitClone(struct lm *lm,Bits* orig, int bitCount)
 // Clone bits.  Must supply local memory.
 assert(lm != NULL);
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 Bits* bits = lmAlloc(lm,byteCount);
 memcpy(bits, orig, byteCount);
 return bits;
-void bitSetOne(Bits *b, bits64 bitIx)
+void bitSetOne(Bits *b, int bitIx)
 /* Set a single bit. */
 b[bitIx>>3] |= oneBit[bitIx&7];
-void bitClearOne(Bits *b, bits64 bitIx)
+void bitClearOne(Bits *b, int bitIx)
 /* Clear a single bit. */
 b[bitIx>>3] &= ~oneBit[bitIx&7];
-void bitSetRange(Bits *b, bits64 startIx, bits64 bitCount)
+void bitSetRange(Bits *b, int startIx, int bitCount)
 /* Set a range of bits. */
 if (bitCount <= 0)
-bits64 endIx = (startIx + bitCount - 1);
-bits64 startByte = (startIx>>3);
-bits64 endByte = (endIx>>3);
-bits64 startBits = (startIx&7);
-bits64 endBits = (endIx&7);
-bits64 i;
+int endIx = (startIx + bitCount - 1);
+int startByte = (startIx>>3);
+int endByte = (endIx>>3);
+int startBits = (startIx&7);
+int endBits = (endIx&7);
+int i;
 if (startByte == endByte)
     b[startByte] |= (leftMask[startBits] & rightMask[endBits]);
 b[startByte] |= leftMask[startBits];
 for (i = startByte+1; i<endByte; ++i)
     b[i] = 0xff;
 b[endByte] |= rightMask[endBits];
-boolean bitReadOne(Bits *b, bits64 bitIx)
+boolean bitReadOne(Bits *b, int bitIx)
 /* Read a single bit. */
 return (b[bitIx>>3] & oneBit[bitIx&7]) != 0;
-bits64 bitCountRange(Bits *b, bits64 startIx, bits64 bitCount)
+int bitCountRange(Bits *b, int startIx, int bitCount)
 /* Count number of bits set in range. */
 if (bitCount <= 0)
     return 0;
-bits64 endIx = (startIx + bitCount - 1);
-bits64 startByte = (startIx>>3);
-bits64 endByte = (endIx>>3);
-bits64 startBits = (startIx&7);
-bits64 endBits = (endIx&7);
-bits64 i;
-bits64 count = 0;
+int endIx = (startIx + bitCount - 1);
+int startByte = (startIx>>3);
+int endByte = (endIx>>3);
+int startBits = (startIx&7);
+int endBits = (endIx&7);
+int i;
+int count = 0;
 if (!inittedBitsInByte)
 if (startByte == endByte)
     return bitsInByte[b[startByte] & leftMask[startBits] & rightMask[endBits]];
 count = bitsInByte[b[startByte] & leftMask[startBits]];
 for (i = startByte+1; i<endByte; ++i)
     count += bitsInByte[b[i]];
 count += bitsInByte[b[endByte] & rightMask[endBits]];
 return count;
-bits64 bitFind(Bits *b, bits64 startIx, boolean val, bits64 bitCount)
+int bitFind(Bits *b, int startIx, boolean val, int bitCount)
 /* Find the index of the the next set bit. */
 unsigned char notByteVal = val ? 0 : 0xff;
-bits64 iBit = startIx;
-bits64 endByte = ((bitCount-1)>>3);
-bits64 iByte;
+int iBit = startIx;
+int endByte = ((bitCount-1)>>3);
+int iByte;
 /* scan initial byte */
 while (((iBit & 7) != 0) && (iBit < bitCount))
     if (bitReadOne(b, iBit) == val)
         return iBit;
 /* scan byte at a time, if not already in last byte */
 iByte = (iBit >> 3);
 if (iByte < endByte)
     while ((iByte < endByte) && (b[iByte] == notByteVal))
     iBit = iByte << 3;
 /* scan last byte */
 while (iBit < bitCount)
     if (bitReadOne(b, iBit) == val)
         return iBit;
  return bitCount;  /* not found */
-bits64 bitFindSet(Bits *b, bits64 startIx, bits64 bitCount)
+int bitFindSet(Bits *b, int startIx, int bitCount)
 /* Find the index of the the next set bit. */
 return bitFind(b, startIx, TRUE, bitCount);
-bits64 bitFindClear(Bits *b, bits64 startIx, bits64 bitCount)
+int bitFindClear(Bits *b, int startIx, int bitCount)
 /* Find the index of the the next clear bit. */
 return bitFind(b, startIx, FALSE, bitCount);
-void bitClear(Bits *b, bits64 bitCount)
+void bitClear(Bits *b, int bitCount)
 /* Clear many bits (possibly up to 7 beyond bitCount). */
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 zeroBytes(b, byteCount);
-void bitClearRange(Bits *b, bits64 startIx, bits64 bitCount)
+void bitClearRange(Bits *b, int startIx, int bitCount)
 /* Clear a range of bits. */
 if (bitCount <= 0)
-bits64 endIx = (startIx + bitCount - 1);
-bits64 startByte = (startIx>>3);
-bits64 endByte = (endIx>>3);
-bits64 startBits = (startIx&7);
-bits64 endBits = (endIx&7);
-bits64 i;
+int endIx = (startIx + bitCount - 1);
+int startByte = (startIx>>3);
+int endByte = (endIx>>3);
+int startBits = (startIx&7);
+int endBits = (endIx&7);
+int i;
 if (startByte == endByte)
     b[startByte] &= ~(leftMask[startBits] & rightMask[endBits]);
 b[startByte] &= ~leftMask[startBits];
 for (i = startByte+1; i<endByte; ++i)
     b[i] = 0x00;
 b[endByte] &= ~rightMask[endBits];
-void bitAnd(Bits *a, Bits *b, bits64 bitCount)
+void bitAnd(Bits *a, Bits *b, int bitCount)
 /* And two bitmaps.  Put result in a. */
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 while (--byteCount >= 0)
     *a = (*a & *b++);
-bits64 bitAndCount(Bits *a, Bits *b, bits64 bitCount)
+int bitAndCount(Bits *a, Bits *b, int bitCount)
 // Without altering 2 bitmaps, count the AND bits.
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
-bits64 count = 0;
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int count = 0;
 if (!inittedBitsInByte)
 while (--byteCount >= 0)
     count += bitsInByte[(*a++ & *b++)];
 return count;
-void bitOr(Bits *a, Bits *b, bits64 bitCount)
+void bitOr(Bits *a, Bits *b, int bitCount)
 /* Or two bitmaps.  Put result in a. */
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 while (--byteCount >= 0)
     *a = (*a | *b++);
-bits64 bitOrCount(Bits *a, Bits *b, bits64 bitCount)
+int bitOrCount(Bits *a, Bits *b, int bitCount)
 // Without altering 2 bitmaps, count the OR'd bits.
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
-bits64 count = 0;
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int count = 0;
 if (!inittedBitsInByte)
 while (--byteCount >= 0)
     count += bitsInByte[(*a++ | *b++)];
 return count;
-void bitXor(Bits *a, Bits *b, bits64 bitCount)
+void bitXor(Bits *a, Bits *b, int bitCount)
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 while (--byteCount >= 0)
     *a = (*a ^ *b++);
-bits64 bitXorCount(Bits *a, Bits *b, bits64 bitCount)
+int bitXorCount(Bits *a, Bits *b, int bitCount)
 // Without altering 2 bitmaps, count the XOR'd bits.
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
-bits64 count = 0;
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int count = 0;
 if (!inittedBitsInByte)
 while (--byteCount >= 0)
     count += bitsInByte[(*a++ ^ *b++)];
 return count;
-void bitNot(Bits *a, bits64 bitCount)
+void bitNot(Bits *a, int bitCount)
 /* Flip all bits in a. */
-bits64 byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
+int byteCount = ((bitCount+7)>>3);
 while (--byteCount >= 0)
     *a = ~*a;
-void bitReverseRange(Bits *bits, bits64 startIx, bits64 bitCount)
+void bitReverseRange(Bits *bits, int startIx, int bitCount)
 // Reverses bits in range (e.g. 110010 becomes 010011)
 if (bitCount <= 0)
-bits64 ixA = startIx;
-bits64 ixB = (startIx + bitCount - 1);
+int ixA = startIx;
+int ixB = (startIx + bitCount - 1);
 for ( ;ixA < ixB; ixA++, ixB--)
     boolean bitA = bitReadOne(bits, ixA);
     boolean bitB = bitReadOne(bits, ixB);
     if (!bitA && bitB)
         bitSetOne(  bits, ixA);
         bitClearOne(bits, ixB);
     else if (bitA && !bitB)
         bitClearOne(bits, ixA);
         bitSetOne(  bits, ixB);
-void bitPrint(Bits *a, bits64 startIx, bits64 bitCount, FILE* out)
+void bitPrint(Bits *a, int startIx, int bitCount, FILE* out)
 /* Print part or all of bit map as a string of 0s and 1s.  Mostly useful for
  * debugging */
-bits64 i;
+int i;
 for (i = startIx; i < bitCount; i++)
     if (bitReadOne(a, i))
         fputc('1', out);
         fputc('0', out);
 fputc('\n', out);
-void bitsOut(FILE* out, Bits *bits, bits64 startIx, bits64 bitCount, boolean onlyOnes)
+void bitsOut(FILE* out, Bits *bits, int startIx, int bitCount, boolean onlyOnes)
 // Print part or all of bit map as a string of 0s and 1s.
 // If onlyOnes, enclose result in [] and use ' ' instead of '0'.
 if (onlyOnes)
     fputc('[', out);
-bits64 ix = startIx;
+int ix = startIx;
 for ( ; ix < bitCount; ix++)
     if (bitReadOne(bits, ix))
         fputc('1', out);
         if (onlyOnes)
             fputc(' ', out);
             fputc('0', out);
 if (onlyOnes)
     fputc(']', out);
-Bits *bitsIn(struct lm *lm,char *bitString, bits64 len)
+Bits *bitsIn(struct lm *lm,char *bitString, int len)
 // Returns a bitmap from a string of 1s and 0s.  Any non-zero, non-blank char sets a bit.
 // Returned bitmap is the size of len even if that is longer than the string.
 // Optionally supply local memory.  Note does NOT handle enclosing []s printed with bitsOut().
 if (bitString == NULL || len == 0)
     return NULL;
 Bits *bits = NULL;
 if (lm != NULL)
     bits = lmBitAlloc(lm,len);
     bits = bitAlloc(len);
-bits64 ix = 0;
+int ix = 0;
 for ( ;ix < len && bitString[ix] != '\0'; ix++)
     if (bitString[ix] != '0' && bitString[ix] != ' ')
         bitSetOne(bits, ix);
 return bits;