e9492dbfa8a68aee133893d4b02475b0aec27bb9 markd Sun Dec 6 23:48:42 2020 -0800 webblat and hgBlat working diff --git src/webBlat/install.txt src/webBlat/install.txt index d9300c5..69b13fb 100644 --- src/webBlat/install.txt +++ src/webBlat/install.txt @@ -85,31 +85,35 @@ gfServer index -trans $rootdir/$genome/$genome.trans.gfidx $rootdir/$genome/$genome.2bit EDITING THE WEBBLAT.CFG FILE The webBlat.cfg file tells the webBlat program where to look for gfServers and for sequence. The basic format of the .cfg file is line oriented with the first word of the line being a command. Blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored. The webBlat.cfg and webPcr.cfg files are similar. The webBlat.cfg commands are: gfServer - defines host and port a (untranslated) gfServer is running on, the associated sequence directory, and the name of the database to display in the webPcr web page. gfServerTrans - defines location of a translated server. dynServer - define the location of a dynamic gfServer that runs under xinetd with - pre-build indexes. + pre-build indexes. Arguments are: + - host, port + - genome - symbolic name of genome + - genomeDataDir - absolute or gfServer root-relative directory containing index files + - sequenceDir background - defines the background image if any to display on web page company - defines company name to display on web page tempDir - where to put temporary files. This path is relative to where the web server executes CGI scripts. It is good to remove files that haven't been accessed for 24 hours from this directory periodically, via a cron job or similar mechanism. The background and company commands are optional. The webBlat.cfg file must have at least one valid gfServer or gfServerTrans line, and a tempDir line. Here is a webBlat.cfg file that you might find at a typical installation: company Awesome Research Amalgamated background /images/dnaPaper.jpg gfServerTrans bigRamMachine 17778 /data/genomes/twoBit Human Genome gfServer bigRamMachine 17779 /data/genomes/twoBit Human Genome