  Tue Mar 2 21:58:17 2021 -0800
added option to build chrispr for hubs, doing this removed the no longer used gene track options

diff --git src/hg/utils/automation/doCrispr.pl src/hg/utils/automation/doCrispr.pl
index e400ce9..883b498 100755
--- src/hg/utils/automation/doCrispr.pl
+++ src/hg/utils/automation/doCrispr.pl
@@ -1,675 +1,675 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 # DO NOT EDIT the /cluster/bin/scripts copy of this file --
 # edit ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/doCrispr.pl instead.
 use Getopt::Long;
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
 use lib "$Bin";
 use HgAutomate;
 use HgRemoteScript;
 use HgStepManager;
 # Option variable names, both common and peculiar to this script:
 use vars @HgAutomate::commonOptionVars;
 use vars @HgStepManager::optionVars;
 use vars qw/
+    $opt_forHub
-    $opt_shoulder
 # Specify the steps supported with -continue / -stop:
 my $stepper = new HgStepManager(
     [ { name => 'indexFa',   func => \&doIndexFa },
       { name => 'ranges',   func => \&doRanges },
       { name => 'guides',   func => \&doGuides },
       { name => 'specScoreJobList',   func => \&doSpecScoreJobList },
       { name => 'specScores',   func => \&doSpecScores },
       { name => 'effScores',   func => \&doEffScores },
       { name => 'offTargets',   func => \&doOffTargets },
       { name => 'load',   func => \&doLoad },
       { name => 'cleanup', func => \&doCleanup },
 # external database of crispr data:
 my $crisporSrc = "/hive/data/outside/crisprTrack/crispor";
 # path to the crispr track pipeline scripts
 # look at ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/crisprTrack/README.txt for
 # more info about these scripts in there
 my $crisprScripts = "/hive/data/outside/crisprTrack/scripts";
 # Option defaults:
 my $dbHost = 'hgwdev';
 my $bigClusterHub = 'ku';
 my $smallClusterHub = 'hgwdev-101';
 my $fileServer = 'hgwdev';
 my $workhorse = 'hgwdev';
 my $defaultWorkhorse = 'hgwdev';
 my $twoBit = "$HgAutomate::clusterData/\$db/\$db.2bit";
-my $shoulder = 10000;	# default shoulder around exons
 my $tableName = "crispr10K";	# table name in database to load
 my $python = "/cluster/software/bin/python";
 my $base = $0;
 $base =~ s/^(.*\/)?//;
 sub usage {
   # Usage / help / self-documentation:
   my ($status, $detailed) = @_;
   # Basic help (for incorrect usage):
   print STDERR "
-usage: $base db geneTrack
+usage: $base db
     db - UCSC database name
-    geneTrack - name of track to use for source of genes, valid names:
-                knownGene, ensGene, xenoRefGene
   print STDERR $stepper->getOptionHelp();
   print STDERR <<_EOF_
     -buildDir dir         Use dir instead of default:
+    -forHub               This is being build for a hub, remove assumptions about
+                              database-based genome
     -twoBit seq.2bit      Use seq.2bit as the input sequence instead
                               of default: ($twoBit).
-    -shoulder N           Use N as 'shoulder' extra on each side of an exon,
-                              default: $shoulder bases.
     -tableName name       Use name as gbdb path name and base name for db
-i                             table name, default: $tableName(Ranges|Targets)
+                              table name, default: $tableName(Ranges|Targets)
   print STDERR &HgAutomate::getCommonOptionHelp('dbHost' => $dbHost,
 						'workhorse' => $defaultWorkhorse,
 						'bigClusterHub' => $bigClusterHub,
 						'fileServer' => $fileServer,
 						'smallClusterHub' => $smallClusterHub);
   print STDERR "
 Automates UCSC's crispr procedure.  Steps:
     indexFa Construct bwa index for source fasta, will be skipped when already
             available (workhorse)
-    ranges: Construct ranges to work on around exons (workhorse)
+    ranges: Construct ranges to work on, avoiding gaps (workhorse)
     guides: Extract guide sequences from ranges (smallClusterHub)
     specScoreJobList: Construct spec score jobList (workhorse)
     specScores: Compute spec scores (bigClusterHub)
     effScores: Compute the efficiency scores (bigClusterHub)
     offTargets: Converting off-targets (bigClusterHub)
     load: Construct bigBed file of results, link into /gbdb/<db>/<tableName>
           and load into database if database is present (dbHost)
     cleanup: Removes or compresses intermediate files. (fileServer)
 All operations are performed in the build directory which is
 $HgAutomate::clusterData/\$db/$HgAutomate::trackBuild/crispr unless -buildDir is given.
   # Detailed help (-help):
   print STDERR "
 1. $HgAutomate::clusterData/\$db/\$db.2bit contains RepeatMasked sequence for
    database/assembly \$db.
 2. $HgAutomate::clusterData/\$db/chrom.sizes contains all sequence names and sizes from
 3. The \$db.2bit files have already been distributed to cluster-scratch
    (/scratch/hg or /iscratch, /san etc).
 " if ($detailed);
   print "\n";
   exit $status;
 # Globals:
 # Command line args: db
-my ($db, $geneTrack);
+my ($db);
 # Other:
-my ($buildDir, $secondsStart, $secondsEnd, $dbExists, $genomeFname,
-    $chromSizes, $exonShoulder);
+my ($buildDir, $forHub, $secondsStart, $secondsEnd, $dbExists, $crisporGenomesDir, $genomeFname,
+    $chromSizes);
 sub checkOptions {
   # Make sure command line options are valid/supported.
   my $ok = GetOptions(@HgStepManager::optionSpec,
-		      'shoulder=s',
+                      'forHub',
   &usage(1) if (!$ok);
   &usage(0, 1) if ($opt_help);
   my $err = $stepper->processOptions();
   usage(1) if ($err);
   $dbHost = $opt_dbHost if ($opt_dbHost);
 # * step: indexFa [workhorse]
 sub doIndexFa {
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/indexFa";
-  my $resultDir = "$crisporSrc/genomes/$db";
-  my $testDone = "${resultDir}/genomeInfo.tab";
+  my $testDone = "${crisporGenomesDir}/${db}/genomeInfo.tab";
   my $whatItDoes = "Construct bwa indexes for the new genome fasta.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/runIndexFa.bash",
 		$workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
 export PATH=$crisporSrc/tools/usrLocalBin:\$PATH
 export TMPDIR=/dev/shm
-if [ ! -s "$testDone" ]; then
-  time ($crisporSrc/tools/crisprAddGenome \\
-      ucscLocal $db --geneTable=$geneTrack --baseDir \\
-          $crisporSrc/genomes) > createIndex.log 2>&1 &
+if [ $forHub = 1 -a ! -s "$chromSizes" ] ; then
+  twoBitInfo $twoBit $chromSizes
+if [ ! -s "$db.fa" ] ; then
+  twoBitToFa -noMask $twoBit $db.fa
 if [ ! -s "$db.fa.fai" ]; then
-  twoBitToFa -noMask $twoBit $db.fa
   /cluster/bin/samtools-0.1.19/samtools faidx $db.fa &
+if [ ! -s "$testDone" ]; then
+  if [ $forHub = 1 ] ; then
+    time ($crisporSrc/tools/crisprAddGenome \\
+        fasta $db.fa --baseDir $crisporGenomesDir \\
+        --desc='$db|$db|$db|$db') > createIndex.log 2>&1 &
+  else
+    time ($crisporSrc/tools/crisprAddGenome \\
+        ucscLocal $db --baseDir $crisporSrc/genomes) > createIndex.log 2>&1 &
+  fi
 if [ ! -s "$db.fa.fai" ]; then
   printf "ERROR: step indexFa: samtools index of $db.fa has failed\\n" 1>&2
   exit 255
 if [ ! -s "$testDone" ]; then
    printf "ERROR: bwa index not created correctly\\n" 1>&2
    printf "result file does not exist:\\n" 1>&2
    printf "%s\\n" "$testDone"
    exit 255
   if ( -s "${testDone}" ) {
          "# step indesFa is already completed, continuing...\n");
 } # doIndexFa
 # * step: ranges [workhorse]
 sub doRanges {
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/ranges";
   my $inFaDir = "$buildDir/ranges/tmp";
   # First, make sure we're starting clean, or if done already, let
   #   it continue.
   if ( ! $opt_debug && ( -d "$runDir" ) ) {
     if (! -d "$inFaDir" && -s "$runDir/ranges.fa") {
       die "step ranges may have been attempted and failed," .
         "directory $runDir exists, however directory $inFaDir does not " .
         "exist.  Either run with -continue guides or some later " .
         "stage, or move aside/remove $runDir and run again, " .
         "or determine the failure to complete this step.\n";
    } else {
          "# step ranges is already completed, continuing...\n");
   my $whatItDoes = "Construct ranges to work on around exons.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/runRanges.bash",
 		$workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
-printf "# getting genes\\n" 1>&2
-hgsql $db -NB -e 'select name,chrom,strand,txStart,txEnd,cdsStart,cdsEnd,exonCount,exonStarts,exonEnds from '$geneTrack' where chrom not like "%_alt" and chrom not like "%hap%"; '  > genes.gp
-printf "# Number of transcripts: %d\\n" "`cat genes.gp | wc -l`" 1>&2
-printf "# break genes into exons and add $exonShoulder bp on each side\\n" 1>&2
-genePredToBed genes.gp stdout | grep -v hap | grep -v chrUn \\
-    | bedToExons stdin stdout \\
-    | awk '{\$2=\$2-$exonShoulder; \$3=\$3+$exonShoulder; \$6="+"; print}' \\
-    | bedClip -truncate  stdin $chromSizes stdout | grep -v _alt \\
-    | grep -i -v hap > ranges.bed
 printf "# Get sequence without any gaps.\\n" 1>&2
-# featureBits $db -not gap -bed=notGap.bed
-hgsql -N -e 'select chrom,chromStart,chromEnd from gap;' $db \\
-   | bedInvert.pl $chromSizes stdin > notGap.bed
-# the minCoverage means 1 base in 100 billion will be recognized properly
-# the awk '\$4 > 19' selects items 20 bases and larger sized items
-bedIntersect -minCoverage=0.00000000001 ranges.bed notGap.bed \\
-   stdout | bedSingleCover.pl stdin | awk '\$4 > 19' \\
-      > crisprRanges.bed
+twoBitInfo -nBed $twoBit stdout | bedInvert.pl $chromSizes stdin > crisprRanges.bed
 twoBitToFa -noMask -bedPos -bed=crisprRanges.bed $twoBit ranges.fa
 printf "# split the sequence file into pieces for the cluster\\n" 1>&2
 mkdir -p tmp
 faSplit sequence ranges.fa 100 tmp/
 } # doRanges
 sub doGuides {
 # * step: guides [bigClusterHub]
   my $paraHub = $bigClusterHub;
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/guides";
   my $inFaDir = "$buildDir/ranges/tmp";
   # First, make sure we're starting clean, or if done already, let
   #   it continue.
   if ( ! $opt_debug && ( -d "$runDir" ) ) {
     if (-s "$runDir/run.time" && -s "$buildDir/allGuides.txt" && -s "$buildDir/allGuides.bed") {
          "# step guides is already completed, continuing...\n");
     } else {
       die "step guides may have been attempted and failed," .
         "directory $runDir exists, however the run.time result does not " .
         "exist.  Either run with -continue specScores or some later " .
         "stage, or move aside/remove $runDir and run again, " .
         "or determine the failure to complete this step.\n";
   my $templateCmd = ("$python $crisprScripts/findGuides.py " .
 		     "{check in exists $inFaDir/\$(file1)} " .
 		     "{check in exists $chromSizes} " .
 		     "tmp/\$(root1).bed " .
 		     "{check out exists tmp/\$(root1).fa}" );
   &HgAutomate::makeGsub($runDir, $templateCmd);
   my $whatItDoes = "Construct guides for alignments.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/runGuides.bash",
 		$paraHub, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
   my $paraRun = &HgAutomate::paraRun();
   my $gensub2 = &HgAutomate::gensub2();
   `touch "$runDir/para_hub_$paraHub"`;
 mkdir -p tmp
 find $inFaDir -type f | grep "\.fa\$" > fa.list
 $gensub2 fa.list single gsub jobList
-catDir -suffix=.fa tmp | grep -v "^>" > ../allGuides.txt
-catDir -suffix=.bed tmp > ../allGuides.bed
+find tmp -name '*.fa' | xargs cat | grep -v "^>" > ../allGuides.txt
+find tmp -name '*.bed' | xargs cat > ../allGuides.bed
 } # doGuides
 sub doSpecScoreJobList {
 # * step: specScoreJobList [workhorse]
   my $paraHub = $smallClusterHub;
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/specScores";
   my $indexDir = "$buildDir/indexFa";
   # First, make sure we're starting clean, or if done already, let
   #   it continue.
   if ( ! $opt_debug && ( -d "$runDir" ) ) {
     if (-s "$runDir/jobList") {
          "# step specScoreJobList is already completed, continuing...\n");
     } else {
       die "step specScoreJobList may have been attempted and failed," .
         "directory $runDir exists, however the 'jobList' result does not " .
         "exist.  Either run with -continue effScores or some later " .
         "stage, or move aside/remove $runDir and run again, " .
         "or determine the failure to complete this step.\n";
   my $whatItDoes = "Compute spec scores.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/runJobList.bash",
 		$workhorse, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
          "# preparing the joblist for specificity alignment cluster run\n");
 mkdir -p tmp/inFa tmp/outGuides tmp/outOffs
 $python $crisprScripts/splitGuidesSpecScore.py ../allGuides.txt tmp/inFa jobNames.txt
 } # doSpecScoreJobList
 sub doSpecScores {
 # * step: specScores [bigClusterHub]
   my $paraHub = $bigClusterHub;
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/specScores";
   my $indexDir = "$buildDir/indexFa";
   if (! $opt_debug && (! -s "$buildDir/allGuides.bed")) {
      die "ERROR: previous step 'guides' has not completed in order to run" .
           " this 'specScores' step.  Complete 'guides' step to create" .
           " result file 'allGuides.bed'";
   if (! $opt_debug && (! -s "$runDir/jobNames.txt")) {
      die "ERROR: previous step 'specScoreJobList' has not completed in order" .
           " to run this 'specScores' step.  Complete 'specScoreJobList'" .
           " step to create result file 'specScores/jobNames.txt'";
   # First, make sure we're starting clean, or if done already, let
   #   it continue.
   if ( ! $opt_debug ) {
     if (-s "$runDir/run.time" && -s "$buildDir/specScores.tab") {
          "# step specScores is already completed, continuing...\n");
   my $templateCmd = ("$python $crisporSrc/fasterCrispor.py " .
 		     "$db {check in exists \$(path1)} " .
 		     "{check out exists tmp/outGuides/\$(root1).tab} " .
 		     "-o tmp/outOffs/\$(root1).tab" );
   &HgAutomate::makeGsub($runDir, $templateCmd);
   my $whatItDoes = "Compute spec scores.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/runSpecScores.bash",
 		$paraHub, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
          "# preparing the specificity alignment cluster run\n");
   `touch "$runDir/para_hub_$paraHub"`;
   my $paraRun = &HgAutomate::paraRun();
   my $gensub2 = &HgAutomate::gensub2();
 # preload the /dev/shm on each parasol node with the fasta and index
 parasol list machines | grep -v dead | awk '{print \$1}' | sort -u | while read M
   ssh "\${M}" "rsync -a --stats ${indexDir}/$db.fa ${indexDir}/$db.fa.fai /dev/shm/crispr10K.$db/ || true" < /dev/null
 # and the /dev/shm on this parasol hub
 rsync -a --stats ${indexDir}/$db.fa ${indexDir}/$db.fa.fai /dev/shm/crispr10K.$db/ < /dev/null
 ln -s /dev/shm/crispr10K.$db/$db.fa* ./
 $gensub2 jobNames.txt single gsub jobList
 find tmp/outGuides -type f | xargs cut -f3-6 > ../specScores.tab
 printf "# Number of specScores: %d\\n" "`cat ../specScores.tab | wc -l`" 1>&2
 } # doSpecScores
 sub doEffScores {
 # * step: effScores [bigClusterHub]
   my $paraHub = $bigClusterHub;
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/effScores";
   if (! $opt_debug && (! -s "$buildDir/allGuides.bed")) {
      die "ERROR: previous step 'guides' has not completed in order to run" .
           " this 'effScores' step.  Complete 'guides' step to create" .
           " result file 'allGuides.bed'";
   # First, make sure we're starting clean, or if done already, let
   #   it continue.
   if ( ! $opt_debug && ( -d "$runDir" ) ) {
     if (-s "$runDir/run.time" && -s "$buildDir/effScores.tab") {
          "# step effScores is already completed, continuing...\n");
     } else {
       die "step effScores may have been attempted and failed," .
         "directory $runDir exists, however the run.time result does not " .
         "exist.  Either run with -continue offTargets or some later " .
         "stage, or move aside/remove $runDir and run again, " .
         "or determine the failure to complete this step.\n";
   my $templateCmd = ("$python $crisprScripts/jobCalcEffScores.py " .
 		     "$crisporSrc $db {check in exists \$(path1)} " .
 		     "{check out exists tmp/out/\$(root1).tab} " );
   &HgAutomate::makeGsub($runDir, $templateCmd);
   my $whatItDoes = "Compute efficiency scores.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/runEffScores.bash",
 		$paraHub, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
   my $paraRun = &HgAutomate::paraRun();
   my $gensub2 = &HgAutomate::gensub2();
   `touch "$runDir/para_hub_$paraHub"`;
 $python $crisprScripts/splitGuidesEffScore.py $chromSizes ../allGuides.bed tmp jobNames.txt
 $gensub2 jobNames.txt single gsub jobList
 find tmp/out -type f | xargs cat > ../effScores.tab
 printf "# Number of effScores: %d\\n" "`cat ../effScores.tab | wc -l`" 1>&2
 } # doEffScores
 sub doOffTargets {
 # * step: offTargets [bigClusterHub]
   my $paraHub = $bigClusterHub;
   my $runDir = "$buildDir/offTargets";
   my $specScores = "$buildDir/specScores";
   if (! $opt_debug && (! -s "$buildDir/specScores.tab")) {
      die "ERROR: previous step 'specScores' has not completed in order to run" .
           " this 'offTargets' step.  Complete 'specScores' step to create" .
           " result file 'specScores.tab'";
   # First, make sure we're starting clean, or if done already, let
   #   it continue.
   if ( ! $opt_debug && ( -d "$runDir" ) ) {
     if (-s "$runDir/run.time" && -s "$buildDir/crisprDetails.tab" && -s "$buildDir/offtargets.offsets.tab" ) {
          "# step offTargets is already completed, continuing...\n");
     } else {
       die "step offTargets may have been attempted and failed," .
         "directory $runDir exists, however the run.time result does not " .
         "exist.  Either run with -continue load or some later " .
         "stage, or move aside/remove $runDir and run again, " .
         "or determine the failure to complete this step.\n";
   my $templateCmd = ("$python $crisprScripts/convOffs.py " .
 		     "$db {check in exists \$(path1)} " .
 		     "{check out exists tmp/out/\$(root1).tab} " );
   &HgAutomate::makeGsub($runDir, $templateCmd);
   my $whatItDoes = "Compute efficiency scores.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/runOffTargets.bash",
 		$paraHub, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
   my $paraRun = &HgAutomate::paraRun();
   my $gensub2 = &HgAutomate::gensub2();
   `touch "$runDir/para_hub_$paraHub"`;
 # to allow the crisprScripts to find their python2.7 version:
 export PATH=/cluster/software/bin:\$PATH
 mkdir -p tmp/inFnames tmp/out/
 find $specScores/tmp/outOffs -type f | sed -e 's#.*/tmp/#../specScores/tmp/#;' > otFnames.txt
 splitFile otFnames.txt 20 tmp/inFnames/otJob
 find ./tmp/inFnames -type f | sed -e 's#^./##;' > file.list
 $gensub2 file.list single gsub jobList
 $crisprScripts/catAndIndex tmp/out ../crisprDetails.tab ../offtargets.offsets.tab --headers=_mismatchCounts,_crisprOfftargets
 } # doOffTargets
 sub doLoad {
 # * step: load [dbHost]
   my $runDir = "$buildDir";
   # First, make sure we're starting clean, or if done already, let
   #   it continue.
   if ( ! $opt_debug && ( -d "$runDir" ) ) {
     if (-s "$runDir/crispr.bb") {
          "# step load is already completed, continuing...\n");
   my $whatItDoes = "Construct bigBed file and load into database.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/loadUp.bash",
 		$dbHost, $runDir, $whatItDoes);
 # creating the bigBed file
 $python $crisprScripts/createBigBed.py $db allGuides.bed specScores.tab effScores.tab offtargets.offsets.tab
+  );
+  if (!$forHub) {
+    $bossScript->add(<<_EOF_
 # now link it into gbdb
 mkdir -p /gbdb/$db/$tableName/
 ln -sf `pwd`/crispr.bb /gbdb/$db/$tableName/crispr.bb
 ln -sf `pwd`/crisprDetails.tab /gbdb/$db/$tableName/crisprDetails.tab
-  if ($dbExists) {
+  }
+  if ($dbExists && !$forHub) {
 hgBbiDbLink $db ${tableName}Targets /gbdb/$db/$tableName/crispr.bb
 hgLoadBed $db ${tableName}Ranges ranges/crisprRanges.bed
 } # doLoad
 # * step: cleanup [fileServer]
 sub doCleanup {
   my $runDir = "$buildDir";
   my $whatItDoes = "It cleans up or compresses intermediate files.";
   my $bossScript = newBash HgRemoteScript("$runDir/doCleanup.bash", $fileServer,
 				      $runDir, $whatItDoes);
   # Verify previous step is complete
   #   it continue.
   if ( ! $opt_debug && ( -d "$runDir" ) ) {
     if (! -s "$runDir/crispr.bb") {
      die "# previous step load has not completed\n";
     if ( -s "specScores/$db.fa.gz" ) {
          "# step cleanup is already completed, continuing...\n");
 if [ -s "specScores/$db.fa.gz" ]; then
   printf "# step cleanup has already completed.\\n"
   exit 0
 printf "#\tdisk space before cleaning\\n"
 df -h .
 rm -fr ranges/tmp
 rm -fr guides/err
 rm -fr guides/tmp
 rm -f guides/batch.bak
 rm -f specScores/batch.bak
 rm -fr specScores/err
 rm -fr specScores/tmp
 rm -fr effScores/err
 rm -fr effScores/tmp
 rm -f effScores/batch.bak
 rm -fr offTargets/err
 rm -fr offTargets/tmp
 rm -f offTargets/batch.bak
 gzip specScores.tab effScores.tab offtargets.offsets.tab
 ssh $bigClusterHub parasol list machines | awk '{print \$1}' | sort -u | while read M
   ssh "\${M}" "rm -fr /dev/shm/crispr10K.$db" < /dev/null
 ssh $bigClusterHub "rm -fr /dev/shm/crispr10K.$db" < /dev/null
 rm -f specScores/$db.fa specScores/$db.fa.fai
 rm -f indexFa/$db.fa indexFa/$db.fa.fai
 printf "#\tdisk space after cleaning\\n"
 df -h .
 } # doCleanup
 # main
 # Prevent "Suspended (tty input)" hanging:
 # Make sure we have valid options and exactly 1 argument:
-&usage(1) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 2);
+&usage(1) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1);
 $workhorse = $opt_workhorse if ($opt_workhorse);
 $bigClusterHub = $opt_bigClusterHub if ($opt_bigClusterHub);
 $smallClusterHub = $opt_smallClusterHub if ($opt_smallClusterHub);
 $fileServer = $opt_fileServer if ($opt_fileServer);
 $dbHost = $opt_dbHost if ($opt_dbHost);
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "# bigClusterHub $bigClusterHub\n");
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "# smallClusterHub $smallClusterHub\n");
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "# fileServer $fileServer\n");
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "# dbHost $dbHost\n");
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "# workhorse $workhorse\n");
 $secondsStart = `date "+%s"`;
 chomp $secondsStart;
 # required command line arguments:
-($db, $geneTrack) = @ARGV;
+($db) = @ARGV;
 # Establish directory to work in:
 $buildDir = $opt_buildDir ? $opt_buildDir :
+$forHub = $opt_forHub ? 1 : 0;
 $twoBit = $opt_twoBit ? $opt_twoBit : "$HgAutomate::clusterData/$db/$db.2bit";
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "# 2bit file: $twoBit\n");
 die "can not find 2bit file: '$twoBit'" if ( ! -s $twoBit);
-$shoulder = $opt_shoulder ? $opt_shoulder : $shoulder;
 $tableName = $opt_tableName ? $opt_tableName : $tableName;
-die "illegal value for shoulder: $shoulder, must be >= 30" if ($shoulder < 30);
-&HgAutomate::verbose(1, "# shoulder: $shoulder bases\n");
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "# tableName $tableName\n");
-$genomeFname = "$crisporSrc/genomes/$db/$db.fa.bwt";
+if ($forHub) {
+    $crisporGenomesDir  = "$buildDir/genomes";
+    $chromSizes = "$buildDir/indexFa/chrom.sizes";
+} else {
+    $crisporGenomesDir = "$crisporSrc/genomes";
     $chromSizes = "/hive/data/genomes/$db/chrom.sizes";
-$exonShoulder = $shoulder;
+$genomeFname = "$crisporGenomesDir/$db/$db.fa.bwt";
 # may be working on a 2bit file that does not have a database browser
 $dbExists = 0;
 $dbExists = 1 if (&HgAutomate::databaseExists($dbHost, $db));
 # Do everything.
 # Tell the user anything they should know.
 my $stopStep = $stepper->getStopStep();
 my $upThrough = ($stopStep eq 'cleanup') ? "" :
   "  (through the '$stopStep' step)";
 $secondsEnd = `date "+%s"`;
 chomp $secondsEnd;
 my $elapsedSeconds = $secondsEnd - $secondsStart;
 my $elapsedMinutes = int($elapsedSeconds/60);
 $elapsedSeconds -= $elapsedMinutes * 60;
 	"\n *** All done !$upThrough  Elapsed time: ${elapsedMinutes}m${elapsedSeconds}s\n");
 	" *** Steps were performed in $buildDir\n");
 &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "\n");