88485cfa7f13affa28ec5765fe9b2db90cce42b6 markd Tue Dec 8 21:02:15 2020 -0800 hgPcr working diff --git src/jkOwnLib/gfBlatLib.c src/jkOwnLib/gfBlatLib.c index 2a6010d..546aa9c 100644 --- src/jkOwnLib/gfBlatLib.c +++ src/jkOwnLib/gfBlatLib.c @@ -1,1629 +1,1624 @@ /* gfBlatLib - stuff that blat-related clients of genoFind library or * gfServer on the web use. */ /* Copyright 2001-2005 Jim Kent. All rights reserved. */ #include "common.h" #include "net.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "sqlNum.h" #include "dnaseq.h" #include "fa.h" #include "fuzzyFind.h" #include "supStitch.h" #include "genoFind.h" #include "gfInternal.h" #include "errAbort.h" #include "nib.h" #include "twoBit.h" #include "trans3.h" static int ssAliCount = 16; /* Number of alignments returned by ssStitch. */ #ifdef DEBUG void dumpRange(struct gfRange *r, FILE *f) /* Dump range to file. */ { fprintf(f, "%d-%d %s %d-%d, hits %d\n", r->qStart, r->qEnd, r->tName, r->tStart, r->tEnd, r->hitCount); } void dumpRangeList(struct gfRange *rangeList, FILE *f) /* Dump range list to file for debugging. */ { struct gfRange *range; for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) dumpRange(range, f); } #endif /* DEBUG */ void gfRangeFree(struct gfRange **pEl) /* Free a single dynamically allocated gfRange such as created * with gfRangeLoad(). */ { struct gfRange *el; if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return; freeMem(el->tName); if (el->components != NULL) gfRangeFreeList(&el->components); freez(pEl); } void gfRangeFreeList(struct gfRange **pList) /* Free a list of dynamically allocated gfRange's */ { struct gfRange *el, *next; for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next) { next = el->next; gfRangeFree(&el); } *pList = NULL; } static struct gfRange *gfRangeLoad(char **row) /* Load a gfRange from array of strings parsed from * server. Dispose of this with gfRangeFree(). */ { struct gfRange *ret; AllocVar(ret); ret->qStart = atoi(row[0]); ret->qEnd = atoi(row[1]); ret->tName = cloneString(row[2]); ret->tStart = atoi(row[3]); ret->tEnd = atoi(row[4]); ret->hitCount = atoi(row[5]); return ret; } int gfRangeCmpTarget(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort based on target position. */ { const struct gfRange *a = *((struct gfRange **)va); const struct gfRange *b = *((struct gfRange **)vb); int diff; diff = strcmp(a->tName, b->tName); if (diff == 0) { long lDiff = a->t3 - b->t3; if (lDiff < 0) diff = -1; else if (lDiff > 0) diff = 1; else diff = 0; #ifdef SOLARIS_WORKAROUND_COMPILER_BUG_BUT_FAILS_IN_64_BIT diff = (unsigned long)(a->t3) - (unsigned long)(b->t3); /* Casts needed for Solaris. Thanks Darren Platt! */ #endif /* SOLARIS_WORKAROUND_COMPILER_BUG_BUT_FAILS_IN_64_BIT */ } if (diff == 0) diff = a->tStart - b->tStart; return diff; } -static void startSeqQuery(struct gfConnection *conn, bioSeq *seq, char *type, char *genome, char *genomeDataDir) +static void startSeqQuery(struct gfConnection *conn, bioSeq *seq, char *type) /* Send a query that involves some sequence. */ { char buf[1024]; // room for error message if we need it. safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", gfSignature(), type); -if (genomeDataDir != NULL) - safefcat(buf, sizeof(buf), " %s %s", genome, genomeDataDir); +if (conn->genomeDataDir != NULL) + safefcat(buf, sizeof(buf), " %s %s", conn->genome, conn->genomeDataDir); safefcat(buf, sizeof(buf), " %d", seq->size); mustWriteFd(conn->fd, buf, strlen(buf)); if (read(conn->fd, buf, 1) < 0) errAbort("startSeqQuery: read failed: %s", strerror(errno)); if (buf[0] != 'Y') { // try to get read of message, might be an a useful error int n = read(conn->fd, buf+1, sizeof(buf)-2); if (n >= 0) buf[n+1] = '\0'; errAbort("Expecting 'Y' from server, got %s", buf); } mustWriteFd(conn->fd, seq->dna, seq->size); } static void gfServerWarn(bioSeq *seq, char *warning) /* Write out warning. */ { warn("couldn't process %s: %s", seq->name, warning); } -static struct gfRange *gfQuerySeq(struct gfConnection *conn, struct dnaSeq *seq, char *genome, char *genomeDataDir) +static struct gfRange *gfQuerySeq(struct gfConnection *conn, struct dnaSeq *seq) /* Ask server for places sequence hits. */ { struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range; char buf[256], *row[6]; int rowSize; gfBeginRequest(conn); -startSeqQuery(conn, seq, "query", genome, genomeDataDir); +startSeqQuery(conn, seq, "query"); /* Read results line by line and save in list, and return. */ for (;;) { netRecieveString(conn->fd, buf); if (sameString(buf, "end")) { break; } else if (startsWith("Error:", buf)) { gfServerWarn(seq, buf); break; } else { rowSize = chopLine(buf, row); if (rowSize < 6) errAbort("Expecting 6 words from server got %d", rowSize); range = gfRangeLoad(row); slAddHead(&rangeList, range); } } slReverse(&rangeList); gfEndRequest(conn); return rangeList; } static int findTileSize(char *line) /* Parse through line/val pairs looking for tileSize. */ { char *var, *val; int tileSize = 4; for (;;) { var = nextWord(&line); if (var == NULL) break; val = nextWord(&line); if (val == NULL) { internalErr(); break; } if (sameString("tileSize", var)) { tileSize = atoi(val); if (tileSize <= 0) internalErr(); } } return tileSize; } struct gfHit *getHitsFromServer(struct gfConnection *conn, struct lm *lm) /* Read a lone line of hits from server. */ { char *s, *line, *q, *t; struct gfHit *hitList = NULL, *hit; s = line = netRecieveLongString(conn->fd); for (;;) { if ((q = nextWord(&line)) == NULL) break; if ((t = nextWord(&line)) == NULL) internalErr(); lmAllocVar(lm, hit); hit->qStart = sqlUnsigned(q); hit->tStart = sqlUnsigned(t); slAddHead(&hitList, hit); } freez(&s); slReverse(&hitList); return hitList; } static void gfQuerySeqTrans(struct gfConnection *conn, aaSeq *seq, struct gfClump *clumps[2][3], - struct lm *lm, struct gfSeqSource **retSsList, int *retTileSize, - char *genome, char *genomeDataDir) + struct lm *lm, struct gfSeqSource **retSsList, int *retTileSize) /* Query server for clumps where aa sequence hits translated index. */ { int frame, isRc, rowSize; struct gfClump *clump; int tileSize = 0; char *line; char buf[256], *row[12]; struct gfSeqSource *ssList = NULL, *ss; for (isRc = 0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc) for (frame = 0; frame<3; ++frame) clumps[isRc][frame] = NULL; /* Send sequence to server. */ gfBeginRequest(conn); -startSeqQuery(conn, seq, "protQuery", genome, genomeDataDir); +startSeqQuery(conn, seq, "protQuery"); line = netRecieveString(conn->fd, buf); if (!startsWith("Error:", line)) { tileSize = findTileSize(line); /* Read results line by line and save in memory. */ for (;;) { /* Read and parse first line that describes clump overall. */ netRecieveString(conn->fd, buf); if (sameString(buf, "end")) { break; } else if (startsWith("Error:", buf)) { gfServerWarn(seq, buf); break; } rowSize = chopLine(buf, row); if (rowSize < 8) errAbort("Expecting 8 words from server got %d", rowSize); AllocVar(clump); clump->qStart = sqlUnsigned(row[0]); clump->qEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[1]); AllocVar(ss); ss->fileName = cloneString(row[2]); slAddHead(&ssList, ss); clump->target = ss; clump->tStart = sqlUnsigned(row[3]); clump->tEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[4]); clump->hitCount = sqlUnsigned(row[5]); isRc = ((row[6][0] == '-') ? 1 : 0); frame = sqlUnsigned(row[7]); slAddHead(&clumps[isRc][frame], clump); /* Read and parse next (long) line that describes hits. */ clump->hitList = getHitsFromServer(conn, lm); assert(slCount(clump->hitList) == clump->hitCount); } for (isRc = 0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc) for (frame = 0; frame<3; ++frame) slReverse(&clumps[isRc][frame]); } else { gfServerWarn(seq, line); } gfEndRequest(conn); *retSsList = ssList; *retTileSize = tileSize; } static void gfQuerySeqTransTrans(struct gfConnection *conn, struct dnaSeq *seq, struct gfClump *clumps[2][3][3], - struct lm *lm, struct gfSeqSource **retSsList, int *retTileSize, - char *genome, char *genomeDataDir) + struct lm *lm, struct gfSeqSource **retSsList, int *retTileSize) /* Query server for clumps where translated DNA sequence hits translated * index. */ { int qFrame, tFrame, isRc, rowSize; struct gfClump *clump; int tileSize = 0; char *line; char buf[256], *row[12]; struct gfSeqSource *ssList = NULL, *ss; for (isRc = 0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc) for (qFrame = 0; qFrame<3; ++qFrame) for (tFrame = 0; tFrame<3; ++tFrame) clumps[isRc][qFrame][tFrame] = NULL; /* Send sequence to server. */ gfBeginRequest(conn); -startSeqQuery(conn, seq, "transQuery", genome, genomeDataDir); +startSeqQuery(conn, seq, "transQuery"); line = netRecieveString(conn->fd, buf); if (!startsWith("Error:", line)) { tileSize = findTileSize(line); /* Read results line by line and save in memory. */ for (;;) { /* Read and parse first line that describes clump overall. */ netRecieveString(conn->fd, buf); if (sameString(buf, "end")) { break; } else if (startsWith("Error:", buf)) { gfServerWarn(seq, buf); break; } rowSize = chopLine(buf, row); if (rowSize < 9) errAbort("Expecting 9 words from server got %d", rowSize); AllocVar(clump); clump->qStart = sqlUnsigned(row[0]); clump->qEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[1]); AllocVar(ss); ss->fileName = cloneString(row[2]); slAddHead(&ssList, ss); clump->target = ss; clump->tStart = sqlUnsigned(row[3]); clump->tEnd = sqlUnsigned(row[4]); clump->hitCount = sqlUnsigned(row[5]); isRc = ((row[6][0] == '-') ? 1 : 0); qFrame = sqlUnsigned(row[7]); tFrame = sqlUnsigned(row[8]); slAddHead(&clumps[isRc][qFrame][tFrame], clump); /* Read and parse next (long) line that describes hits. */ clump->hitList = getHitsFromServer(conn, lm); assert(slCount(clump->hitList) == clump->hitCount); } for (isRc = 0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc) for (qFrame = 0; qFrame<3; ++qFrame) for (tFrame = 0; tFrame<3; ++tFrame) slReverse(&clumps[isRc][qFrame][tFrame]); } else { gfServerWarn(seq, buf); } gfEndRequest(conn); *retSsList = ssList; *retTileSize = tileSize; } struct gfRange *gfRangesBundle(struct gfRange *exonList, int maxIntron) /* Bundle a bunch of 'exons' into plausable 'genes'. It's * not necessary to be precise here. The main thing is to * group together exons that are close to each other in the * same target sequence. */ { struct gfRange *geneList = NULL, *gene = NULL, *lastExon = NULL, *exon, *nextExon; for (exon = exonList; exon != NULL; exon = nextExon) { nextExon = exon->next; if (lastExon == NULL || !sameString(lastExon->tName, exon->tName) || exon->t3 != lastExon->t3 || exon->tStart - lastExon->tEnd > maxIntron) { AllocVar(gene); gene->tStart = exon->tStart; gene->tEnd = exon->tEnd; gene->tName = cloneString(exon->tName); gene->tSeq = exon->tSeq; gene->qStart = exon->qStart; gene->qEnd = exon->qEnd; gene->hitCount = exon->hitCount; gene->t3 = exon->t3; slAddHead(&gene->components, exon); slAddHead(&geneList, gene); } else { if (exon->qStart < gene->qStart) gene->qStart = exon->qStart; if (exon->qEnd > gene->qEnd) gene->qEnd = exon->qEnd; if (exon->tStart < gene->tStart) gene->tStart = exon->tStart; if (exon->tEnd > gene->tEnd) gene->tEnd = exon->tEnd; gene->hitCount += exon->hitCount; slAddTail(&gene->components, exon); } lastExon = exon; } slReverse(&geneList); return geneList; } static int usualExpansion = 500; static boolean alignComponents(struct gfRange *combined, struct ssBundle *bun, enum ffStringency stringency) /* Align each piece of combined->components and put result in * bun->ffList. */ { struct gfRange *range; struct dnaSeq *qSeq = bun->qSeq, *tSeq = bun->genoSeq; struct ssFfItem *ffi; struct ffAli *ali; int qStart, qEnd, tStart, tEnd; int extra = 250; boolean gotAny = FALSE; for (range = combined->components; range != NULL; range = range->next) { /* Expand to include some extra sequence around range. */ qStart = range->qStart - extra; tStart = range->tStart - extra; qEnd = range->qEnd + extra; tEnd = range->tEnd + extra; if (range == combined->components) { qStart -= extra; tStart -= extra; } if (range->next == NULL) { qEnd += extra; tEnd += extra; } if (qStart < combined->qStart) qStart = combined->qStart; if (tStart < combined->tStart) tStart = combined->tStart; if (qEnd > combined->qEnd) qEnd = combined->qEnd; if (tEnd > combined->tEnd) tEnd = combined->tEnd; ali = ffFind(qSeq->dna + qStart, qSeq->dna + qEnd, tSeq->dna + tStart - combined->tStart, tSeq->dna + tEnd - combined->tStart, stringency); if (ali != NULL) { AllocVar(ffi); ffi->ff = ali; slAddHead(&bun->ffList, ffi); gotAny = TRUE; } } return gotAny; } static int scoreAli(struct ffAli *ali, boolean isProt, enum ffStringency stringency, struct dnaSeq *tSeq, struct trans3 *t3List) /* Score alignment. */ { int (*scoreFunc)(char *a, char *b, int size); struct ffAli *ff, *nextFf; int score = 0; if (isProt) scoreFunc = aaScoreMatch; else scoreFunc = dnaScoreMatch; for (ff = ali; ff != NULL; ff = nextFf) { nextFf = ff->right; score += scoreFunc(ff->nStart, ff->hStart, ff->nEnd-ff->nStart); if (nextFf != NULL) { int nhStart = trans3GenoPos(nextFf->hStart, tSeq, t3List, FALSE); int ohEnd = trans3GenoPos(ff->hEnd, tSeq, t3List, TRUE); int hGap = nhStart - ohEnd; int nGap = nextFf->nStart - ff->nEnd; score -= ffCalcGapPenalty(hGap, nGap, stringency); } } return score; } static void saveAlignments(char *chromName, int chromSize, int chromOffset, struct ssBundle *bun, struct hash *t3Hash, boolean qIsRc, boolean tIsRc, enum ffStringency stringency, int minMatch, struct gfOutput *out) /* Save significant alignments to file in .psl format. */ { struct dnaSeq *tSeq = bun->genoSeq, *qSeq = bun->qSeq; struct ssFfItem *ffi; for (ffi = bun->ffList; ffi != NULL; ffi = ffi->next) { struct ffAli *ff = ffi->ff; struct trans3 *t3List = NULL; int score; if (t3Hash != NULL) t3List = hashMustFindVal(t3Hash, tSeq->name); score = scoreAli(ff, bun->isProt, stringency, tSeq, t3List); if (score >= minMatch) { out->out(chromName, chromSize, chromOffset, ff, tSeq, t3Hash, qSeq, qIsRc, tIsRc, stringency, minMatch, out); } } } struct hash *gfFileCacheNew() /* Create hash for storing info on .nib and .2bit files. */ { return hashNew(0); } static void gfFileCacheFreeEl(struct hashEl *el) /* Free up one file cache info. */ { char *name = el->name; if (nibIsFile(name)) { struct nibInfo *nib = el->val; nibInfoFree(&nib); } else { struct twoBitFile *tbf = el->val; twoBitClose(&tbf); } el->val = NULL; } void gfFileCacheFree(struct hash **pCache) /* Free up resources in cache. */ { struct hash *cache = *pCache; if (cache != NULL) { hashTraverseEls(cache, gfFileCacheFreeEl); hashFree(pCache); } } static void getTargetName(char *tSpec, boolean includeFile, char *targetName) /* Put sequence name, optionally prefixed by file: in targetName. */ { if (includeFile) { char seqName[128]; char fileName[PATH_LEN]; gfiGetSeqName(tSpec, seqName, fileName); safef(targetName, PATH_LEN, "%s:%s", fileName, seqName); } else gfiGetSeqName(tSpec, targetName, NULL); } void gfAlignStrand(struct gfConnection *conn, char *tSeqDir, struct dnaSeq *seq, - boolean isRc, int minMatch, struct hash *tFileCache, struct gfOutput *out, - char *genome, char *genomeDataDir) + boolean isRc, int minMatch, struct hash *tFileCache, struct gfOutput *out) /* Search genome on server with one strand of other sequence to find homology. * Then load homologous bits of genome locally and do detailed alignment. * Call 'outFunction' with each alignment that is found. */ { struct ssBundle *bun; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range; struct dnaSeq *targetSeq; char targetName[PATH_LEN]; -rangeList = gfQuerySeq(conn, seq, genome, genomeDataDir); +rangeList = gfQuerySeq(conn, seq); close(conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, ffIntronMax); for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { getTargetName(range->tName, out->includeTargetFile, targetName); targetSeq = gfiExpandAndLoadCached(range, tFileCache, tSeqDir, seq->size, &range->tTotalSize, FALSE, FALSE, usualExpansion); AllocVar(bun); bun->qSeq = seq; bun->genoSeq = targetSeq; alignComponents(range, bun, ffCdna); ssStitch(bun, ffCdna, minMatch, ssAliCount); saveAlignments(targetName, range->tTotalSize, range->tStart, bun, NULL, isRc, FALSE, ffCdna, minMatch, out); ssBundleFree(&bun); freeDnaSeq(&targetSeq); } gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); } char *clumpTargetName(struct gfClump *clump) /* Return target name of clump - whether it is in memory or on disk. */ { struct gfSeqSource *target = clump->target; char *name; if (target->seq != NULL) name = target->seq->name; else name = target->fileName; if (name == NULL) internalErr(); return name; } static struct gfRange *seqClumpToRangeList(struct gfClump *clumpList, int frame) /* Convert from clump list to range list. */ { struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range; struct gfClump *clump; char *name; int tOff; for (clump = clumpList; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { tOff = clump->target->start; AllocVar(range); range->qStart = clump->qStart; range->qEnd = clump->qEnd; name = clumpTargetName(clump); range->tName = cloneString(name); range->tStart = clump->tStart - tOff; range->tEnd = clump->tEnd - tOff; range->tSeq = clump->target->seq; range->frame = frame; slAddHead(&rangeList, range); } slReverse(&rangeList); return rangeList; } static struct ssBundle *gfClumpsToBundles(struct gfClump *clumpList, boolean isRc, struct dnaSeq *seq, int minScore, struct gfRange **retRangeList) /* Convert gfClumps to an actual alignments (ssBundles) */ { struct ssBundle *bun, *bunList = NULL; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range; struct dnaSeq *targetSeq; rangeList = seqClumpToRangeList(clumpList, 0); slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, 2000); for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { targetSeq = range->tSeq; gfiExpandRange(range, seq->size, targetSeq->size, FALSE, isRc, usualExpansion); range->tStart = 0; range->tEnd = targetSeq->size; AllocVar(bun); bun->qSeq = seq; bun->genoSeq = targetSeq; alignComponents(range, bun, ffCdna); ssStitch(bun, ffCdna, minScore, ssAliCount); slAddHead(&bunList, bun); } slReverse(&bunList); *retRangeList = rangeList; return bunList; } static void extendHitRight(int qMax, int tMax, char **pEndQ, char **pEndT, int (*scoreMatch)(char a, char b), int maxDown) /* Extend endQ/endT as much to the right as possible. */ { int maxScore = 0; int score = 0; int maxPos = -1; int last = min(qMax, tMax); int i; char *q = *pEndQ, *t = *pEndT; for (i=0; i<last; ++i) { score += scoreMatch(q[i], t[i]); if (score > maxScore) { maxScore = score; maxPos = i; } else if (i > maxPos + maxDown) { break; } } *pEndQ = q+maxPos+1; *pEndT = t+maxPos+1; } static void extendHitLeft(int qMax, int tMax, char **pStartQ, char **pStartT, int (*scoreMatch)(char a, char b), int maxDown) /* Extend startQ/startT as much to the left as possible. */ { int maxScore = 0; int score = 0; int maxPos = 0; int last = -min(qMax, tMax); int i; char *q = *pStartQ, *t = *pStartT; for (i=-1; i>=last; --i) { score += scoreMatch(q[i], t[i]); if (score > maxScore) { maxScore = score; maxPos = i; } else if (i < maxPos - maxDown) { break; } } *pStartQ = q+maxPos; *pStartT = t+maxPos; } static void clumpToHspRange(struct gfClump *clump, bioSeq *qSeq, int tileSize, int frame, struct trans3 *t3, struct gfRange **pRangeList, boolean isProt, boolean fastMap) /* Covert clump->hitList to HSPs (high scoring local sequence pair, * that is longest alignment without gaps) and add resulting HSPs to * rangeList. */ { struct gfSeqSource *target = clump->target; aaSeq *tSeq = target->seq; BIOPOL *qs, *ts, *qe, *te; struct gfHit *hit; int qStart = 0, tStart = 0, qEnd = 0, tEnd = 0, newQ = 0, newT = 0; boolean outOfIt = TRUE; /* Logically outside of a clump. */ struct gfRange *range; BIOPOL *lastQs = NULL, *lastQe = NULL, *lastTs = NULL; int (*scoreMatch)(char a, char b) = (isProt ? aaScore2 : dnaScore2); int maxDown, minSpan; if (fastMap) { maxDown = 2; minSpan = 20; } else { maxDown = 10; minSpan = 0; } if (tSeq == NULL) internalErr(); /* The termination condition of this loop is a little complicated. * We want to output something either when the next hit can't be * merged into the previous, or at the end of the list. To avoid * duplicating the output code we're forced to complicate the loop * termination logic. Hence the check for hit == NULL to break * the loop is not until near the end of the loop. */ for (hit = clump->hitList; ; hit = hit->next) { if (hit != NULL) { newQ = hit->qStart; newT = hit->tStart - target->start; } /* See if it's time to output merged (diagonally adjacent) hits. */ if (!outOfIt) /* Not first time through. */ { /* As a micro-optimization handle strings of adjacent hits * specially. Don't do the extensions until we've merged * all adjacent hits. */ if (hit == NULL || newQ != qEnd || newT != tEnd) { qs = qSeq->dna + qStart; ts = tSeq->dna + tStart; qe = qSeq->dna + qEnd; te = tSeq->dna + tEnd; extendHitRight(qSeq->size - qEnd, tSeq->size - tEnd, &qe, &te, scoreMatch, maxDown); extendHitLeft(qStart, tStart, &qs, &ts, scoreMatch, maxDown); if (qs != lastQs || ts != lastTs || qe != lastQe || qs != lastQs) { lastQs = qs; lastTs = ts; lastQe = qe; // BIOPOL *lastTe = te; unnecessary if (qe - qs >= minSpan) { AllocVar(range); range->qStart = qs - qSeq->dna; range->qEnd = qe - qSeq->dna; range->tName = cloneString(tSeq->name); range->tSeq = tSeq; range->tStart = ts - tSeq->dna; range->tEnd = te - tSeq->dna; range->hitCount = qe - qs; range->frame = frame; range->t3 = t3; assert(range->tEnd <= tSeq->size); slAddHead(pRangeList, range); } } outOfIt = TRUE; } } if (hit == NULL) break; if (outOfIt) { qStart = newQ; qEnd = qStart + tileSize; tStart = newT; tEnd = tStart + tileSize; outOfIt = FALSE; } else { qEnd = newQ + tileSize; tEnd = newT + tileSize; } } } struct ssFfItem *gfRangesToFfItem(struct gfRange *rangeList, aaSeq *qSeq) /* Convert ranges to ssFfItem's. */ { AA *q = qSeq->dna; struct ffAli *ffList = NULL, *ff; struct gfRange *range; struct ssFfItem *ffi; for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { aaSeq *tSeq = range->tSeq; AA *t = tSeq->dna; AllocVar(ff); ff->nStart = q + range->qStart; ff->nEnd = q + range->qEnd; ff->hStart = t + range->tStart; ff->hEnd = t + range->tEnd; ff->left = ffList; ffList = ff; } AllocVar(ffi); ffi->ff = ffMakeRightLinks(ffList); return ffi; } static struct ssBundle *fastMapClumpsToBundles(struct genoFind *gf, struct gfClump *clumpList, bioSeq *qSeq) /* Convert gfClumps ffAlis. */ { struct gfClump *clump; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range; bioSeq *targetSeq; struct ssBundle *bunList = NULL, *bun; for (clump = clumpList; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) clumpToHspRange(clump, qSeq, gf->tileSize, 0, NULL, &rangeList, FALSE, TRUE); slReverse(&rangeList); slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, 256); for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { targetSeq = range->tSeq; AllocVar(bun); bun->qSeq = qSeq; bun->genoSeq = targetSeq; bun->ffList = gfRangesToFfItem(range->components, qSeq); bun->isProt = FALSE; slAddHead(&bunList, bun); } gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); return bunList; } static void gfAlignSomeClumps(struct genoFind *gf, struct gfClump *clumpList, bioSeq *seq, boolean isRc, int minMatch, struct gfOutput *out, boolean isProt, enum ffStringency stringency) /* Convert gfClumps to an actual alignment that gets saved via * outFunction/outData. */ { struct gfClump *clump; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range; bioSeq *targetSeq; struct ssBundle *bun; int intronMax = ffIntronMax; if (isProt) intronMax /= 3; for (clump = clumpList; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { clumpToHspRange(clump, seq, gf->tileSize, 0, NULL, &rangeList, isProt, FALSE); } slReverse(&rangeList); slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, intronMax); for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { targetSeq = range->tSeq; AllocVar(bun); bun->qSeq = seq; bun->genoSeq = targetSeq; bun->ffList = gfRangesToFfItem(range->components, seq); bun->isProt = isProt; ssStitch(bun, stringency, minMatch, ssAliCount); saveAlignments(targetSeq->name, targetSeq->size, 0, bun, NULL, isRc, FALSE, stringency, minMatch, out); ssBundleFree(&bun); } gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); } void gfAlignAaClumps(struct genoFind *gf, struct gfClump *clumpList, aaSeq *seq, boolean isRc, int minMatch, struct gfOutput *out) { gfAlignSomeClumps(gf, clumpList, seq, isRc, minMatch, out, TRUE, ffTight); } int rangeScore(struct gfRange *range, struct dnaSeq *qSeq) /* Return score associated with range. */ { struct gfRange *comp; struct dnaSeq *tSeq; int score = 0; for (comp = range->components; comp != NULL; comp = comp->next) { tSeq = comp->tSeq; score += dnaScoreMatch(tSeq->dna + range->tStart, qSeq->dna + range->qStart, range->tEnd - range->tStart); if (comp->next != NULL) score -= 4; } return score; } void gfFindAlignAaTrans(struct genoFind *gfs[3], aaSeq *qSeq, struct hash *t3Hash, boolean tIsRc, int minMatch, struct gfOutput *out) /* Look for qSeq alignment in three translated reading frames. Save alignment * via outFunction/outData. */ { struct gfClump *clumps[3]; int frame; struct gfClump *clump; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range; aaSeq *targetSeq; struct ssBundle *bun; int tileSize = gfs[0]->tileSize; struct trans3 *t3; int hitCount; struct lm *lm = lmInit(0); gfTransFindClumps(gfs, qSeq, clumps, lm, &hitCount); for (frame=0; frame<3; ++frame) { for (clump = clumps[frame]; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { clumpToHspRange(clump, qSeq, tileSize, frame, NULL, &rangeList, TRUE, FALSE); } } slReverse(&rangeList); slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, ffIntronMax/3); for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { targetSeq = range->tSeq; t3 = hashMustFindVal(t3Hash, targetSeq->name); AllocVar(bun); bun->qSeq = qSeq; bun->genoSeq = targetSeq; bun->ffList = gfRangesToFfItem(range->components, qSeq); bun->isProt = TRUE; bun->t3List = t3; ssStitch(bun, ffCdna, minMatch, ssAliCount); saveAlignments(targetSeq->name, t3->seq->size, 0, bun, t3Hash, FALSE, tIsRc, ffCdna, minMatch, out); ssBundleFree(&bun); } gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); for (frame=0; frame<3; ++frame) gfClumpFreeList(&clumps[frame]); lmCleanup(&lm); } void rangeCoorTimes3(struct gfRange *rangeList) /* Multiply coordinates on range list times three (to go from * amino acid to nucleotide. */ { struct gfRange *range; for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { range->qStart *= 3; range->qEnd *= 3; range->tStart = range->tStart*3; range->tEnd = range->tEnd*3; } } static void loadHashT3Ranges(struct gfRange *rangeList, char *tSeqDir, struct hash *tFileCache, int qSeqSize, boolean isRc, struct hash **retT3Hash, struct dnaSeq **retSeqList, struct slRef **retT3RefList) /* Load DNA in ranges into memory, and put translation in a hash * that gets returned. */ { struct hash *t3Hash = newHash(10); struct dnaSeq *targetSeq, *tSeqList = NULL; struct slRef *t3RefList = NULL; struct gfRange *range; for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { struct trans3 *t3, *oldT3; targetSeq = gfiExpandAndLoadCached(range, tFileCache, tSeqDir, qSeqSize*3, &range->tTotalSize, TRUE, isRc, usualExpansion); slAddHead(&tSeqList, targetSeq); freez(&targetSeq->name); targetSeq->name = cloneString(range->tName); t3 = trans3New(targetSeq); refAdd(&t3RefList, t3); t3->start = range->tStart; t3->end = range->tEnd; t3->nibSize = range->tTotalSize; t3->isRc = isRc; if ((oldT3 = hashFindVal(t3Hash, range->tName)) != NULL) { slAddTail(&oldT3->next, t3); } else { hashAdd(t3Hash, range->tName, t3); } } *retT3Hash = t3Hash; *retSeqList = tSeqList; *retT3RefList = t3RefList; } void gfAlignTrans(struct gfConnection *conn, char *tSeqDir, aaSeq *seq, int minMatch, - struct hash *tFileCache, struct gfOutput *out, - char *genome, char *genomeDataDir) + struct hash *tFileCache, struct gfOutput *out) /* Search indexed translated genome on server with an amino acid sequence. * Then load homologous bits of genome locally and do detailed alignment. * Call 'outFunction' with each alignment that is found. */ { struct ssBundle *bun; struct gfClump *clumps[2][3], *clump; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range, *rl; struct dnaSeq *targetSeq, *tSeqList = NULL; char targetName[PATH_LEN]; int tileSize; int frame, isRc = 0; struct hash *t3Hash = NULL; struct slRef *t3RefList = NULL, *ref; struct gfSeqSource *ssList = NULL, *ss; struct trans3 *t3; struct lm *lm = lmInit(0); /* Get clumps from server. */ -gfQuerySeqTrans(conn, seq, clumps, lm, &ssList, &tileSize, genome, genomeDataDir); +gfQuerySeqTrans(conn, seq, clumps, lm, &ssList, &tileSize); for (isRc = 0; isRc <= 1; ++isRc) { /* Figure out which parts of sequence we need to load. */ for (frame = 0; frame < 3; ++frame) { rl = seqClumpToRangeList(clumps[isRc][frame], frame); rangeList = slCat(rangeList, rl); } /* Convert from amino acid to nucleotide coordinates. */ rangeCoorTimes3(rangeList); slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, ffIntronMax); loadHashT3Ranges(rangeList, tSeqDir, tFileCache, seq->size, isRc, &t3Hash, &tSeqList, &t3RefList); /* The old range list was not very precise - it was just to get * the DNA loaded. */ gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); /* Patch up clump list and associated sequence source to refer * to bits of genome loaded into memory. Create new range list * by extending hits in clumps. */ for (frame = 0; frame < 3; ++frame) { for (clump = clumps[isRc][frame]; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { struct gfSeqSource *ss = clump->target; t3 = trans3Find(t3Hash, clumpTargetName(clump), clump->tStart*3, clump->tEnd*3); ss->seq = t3->trans[frame]; ss->start = t3->start/3; ss->end = t3->end/3; clumpToHspRange(clump, seq, tileSize, frame, t3, &rangeList, TRUE, FALSE); } } slReverse(&rangeList); slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, ffIntronMax/3); /* Do detailed alignment of each of the clustered ranges. */ for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { targetSeq = range->tSeq; AllocVar(bun); bun->qSeq = seq; bun->genoSeq = targetSeq; bun->ffList = gfRangesToFfItem(range->components, seq); bun->isProt = TRUE; t3 = hashMustFindVal(t3Hash, range->tName); bun->t3List = t3; ssStitch(bun, ffCdna, minMatch, ssAliCount); getTargetName(range->tName, out->includeTargetFile, targetName); saveAlignments(targetName, t3->nibSize, 0, bun, t3Hash, FALSE, isRc, ffCdna, minMatch, out); ssBundleFree(&bun); } /* Cleanup for this strand of database. */ gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); freeHash(&t3Hash); for (ref = t3RefList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next) { struct trans3 *t3 = ref->val; trans3Free(&t3); } slFreeList(&t3RefList); freeDnaSeqList(&tSeqList); } /* Final cleanup. */ for (isRc=0; isRc<=1; ++isRc) for (frame=0; frame<3; ++frame) gfClumpFreeList(&clumps[isRc][frame]); for (ss = ssList; ss != NULL; ss = ss->next) freeMem(ss->fileName); slFreeList(&ssList); lmCleanup(&lm); } void untranslateRangeList(struct gfRange *rangeList, int qFrame, int tFrame, struct hash *t3Hash, struct trans3 *t3, int tOffset) /* Translate coordinates from protein to dna. */ { struct gfRange *range; for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { range->qStart = 3*range->qStart + qFrame; range->qEnd = 3*range->qEnd + qFrame; range->tStart = 3*range->tStart + tFrame; range->tEnd = 3*range->tEnd + tFrame; if (t3Hash) t3 = trans3Find(t3Hash, range->tSeq->name, range->tStart + tOffset, range->tEnd + tOffset); range->tSeq = t3->seq; range->t3 = t3; } } void gfAlignTransTrans(struct gfConnection *conn, char *tSeqDir, struct dnaSeq *qSeq, boolean qIsRc, int minMatch, struct hash *tFileCache, - struct gfOutput *out, boolean isRna, - char *genome, char *genomeDataDir) + struct gfOutput *out, boolean isRna) /* Search indexed translated genome on server with an dna sequence. Translate * this sequence in three frames. Load homologous bits of genome locally * and do detailed alignment. Call 'outFunction' with each alignment * that is found. */ { struct gfClump *clumps[2][3][3], *clump; char targetName[PATH_LEN]; int qFrame, tFrame, tIsRc; struct gfSeqSource *ssList = NULL, *ss; struct lm *lm = lmInit(0); int tileSize; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *rl, *range; struct trans3 *qTrans = trans3New(qSeq), *t3; struct slRef *t3RefList = NULL, *t3Ref; struct hash *t3Hash = NULL; struct dnaSeq *tSeqList = NULL; enum ffStringency stringency = (isRna ? ffCdna : ffLoose); /* Query server for clumps. */ -gfQuerySeqTransTrans(conn, qSeq, clumps, lm, &ssList, &tileSize, genome, genomeDataDir); +gfQuerySeqTransTrans(conn, qSeq, clumps, lm, &ssList, &tileSize); for (tIsRc=0; tIsRc <= 1; ++tIsRc) { /* Figure out which ranges need to be loaded and load them. */ for (qFrame = 0; qFrame < 3; ++qFrame) { for (tFrame = 0; tFrame < 3; ++tFrame) { rl = seqClumpToRangeList(clumps[tIsRc][qFrame][tFrame], tFrame); rangeList = slCat(rangeList, rl); } } rangeCoorTimes3(rangeList); slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, ffIntronMax); loadHashT3Ranges(rangeList, tSeqDir, tFileCache, qSeq->size/3, tIsRc, &t3Hash, &tSeqList, &t3RefList); /* The old range list was not very precise - it was just to get * the DNA loaded. */ gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); /* Patch up clump list and associated sequence source to refer * to bits of genome loaded into memory. Create new range list * by extending hits in clumps. */ for (qFrame = 0; qFrame < 3; ++qFrame) { for (tFrame = 0; tFrame < 3; ++tFrame) { for (clump = clumps[tIsRc][qFrame][tFrame]; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { struct gfSeqSource *ss = clump->target; struct gfRange *rangeSet = NULL; t3 = trans3Find(t3Hash, clumpTargetName(clump), clump->tStart*3, clump->tEnd*3); ss->seq = t3->trans[tFrame]; ss->start = t3->start/3; ss->end = t3->end/3; clumpToHspRange(clump, qTrans->trans[qFrame], tileSize, tFrame, t3, &rangeSet, TRUE, FALSE); untranslateRangeList(rangeSet, qFrame, tFrame, NULL, t3, t3->start); rangeList = slCat(rangeSet, rangeList); } } } slReverse(&rangeList); slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, ffIntronMax); for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { struct dnaSeq *targetSeq = range->tSeq; struct ssBundle *bun; AllocVar(bun); bun->qSeq = qSeq; bun->genoSeq = targetSeq; bun->ffList = gfRangesToFfItem(range->components, qSeq); ssStitch(bun, stringency, minMatch, ssAliCount); getTargetName(range->tName, out->includeTargetFile, targetName); t3 = range->t3; saveAlignments(targetName, t3->nibSize, t3->start, bun, NULL, qIsRc, tIsRc, stringency, minMatch, out); ssBundleFree(&bun); } /* Cleanup for this strand of database. */ gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); freeHash(&t3Hash); for (t3Ref = t3RefList; t3Ref != NULL; t3Ref = t3Ref->next) { struct trans3 *t3 = t3Ref->val; trans3Free(&t3); } slFreeList(&t3RefList); freeDnaSeqList(&tSeqList); } trans3Free(&qTrans); for (ss = ssList; ss != NULL; ss = ss->next) freeMem(ss->fileName); slFreeList(&ssList); lmCleanup(&lm); } static struct ssBundle *gfTransTransFindBundles(struct genoFind *gfs[3], struct dnaSeq *qSeq, struct hash *t3Hash, boolean isRc, int minMatch, boolean isRna) /* Look for alignment to three translations of qSeq in three translated reading frames. * Save alignment via outFunction/outData. */ { struct trans3 *qTrans = trans3New(qSeq); int qFrame, tFrame; struct gfClump *clumps[3][3], *clump; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL, *range; int tileSize = gfs[0]->tileSize; bioSeq *targetSeq; struct ssBundle *bun, *bunList = NULL; int hitCount; struct lm *lm = lmInit(0); enum ffStringency stringency = (isRna ? ffCdna : ffLoose); gfTransTransFindClumps(gfs, qTrans->trans, clumps, lm, &hitCount); for (qFrame = 0; qFrame<3; ++qFrame) { for (tFrame=0; tFrame<3; ++tFrame) { for (clump = clumps[qFrame][tFrame]; clump != NULL; clump = clump->next) { struct gfRange *rangeSet = NULL; clumpToHspRange(clump, qTrans->trans[qFrame], tileSize, tFrame, NULL, &rangeSet, TRUE, FALSE); untranslateRangeList(rangeSet, qFrame, tFrame, t3Hash, NULL, 0); rangeList = slCat(rangeSet, rangeList); } } } slSort(&rangeList, gfRangeCmpTarget); rangeList = gfRangesBundle(rangeList, 2000); for (range = rangeList; range != NULL; range = range->next) { targetSeq = range->tSeq; AllocVar(bun); bun->qSeq = qSeq; bun->genoSeq = targetSeq; bun->ffList = gfRangesToFfItem(range->components, qSeq); ssStitch(bun, stringency, minMatch, ssAliCount); slAddHead(&bunList, bun); } for (qFrame = 0; qFrame<3; ++qFrame) for (tFrame=0; tFrame<3; ++tFrame) gfClumpFreeList(&clumps[qFrame][tFrame]); gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); trans3Free(&qTrans); lmCleanup(&lm); slReverse(&bunList); return bunList; } static void addToBigBundleList(struct ssBundle **pOneList, struct hash *bunHash, struct ssBundle **pBigList, struct dnaSeq *query) /* Add bundles in one list to bigList, consolidating bundles that refer * to the same target sequence. This will destroy oneList in the process. */ { struct ssBundle *oneBun, *bigBun; for (oneBun = *pOneList; oneBun != NULL; oneBun = oneBun->next) { char *name = oneBun->genoSeq->name; if ((bigBun = hashFindVal(bunHash, name)) == NULL) { AllocVar(bigBun); slAddHead(pBigList, bigBun); hashAdd(bunHash, name, bigBun); bigBun->qSeq = query; bigBun->genoSeq = oneBun->genoSeq; bigBun->isProt = oneBun->isProt; bigBun->avoidFuzzyFindKludge = oneBun->avoidFuzzyFindKludge; } bigBun->ffList = slCat(bigBun->ffList, oneBun->ffList); oneBun->ffList = NULL; } ssBundleFreeList(pOneList); } static boolean jiggleSmallExons(struct ffAli *ali, struct dnaSeq *nSeq, struct dnaSeq *hSeq) /* See if can jiggle small exons to match splice sites a little * better. */ { struct ffAli *left, *mid, *right; int orient; boolean creeped = FALSE; if (ffAliCount(ali) < 3) return FALSE; orient = ffIntronOrientation(ali); left = ali; mid = left->right; right = mid->right; while (right != NULL) { int midSizeN = mid->nEnd - mid->nStart; if (midSizeN < 10 && mid->hStart - left->hEnd > 1 && right->hStart - mid->hEnd > 1) { DNA *spLeft, *spRight; /* Splice sites on either side of exon. */ DNA exonX[10+2+2]; /* Storage for exon with splice sites. */ DNA *match; static int creeps[4][2] = { {2, 2}, {2, 1}, {1, 2}, {1, 1},}; int creepIx, creepL, creepR; DNA *hs = mid->hStart, *he = mid->hEnd; DNA *hMin = left->hEnd, *hMax = right->hStart; if (orient >= 0) { spLeft = "ag"; spRight = "gt"; } else { spLeft = "ac"; spRight = "ct"; } for (creepIx=0; creepIx<4; ++creepIx) { creepL = creeps[creepIx][0]; creepR = creeps[creepIx][1]; /* Check to see if we already match consensus, and if so just bail. */ if (hs[-1] == spLeft[1] && he[0] == spRight[0]) { if ((creepL == 1 || hs[-2] == spLeft[0]) && (creepR == 1 || he[1] == spRight[1])) { break; } } memcpy(exonX, spLeft + 2 - creepL, creepL); memcpy(exonX + creepL, mid->nStart, midSizeN); memcpy(exonX + creepL + midSizeN, spRight, creepR); match = memMatch(exonX, midSizeN + creepR + creepL, hMin, hMax - hMin); if (match != NULL) { mid->hStart = match + creepL; mid->hEnd = mid->hStart + (he - hs); creeped = TRUE; break; } } } left = mid; mid = right; right = right->right; } if (creeped) ffSlideIntrons(ali); return creeped; } static struct ffAli *refineSmallExons(struct ffAli *ff, struct dnaSeq *nSeq, struct dnaSeq *hSeq) /* Tweak small exons slightly - refining positions to match splice * sites if possible and looking a little harder for small first * and last exons. */ { if (jiggleSmallExons(ff, nSeq, hSeq)) ff = ffRemoveEmptyAlis(ff, TRUE); return ff; } static void refineSmallExonsInBundle(struct ssBundle *bun) /* Tweak small exons slightly - refining positions to match splice * sites if possible and looking a little harder for small first * and last exons. */ { struct ssFfItem *fi; /* Item list - memory owned by bundle. */ for (fi = bun->ffList; fi != NULL; fi = fi->next) { fi->ff = refineSmallExons(fi->ff, bun->qSeq, bun->genoSeq); } } #ifdef DEBUG void dumpBunList(struct ssBundle *bunList) /* Write out summary info on bundle list. */ { int totalItems = 0; int totalBlocks = 0; int totalBases = 0; struct ssBundle *bun; for (bun = bunList; bun != NULL; bun = bun->next) { struct ssFfItem *item; for (item = bun->ffList; item != NULL; item = item->next) { printf("item: "); struct ffAli *ff; for (ff = item->ff; ff != NULL; ff = ff->right) { totalBases += ff->hEnd - ff->hStart; totalBlocks += 1; printf("%d,", ff->hEnd - ff->hStart); } printf("\n"); totalItems += 1; } } printf("total bundles %d, alignments %d, blocks %d, bases %d\n", slCount(bunList), totalItems, totalBlocks, totalBases); } #endif /* DEBUG */ static void gfAlignSomeClumps(struct genoFind *gf, struct gfClump *clumpList, bioSeq *seq, boolean isRc, int minMatch, struct gfOutput *out, boolean isProt, enum ffStringency stringency); void gfLongDnaInMem(struct dnaSeq *query, struct genoFind *gf, boolean isRc, int minScore, Bits *qMaskBits, struct gfOutput *out, boolean fastMap, boolean band) /* Chop up query into pieces, align each, and stitch back * together again. */ { int hitCount; int maxSize = MAXSINGLEPIECESIZE; int preferredSize = 4500; int overlapSize = 250; struct dnaSeq subQuery = *query; struct lm *lm = lmInit(0); int subOffset, subSize, nextOffset; DNA saveEnd, *endPos; struct ssBundle *oneBunList = NULL, *bigBunList = NULL, *bun; struct hash *bunHash = newHash(8); for (subOffset = 0; subOffset<query->size; subOffset = nextOffset) { struct gfClump *clumpList; struct gfRange *rangeList = NULL; /* Figure out size of this piece. If query is * maxSize or less do it all. Otherwise just * do prefered size, and set it up to overlap * with surrounding pieces by overlapSize. */ if (subOffset == 0 && query->size <= maxSize) nextOffset = subSize = query->size; else { subSize = preferredSize; if (subSize + subOffset >= query->size) { subSize = query->size - subOffset; nextOffset = query->size; } else { nextOffset = subOffset + preferredSize - overlapSize; } } subQuery.dna = query->dna + subOffset; subQuery.size = subSize; endPos = &subQuery.dna[subSize]; saveEnd = *endPos; *endPos = 0; if (band) { oneBunList = ffSeedExtInMem(gf, &subQuery, qMaskBits, subOffset, lm, minScore, isRc); } else { clumpList = gfFindClumpsWithQmask(gf, &subQuery, qMaskBits, subOffset, lm, &hitCount); if (fastMap) { oneBunList = fastMapClumpsToBundles(gf, clumpList, &subQuery); } else { oneBunList = gfClumpsToBundles(clumpList, isRc, &subQuery, minScore, &rangeList); gfRangeFreeList(&rangeList); } gfClumpFreeList(&clumpList); } addToBigBundleList(&oneBunList, bunHash, &bigBunList, query); *endPos = saveEnd; } #ifdef DEBUG dumpBunList(bigBunList); #endif /* DEBUG */ for (bun = bigBunList; bun != NULL; bun = bun->next) { ssStitch(bun, ffCdna, minScore, ssAliCount); if (!fastMap && !band) refineSmallExonsInBundle(bun); saveAlignments(bun->genoSeq->name, bun->genoSeq->size, 0, bun, NULL, isRc, FALSE, ffCdna, minScore, out); } ssBundleFreeList(&bigBunList); freeHash(&bunHash); lmCleanup(&lm); } void gfLongTransTransInMem(struct dnaSeq *query, struct genoFind *gfs[3], struct hash *t3Hash, boolean qIsRc, boolean tIsRc, boolean qIsRna, int minScore, struct gfOutput *out) /* Chop up query into pieces, align each in translated space, and stitch back * together again as nucleotides. */ { enum ffStringency stringency = (qIsRna ? ffCdna : ffLoose); int maxSize = 1500; int preferredSize = 1200; /* PreferredSize - overlapSize might need to be multiple of 3. */ int overlapSize = 270; struct dnaSeq subQuery = *query; int subOffset, subSize, nextOffset; DNA saveEnd, *endPos; struct ssBundle *oneBunList = NULL, *bigBunList = NULL, *bun; struct hash *bunHash = newHash(8); for (subOffset = 0; subOffset<query->size; subOffset = nextOffset) { /* Figure out size of this piece. If query is * maxSize or less do it all. Otherwise just * do prefered size, and set it up to overlap * with surrounding pieces by overlapSize. */ if (subOffset == 0 && query->size <= maxSize) nextOffset = subSize = query->size; else { subSize = preferredSize; if (subSize + subOffset >= query->size) { subSize = query->size - subOffset; nextOffset = query->size; } else { nextOffset = subOffset + preferredSize - overlapSize; } } subQuery.dna = query->dna + subOffset; subQuery.size = subSize; endPos = &subQuery.dna[subSize]; saveEnd = *endPos; *endPos = 0; oneBunList = gfTransTransFindBundles(gfs, &subQuery, t3Hash, qIsRc, minScore, qIsRna); addToBigBundleList(&oneBunList, bunHash, &bigBunList, query); *endPos = saveEnd; } for (bun = bigBunList; bun != NULL; bun = bun->next) { ssStitch(bun, ffCdna, minScore, ssAliCount); saveAlignments(bun->genoSeq->name, bun->genoSeq->size, 0, bun, NULL, qIsRc, tIsRc, stringency, minScore, out); } hashFree(&bunHash); ssBundleFreeList(&bigBunList); }