4be6a99af6e42fce241b47631212ec221a9c5d11 jcasper Mon Mar 8 11:00:53 2021 -0800 Removing obsolete reference to dbDbArch table, no ticket diff --git src/utils/qa/trackDbGlobal.csh src/utils/qa/trackDbGlobal.csh index 9486e84..33cd84a 100755 --- src/utils/qa/trackDbGlobal.csh +++ src/utils/qa/trackDbGlobal.csh @@ -1,141 +1,136 @@ #!/bin/tcsh source `which qaConfig.csh` ####################### # # 01-23-05 # checks all databases on beta and compares trackDbs. # # Robert Kuhn # ####################### set machine="hgw1" set today="" set dropdir="" set dirs="" set diffs=0 set outfile="" set summaryFile="" set comment=0 set archived=0 set mode="fast" if ( $#argv < 1 || $#argv > 2 ) then echo echo " checks all databases on RR and compares trackDbs." echo echo " usage: RRmachine [realTime | fast]" echo " - defaults to fast which uses genome-mysql instead of wget" echo " - uses fast for settings and html fields, even in realTime" echo " - overwrites file in dev/qa/test-results/trackDb " echo " if used twice the same day." echo exit 1 else set machine=$argv[1] endif if ( $#argv == 2 ) then set mode="$argv[2]" if ( $mode == "realTime" ) then set mode = "" else if ( $mode != "fast" ) then echo '\n mode not "realTime" or "fast"\n' echo "${0}:" $0 exit 1 endif endif endif checkMachineName.csh $machine if ( $status ) then echo "${0}:" $0 exit 1 endif set dbs=`getAssemblies.csh chromInfo hgwbeta \ | egrep -v "getting|found" | egrep "."` if ( $status ) then echo $dbs exit 1 endif # set file paths and URLs set today=`date +%Y-%m-%d` # set today="2005-01-23" set dirPath="/usr/local/apache/htdocs-genecats/qa/test-results/trackDb" set urlPath="http://genecats.soe.ucsc.edu/qa/test-results/trackDb" # remove dirs from same month last year set dropdir=`getMonthLastYear.csh go` set dirs=`ls -l $dirPath | grep $dropdir | grep ^d | awk '{print $9}'` foreach dir ( $dirs ) rm -r $dirPath/$dir end # make new dir for today's output mkdir -p $dirPath/$today set summaryFile=$dirPath/$today/index.html set summaryUrl=$urlPath/$today/index.html rm -f $summaryFile echo "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>trackDb Diffs $today</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>\n<PRE> \ \n" >! $summaryFile echo "db diffs" echo "-------------" foreach db ( $dbs ) set todaysPath="$dirPath/$today" set dbSummaryOut="$db.$machine.trackDbAll" set dbHtmlOut="$db.$machine.htmlOut" set outfile="$todaysPath/$dbSummaryOut" set htmlfile="$todaysPath/$dbHtmlOut" set active=`hgsql -h $sqlrr -N -e 'SELECT active FROM dbDb \ WHERE name = "'$db'"' hgcentral` if ( 0 == $active ) then set comment="staged" - set archived=`hgsql -h $sqlrr -N -e 'SELECT active FROM dbDbArch \ - WHERE name = "'$db'"' hgcentral` - if ( 1 == $archived ) then - set comment="archived\n" - endif echo $db $comment | gawk '{printf "%7s %-10s", $1, $2}' echo echo $db $comment | gawk '{printf "%7s %-10s", $1, $2}' >> $summaryFile echo "\n\n\n" >> $summaryFile continue endif compareTrackDbAll.csh $db hgwbeta $machine $mode >& $outfile if ( $status ) then echo "$db dbDbErr" | gawk '{printf "%7s %3s", $1, $2}' echo echo '<A HREF ="'$dbSummaryOut'">'$db'</A> dbDbErr \n\n' \ >> $summaryFile else set diffs=`cat $outfile | egrep " Diff|The diff" | wc -l` echo "$db $diffs" | gawk '{printf "%7s %2d", $1, $2}' echo if ( $diffs == 0 ) then echo "$db number of diffs:" >> $summaryFile # rm -f $outfile else echo '<A HREF ="'$dbSummaryOut'">'$db'</A> number of diffs:' \ >> $summaryFile tail $outfile | grep "Differences exist in html field" > /dev/null if (! $status ) then echo '<A HREF ="'$dbHtmlOut'">html</A> field' >> $summaryFile endif endif echo " $diffs\n<P>" >> $summaryFile endif # get output again for html field for display purposes compareTrackDbFast.csh hgwbeta $machine $db html >& $htmlfile end echo "\n</PRE></BODY></HTML>" >> $summaryFile echo $summaryUrl exit 0