  Sat Mar 13 20:24:28 2021 -0800
Place multi-region button move under hg.conf control. Add 'pressed' styling to arbitrary buttons. refs #26385

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index ccef946..fe51c0c 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@ -7987,42 +7987,56 @@
 char *thisSessVisTracks = cgiTrackVisString(thisSessVars);
 boolean isSessChanged = FALSE;
 if (differentString(curSessVisTracks, thisSessVisTracks))
     isSessChanged = TRUE;
     #ifdef DEBUG
     uglyf("<br>curSess vis tracks: %s", curSessVisTracks);
     uglyf("<br>thsSess vis tracks: %s", thisSessVisTracks);
 return isSessChanged;
+static void printMultiRegionButton()
+/* Print button that launches multi-region configuration pop-up */
+boolean isPressed = FALSE;
+if (differentString(virtModeType, "default"))
+    isPressed = TRUE;
+char buf[256];
+safef(buf, sizeof buf, "configure %s multi-region display mode", 
+                        isPressed ? "or exit" : "");
+hButtonNoSubmitMaybePressed("hgTracksConfigMultiRegionPage", "multi-region", buf,
+            "popUpHgt.hgTracks('multi-region config'); return false;", isPressed);
 void doTrackForm(char *psOutput, struct tempName *ideoTn)
 /* Make the tracks display form with the zoom/scroll buttons and the active
  * image.  If the ideoTn parameter is not NULL, it is filled in if the
  * ideogram is created.  */
 struct group *group;
 struct track *track;
 char *freezeName = NULL;
 boolean hideAll = cgiVarExists("hgt.hideAll");
 boolean defaultTracks = cgiVarExists("hgt.reset");
 boolean showedRuler = FALSE;
 boolean showTrackControls = cartUsualBoolean(cart, "trackControlsOnMain", TRUE);
+boolean multiRegionButtonTop = (cfgOption("multiRegionButtonTop") != NULL);
 long thisTime = 0, lastTime = 0;
 basesPerPixel = ((float)virtWinBaseCount) / ((float)fullInsideWidth);
 zoomedToBaseLevel = (virtWinBaseCount <= fullInsideWidth / tl.mWidth);
 zoomedToCodonLevel = (ceil(virtWinBaseCount/3) * tl.mWidth) <= fullInsideWidth;
 zoomedToCodonNumberLevel = (ceil(virtWinBaseCount/3) * tl.mWidth * 5) <= fullInsideWidth;
 zoomedToCdsColorLevel = (virtWinBaseCount <= fullInsideWidth*3);
 if (psOutput != NULL)
    hideControls = TRUE;
    withNextItemArrows = FALSE;
    withNextExonArrows = FALSE;
    hgFindMatches = NULL;
@@ -8634,56 +8648,60 @@
     /* Make line that says position. */
 	char buf[256];
 	char *survey = cfgOptionEnv("HGDB_SURVEY", "survey");
 	char *surveyLabel = cfgOptionEnv("HGDB_SURVEY_LABEL", "surveyLabel");
         char *javascript = "document.location = '/cgi-bin/hgTracks?db=' + document.TrackForm.db.options[document.TrackForm.db.selectedIndex].value;";
         if (containsStringNoCase(database, "zoo"))
             hPuts("Organism ");
             printAssemblyListHtmlExtra(database, "change", javascript);
-        /* Multi-region button on position line */
-        safef(buf, sizeof buf, "configure %s multi-region display mode", 
-                                sameString(virtModeType, "default") ? "in" : "or exit");
-        hButtonNoSubmitMaybePressed("hgTracksConfigMultiRegionPage", "multi-region", buf,
-                    "popUpHgt.hgTracks('multi-region config'); return false;", FALSE);
+        // multi-region button on position line, initially under hg.conf control
+        if (multiRegionButtonTop)
+            {
+            printMultiRegionButton();
             hPrintf(" ");
+            }
 	if (virtualSingleChrom()) // DISGUISE VMODE
 	    safef(buf, sizeof buf, "%s", windowsSpanPosition());
 	    safef(buf, sizeof buf, "%s:%ld-%ld", virtChromName, virtWinStart+1, virtWinEnd);
 	position = cloneString(buf);
-        char *pressedClass = "", *showVirtRegions = "";
+        // position box
+        char *pressedClass = "";
+        char *showVirtRegions = "";
         if (differentString(virtModeType, "default"))
             pressedClass = "pressed";
             showVirtRegions = "show multi-region position ranges and ";
 	hPrintf("<span class='positionDisplay %s' id='positionDisplay' "
                 "title='click to %s copy position to input box'>%s</span>", 
                         pressedClass, showVirtRegions, addCommasToPos(database, position));
 	hPrintf("<input type='hidden' name='position' id='position' value='%s'>\n", buf);
 	sprintLongWithCommas(buf, virtWinEnd - virtWinStart);
 	hPrintf(" <span id='size'>%s</span> bp. ", buf);
-	hPrintf("<input class='positionInput' type='text' name='hgt.positionInput' id='positionInput' size='60'>\n");
+	hPrintf("<input class='positionInput' type='text' name='hgt.positionInput' id='positionInput'"
+                        " size='%d'>\n", multiRegionButtonTop ? 50 : 60);
 	hWrites(" ");
 	hButton("goButton", "go");
 	if (!trackHubDatabase(database))
             jsonObjectAdd(jsonForClient, "assemblySupportsGeneSuggest", newJsonBoolean(assemblySupportsGeneSuggest(database)));
             if (assemblySupportsGeneSuggest(database))
                 hPrintf("<input type='hidden' name='hgt.suggestTrack' id='suggestTrack' value='%s'>\n", assemblyGeneSuggestTrack(database));
 	if (survey && differentWord(survey, "off"))
             hPrintf("&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='background-color:yellow;'>"
                     "<A HREF='%s' TARGET=_BLANK><EM><B>%s</EM></B></A></span>\n",
                     survey, surveyLabel ? surveyLabel : "Take survey");
@@ -8841,30 +8859,35 @@
             hasCustomTracks ? "Manage your custom tracks" : "Add your own custom tracks");
     jsOnEventById("click", "ct_add", "document.customTrackForm.submit();return false;");
     hPrintf(" ");
     if (hubConnectTableExists())
         hPrintf("<INPUT TYPE='button' id='th_form' VALUE='track hubs'"
                 "return false;' title='Import tracks from hubs'>");
 	jsOnEventById("click", "th_form", "document.trackHubForm.submit();");
         hPrintf(" ");
     hButtonWithMsg("hgTracksConfigPage", "configure","Configure image and track selection");
     hPrintf(" ");
+    if (!multiRegionButtonTop)
+        {
+        printMultiRegionButton();
+        hPrintf(" ");
+        }
     hButtonMaybePressed("hgt.toggleRevCmplDisp", "reverse",
                            revCmplDisp ? "Show forward strand at this location"
                                        : "Show reverse strand at this location",
                            NULL, revCmplDisp);
     hPrintf(" ");
     hButtonWithOnClick("hgt.setWidth", "resize", "Resize image width to browser window size", "hgTracksSetWidth()");
     hPrintf(" ");
     hButtonWithMsg("hgt.refresh", "refresh","Refresh image");
     if( chromosomeColorsMade )