Thu Mar 11 07:27:51 2021 -0800
finally committing source code for bloom Ab escape track, restored on an
old backup by Haifang, refs #26497
diff --git src/hg/makeDb/bloom/bloomEsc.py src/hg/makeDb/bloom/bloomEsc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c57282
--- /dev/null
+++ src/hg/makeDb/bloom/bloomEsc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# for SARS-CoV-2 the Bloom lab published a series of four papers that all use the same data format.
+# They can all be treated with the same converter
+from os import system
+from collections import defaultdict
+from os.path import dirname, basename
+import sys
+chrom = "NC_045512v2"
+sStart = 21562 # start of the S protein, 0-based counting
+# spike ends at 25381, open-end, 0-based
+sLen = len(sSeq)
+outFhs = {}
+outMaxFhs = {}
+lastSite = None
+topPos = defaultdict(dict)
+cutoff = 0.18
+#inFname = sys.argv[1]
+inFnames = [("human_sera_raw_data.csv", "Serum"),
+ ("MAP_paper_antibodies_raw_data.csv", "MAB"),
+ ("REGN_and_LY-CoV016_raw_data.csv", "MAB")
+ ]
+rbdLen = 531-331
+scoreSumMab = [0.0]*(rbdLen) # for each position, the sum of all total scores for this position
+scoreSumSerum = [0.0]*(rbdLen) # for each position, the sum of all total scores for this position
+lastSite = None # the position of the line before this one, to check if it has changed
+mabTrackCount = 0
+serumTrackCount = 0
+for inFname, prefix in inFnames:
+ lastSite = None
+ if prefix=="MAB":
+ mabTrackCount += 1
+ else:
+ serumTrackCount += 1
+ for line in open(inFname):
+ row = line.rstrip().split(",")
+ # ['condition', 'site', 'wildtype', 'mutation', 'mut_escape', 'site_total_escape', 'site_max_escape']
+ # ['subject H (day 152)', '331', 'N', 'A', '0.00202', '0.04926', '0.007632']
+ cond, site, wt, mut, mutEsc, totEsc, maxEsc = row
+ if cond=="condition":
+ continue
+ if " + " in cond:
+ cond = cond.replace(" + ", "-")
+ subj = cond
+ if "subject" in subj:
+ subj = cond.split()[1]+"_"+cond.split()[3].rstrip(")")
+ patient = cond.split()[1]
+ day = cond.split()[3].rstrip(")")
+ shortCond = patient+"/day"+day
+ else:
+ shortCond = cond
+ if not subj in outFhs:
+ outFhs[subj] = open("bed/"+subj+".tot.bed", "w")
+ outMaxFhs[subj] = open("bed/"+subj+".max.bed", "w")
+ start = sStart+(int(site)-1)*3
+ end = start+3
+ if float(maxEsc)>cutoff:
+ topPos[(start, end, site, wt)].setdefault(mut, [])
+ topPos[(start, end, site, wt)][mut].append( (shortCond, maxEsc) )
+ # STOP MOST PROCESSING HERE - we need only one score per position for doing the bigWig files
+ if lastSite == site:
+ continue
+ lastSite = site
+ summPos = int(site)-1-331
+ if prefix=="MAB":
+ scoreSumMab[summPos] += float(totEsc)
+ else:
+ scoreSumSerum[summPos] += float(totEsc)
+ ofh = outFhs[subj]
+ outRow = [chrom, str(start), str(end), totEsc]
+ ofh.write("\t".join(outRow))
+ ofh.write("\n")
+ ofh = outMaxFhs[subj]
+ outRow = [chrom, str(start), str(end), maxEsc]
+ ofh.write("\t".join(outRow))
+ ofh.write("\n")
+bedFh = open("bed/top.bed", "w")
+for (start, end, site, wt), mutData in topPos.items():
+ annots = []
+ diffConds = set()
+ for mut, condEscs in mutData.items():
+ conds = []
+ for cond, mutEsc in condEscs:
+ if float(mutEsc) > cutoff:
+ conds.append("%s=%s" % (cond, mutEsc))
+ diffConds.add(cond)
+ if len(conds)>0:
+ annots.append("mutation %s to %s: %s" % (wt, mut, ", ".join(conds)))
+ annot = "
+ start = str(start)
+ end = str(end)
+ bedName = sSeq[int(site)-1]+site
+ sampleCount = str(len(diffConds))
+ mouseOver = "Found in %s samples with escape score > %0.2f" % (sampleCount, cutoff)
+ bed = [chrom, start, end, bedName, sampleCount, ".", start, end, "0", site, annot, mouseOver]
+ bedFh.write("\t".join(bed))
+ bedFh.write("\n")
+cmd = "bedSort bed/top.bed bed/top.bed"
+inDir = dirname(__file__)
+cmd = "bedToBigBed bed/top.bed -tab ../../chrom.sizes bbi/top.bb -as=%s/bloom2.as -type=bed8+" %inDir
+tracks = []
+for key, ofh in outFhs.items():
+ ofh.close()
+ outMaxFhs[key].close()
+ fname = ofh.name
+ subj = basename(fname).split(".")[0]
+ tracks.append(subj)
+ cmd = "bedGraphToBigWig bed/%s.tot.bed ../../chrom.sizes bbi/%s.tot.bw" % (subj, subj)
+ print(cmd)
+ system(cmd)
+ cmd = "bedGraphToBigWig bed/%s.max.bed ../../chrom.sizes bbi/%s.max.bw" % (subj, subj)
+ print(cmd)
+ system(cmd)
+rbdStart = (sStart+1)+(331*3)
+ofh = open("bed/mabAvg.wig", "w")
+ofh.write("fixedStep chrom=%s start=%d step=3\n" % (chrom, rbdStart)) # wig is 1-based !!
+for score in scoreSumMab:
+ val = str(score / mabTrackCount)
+ ofh.write(val)
+ ofh.write("\n")
+ofh = open("bed/serumAvg.wig", "w")
+ofh.write("fixedStep chrom=%s start=%d step=3\n" % (chrom, rbdStart)) # wig is 1-based !!
+for score in scoreSumSerum:
+ val = str(score / serumTrackCount)
+ ofh.write(val)
+ ofh.write("\n")
+cmd = "wigToBigWig bed/mabAvg.wig ../../chrom.sizes bbi/mabAvg.bw"
+cmd = "wigToBigWig bed/serumAvg.wig ../../chrom.sizes bbi/serumAvg.bw"
+# from here on it's all about trackDb generation
+tdb = open("bloomEsc.ra", "w")
+tdb.write("""track bloomEsc
+shortLabel Bloom RBD Escape 2
+longLabel Bloom Lab: S RBD-mutation antibody escape - total and maximum score per amino acid
+group immuno
+type bigWig
+visibility hide
+superTrack on show
+track bloomTop
+shortLabel Bloom RBD Top Mutations
+longLabel Bloom Lab: S RBD-mutation antibody escape - positions with max score > 0.18
+parent bloomEsc
+bigDataUrl /gbdb/wuhCor1/bloomEsc/top.bb
+visibility pack
+type bigBed 8 +
+tdb.write("""track bloomEscTotal
+shortLabel Bloom Total Escape
+longLabel Bloom Lab: S RBD-mutation antibody escape - total escape score per amino acid
+type bigWig
+autoScale group
+compositeTrack on
+visibility dense
+parent bloomEsc
+for track in tracks:
+ tdb.write(" track %sTotal\n" % track)
+ if "_" in track:
+ subj, day = track.split("_")
+ day = int(day)
+ tdb.write(" shortLabel Serum: subj %s, day %03d\n" % (subj, day))
+ tdb.write(" longLabel Bloom antibody escape - Total Score - Subject %s, Day %s\n" % (subj, day))
+ else:
+ tdb.write(" shortLabel %s %s total\n" % (prefix, track))
+ tdb.write(" longLabel Bloom antibody escape - Total Score - %s \n" % track)
+ tdb.write(" parent bloomEscTotal on\n")
+ tdb.write(" visibility dense\n")
+ tdb.write(" type bigWig\n")
+ tdb.write(" bigDataUrl /gbdb/wuhCor1/bloomEsc/%s.tot.bw\n" % track)
+ tdb.write("\n")
+tdb.write("""track bloomEscMax
+shortLabel Bloom Max Escape
+longLabel Bloom Lab: Antibody escape - max escape score per amino acid
+type bigWig
+autoScale group
+visibility dense
+compositeTrack on
+parent bloomEsc
+for track in tracks:
+ tdb.write(" track %sMax\n" % track)
+ if "_" in track:
+ subj, day = track.split("_")
+ day = int(day)
+ tdb.write(" shortLabel Serum: subj %s, day %03d Max\n" % (subj, day))
+ tdb.write(" longLabel Bloom antibody escape - Max Score - %s \n" % track)
+ else:
+ tdb.write(" shortLabel %s %s\n" % (prefix, track))
+ tdb.write(" longLabel Bloom antibody escape - Max Score - %s %s\n" % (prefix, track))
+ tdb.write(" parent bloomEscMax on\n")
+ tdb.write(" visibility dense\n")
+ tdb.write(" type bigWig\n")
+ tdb.write(" bigDataUrl /gbdb/wuhCor1/bloomEsc/%s.max.bw\n" % track)
+ tdb.write("\n")