  Mon Apr 19 17:06:56 2021 -0700
Updating doc images for MR change, deleting old files too refs #26385

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/multiRegionHelp.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/multiRegionHelp.html
index 95105a7..8b1a6a3 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/multiRegionHelp.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/help/multiRegionHelp.html
@@ -68,65 +68,65 @@
 <a name="GetStarted"></a> 
 <h2>Getting started With Multi-Region view</h2> 
 Follow these steps to activate and configure multi-region view in the Genome Browser.</p> 
 <strong>Step 1. Pick a genome assembly and region</strong><br> 
 Open the Genome Browser tracks display to a region of interest within a standard genome assembly, or
 open a custom region within an assembly hub.</p> 
 <strong>Step 2. Open the multi-region view configuration window</strong><br> 
 Click <button type="button">multi-region</button> under the tracks display to open the multi-region 
 configuration window.</p> 
-<img src="../../images/MultiRegionButton.png" alt="Multi-Region button" width="799"
+<img src="../../images/multiRegionButton.png" alt="Multi-Region button" width="799"
 <strong>Step 3. Configure the multi-region view</strong><br> 
 By default, the <strong>Exit multi-region mode</strong> button is selected. This button returns the 
 display to the traditional view.</p>  
-<img src="../../images/MultiRegionConfigurationWindow2.png" alt="Configure Multi-Region view" 
+<img src="../../images/multiRegionConfig.png" alt="Configure Multi-Region view" 
 width="701" height="387"> </p>
 To activate a multi-region view, click one of these options:</p> 
   <strong>Show exons using</strong> -- display only the exonic regions (keyboard shortcut: 
   &quot;e v&quot;)</li>
   <strong>Show genes using</strong> -- display only those regions with gene annotations in the 
   specified genes track</li> 
   <strong>Enter custom regions as BED, or a URL to them</strong> -- display only those regions entered into the
 text box in BED format, or listed in a specified BED file</li> 
   <strong>Show one alternate haplotype</strong> -- display the specified alternate haplotype in 
   place on the reference chromosome (human assemblies hg17 and later only)</li> 
   (Optional) Select <strong>Highlight alternating regions in multi-region view</strong> to color 
   alternating slices in blue.</li> 
 Click  <button type="button">submit</button> to save your changes and return to the Genome Browser tracks display.</p>
 Here is a view of the Genome Browser with the &quot;Show exons&quot; and &quot;Highlight alternating
 regions&quot; options selected:</p> 
-<img src="../../images/MultiRegionMouseHighlighted.png" alt="Exon-only screenshot" width="950"
+<img src="../../images/multiRegionExample.png" alt="Exon-only screenshot" width="950"
 <strong>Navigation and display</strong><br> 
 With a few exceptions, most browser navigation and display features function the same in both 
 multi-region and single-chromosome modes, including zooming in and out, reversing and resizing the 
 view, highlighting and zooming to a selected region, and track search. Searching and zooming 
 conventions differ when displaying custom BED regions. See <a href="#CustomRegions">About Custom 
 Regions</a> for more information.</p> 
 <a name="About"></a> 
 <h2>About the Multi-Region modes</h2> 
 <a name="ExonOnly"></a> 
 <h3>Exon-only mode</h3>
@@ -379,24 +379,24 @@
 <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgS_doLoadUrl=submit&hgS_loadUrlName=http://genome.ucsc.edu/
 to view this example in the Genome Browser. To quickly exit multi-region mode and return to the 
 default single chromosome view, use the keyboard shortcut &quot;d v&quot;.</p> 
 <a name="Example5"></a> 
 <h3>Example 5. Haplotype</h3> 
 This example shows how the human hg38 haplotype chr1_KI270762v1_alt fits onto chromosome 1. Note 
 that annotations from the standard browser display do not extend into or out of the haplotype 
 region, since haplotypes are annotated separately from regular chromosomes.</p>  
 <img src="../../images/MultiRegionHaplotypeView.png" alt="Multi-Region haplotype view"
-width="881" height="344"></p> 
+width="881" height="359"></p> 
 <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgTracks?hgS_doLoadUrl=submit&hgS_loadUrlName=http://genome.ucsc.edu/
 to view this example in the Genome Browser. To quickly exit multi-region mode and return to the 
 default single chromosome view, use the keyboard shortcut &quot;d v&quot;.</p>
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