  Tue May 4 09:23:38 2021 -0700
Adding new assembly rn7 to credits.html, refs #26682

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/credits.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/credits.html
index 5b90cd7..179a6fa 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/credits.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/credits.html
@@ -2664,30 +2664,43 @@
   Users are free to use the data in scientific papers analyzing particular genes and regions if the 
   provider of these data is properly acknowledged. </li> 
   The center producing the data reserves the right to publish the initial large-scale analyses of   
   the data set, including large-scale identification of regions of evolutionary conservation and 
   large-scale genomic assembly. Large-scale refers to regions with size on the order of a chromosome
   (that is, 30 Mb or more). </li> 
   Any redistribution of the data should carry this notice. </li> 
 <!-- Rat Credits -->
 <a name="rat_credits"></a>
 <h2>Rat genome</h2>
+<strong>Sequencing/Assembly: </strong>
+<a href=""
+target="_blank">Wellcome Sanger Institute</a>, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK </p>
+<strong>UCSC Rat Genome Browser/Annotations:</strong> </p>
+  <li>
+  <a href="../../cgi-bin/hgGateway?db=rn7" target="_blank">rn7</a>: Hiram Clawson, Lou Nassar, and
+  Gerardo Perez </li>
+<h3>rn6 and older</h3>
 The rat genome assembly (<em>Rattus norvegicus</em>) is provided by the Rat Genome Sequencing 
 Consortium with the following acknowledgments:</p> 
 <strong>Project Coordination:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Baylor 
 College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center</a> (BCM-HGSC)</p> 
 <strong>Funding:</strong> </p> 
   <a href="" target="_blank">National Human Genome Research Institute</a> 
   (NHGRI) </li>
   <a href="" target="_blank">National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute</a>
   (NHLBI) </li>