  Mon May 3 17:41:59 2021 -0700
Collapsing to one mouse label for mm39 and mm10 Placental Chain/Net matrix, refs #18071

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/chainNetPlacental.ra src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/chainNetPlacental.ra
index 93ec3c1..83605f8 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/chainNetPlacental.ra
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/chainNetPlacental.ra
@@ -169,31 +169,31 @@
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain mm39
         otherDb mm39
         track chainGRCm38B
         subTrack placentalChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s012b clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain GRCm38B
         otherDb GRCm38B
         track chainMm10
         subTrack placentalChainNetViewchain off
-        subGroups view=chain species=s012c clade=c00
+        subGroups view=chain species=s012a clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain mm10
         otherDb mm10
         track chainMm9
         subTrack placentalChainNetViewchain off
         subGroups view=chain species=s013 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_db Chain
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Chained Alignments
         type chain mm9
         otherDb mm9
         track chainMm8
         subTrack placentalChainNetViewchain off
@@ -1219,31 +1219,31 @@
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign mm39 chainMm39
         otherDb mm39
         track netGRCm38B
         subTrack placentalChainNetViewnet on
         subGroups view=net species=s012b clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign GRCm38B chainGRCm38B
         otherDb GRCm38B
         track netMm10
         subTrack placentalChainNetViewnet on
-        subGroups view=net species=s012c clade=c00
+        subGroups view=net species=s012a clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_Organism Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign mm10 chainMm10
         otherDb mm10
         track netMm9
         subTrack placentalChainNetViewnet off
         subGroups view=net species=s013 clade=c00
         shortLabel $o_db Net
         longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date) Alignment Net
         type netAlign mm9 chainMm9
         otherDb mm9
         track netMm8
         subTrack placentalChainNetViewnet off