  Mon May 10 03:58:42 2021 -0700
updates for the mirror manual, markdown and html page, refs #27390

diff --git src/product/mirrorManual.txt src/product/mirrorManual.txt
index d72c6c3..7581646 100644
--- src/product/mirrorManual.txt
+++ src/product/mirrorManual.txt
@@ -108,76 +108,30 @@
 For example, to get the size of all of the files for hg19, you would
 use the following command:
     rsync -hna --stats rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/gbdb/hg19/ | egrep "Number of files:|total size is"
 After running that command, you should see output like this:
     Number of files: 54886
     total size is 6515.70G  speedup is 5181080.38 (DRY RUN)
 The next command will give you the size of the entire mySQL database,
 but can be changed to get the size for a particular assembly:
     rsync -hna --stats rsync://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/mysql/ | egrep "Number of files:|total size is"
-# Local Git repository
-Use the following procedures to create your own personal copy of the kent source
-tree where you can have your own edits that are not part of the development at
-UCSC.  This is useful for mirror sites that have their own customizations in
-the source tree for local circumstances.
-Install Git software version or later. See the Git Community Handbook
- installation (<https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git>) and setup
- (<href='https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup>) instructions, as well
- as our Installing Git (<http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Installing_git>)
- Genomewiki page.
-Start an initial Git local repository:
-    git clone git://genome-source.soe.ucsc.edu/kent.git
-or, if a firewall prevents git daemon port 9418, use:
-    git clone http://genome-source.soe.ucsc.edu/kent.git
-The kent source tree will be imported to the current working directory in a
-directory named ./kent/.
-Track the beta branch at UCSC repository: Most users want to use the beta branch, which has tested, released versions of
- the browser. To create a beta tracking branch:
-    cd kent
-    git checkout -t -b beta origin/beta
-The -b creates a local branch with name "beta", and checks it out.
-The -t makes it a tracking branch, so that 'git pull' brings in updates from
-origin/beta, the "real" beta branch in our public central read-only repository.
-To get the latest UCSC release, from anywhere within the kent source tree:
-    git pull
-Updates: UCSC generally updates the origin/beta branch every three weeks. If you are 
- updating database tables for a mirror site, we recommend that you update the
- source at the same time, as source code is sometimes modified to include
- operations on new columns that have been added to database tables.
-For instructions on keeping local tracks separate from UCSC Genome Browser
-tracks created at UCSC and mirrored from there, see the section "Adding tracks
-to the browser" below.
 # Installing the UCSC Genome browser
 Note: we offer Genome-Browser-in-a-Box (GBIB), a fully configured virtual
 machine image that can be converted for VirtualBox, VMWare, Hyper-V and other
 popular environments.  We also offer Genome-Browser-in-the-Cloud (GBIC) an
 shell script that installs a genome browser in most main Linux distributions
 (Most Debian and Redhat-based ones, like Ubuntu and CentOS). 
 See https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/mirror.html
 Scripts to perform all of the functions below can be found in
 the directory https://github.com/ucscGenomeBrowser/kent/tree/master/src/product/scripts.
 In a git clone of the kent repository, the scripts
 are located in src/product/scripts.
 Confirm the following:
@@ -558,31 +512,31 @@
     file with the change of db.user, db.password, central.user,
     and central.password to be the fully permitted read-write user:
     To test this access with your ~/.hg.conf file in place:
         hgsql -e "show tables;" hgcentral
         hgsql -e "show grants;" hgcentral
-5. Configuring MySQL SSL connections:
+5. Configuring MySQL SSL connections (entirely optional, only needed if your IT department requires it):
     MySQL is typically compiled with SSL capability from OpenSSL or yaSSL.
     To see if your server supports ssl, login to mysql and run this command:
         mysql> show variables like '%ssl%';
         | Variable_name | Value    |
         | have_openssl  | DISABLED |
         | have_ssl      | DISABLED |
         | ssl_ca        |          |
         | ssl_capath    |          |
         | ssl_cert      |          |
         | ssl_cipher    |          |
         | ssl_crl       |          |
@@ -713,31 +667,257 @@
         GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'someuser'@'%'
           REQUIRE SUBJECT '/C=US/ST=CA/L=Santa Cruz/O=YourCompany/OU=YourDivision/CN=someuser/emailAddress=someuser@YourCompany.com'
               AND ISSUER  '/C=US/ST=CA/L=Santa Cruz/O=YourCompany/OU=YourDivision/CN=YourCompanyCA/emailAddress=admin@YourCompany.com'
               AND CIPHER  'DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA';
     You can see the cert details like this:
          openssl x509 -in /somepath/someuser-cert.pem -text
     In later versions of MySQL, it is a requirement that the CN of the CA cert must DIFFER 
     from the CN of the user and server certs.
     Further MySQL SSL documentation is available from 
-# Adding a custom genome to the browser
+# Local Git repository (aka: "the source tree")
+Use the following procedures to create your own personal copy of the kent source
+tree where you can have your own edits that are not part of the development at
+UCSC.  This is useful for mirror sites that have their own customizations in
+the source tree for local circumstances. It will also be necessary if you want to 
+add your own tracks to your mirror (see next section).
+Install Git software version or later. See the Git Community Handbook
+ installation (<https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git>) and setup
+ (<href='https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup>) instructions, as well
+ as our Installing Git (<http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Installing_git>)
+ Genomewiki page.
+Start an initial Git local repository:
+    git clone git://genome-source.soe.ucsc.edu/kent.git
+or, if a firewall prevents git daemon port 9418, use:
+    git clone http://genome-source.soe.ucsc.edu/kent.git
+The kent source tree will be imported to the current working directory in a
+directory named ./kent/.
+Track the beta branch at UCSC repository: Most users want to use the beta branch, which has tested, released versions of
+ the browser. To create a beta tracking branch:
+    cd kent
+    git checkout -t -b beta origin/beta
+The -b creates a local branch with name "beta", and checks it out.
+The -t makes it a tracking branch, so that 'git pull' brings in updates from
+origin/beta, the "real" beta branch in our public central read-only repository.
+To get the latest UCSC release, from anywhere within the kent source tree:
+    git pull
+Updates: UCSC generally updates the origin/beta branch every three weeks. If you are 
+ updating database tables for a mirror site, we recommend that you update the
+ source at the same time, as source code is sometimes modified to include
+ operations on new columns that have been added to database tables.
+For instructions on keeping local tracks separate from UCSC Genome Browser
+tracks created at UCSC and mirrored from there, see the section "Adding tracks
+to the browser" below.
+# Adding your own track groups to the browser
+If you want to add your own tracks (see next section), you probably want to put them into 
+a separate track group, so they are visually separated from the tracks provided by UCSC.
+The MySQL table `grp` contains the list of all track groups. If you rsync the data
+from UCSC on a regular schedule, the table would be overwritten each time. To avoid this,
+you can create an empty table with the same schema, e.g. in the database hg38:
+    CREATE TABLE grp_local LIKE grp;
+You can then use the MySQL INSERT statement to add a new track group to this
+table, specify the name, label, priority and whether the group should be closed
+by default (most are open by default).
+Then, edit cgi-bin/hg.conf and add a line like this:
+    db.grp=grp_local,grp
+This means that grp_local is added to the contents of grp and grp_local has higher priority, so you can override
+the UCSC-provided default groups, if needed.
+This will not have any effect yet. First you need to add a new track that uses your new group.
+You can use your new group's `name` using the "group" statement in trackDb (see the next section).
+All tracks with a group not in the grp table will end up in the group "Experimental" at the bottom of the page.
+# Adding your own tracks to the browser
+A track needs two items to make it exist in the browser:
+1.  A database table with the track data
+2.  An entry in a database table: trackDb_localTracks
+    Built from track specifications in your trackDb.ra file.
+    The format of the trackDb.ra file is explained at
+    <http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/trackDb/trackDbDoc.html>
+    The correspondence between the database table and the trackDb.ra
+    definition is in the name used on the 'track' line in the
+    trackDb.ra file.  Your database table name is defined by the 'track'
+    definition line.
+To direct the genome browser to this trackDb_localTracks table to use as extra trackDb
+definitions, add this line to your cgi-bin/hg.conf file:
+    db.trackDb=trackDb_localTracks,trackDb
+The order matters. Any definitions for tracks
+in trackDb_localTracks will override any definitions for the
+same named tracks in trackDb.  You can then override the
+standard definitions for UCSC-defined tracks.
+The usual case will be that your tracks are unique to your
+local installation.
+Almost all of the database tables have specific loader
+programs to load the track data.  The loader programs
+also verify the data before it is added to the table,
+and they create the proper indexes on the table to allow
+efficient display by the genome browser.
+By far the most common format of track data is the BED format.
+See also: <http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1>
+for a description of BED file formats.
+A typical BED file format is loaded into a database table with
+the loader: hgLoadBed
+For example, to load the data from the file: data.bed into
+the table named: bedExample
+    hgLoadBed hg17 bedExample data.bed
+You then add a section that starts with the line "track bedExample" to your trackDb.ra file,
+run hgTrackDb to create the trackDb_localTracks database table and the table should appear, 
+as long as trackDb_localTracks has been added to hg.conf as explained before.
+There are a variety of file formats: GFF, GTF, PSL, WIG, MAF as well as
+a variety of specialized data types.  All the loader programs can be seen
+in the source tree as subdirectories in: src/hg/makeDb/
+    cd src/hg/makeDb
+    ls -d hg*
+The build instructions for the browser code do not include
+instructions for building all of the loaders, or other utilities
+in the kent source tree.  This is because there are literally
+hundreds of utilities,  345 at last count, that are not needed
+for ordinary browser development.  In most cases a developer will
+need only a couple of the loaders and utilities.  Since the libraries
+were built for the CGI binaries, to build any utility or
+loader, simply go into its directory and run a 'make'. If you do not have 
+the kent tree source repository cloned with git yet onto your own disk,
+please go back to the previous section and do that now.
+For our purposes here, we need for example, for BED format tracks:
+1. hgLoadBed
+2. hgTrackDb
+3. hgFindSpec
+To build the three loaders mentioned, go to the three directories in the kent git source repository:
+    src/hg/makeDb/hgTrackDb/
+    src/hg/makeDb/hgFindSpec/
+    src/hg/makeDb/hgLoadBed/
+And run a 'make' in each one.  The resulting binary is placed
+in: $HOME/bin/$MACHTYPE
+This binary directory should be in your PATH, or make this directory
+be a symlink to some binary directory that is in your PATH
+and you have write permission to.
+See also: new assistant scripts as of March 2010 in the src/product/scripts/
+	directory here to fetch and build the source tree.
+If you want to build all the utilities and all database
+loaders now, perform the following 'make' commands in your source tree:
+    cd src
+    make clean
+    make libs
+    cd hg
+    make
+    cd ../utils
+    make
+This builds everything cleanly, all CGI binaries, all database
+loaders, all utilities.  Perform this sequence each time you
+do a 'git pull' on your source tree.  The 'make clean' step
+is especially important since the makefile hierarchy does not
+have built in dependencies and will not rebuild items that
+depend upon each other.  The traditional dependency on the
+source tree libraries is taken care of because a make in any
+directory that produces a binary will always re-link the
+binary every time, thus always picking up any potentially new
+With those three loader programs built, you can now load BED
+format tracks, and build the trackDb_localTracks table as
+mentioned next.
+The hgTrackDb and hgFindSpec loaders are used to build the trackDb and
+hgFindSpec tables in the database. You can obtain example
+trackDb entries from the source tree hierarchy: src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/
+in any of the *.ra files.  And you will need to refer to the README
+file in that directory for information about options you can use with
+each track type or use our full trackDb.ra documentation at 
+To work independently of the UCSC source tree,
+establish your own trackDb.ra files outside the UCSC source tree in
+a directory of your choice under your control.  Then, to load them
+into the database, run the hgTrackDb command with this
+simple makefile in the directory where your .ra file exists:
+    trackDbSql=/path/to/kent/source/tree/src/hg/lib/trackDb.sql
+    DB=hg19
+    all::
+            hgTrackDb . ${DB} trackDb_localTracks ${trackDbSql} .
+This hgTrackDb command reads your trackDb.ra file and converts it
+into row entries for each track specified in it into row contents
+in this new table trackDb_localTracks.
+The DB= specification is your database of interest, this example: hg19
+This loads your local specific table trackDb_localTracks in the database.
+This name trackDb_localTracks is not special, just different than
+the ordinary trackDb table.  It should have some meaning to anyone
+in your environment and not be the same name as any UCSC database
+table.  The two '.' arguments in the command above refer
+to directory names.  Since you have no hierarchy of levels in this
+single directory, unlike in the source tree trackDb hierarchy, the
+'.' arguments refer to the current directory.
+See also:
+* A similar overview: <http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Local_tracks_at_mirror_sites>
+* TrackDb.ra track configuration format: <http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/trackDb/trackDbDoc.html>
+# Adding a new, custom (non-UCSC) genome to the browser
 Please note that setting up an [assembly hub](http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Assembly_Hubs) 
 is a lot easier than adding a genome to a local mirror.
 The browser can be made to operate with a bare minimum of tables
 for the purpose of demonstrating the CGI binaries are functioning.
 The only tables you need to load for this are:
 1. all tables in the hgcentral database
 2. six tables in the human genome
 Create an empty hgcentral database:
     $ hgsql -e "create database hgcentral;" mysql
@@ -813,40 +993,41 @@
 useful for someone else, and you are getting tired of updating them to keep up
 with our changing code base, consider submitting them as a pull request, so we
 can integrate it into the main code base and you do not have to worry about
 updating them anymore.
 Once you have git setup properly, merging your changes into our current
 release should be as easy as this:
     git pull # get new version
     git checkout beta # switch to our stable branch
     git merge myChangesBranch # merge your changes into the beta branch
     make -j 20 cgi-alpha # compile and put CGIs into /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin
 # Custom Track Database
-A new feature of the genome browser as of March 2007 is the ability to
-use a data base for custom tracks. Up to this date, custom track data
-has been kept in files in the /trash/ct/ directory. This article
-discusses the steps required to enable this function.
+Without any specific hg.conf configuration, custom track data
+is kept in flat files in the /trash/ct/ directory. 
+It is much more efficient to load them into a MySQL database.
+This article discusses the steps required to enable this function.
 1. Summary configuration
     * database loader binaries hgLoadBed, hgLoadWiggle and wigEncode are
 	installed in /cgi-bin/loader/ - these are installed via the normal
-	'make cgi' in the source tree kent/src/hg/ directory.
+	'make cgi' in the source tree kent/src/hg/ directory or via rsync.
+        They are probably aleady in your cgi-bin directory.
     * an empty customTrash database has been created on the MySQL host -
 	create this manually once, the MySQL host name is a configuration
 	item, the database name customTrash is not a configuration item
     * temporary read-write data directory /data/tmp has been created
 	with read/write/delete enabled for the Apache server effective
 	user, this directory name is a configuration item
     * configuration items are specified in /cgi-bin/hg.conf/ - this will
 	turn on the function
     * for command line access to the database, create a special
 	~/.hg.ct.conf to be used with the environment variable HGDB_CONF
     * create a cron job to run a cleaner script to expire and remove
 	older tables from the database - dbTrash command is used for this
 2. Host and database name
@@ -1179,177 +1360,30 @@
 The httpProxy and httpsProxy URLs should use http protocol, not https.
 One reason for this is that https sessions would end up doubly-encoded.
 If you are debugging your proxy configuration, you can use this hg.conf setting
 to turn on logging to stderr.
 It is not meant to be left on in production.
 Your proxy server should have its own logging features.
 net.c also responds to environment variables http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, no_proxy and log_proxy.
-# Adding tracks to the browser
-See also:
-* <http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/trackDb/trackDbDoc.html>
-* <http://genomewiki.ucsc.edu/index.php/Local_tracks_at_mirror_sites>
-A track needs two items to make it exist in the browser:
-1.  A database table with the track data
-2.  An entry in a database table: trackDb_localTracks
-    Built from track specifications in your trackDb.ra file.
-    Please note the description of trackDb.ra entries in the
-    source tree: src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README
-    The correspondence between the database table and the trackDb.ra
-    definition is in the name used on the 'track' line in the
-    trackDb.ra file.  Your database table name is used on the 'track'
-    definition line.
-Almost all of the database tables have specific loader
-programs to load the track data.  The loader programs
-also verify the data before it is added to the table,
-and they create the proper indexes on the table to allow
-efficient display by the genome browser.
-By far the most common format of track data is the BED format.
-See also: <http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1>
-for a description of BED file formats.
-A typical BED file format is loaded into a database table with
-the loader: hgLoadBed
-For example, to load the data from the file: data.bed into
-the table named: bedExample
-    hgLoadBed hg17 bedExample data.bed
-There are a variety of file formats: GFF, GTF, PSL, WIG, MAF as well as
-a variety of specialized data types.  All the loader programs can be seen
-in the source tree as subdirectories in: src/hg/makeDb/
-    cd src/hg/makeDb
-    ls -d hg*
-The build instructions for the browser code do not include
-instructions for building all of the loaders, or other utilities
-in the kent source tree.  This is because there are literally
-hundreds of utilities,  345 at last count, that are not needed
-for ordinary browser development.  In most cases a developer will
-need only a couple of the loaders and utilities.  Since the libraries
-were built for the CGI binaries, to build any utility or
-loader, simply go into its directory and run a 'make'
-For our purposes here, we need for example, for BED format tracks:
-1. hgLoadBed
-2. hgTrackDb
-3. hgFindSpec
-To build the three loaders mentioned, go to the three directories:
-    src/hg/makeDb/hgTrackDb/
-    src/hg/makeDb/hgFindSpec/
-    src/hg/makeDb/hgLoadBed/
-And run a 'make' in each one.  The resulting binary is placed
-in: $HOME/bin/$MACHTYPE
-This binary directory should be in your PATH, or make this directory
-be a symlink to some binary directory that is in your PATH
-and you have write permission to.
-With those three loader programs built, you can now load BED
-format tracks, and build the trackDb_localTracks table as
-mentioned next.
-The hgTrackDb and hgFindSpec loaders are used to build the trackDb and
-hgFindSpec tables in the database.  Older instructions used to mention
-using the trackDb file hierarchy in the source tree.  This is no longer
-necessary and is not recommended.  You can certainly obtain example
-trackDb entries from the source tree hierarchy: src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/
-in any of the *.ra files.  And you will need to refer to the README
-file in that directory for information about options you can use with
-each track type.  To work independently of the UCSC source tree,
-establish your own trackDb.ra files outside the UCSC source tree in
-a directory of your choice under your control.  Then, to load them
-into the database, run the hgTrackDb command with this
-simple makefile in the directory where your .ra file exists:
-    trackDbSql=/path/to/kent/source/tree/src/hg/lib/trackDb.sql
-    DB=hg19
-    all::
-            hgTrackDb . ${DB} trackDb_localTracks ${trackDbSql} .
-This hgTrackDb command reads your trackDb.ra file and converts it
-into row entries for each track specified in it into row contents
-in this new table trackDb_localTracks.
-The DB= specification is your database of interest, this example: hg19
-This loads your local specific table trackDb_localTracks in the database.
-This name trackDb_localTracks is not special, just different than
-the ordinary trackDb table.  It should have some meaning to anyone
-in your environment and not be the same name as any UCSC database
-table.  The two '.' arguments in the command above refer
-to directory names.  Since you have no hierarchy of levels in this
-single directory, unlike in the source tree trackDb hierarchy, the
-'.' arguments refer to the current directory.
-To direct the genome browser to this table to use as extra trackDb
-definitions, add to the specification in your cgi-bin/hg.conf file:
-    db.trackDb=trackDb_localTracks,trackDb
-Beware of the specified order of the tables if there are tracks
-by the same name in each table.  Any definitions for tracks
-in trackDb_localTracks will override any definitions for the
-same named tracks in trackDb.  You could thus override the
-standard definitions for tracks from the trackDb table.
-Your usual case will be that your tracks are unique to your
-local installation.
-See also: new assistant scripts as of March 2010 in the src/product/scripts/
-	directory here to fetch and build the source tree.
-Older instructions about building the source tree remain valid:
-If you really do want to build all the utilities and all database
-loaders, perform the following 'make' commands in your source tree:
-    cd src
-    make clean
-    make libs
-    cd hg
-    make
-    cd ../utils
-    make
-This builds everything cleanly, all CGI binaries, all database
-loaders, all utilities.  Perform this sequence each time you
-do a 'git pull' on your source tree.  The 'make clean' step
-is especially important since the makefile hierarchy does not
-have built in dependencies and will not rebuild items that
-depend upon each other.  The traditional dependency on the
-source tree libraries is taken care of because a make in any
-directory that produces a binary will always re-link the
-binary every time, thus always picking up any potentially new
 # The UDC local cache directory
 The udcCache allows tracks that are either installed tracks
 or custom tracks of the above mentioned types to cache data 
 that they have already fetched via URL.  This allows data to 
 reside elsewhere and only download the parts
 needed on demand.  The datablocks are usually
 compressed and have an efficient random access
 index. They are accessed from a remote location
 via URLs such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP.
 * udcCache means URL-Data-Cache
 * BBI files use the udcCache.
 * BBI means Big Binary Indexed and includes file types such as BigBed (.bb) and BigWig (.bw).
 * UCSC BAM file support may also use the udcCache