  Mon Jun 28 15:01:16 2021 -0700
Adding the index announcement about v3 versioning of the trackDb doc refs #26598

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
index f6aad3f..52fd0df 100755
--- src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
+++ src/hg/htdocs/goldenPath/newsarch.html
@@ -40,37 +40,38 @@
     <div class="col-sm-3">
         <li><a href="#2005">2005 News</a></li>
         <li><a href="#2004">2004 News</a></li>
         <li><a href="#2003">2003 News</a></li>
         <li><a href="#2002">2002 News</a></li>
         <li><a href="#2001">2001 News</a></li>
 <!-- ============= 2021 archived news ============= -->
 <a name="2021"></a>
-<h2>June 28, 2021 &nbsp;&nbsp; Version 3 of Track Database Definition Document</h2>
+<a name="062821"></a>
+<h2>June 28, 2021 &nbsp;&nbsp; Version 3 of Track Database Definition Document Released</h2>
 The <a href="help/trackDb/trackDbHub.html" target="_blank">Track Database Definition Document</a>
 defining hub settings has been updated from version two to version three. This document primarily
 serves as a library of settings that users can refer to when they are setting up and configuring
-their own track hubs. The update in the version is to account for two new sections that highlighted
-for the new <a href="help/bigLolly.html">bigLolly</a> type specialized for variant data and the new
+their own track hubs. The update in the version is to account for two new sections that highlight
+the new <a href="help/bigLolly.html">bigLolly</a> type specialized for variant data and the new
 <a href="help/vcf.html#trio" >vcfPhasedTrio</a> type specialized for phased VCF data.</p>
 The new settings for these types are included in their relevant
 sections such as <code>vcfChildSample</code> and
 <code>vcfUseAltSampleNames</code> for the new <a href="help/trackDb/trackDbHub.html#vcfPhasedTrio"
 target="_blank">vcfPhasedTrio format</a>, or <code>lollySizeField</code> and <code>lollyField</code>
 for the new  <a href="help/trackDb/trackDbHub.html#bigLolly" target="_blank">bigLolly format</a>
 with full descriptions in the document.</p>
 The Track Database Definition Document also serves a second function beyond defining settings as
 providing a versioned specification for those sites that support and display data from track hubs
 such as Ensembl and NCBI. See this <a href="http://genome.ucsc.edu/blog/how-portable-is-your-track-hub-use-hubcheck-to-find-out/"
 target="_blank">blog post</a> to learn more about this second element of the document and using the
 hubCheck utility to gain an idea of how your hub's settings might work on different sites.</p>