  Mon Jun 28 08:43:35 2021 -0700
Add links to outbreak.info for lineages in results table & details.

diff --git src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.h src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.h
index b2a803c..64391d4 100644
--- src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.h
+++ src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.h
@@ -1,223 +1,224 @@
 /* Place SARS-CoV-2 sequences in phylogenetic tree using add_missing_samples program. */
 #ifndef _PHYLO_PLACE_H_
 #define _PHYLO_PLACE_H_
 #include "common.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "parsimonyProto.h"
 #include "phyloTree.h"
 #include "seqWindow.h"
 #include "trashDir.h"
 #define PHYLOPLACE_DATA_DIR "hgPhyloPlaceData"
 // Allow users to upload a lot of sequences, but put limits on how much detail we'll show and
 // how many custom tracks we'll create.
 #define MAX_SEQ_DETAILS 100
 #define MAX_SUBTREE_CTS 10
 // For usher's -K option (single subtree):
 #define SINGLE_SUBTREE_SIZE "1000"
 #define NEXTSTRAIN_DRAG_DROP_DOC "https://docs.nextstrain.org/projects/auspice/en/latest/advanced-functionality/drag-drop-csv-tsv.html"
+#define OUTBREAK_INFO_URLBASE "https://outbreak.info/situation-reports?pango="
 struct treeChoices
 /* Phylogenetic tree versions for the user to choose from. */
     char **protobufFiles;      // Mutation annotated tree files in protobuf format for UShER
     char **metadataFiles;      // Sample metadata a la GISAID's nextmeta download option
     char **sources;            // GISAID or public
     char **descriptions;       // Menu labels to describe the options to the user
     char **aliasFiles;         // Two-column files associating IDs/aliases with full tree names
     int count;                 // Number of choices (and size of each array)
 struct seqInfo
 /* User sequences, alignments and statistics */
     struct seqInfo *next;
     struct dnaSeq *seq;                     // Uploaded sequence
     struct psl *psl;                        // Alignment to reference (if FASTA uploaded)
     struct singleNucChange *sncList;        // SNVs in seq
     struct singleNucChange *maskedSncList;  // SNVs that were masked (not used for placement)
     struct slRef *maskedReasonsList;        // Reason (from Problematic Sites) for masking each SNV
     uint nCountStart;                       // #Ns at beginning of seq
     uint nCountMiddle;                      // #Ns not at beginning or end of seq
     uint nCountEnd;                         // #Ns at end of seq
     uint ambigCount;                        // # ambiguous IUPAC bases
     char *insRanges;                        // ranges and sequences inserted into reference
     char *delRanges;                        // ranges and sequences deleted from reference
     uint insBases;                          // total #bases inserted into reference
     uint delBases;                          // total #bases deleted from reference
 struct variantPathNode
 /* A list of these gives a path from phylo tree root to some node (usually user seq leaf). */
     struct variantPathNode *next;
     char *nodeName;                   // Either a numeric internal node ID or the user seq name
     struct singleNucChange *sncList;  // One or more single nucleotide changes associated with node
 struct bestNodeInfo
     struct bestNodeInfo *next;
     char *name;                           // Node name
     struct variantPathNode *variantPath;  // Mutations assigned to nodes along path from root->node
     boolean isSibling;                    // Placement would be as sibling of node (not child)
 struct baseVal
 /* List of imputed base positions and values */
     struct baseVal *next;
     int chromStart;         // 0-based position
     char *val;              // nucleotide base(s)
 struct placementInfo
 /* Info about a sample's mutations and placement in the phylo tree */
     char *sampleId;                       // Sample name from FASTA or VCF header
     struct slName *sampleMuts;            // Differences with the reference genome
     struct variantPathNode *variantPath;  // Mutations assigned to nodes along path from root
     struct bestNodeInfo *bestNodes;       // Other nodes identified as equally parsimonious
     struct baseVal *imputedBases;         // Ambiguous bases imputed to ref/alt [ACGT]
     int parsimonyScore;                   // Parsimony cost of placing sample
     int bestNodeCount;                    // Number of equally parsimonious placements
     char *nextClade;                      // Nextstrain clade assigned by UShER
     char *pangoLineage;                   // Pango lineage assigned by UShER
     // Fields above are parsed out of usher result files; below are added on later.
     char *nearestNeighbor;                // Nearest neighbor in phylogenetic tree/NULL if not found
     char *neighborLineage;                // Lineage of nearest neighbor/NULL if not found
 struct subtreeInfo
 /* Parsed subtree from usher and derivative products. */
     struct subtreeInfo *next;
     struct tempName *subtreeTn;           // Newick file from usher (may have condensed nodes)
     struct phyloTree *subtree;            // Parsed subtree (#*** with annotated muts?  shoudl we?_
     struct hash *subtreeIdToIx;           // Map of subtree nodes to VCF output sample order
     struct slName *subtreeUserSampleIds;  // List of user-uploaded samples in this subtree
     struct slName *subtreeNameList;       // List of leaf names with nicer names for cond. nodes
 struct usherResults
 /* Tree+samples download file, sample placements, and subtrees parsed from usher output. */
     struct tempName *bigTreePlusTn;      // Newick file: original tree plus user's samples
     struct hash *samplePlacements;       // Info about each sample's placement in the tree
     struct subtreeInfo *singleSubtreeInfo;  // Comprehensive subtree with all uploaded samples
     struct subtreeInfo *subtreeInfoList; // For each subtree: tree, file, node info etc.
 struct sampleMetadata
 /* Information about a virus sample. */
     char *strain;       // Strain name, usually of the form Country/ArbitraryId/YYYY-MM-DD
     char *epiId;        // GISAID EPI_ISL_[0-9]+ ID
     char *gbAcc;        // GenBank accession
     char *date;         // Sample collection date
     char *author;       // Author(s) to credit
     char *nClade;       // Nextstrain year-letter clade
     char *gClade;       // GISAID amino acid change clade
     char *lineage;      // Pangolin lineage
     char *country;      // Country in which sample was collected
     char *division;     // Administrative division in which sample was collected (country or state)
     char *location;     // Location in which sample was collected (city)
     char *countryExp;   // Country in which host was exposed to virus
     char *divExp;       // Administrative division in which host was exposed to virus
     char *origLab;      // Originating lab
     char *subLab;       // Submitting lab
     char *region;       // Continent on which sample was collected
 struct geneInfo
 /* Information sufficient to determine whether a genome change causes a coding change. */
     struct geneInfo *next;
     struct psl *psl;        // Alignment of transcript to genome
     struct dnaSeq *txSeq;   // Transcript sequence
 struct tempName *vcfFromFasta(struct lineFile *lf, char *db, struct dnaSeq *refGenome,
                               boolean *informativeBases, struct slName **maskSites,
                               struct slName **retSampleIds, struct seqInfo **retSeqInfo,
                               struct slPair **retFailedSeqs, struct slPair **retFailedPsls,
                               int *pStartTime);
 /* Read in FASTA from lf and make sure each item has a reasonable size and not too high
  * percentage of N's.  Align to reference, extract SNVs from alignment, and save as VCF
  * with sample genotype columns. */
 struct usherResults *runUsher(char *usherPath, char *usherAssignmentsPath, char *vcfFile,
                               int subtreeSize, struct slName *userSampleIds,
                               struct hash *condensedNodes, int *pStartTime);
 /* Open a pipe from Yatish Turakhia's usher program, save resulting big trees and
  * subtrees to trash files, return list of slRef to struct tempName for the trash files
  * and parse other results out of stderr output. */
 struct usherResults *runMatUtilsExtractSubtrees(char *matUtilsPath, char *protobufPath,
                                                 int subtreeSize, struct slName *sampleIds,
                                                 struct hash *condensedNodes, int *pStartTime);
 /* Open a pipe from Yatish Turakhia and Jakob McBroome's matUtils extract to extract subtrees
  * containing sampleIds, save resulting subtrees to trash files, return subtree results.
  * Caller must ensure that sampleIds are names of leaves in the protobuf tree. */
 struct slPair *getAaMutations(struct singleNucChange *sncList, struct geneInfo *geneInfoList,
                               struct seqWindow *gSeqWin);
 /* Given lists of SNVs and genes, return a list of pairs of { gene name, AA change list }. */
 struct geneInfo *getGeneInfoList(char *bigGenePredFile, struct dnaSeq *refGenome);
 /* If config.ra has a source of gene annotations, then return the gene list. */
 void treeToAuspiceJson(struct subtreeInfo *sti, char *db, struct geneInfo *geneInfoList,
                        struct seqWindow *gSeqWin, struct hash *sampleMetadata,
                        struct hash *sampleUrls, char *jsonFile, char *source);
 /* Write JSON for tree in Nextstrain's Augur/Auspice V2 JSON format
  * (https://github.com/nextstrain/augur/blob/master/augur/data/schema-export-v2.json). */
 struct tempName *writeCustomTracks(struct tempName *vcfTn, struct usherResults *ur,
                                    struct slName *sampleIds, struct phyloTree *bigTree,
                                    char *source, int fontHeight, struct phyloTree **retSampleTree,
                                    int *pStartTime);
 /* Write one custom track per subtree, and one custom track with just the user's uploaded samples. */
 struct sampleMetadata *metadataForSample(struct hash *sampleMetadata, char *sampleId);
 /* Look up sampleId in sampleMetadata, by accession if sampleId seems to include an accession. */
 struct phyloTree *phyloPruneToIds(struct phyloTree *node, struct slName *sampleIds);
 /* Prune all descendants of node that have no leaf descendants in sampleIds. */
 char *phyloPlaceDbSetting(char *db, char *settingName);
 /* Return a setting from hgPhyloPlaceData/<db>/config.ra or NULL if not found. */
 char *phyloPlaceDbSettingPath(char *db, char *settingName);
 /* Return path to a file named by a setting from hgPhyloPlaceData/<db>/config.ra,
  * or NULL if not found.  (Append hgPhyloPlaceData/<db>/ to the beginning of relative path) */
 struct treeChoices *loadTreeChoices(char *db);
 /* If <db>/config.ra specifies a treeChoices file, load it up, else return NULL. */
 void reportTiming(int *pStartTime, char *message);
 /* Print out a report to stderr of how much time something took. */
 boolean hgPhyloPlaceEnabled();
 /* Return TRUE if hgPhyloPlace is enabled in hg.conf and db wuhCor1 exists. */
 char *phyloPlaceSamples(struct lineFile *lf, char *db, char *defaultProtobuf,
                         boolean doMeasureTiming, int subtreeSize, int fontHeight,
                         boolean *retSuccess);
 /* Given a lineFile that contains either FASTA, VCF, or a list of sequence names/ids:
  * If FASTA/VCF, then prepare VCF for usher; if that goes well then run usher, report results,
  * make custom track files and return the top-level custom track file.
  * If list of seq names/ids, then attempt to find their full names in the protobuf, run matUtils
  * to make subtrees, show subtree results, and return NULL.  Set retSuccess to TRUE if we were
  * able to get at least some results for the user's input. */
 #endif //_PHYLO_PLACE_H_