  Thu Jun 24 14:27:57 2021 -0700
Add hgdownload2 to list of hgdownload machines for users apps and other build targets, refs Hiram email

diff --git src/utils/qa/weeklybld/buildHgCentralSql.csh src/utils/qa/weeklybld/buildHgCentralSql.csh
index 1bcb39e..2574246 100755
--- src/utils/qa/weeklybld/buildHgCentralSql.csh
+++ src/utils/qa/weeklybld/buildHgCentralSql.csh
@@ -1,128 +1,131 @@
 if ( "$HOST" != "hgwdev" ) then
 	echo "error: you must run this script on hgwdev!"
 	exit 1
 set currentBranch=`git branch | grep master`
 if ("$currentBranch" != "* master") then
     echo "Error: must be on master branch"
     exit 1
 # This should be in hgdownload sandbox
 cd ${BUILDHOME}/build-hgdownload/admin
 git pull origin master
 ### Creates these tables only
 set CREATE_ONLY="sessionDb userDb hubStatus gbMembers namedSessionDb" 
 set CREATE_OR_LIST=`echo "${CREATE_ONLY}" | sed -e "s/ /|/g"`
 set IGNORE_TABLES=`hgsql -N -h genome-centdb -e "show tables;" hgcentral \
      | egrep -v -w "${CREATE_OR_LIST}" | xargs echo \
      | sed -e "s/^/--ignore-table=hgcentral./; s/ / --ignore-table=hgcentral./g"`
 hgsqldump --skip-add-drop-table --skip-lock-tables --no-data ${IGNORE_TABLES} \
           -h genome-centdb --no-create-db --databases hgcentral  | grep -v "^USE " \
          | sed -e "s/genome-centdb/localhost/; s/CREATE TABLE/CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS/" \
     > /tmp/hgcentraltemp.sql 
 ### Creates and fills (replacing entirely) these tables
 set REPLACE_ENTIRELY="blatServers dbDb dbDbArch defaultCart gdbPdb liftOverChain" 
 set CREATE_OR_LIST=`echo "${REPLACE_ENTIRELY}" | sed -e "s/ /|/g"`
 set IGNORE_TABLES=`hgsql -N -h genome-centdb -e "show tables;" hgcentral \
      | egrep -v -w "${CREATE_OR_LIST}" | xargs echo \
      | sed -e "s/^/--ignore-table=hgcentral./; s/ / --ignore-table=hgcentral./g"`
 # --order-by-primary ... to make it dump rows in a stable repeatable order if it has an index
 # --skip-extended-insert ... to make it dump rows as separate insert statements
 # --skip-add-drop-table ... to avoid dropping existing tables
 # Note that INSERT is turned into REPLACE making our table contents dominant, 
 #      but users additional rows are preserved
 hgsqldump ${IGNORE_TABLES} --skip-lock-tables --skip-extended-insert --order-by-primary -c -h genome-centdb \
         --no-create-db --databases hgcentral  | grep -v "^USE " | sed -e \
         "s/genome-centdb/localhost/" \
     >> /tmp/hgcentraltemp.sql
 ### Creates and fills (replacing uniquely keyed rows only) these tables
 set CREATE_AND_FILL="defaultDb clade genomeClade targetDb hubPublic" 
 set CREATE_OR_LIST=`echo "${CREATE_AND_FILL}" | sed -e "s/ /|/g"`
 set IGNORE_TABLES=`hgsql -N -h genome-centdb -e "show tables;" hgcentral \
      | egrep -v -w "${CREATE_OR_LIST}" | xargs echo \
      | sed -e "s/^/--ignore-table=hgcentral./; s/ / --ignore-table=hgcentral./g"`
 # --order-by-primary ... to make it dump rows in a stable repeatable order if it has an index
 # --skip-extended-insert ... to make it dump rows as separate insert statements
 # --skip-add-drop-table ... to avoid dropping existing tables
 # Note that INSERT is turned into REPLACE making our table contents dominant, 
 #      but users additional rows are preserved
 hgsqldump ${IGNORE_TABLES} --skip-lock-tables --skip-add-drop-table --skip-extended-insert --order-by-primary -c -h genome-centdb \
         --no-create-db --databases hgcentral  | grep -v "^USE " | sed -e \
         "s/genome-centdb/localhost/; s/CREATE TABLE/CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS/; s/INSERT/REPLACE/" \
     >> /tmp/hgcentraltemp.sql
 # get rid of some mysql5 trash in the output we don't want.
 # also need to break data values at rows so the diff and cvs 
 # which are line-oriented work better.
 grep -v "Dump completed on" /tmp/hgcentraltemp.sql | \
 sed -e "s/AUTO_INCREMENT=[0-9]* //" > \
 echo "*** Diffing old new ***"
 diff hgcentral.sql /tmp/hgcentral.sql
 if ( ! $status ) then
 	echo "No differences."
 	exit 0
 if ( "$1" != "real" ) then
 	echo "Not real.   To make real changes, put real as cmdline parm."
 	exit 0
 rm hgcentral.sql
 cp -p /tmp/hgcentral.sql hgcentral.sql
 set temp = '"'"v${BRANCHNN}"'"'
 git commit -m $temp hgcentral.sql
 if ( $status ) then
 	echo "error during git commit of hgcentral.sql."
 	exit 1
 # push to hgdownload
 ssh -n qateam@hgdownload "rm /mirrordata/apache/htdocs/admin/hgcentral.sql"
 scp -p hgcentral.sql qateam@hgdownload:/mirrordata/apache/htdocs/admin/
+ssh -n qateam@hgdownload2 "rm /mirrordata/apache/htdocs/admin/hgcentral.sql"
+scp -p hgcentral.sql qateam@hgdownload2:/mirrordata/apache/htdocs/admin/
 ssh -n qateam@genome-euro "rm /mirrordata/apache/htdocs/admin/hgcentral.sql"
 scp -p hgcentral.sql qateam@genome-euro:/mirrordata/apache/htdocs/admin/
 # archive
 set dateStamp = `date "+%FT%T"`
 cp -p hgcentral.sql /hive/groups/browser/centralArchive/hgcentral.$dateStamp.sql
 gzip /hive/groups/browser/centralArchive/hgcentral.$dateStamp.sql
 echo "A new hgcentral.sql file should now be present at:"
 echo "  http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/"
 echo "   and"
 echo "  genome-euro"
 echo "If it is not, you can request a push of the file:"
 echo "  /usr/local/apache/htdocs/admin/hgcentral.sql"
 echo "  from hgwdev --> hgdownload "
 echo "NOTE:  Some mirrors like to get hgcentral tables via ftp or rsync"
 echo "from hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/mysql/hgcentral/ instead of from the"
 echo "hgcentral.sql file. To make a table in hgcentral available there"
 echo "right now, ask for it to be pushed from hgnfs1 --> hgdownload. (Or"
 echo "just wait for the automatic weekly rsync.)"
 git pull
 git push
 exit 0