  Fri Jun 25 03:52:26 2021 -0700
moving the udcTimeout message to a notification box, refs #27677

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index a6e0433..9f1ba6f 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@ -10623,30 +10623,40 @@
         // Add region only if it is not already in the existing highlight setting.
         char *alreadyIn = strstr(existing, newHighlight);
         int len = strlen(newHighlight);
         if (! (alreadyIn && (alreadyIn[len] == '|' || alreadyIn[len] == '\0')))
             struct dyString *dy = dyStringCreate("%s|%s", newHighlight, existing);
             cartSetString(cart, "highlight", dy->string);
         cartSetString(cart, "highlight", newHighlight);
     cartRemove(cart, "addHighlight");
+void notify (char *msg)
+/* print a message into a hidden DIV tag, and call Javascript to move the DIV under the
+ * tableHeaderForm element and un-hide it. Less obtrusive than a warn() message but still hard to miss. */
+puts("<div style='display:none' id='notifBox'>");
 extern boolean issueBotWarning;
 void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart)
 /* Print the body of an html file.   */
 cart = theCart;
 measureTiming = hPrintStatus() && isNotEmpty(cartOptionalString(cart, "measureTiming"));
 if (measureTiming)
     measureTime("Startup (bottleneck %d ms) ", botDelayMillis);
 char *mouseOverEnabled = cfgOption("mouseOverEnabled");
 if (sameWordOk(mouseOverEnabled, "on"))
     /* can not use mouseOver in any virtual mode */
     char *isMultiRegion = cartUsualString(cart, "virtModeType", "default");
@@ -10896,35 +10906,36 @@
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "window.browserTextSize=%s;\n", tl.textSize);
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "window.mouseOverEnabled=true;\n");
     dyStringPrintf(dy, "window.mouseOverEnabled=false;\n");
 if (measureTiming)
     measureTime("Time at end of doMiddle, next up cart write");
 if (cartOptionalString(cart, "udcTimeout"))
-    warn("The Genome Browser cart currently includes the \"udcTimeout\" string. "
-	"While this is useful for debugging hubs, it may negatively impact "
-	"performance.   To turn this off, click "
+    char buf[5000];
+    safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "A \"udcTimeout\" setting is active. "
+	"This is useful when developing hubs, but it reduces "
+	"performance. To clear the setting, click "
 	"<A HREF='hgTracks?hgsid=%s|url|&udcTimeout=[]'>here</A>.",cartSessionId(cart));
-    }
+    notify(buf);
 void labelTrackAsFilteredNumber(struct track *tg, unsigned numOut)
 /* add text to track long label to indicate filter is active */
 tg->longLabel = labelAsFilteredNumber(tg->longLabel, numOut);
 void labelTrackAsFiltered(struct track *tg)
 /* add text to track long label to indicate filter is active */
 tg->longLabel = labelAsFiltered(tg->longLabel);
 // also label parent composite track filtered
 struct trackDb *parentTdb = tdbGetComposite(tg->tdb);