  Thu Aug 5 03:54:34 2021 -0700
improving docs for chromToUcsc, refs #27919

diff --git src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc
index c666c20..f9e8066 100755
--- src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc
+++ src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc
@@ -20,43 +20,48 @@
     Supports these UCSC file formats:
     BED, genePred, PSL, wiggle (all formats), bedGraph, VCF, SAM, GTF, Chain
     ... or any other csv or tsv format where the sequence (chromosome) name is a separate field.
     Requires a <genome>.chromAlias.tsv file which can be downloaded like this:
         %prog --get hg19              # download the file hg19.chromAlias.tsv into current directory
     If you do not want to use the --get option to retrieve the mapping tables, you can also download the alias mapping
     files yourself, e.g. for mm10 with 'wget https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm10/database/chromAlias.txt.gz'
     Then the script can be run like this:
         %prog -i in.bed -o out.bed -a hg19.chromAlias.tsv
         %prog -i in.bed -o out.bed -a https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/chromAlias.txt.gz
     Or in pipes, like this:
         cat test.bed | %prog -a mm10.chromAlias.tsv > test.ucsc.bed
-    For BAM files use in a pipe with samtools:
+    For BAM files use this program in a pipe with samtools:
         samtools view -h in.bam | ./chromToUcsc -a mm10.chromAlias.tsv | samtools -bS > out.bam
+    By default, this script expects the chromosome name in the first field, but you can change the field with -k.
+    This works for BED, bedGraph, GTF, wiggle, VCF.
+    For the following file formats, you will need to set the -k option to these values manually:
+    genePred: 2 -- PSL 10 (target) or 14 (query) -- chain: 2 (target) or 7 (query) -- SAM: 2
+    If any line starts with @ (SAM format), -k is automatically set to 2.
     parser.add_option("", "--get", dest="downloadDb", action="store", help="download a chrom alias table from UCSC for the genomeDb into the current directory and exit")
     parser.add_option("-a", "--chromAlias", dest="aliasFname", action="store", help="a UCSC chromAlias file in tab-sep format or the http/https URL to one")
     parser.add_option("-i", "--in", dest="inFname", action="store", help="input filename, default: /dev/stdin")
     parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="outFname", action="store", help="output filename, default: /dev/stdout")
     parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show debug messages")
     parser.add_option("-s", "--skipUnknown", dest="skipUnknown", action="store_true", help="skip unknown sequence rather than generate an error.")
     parser.add_option("-k", "--field", dest="fieldNo", action="store", type="int", \
-            help="index of field to convert, default is %default (first field is 1). This works for BED, bedGraph, GTF, wiggle, VCF. For genePred, set this option to 2, for PSL use 10 (target) or 14 (query), for Chain use 2 (target) or 7 (query). If any line starts with @ (SAM format), this field is automatically set to 2.", default=1)
+            help="index of field to convert, default is %default (first field is 1). ", default=1)
     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
     if options.downloadDb is None and options.aliasFname is None:
     if options.debug:
     return args, options
 # ----------- main --------------
 def splitLines(ifh):