c7ea1782a59a1cf6cfac9eff94f4774ffb525c83 max Mon Aug 9 03:58:20 2021 -0700 tiny docs change for chromToUcsc, no redmine diff --git src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc index a5b81a0..31ce38d 100755 --- src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc +++ src/utils/chromToUcsc/chromToUcsc @@ -1,232 +1,232 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python import logging, optparse, gzip from sys import stdin, stdout, stderr, exit, modules from os.path import basename try: from urllib.request import urlopen # py2 except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen # py3 try: from cStringIO import StringIO # py2 except ImportError: from io import BytesIO # py3 # ==== functions ===== def parseArgs(): " setup logging, parse command line arguments and options. -h shows auto-generated help page " parser = optparse.OptionParser("""usage: %prog [options] filename - change NCBI or Ensembl chromosome names to UCSC names in tabular or wiggle files, using a chromAlias table. Supports these UCSC file formats: BED, genePred, PSL, wiggle (all formats), bedGraph, VCF, SAM, GTF, Chain ... or any other csv or tsv format where the sequence (chromosome) name is a separate field. Requires a <genome>.chromAlias.tsv file which can be downloaded like this: %prog --get hg19 # download the file hg19.chromAlias.tsv into current directory If you do not want to use the --get option to retrieve the mapping tables, you can also download the alias mapping files yourself, e.g. for mm10 with 'wget https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/mm10/database/chromAlias.txt.gz' Then the script can be run like this: %prog -i in.bed -o out.bed -a hg19.chromAlias.tsv %prog -i in.bed -o out.bed -a https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/database/chromAlias.txt.gz Or in pipes, like this: cat test.bed | %prog -a mm10.chromAlias.tsv > test.ucsc.bed For BAM files use this program in a pipe with samtools: samtools view -h in.bam | ./chromToUcsc -a mm10.chromAlias.tsv | samtools -bS > out.bam By default, this script expects the chromosome name in the first field. The default works for BED, bedGraph, GTF, wiggle, VCF. For the following file formats, you will need to set the -k option to these values manually: - genePred: 2 -- PSL 10 (target) or 14 (query) -- chain: 2 (target) or 7 (query) -- SAM: 2 + genePred: 2 -- PSL: 10 (target) or 14 (query) -- chain: 2 (target) or 7 (query) -- SAM: 2 (If a line starts with @ (SAM format), -k is automatically set to 2.) """) parser.add_option("", "--get", dest="downloadDb", action="store", help="download a chrom alias table from UCSC for the genomeDb into the current directory and exit") parser.add_option("-a", "--chromAlias", dest="aliasFname", action="store", help="a UCSC chromAlias file in tab-sep format or the http/https URL to one") parser.add_option("-i", "--in", dest="inFname", action="store", help="input filename, default: /dev/stdin") parser.add_option("-o", "--out", dest="outFname", action="store", help="output filename, default: /dev/stdout") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show debug messages") parser.add_option("-s", "--skipUnknown", dest="skipUnknown", action="store_true", help="skip unknown sequence rather than generate an error.") parser.add_option("-k", "--field", dest="fieldNo", action="store", type="int", \ help="index of field to convert, default is %default (first field is 1). ", default=1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.downloadDb is None and options.aliasFname is None: parser.print_help() exit(1) if options.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) return args, options # ----------- main -------------- def splitLines(ifh): " yield (chromName, restOfLine) for all lines of ifh " sep = -1 lineNo = 0 for line in ifh: lineNo += 1 if line.startswith("#"): yield lineNo, None, None, line.rstrip("\n\r") else: if line.startswith("fixedStep") or line.startswith("variableStep"): row = line.split() yield lineNo, " ", row, line # *step lines are always space-separated else: if sep==-1: # why test first for space? Because after fixedStep, the lines are just single numbers if "\t" in line: sep = "\t" elif " " in line: sep = None # = split on any whitespace, consec. whitespc counts as one else: sep = "\t" # default is to split on tab row = line.rstrip("\n\r").split(sep) if sep is None: sep = " " yield lineNo, sep, row, line def parseAlias(fname): " parse tsv file with at least two columns, orig chrom name and new chrom name " toUcsc = {} if fname.startswith("http://") or fname.startswith("https://"): ifh = urlopen(fname) if fname.endswith(".gz"): data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=ifh).read().decode() ifh = data.splitlines() elif fname.endswith(".gz"): ifh = gzip.open(fname, "rt") else: ifh = open(fname) for line in ifh: if line.startswith("alias"): continue row = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t") toUcsc[row[0]] = row[1] return toUcsc def handledUnmappedChrom(chrom, skipUnknown, skipWarned, message): "either generate an error or warning when an unknown chromosome is encountered." if skipUnknown: if chrom not in skipWarned: logging.warning(message) skipWarned.add(chrom) else: logging.error(message) exit(1) def chromToUcsc(aliasFname, fieldIdx, skipUnknown, ifh, ofh): " convert column number fieldIdx to UCSC-style chrom names " toUcsc = parseAlias(aliasFname) skipWarned = set() ucscChroms = set(toUcsc.values()) isSam = False for lineNo, sep, row, line in splitLines(ifh): if line.startswith("#"): ofh.write(line) # comments (e.g. gtf) are just passed through ofh.write("\n") continue elif len(row)<=2: pass # fixedStep or variableStep value lines are passed through elif row[0]=="fixedStep" or row[0]=="variableStep": # fixedStep chrom=NC_033660.1 start=15778865 step=1 key, chrom = row[1].split("=") assert(key=="chrom") # we assume that the first field has the chrom, that saves a lot of time ucscChrom = toUcsc.get(chrom) if ucscChrom is None: logging.error("line %d: chrom name %s is not in chromAlias table" % (lineNo, repr(chrom))) exit(1) row[1] = "chrom="+ucscChrom elif row[0][0]== "@": fieldIdx = 2 # SAM format detected isSam = True if row[0]=="@SQ": # @SQ SN:1 LN:195471971 chrom = row[1].split(":")[1] if chrom not in ucscChroms: ucscChrom = toUcsc.get(chrom) if ucscChrom is None: handledUnmappedChrom(chrom, skipUnknown, skipWarned, "SAM format, header line %d: chrom name %s is not in chromAlias table" % (lineNo, repr(chrom))) continue row[1] = "SN:%s" % ucscChrom else: # just pass through any UCSC chrom names chrom = row[fieldIdx] if row[0].startswith("#") or chrom in ucscChroms or chrom=="*": ucscChrom = chrom else: ucscChrom = toUcsc.get(chrom) if ucscChrom is None: handledUnmappedChrom(chrom, skipUnknown, skipWarned, "line %d: chrom name %s is not in chromAlias table" % (lineNo, repr(chrom))) continue if isSam: mateChrom = row[6] if mateChrom not in ("=", "*"): row[6] = toUcsc[mateChrom] row[fieldIdx] = ucscChrom line = sep.join(row) ofh.write(line) ofh.write("\n") def download(db): url = "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/%s/database/chromAlias.txt.gz" % db gzData = urlopen(url).read() if 'cStringIO' in modules: data = StringIO(gzData) else: data = BytesIO(gzData) data = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=data).read().decode() outFname = db+".chromAlias.tsv" open(outFname, "w").write(data) print("Wrote %s to %s" % (url, outFname)) print("You can now convert a file with 'chromToUcsc -a %s -i infile.bed -o outfile.bed'" % outFname) exit(0) def main(): args, options = parseArgs() aliasFname = options.aliasFname inFname = options.inFname outFname = options.outFname skipUnknown = options.skipUnknown if options.downloadDb: download(options.downloadDb) if aliasFname is None: logging.error("You need to provide an alias table with the -a option or use --get to download one.") exit(1) if inFname is None: ifh = stdin elif inFname.endswith(".gz"): ifh = gzip.open(inFname, "rt") else: ifh = open(inFname) if outFname is None: ofh = stdout elif outFname.endswith(".gz"): ofh = gzip.open(outFname, "wt") else: ofh = open(outFname, "w") fieldIdx = options.fieldNo-1 chromToUcsc(aliasFname, fieldIdx, skipUnknown, ifh, ofh) main()