  Tue Aug 24 09:06:30 2021 -0700
Feedback from CR refs #28026

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/caddSuper.html src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/caddSuper.html
index 5e00117..e1dc85a 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/caddSuper.html
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/human/caddSuper.html
@@ -30,34 +30,34 @@
 There are six subtracks of this track: four for single-nucleotide mutations,
 one for each base, showing all possible substitutions, 
 one for insertions and one for deletions. All subtracks show the CADD Phred
 score on mouseover. Zooming in shows the exact score on mouseover, same
 basepair = score 0.0.</p>
 PHRED-scaled scores are normalized to all potential &#126;9 billion SNVs, and
 thereby provide an externally comparable unit for analysis. For example, a
 scaled score of 10 or greater indicates a raw score in the top 10% of all
 possible reference genome SNVs, and a score of 20 or greater indicates a raw
 score in the top 1%, regardless of the details of the annotation set, model
 parameters, etc.
-The four single-nucleotide mutations tracks have a default viewing range of
+The four single-nucleotide mutation tracks have a default viewing range of
 score 10 to 50. As explained in the paragraph above, that results in
-slightly less than 10% of the data displayed which helps visualization. The 
-deletion and insertion tracks have a default filter of 10-100 since they
+slightly less than 10% of the data displayed. The 
+deletion and insertion tracks have a default filter of 10-100, since they
 display discrete items and not graphical data.
 <b>Single nucleotide variants (SNV):</b> For SNVs, at every
 genome position, there are three values per position, one for every possible
 nucleotide mutation. The fourth value, &quot;no mutation&quot;, representing 
 the reference allele, e.g. A to A, is always set to zero.
 When using this track, zoom in until you can see every basepair at the
 top of the display. Otherwise, there are several nucleotides per pixel under 
 your mouse cursor and instead of an actual score, the tooltip text will show
 the average score of all nucleotides under the cursor. This is indicated by
 the prefix &quot;~&quot; in the mouseover. Averages of scores are not useful for any