Merge parents 14bf08e b970346
  Wed Aug 25 02:16:31 2021 -0700
Merge branch 'ui-track-icons'

diff --cc src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
index a661d59,b3974aa..60cc987
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
@@@ -8010,40 -8001,80 +8010,81 @@@
  static void printMultiRegionButton()
  /* Print button that launches multi-region configuration pop-up */
  boolean isPressed = FALSE;
  if (differentString(virtModeType, "default"))
      isPressed = TRUE;
  char buf[256];
  safef(buf, sizeof buf, "configure %s multi-region display mode", 
                          isPressed ? "or exit" : "");
  hButtonNoSubmitMaybePressed("hgTracksConfigMultiRegionPage", "multi-region", buf,
              "popUpHgt.hgTracks('multi-region config'); return false;", isPressed);
+ static void printTrackLink(struct track *track)
+ /* print a link hgTrackUi with shortLabel and various icons and mouseOvers */
+ {
+ if (track->hasUi)
+     {
+     char *url = trackUrl(track->track, chromName);
+     char *longLabel = replaceChars(track->longLabel, "\"", """);
+     // Print an icon before the title when one is defined
+     hPrintPennantIcon(track->tdb);
+     struct dyString *dsMouseOver = dyStringCreate("%s", longLabel);
+     struct trackDb *tdb = track->tdb;
+     if (tdb->children)
+         {
+         dyStringPrintf(dsMouseOver, " - this is a container track with %d subtracks of different types (super track)",
+             slCount(tdb->children));
+         }
+     else if (tdb->subtracks)
+         {
+         dyStringPrintf(dsMouseOver, " - this is a container track with %d subtracks of similar types (composite track)",
+             slCount(tdb->subtracks));
+         }
+     hPrintf("<A HREF=\"%s\" title=\"%s\">", url, dyStringCannibalize(&dsMouseOver));
+     freeMem(url);
+     freeMem(longLabel);
+     }
+ // show the folder icon from the font-awesome collection.
+ // the icon collection also contains a "fa fa-folder-o" icon, which is the outline. It was decided to use only the filled out icon for now.
+ if (tdbIsSuper(track->tdb) || tdbIsComposite(track->tdb))
+     hPrintf("<i id='folderIcon' class='fa fa-folder'></i>");
+ hPrintf(" %s", track->shortLabel);
+ hPrintf("<BR> ");
+ if (track->hasUi)
+     hPrintf("</A>");
+ }
  void doTrackForm(char *psOutput, struct tempName *ideoTn)
  /* Make the tracks display form with the zoom/scroll buttons and the active
   * image.  If the ideoTn parameter is not NULL, it is filled in if the
   * ideogram is created.  */
  struct group *group;
  struct track *track;
  char *freezeName = NULL;
  boolean hideAll = cgiVarExists("hgt.hideAll");
 +boolean hideTracks = cgiOptionalString( "hideTracks") != NULL;
  boolean defaultTracks = cgiVarExists("hgt.reset");
  boolean showedRuler = FALSE;
  boolean showTrackControls = cartUsualBoolean(cart, "trackControlsOnMain", TRUE);
  boolean multiRegionButtonTop = cfgOptionBooleanDefault(MULTI_REGION_CFG_BUTTON_TOP, FALSE);
  long thisTime = 0, lastTime = 0;
  basesPerPixel = ((float)virtWinBaseCount) / ((float)fullInsideWidth);
  zoomedToBaseLevel = (virtWinBaseCount <= fullInsideWidth / tl.mWidth);
  zoomedToCodonLevel = (ceil(virtWinBaseCount/3) * tl.mWidth) <= fullInsideWidth;
  zoomedToCodonNumberLevel = (ceil(virtWinBaseCount/3) * tl.mWidth * 5) <= fullInsideWidth;
  zoomedToCdsColorLevel = (virtWinBaseCount <= fullInsideWidth*3);
  if (psOutput != NULL)