Sun Sep 26 01:11:54 2021 -0700
Installing updated hg.conf files from UCSC servers
diff --git confs/hgwdev.hg.conf confs/hgwdev.hg.conf
index f1dfde1..beeb20a 100644
--- confs/hgwdev.hg.conf
+++ confs/hgwdev.hg.conf
@@ -1,392 +1,392 @@
#hgMirror does not make sense and does not work on hgwdev. You cannot copy over
#tracks from hgdownload to hgMirror as just a normal apache user.
#However, it can be useful for ML questions to find out how much disk space a
#track requires
# Config file for the UCSC Human Genome server
# the format is in the form of name/value pairs
# written 'name=value' (note that there is no space between
# the name and its value.
# backup recovery 17 November 2009
include hg.conf.private
# temporary setting for QA, pending a better way to package dot
# with the browser (static binary?)
# Transient setting that activates link on hgTracks and
# hgGateway for ENCODE/modENCODE survey (March 2010).
# Remove survey setting to retire the survey.
-surveyLabel=Test Survey
+#surveyLabel=Test Survey
# survey=http://www.surveymonkey.com//s/XJF93F5
# surveyLabel=Apply for free workshop
# survey=http://genome-test.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/image.html
# surveyLabel=
Trouble viewing the browser? Reload this web page.
# 2012-03-16:
# survey=https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ucsc2012
# surveyLabel=Survey. Help us improve the Browser.
# survey=https://www.bit.ly/ucscTraining
# surveyLabel=More on-site workshops available!
# survey=/index.html#newGateway
# surveyLabel=New User Interface Coming May 10, 2016!
#surveyLabel=Take our feedback survey!
#surveyLabel= Request onsite workshops
#surveyLabel=See us FREE @ ASHG Wed 7:15 am
# if your MySQL system is configured for a different socket connection,
# use the following variables to override the MySQL defaults:
# db.socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
# db.port=3306
# *!# NOTE: the port override will only work when host is *not* localhost
# when localhost is used, MySQL may connect via shared memory
# connections and not via TCP/IP socket ports
# if you want a different default species selection on the Gateway
# page, change this default Human to one of the genomes from the
# defaultDb table in hgcentral:
# hgsql -e "select genome from defaultDb;" hgcentral
# If you need a different version of that specific genome, change
# the defaultDb table entry, for example, a different mouse genome
# version as default:
# hgsql -e 'update defaultDb set name="mm8" where genome="Mouse"
# then this defaultGenome would read: defaultGenome=Mouse
# tracks display width has a default maximum width of 5000 pixels
# override that limit with a larger number for maxDisplayPixelWidth
# trackDb table to use. A simple value of `trackDb' is normally sufficient.
# In general, the value is a comma-separated list of trackDb format tables to
# search. This supports local tracks combined with a mirror of the trackDb
# table from UCSC. The names should be in the form `trackDb_suffix'. This
# implies a parallel hgFindSpec format search table exists in the form
# hgFindSpec_suffix. The specified trackDb tables are searched in the order
# specified, with the first occurance of a track being used. You may associate
# trackDb/hgFindSpec tables with other instances of genome databases using a
# specification of profile:trackDbTbl, where profile is the name of a
# databases profile in hg.conf, and trackDbTbl is the name of the table in the
# remote databases.
# track group table definitions. This is a comma-seperate list similar to
# db.trackDb that defines the track group tables. Database profiles
# may alow be included using the syntax profile:grpTbl.
# New browser function as of May 2012, using stand alone hgLogin CGI
# login system to replace authentication service provided by
# genomewiki.
# To enable the hgLogin function, set the login.systemName
# as below. Note, do not set the values of the two cookies to other
# value.
login.systemName=hgLogin CGI
login.browserName=genome-test Genome Browser
login.mailSignature=UCSC Genome Browser Administrator
#Parameters for suggestion form
suggest.mailSignature=UCSC Genome Browser Staff
suggest.browserName=UCSC Genome Browser
# wiki track removed 2018-10-05 - Hiram
#These wiki-lines are involved in hgLogin
# self destruct option June 2011. To avoid problem of lost long running
# CGI processes. Default CGI expiration time is 20 minutes,
# enable cgiExpireMinutes to change that default.
# A time of 0 indicates no expiration time. positive integer only
# default for cgiTime printout to Apache error_log is "yes"
# uncomment this cgiTime=no option to turn off the printouts to error_log
# browser.cgiTime=no
# New browser function as of March 2007. Future browser code will
# have this on by default, and can be turned off with =off
# Initial release of this function requires it to be turned on here.
# There are additional fonts available, not all are perfect.
# Uncomment this to see extra font selections in the configure page
# fonts.extra=yes
# Turn this back on after people look at genome-test
# browser.style=../style/genome-test.css
# add config option to let users personalize background and style
# of the browser. Setting is saved in the cart and can be set from
# the configure page.
# format is browser.theme.=[,]
# background file is optional
# browser.theme.classic=,../images/floretTest.jpg
# browser.theme.sansSerif=theme-modern.css,http://silverlight.net/content/samples/sl2/silverlightairlines/run/Images/Background.jpg
# Change this default documentRoot if different in your installation,
# to allow some of the browser cgi binaries to find help text files
# optional location of grepIndex files
# braney commented out the following like on 8/29/2012 for testing purposes
# new option for track reording functions, August 2006
# directory for temporary bbi file caching, default is /tmp/udcCache
# see also: README.udc
# Mount point for udcFuse read-only filesystem (must be absolute path!):
# Parallel fetching of remote network resources using bigDataUrl such as trackHubs and customTracks
# how many threads to use (set to 0 to disable)
# how long to wait in seconds for parallel fetch to finish
# Directory where a static cache of public hub files exists to
# support hub search.
# An include directive can be used to read text from other files. this is
# especially useful when there are multiple browsers hidden behind virtual
# hosts. The path to the include file is either absolute or relative to
# the including file (*not* relative to the current direct directory).
# include ../cgi-bin-default/hg.conf
# A delete directive can be used to delete previouly defined values.
# this is useful in conjunction with include when an undefined
# value has different meaning than an empty value:
# delete archivecentral.db [othervars ...]
# Option to disable the "All Tables" query in the table browser. Useful if
# one wants to be restrictive about what tables can be seen.
# hgta.disableAllTables=yes
# If this option is enabled, the browser CGIs will attempt to generate a an
# stack traceback on error and dump it to stderr (which is normally captured
# in the web server error log). This requires the pstack package to be
# install, which is available on for unix and linux systems. If
# signalsHandler is enabled, the stack will also be printed when a signal
# indicating an error occurs.
# log signals
# These settings enable geographic allele frequency images on the
# details pages for the HGDP Allele Frequency (hgdpGeo) track.
# (HGDP = Human Genome Diversity Project)
# Programs required for per-SNP geographic maps of HGDP population
# allele frequencies:
# Customize your downloads.server machine name here
# Temporary flag to help disable new custom track validator if needed
# If you turn the flag off, it reverts to the old validator
# enable http(s) proxy support in net.c
# if proxy server needs BASIC authentication
# if some domain suffixes should not be proxied:
# if you need to debug your proxy config
# writes messages to stderr every time proxy is used for ftp, http, or https.
# Database profiles
# The dbProfile facility provides a limited mechanism for access tracks from
# multiple database servers. This is particularly useful when a mirror server
# contains the majority of the track data needs to be shared by multiple
# groups with a small number of locally produced tracks that they the need to
# keep isolated from the other groups. A dbProfile associates a MySQL host,
# user, and password with a dbProfile name. To define a dbProfile named
# myProfile, define the hg.conf variables:
# myProfile.host
# myProfile.user
# myProfile.password
# The default profile is named `db', and is defined by the `db.*' variables
# described above. The `customTracks.*' and `central.*' variables also define
# profiles.
# Profiles can be associated with an entire genome databases or some types of
# tables. To associated with a database, myGenome with myProfile, define the
# variable:
# myGenome.profile=myProfile
# A dbProfile may be associated with a trackDb/hgFindSpec table pair or a grp
# table as described in the `db.trackDb' and `db.grp' variables above. To
# associate a particular track table, specify the "dbProfile" setting in the
# trackDb entry:
# track myTrack
# ...
# dbProfile myProfile
# Note that dbProfile only works on a small number of track types and is not
# well tested. In general, the dbProfile facility has not been widely use and
# may still contain bugs. The recommended approach for setting up a
# remote/local server pair is to use the default profile for the remote server
# with the majority of tracks, and use a non-default profile for local tracks
# and trackDb tables. A common configuration would be:
# set browser.javaScriptDir for per-developer javascript in trees that do NOT have their own DocumentRoot
# browser.javaScriptDir=js/
#tell hdb.c code that this is our development server
# No Sql Injection settings
# values for level are ignore, logOnly, warn, abort
# values for dumpStack are on, off
# Log visible tracks to error_log
# location of CRAM reference sequences
# Make a custom track with BLAT results
#This following turns on short links for hgSession, allowing the redirect.
# Separate directory for files that belong to saved sessions (hgSession).
# The path must be absolute (starts with /).
# This directory must be on the same filesystem as trash/ so hard links work.
# The purpose of this directory is to allow automated cleaning of old files
# from trash/ while keeping saved session files safe in a different location.
# Name prefix of 31 separate databases (one for each day of month, on same
# server as customTrash, using customTracks.* profile) for custom track
# database tables that belong to users' saved sessions, analogous to
# sessionDataDir setting for saved session files.
# The databases must be named as this prefix followed by {01, 02, 03, ... 31}.
# For example, if the value is "customData" then the databases are named
# customData01, customData02, ... customData31.
# Allow the URL: /cgi-bin/hubApi to produce a WEB page
# otherwise, it redirects to the help page
# Allow hgHubConnect to run the hubCheck command
# Setting speeds up the browser by caching large trackDb (such as big hubs)
# Recommended track sets refs #25601
### Testing mouse over display function 2020-10 - Hiram
# Enable hgPhyloPlace:
# Enable svg based bar charts
# Move multi-region button above image
# Related tracks
# prefix to genark hubs
# turn on the cart rewrite system
# Database specific settings
wuhCor1_TopLinkLabel=Quick start guide
# temporary for testing, max Aug 27, 2021
# Uncomment to activate the search link
### bottleneck delay multiplier for custom tracks, an integer >= 1
### useful range here is from 1 to about 10. This will hogExit
### robots that are continuously loading custom tracks.
### custom track submitted, additional penalty
### botCheckMult added penalty decay time
# 1 140 millis 14 seconds
# 2 225 millis 22 seconds
# 3 300 millis 30 seconds
# 4 375 millis 38 seconds
# 5 440 millis 45 seconds
# 6 525 millis 52 seconds
# 7 600 millis 60 seconds