  Wed Sep 8 12:02:05 2021 -0700
Add coloring options for Nextstrain clade and Pango lineage assigned by usher (really by matUtils annotate) if metadata includes columns for those.

diff --git src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c
index fa86b83..a00a4c0 100644
--- src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c
+++ src/hg/hgPhyloPlace/phyloPlace.c
@@ -678,30 +678,32 @@
     int dateIx = stringArrayIx("date", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int authorIx = stringArrayIx("authors", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int nCladeIx = stringArrayIx("Nextstrain_clade", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int gCladeIx = stringArrayIx("GISAID_clade", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int lineageIx = stringArrayIx("pangolin_lineage", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     if (lineageIx < 0)
         lineageIx = stringArrayIx("pango_lineage", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int countryIx = stringArrayIx("country", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int divisionIx = stringArrayIx("division", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int locationIx = stringArrayIx("location", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int countryExpIx = stringArrayIx("country_exposure", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int divExpIx = stringArrayIx("division_exposure", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int origLabIx = stringArrayIx("originating_lab", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int subLabIx = stringArrayIx("submitting_lab", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     int regionIx = stringArrayIx("region", headerWords, headerWordCount);
+    int nCladeUsherIx = stringArrayIx("Nextstrain_clade_usher", headerWords, headerWordCount);
+    int lineageUsherIx = stringArrayIx("pango_lineage_usher", headerWords, headerWordCount);
     while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
         char *words[headerWordCount];
         int wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
         lineFileExpectWords(lf, headerWordCount, wordCount);
         struct sampleMetadata *met;
         if (strainIx >= 0)
             met->strain = cloneString(words[strainIx]);
         if (epiIdIx >= 0)
             met->epiId = cloneString(words[epiIdIx]);
         if (genbankIx >= 0 && !sameString("?", words[genbankIx]))
             met->gbAcc = cloneString(words[genbankIx]);
         if (dateIx >= 0)
             met->date = cloneString(words[dateIx]);
@@ -717,30 +719,34 @@
             met->country = cloneString(words[countryIx]);
         if (divisionIx >= 0)
             met->division = cloneString(words[divisionIx]);
         if (locationIx >= 0)
             met->location = cloneString(words[locationIx]);
         if (countryExpIx >= 0)
             met->countryExp = cloneString(words[countryExpIx]);
         if (divExpIx >= 0)
             met->divExp = cloneString(words[divExpIx]);
         if (origLabIx >= 0)
             met->origLab = cloneString(words[origLabIx]);
         if (subLabIx >= 0)
             met->subLab = cloneString(words[subLabIx]);
         if (regionIx >= 0)
             met->region = cloneString(words[regionIx]);
+        if (nCladeUsherIx >= 0)
+            met->nCladeUsher = cloneString(words[nCladeUsherIx]);
+        if (lineageUsherIx >= 0)
+            met->lineageUsher = cloneString(words[lineageUsherIx]);
         // If epiId and/or genbank ID is included, we'll probably be using that to look up items.
         if (epiIdIx >= 0 && !isEmpty(words[epiIdIx]))
             hashAdd(sampleMetadata, words[epiIdIx], met);
         if (genbankIx >= 0 && !isEmpty(words[genbankIx]) && !sameString("?", words[genbankIx]))
             if (strchr(words[genbankIx], '.'))
                 // Index by versionless accession
                 char copy[strlen(words[genbankIx])+1];
                 safecpy(copy, sizeof copy, words[genbankIx]);
                 char *dot = strchr(copy, '.');
                 *dot = '\0';
                 hashAdd(sampleMetadata, copy, met);