0fb2d5e975296447fb73ba0bd702a0ac0414432e lrnassar Fri Sep 10 07:46:27 2021 -0700 Tweaking the help message to hubPublicMail, refs #27779 diff --git src/utils/hubPublicMail src/utils/hubPublicMail index 23e3be0..a8f4244 100755 --- src/utils/hubPublicMail +++ src/utils/hubPublicMail @@ -1,255 +1,255 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging, sys, optparse, os, requests, sys, urllib3, atexit, urllib from os.path import isfile from email.mime.text import MIMEText from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # makes sure that only one instance of the program runs at the same time lockFname = None # switch off insecure SSL warnings urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) fromEmail="genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu" emailTemplate = """Dear UCSC Public Hub author, -this is an automated email sent by the UCSC Genome Browser Group's hubPublicMail system to alert you -that your public track hub at the address +This is an automated email sent by the UCSC Genome Browser Group's hubPublicMail system to alert you +that your public track hub at the address: %s -has been inaccessible for 24 hours. If it continues to be offline, we may need to remove it +Has been inaccessible for 24 hours. If it continues to be offline, we may need to remove it from our public hubs list at https://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgHubConnect Do not hesitate to let us know if we can help you resolve this situation, e.g. by updating the URL where the hub is hosted or possibly hosting the files on our servers. You can reach us at genome-www@soe.ucsc.edu. -Your -UCSC Genome Browser Group +Thank you for your interest and contributions, +The UCSC Genome Browser Group """ # ==== functions ===== def parseArgs(): " setup logging, parse command line arguments and options. -h shows auto-generated help page " parser = optparse.OptionParser("""usage: %prog [options] hgcentralname statusFile - send email if public hub is down Goes through the following steps: 1) Get the list of all public hubs 2) Try to get their URLs and write all to statusFile. 3) If a hub fails, increase count in statusFile. 4) If count is > 24, send an email to hub email and set the failCount to -48. Example: hubPublicMail hgcentraltest /tmp/hubPublicStatus.tab """) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="show debug messages") #parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", action="store", help="run on file") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args==[]: parser.print_help() exit(1) if options.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) return args, options # ----------- main -------------- def getHubUrls(centralName): " return list of huburls " logging.info("Getting hubUrls from db %s" % centralName) cmd = "hgsql %s -se 'select hubUrl from hubPublic'" % centralName lines = os.popen(cmd).read().splitlines() # please do not suggest using subprocess in code review. Thx. return lines def parseEmail(s): " return only email address given email value of hub.txt. handles these weird cases " # jferna10@ucsc.edu or max@soe.ucsc.edu # yzz2 at psu.edu # <a HREF="mailto:dunham@ebi.ac.uk"TARGET=_BLANK>Ian Dunham</a> if "<" in s: return s.split('"')[1] if " at " in s: return s.replace(" at ", "@") if " or " in s: return s.split(" or ")[1] return s def downloadUrls(urls, emails): " try to read all hub.txt in URLs, return list of failed URLs, and dict hub -> email" didFail = list() emails = dict() for url in urls: logging.debug("Checking %s" % url) reqFailed = False if url.startswith("http"): try: f = requests.get(url, verify=False) except KeyboardInterrupt: # handle ctrl-c for debugging sys.exit(1) except: reqFailed = True text = f.text else: # FTP try: f = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=10) text = f.read().decode("utf8") except: reqFailed = True if reqFailed: logging.info("URL %s failed." % url) didFail.append(url) continue lines = text.splitlines() for l in lines: l = l.strip() if l=="": continue keyVal = l.strip().split(None, maxsplit=1) if len(keyVal)!=2: # some hubs may have broken hub.txt files. Treat these as if they were broken. didFail.append(url) break key, val = keyVal if not key=="email": continue emails[url] = parseEmail(val) return didFail, emails def sendEmail(dest, body): " send email to dest " msg = MIMEText(body) msg["From"] = fromEmail msg["To"] = dest+","+fromEmail msg["Subject"] = "Your UCSC public hub is down" p = Popen(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", "-t", "-oi"], stdin=PIPE) p.communicate(msg.as_bytes()) # Both Python 2.X and 3.X # p.communicate(msg.as_bytes() if sys.version_info >= (3,0) else msg.as_string()) # Python 2.X # p.communicate(msg.as_string()) def readStatus(fname): " read tab sep file with columns hubUrl, email, failCount " hubs = dict() if not isfile(fname): return hubs logging.debug("Reading %s" % fname) for line in open(fname): if line.startswith("#"): continue row = line.rstrip("\n").split("\t") if len(row)!=3: logging.error("Cannot parse line in status file: %s" % repr(line)) assert(False) hubUrl, email, failCount = row hubs[hubUrl] = (email, int(failCount)) return hubs def mergeInfo(urls, oldUrlInfo, failedUrls, urlEmails): """ given a list hubPublic URLs, a list of failed URLs and a dict with url-> email, return a dict with URL -> (email, failedCount) """ urlInfo = {} for url in urls: oldInfo = oldUrlInfo.get(url) if oldInfo is None: oldEmail = urlEmails.get(url) if oldEmail is None: print("URL %s is broken and there is no email in the status file. Skipping it." % url) continue oldInfo = [oldEmail, 0] email = urlEmails.get(url) # prefer most current email address if email is None: email = oldInfo[0] failCount = oldInfo[1] if url in failedUrls: failCount += 1 urlInfo[url] = (email, failCount) return urlInfo def sendEmails(urlInfo): " given dict url -> (email, failCount), send email if failCount > 24 and set failCount = -48 " for url, (destEmail, failCount) in urlInfo.items(): if failCount>24: logging.info("HUB %s BROKEN - sending email to %s" % (url, destEmail)) emailText = emailTemplate % url sendEmail(destEmail, emailText) urlInfo[url] = (destEmail, -48) return urlInfo def writeStatus(urlInfo, statusFname): " write new status file " statusTmp = statusFname+".tmp" logging.debug("Writing %s" % statusTmp) with open(statusTmp, "wt") as ofh: ofh.write("#url\temail\tfailCount\n") for url, (email, failCount) in urlInfo.items(): ofh.write("\t".join([url, email, str(failCount)])) ofh.write("\n") logging.debug("Renaming %s to %s" % (statusTmp, statusFname)) os.rename(statusTmp, statusFname) def createLockFile(statusFname): """ when downloading files, weird things can happen. even wget sometimes gets stuck. So make sure that this program can't run multiple times """ global lockFname lockFname = statusFname+".lock" if isfile(lockFname): logging.error("lockfile %s already exists. Check if this program is already running." % lockFname) sys.exit(1) open(lockFname, "w") # create file atexit.register(removeLock) def removeLock(): os.remove(lockFname) def hubPublicMail(centralName, statusFname): " send email if a hub fails more than 24 times " createLockFile(statusFname) urls = getHubUrls(centralName) oldUrlInfo = readStatus(statusFname) failedUrls, urlEmails = downloadUrls(urls, oldUrlInfo) if len(failedUrls) > 10: logging.error("More than 10 broken hubs? Something is weird. Please check the network setup.") sys.exit(1) newUrlInfo = mergeInfo(urls, oldUrlInfo, failedUrls, urlEmails) newUrlInfo = sendEmails(newUrlInfo) writeStatus(newUrlInfo, statusFname) def main(): args, options = parseArgs() centralName, statusFname = args hubPublicMail(centralName, statusFname) main()