  Wed Sep 8 01:56:09 2021 -0700
merging highlight-color-sticking into master, refs #28098

Squashed commit of the following:

commit f09bd0dcc1c23a91aae3c07610066b28e5177d82
Author: Max <max@soe.ucsc.edu>
Date:   Tue Sep 7 03:02:46 2021 -0700

Adding another anonymous function, to make sure that the page load does not crash because one of the .js files is not loaded yet, refs #28090

commit 5934e12f75e610bb8ff699dc17be5743a4b17c37
Author: Max <max@soe.ucsc.edu>
Date:   Tue Sep 7 02:36:40 2021 -0700

Fixing a super annoying CSS bug in our dialog box where the buttons moved on hover, and adding a 'save color' button to the highlight dialogbox. Not a perfect solution, but adresses the missing save button problem at least for now, refs #28090

commit 1d6a87e7303297c61637591807b338294cc1dcec
Author: Max <max@soe.ucsc.edu>
Date:   Thu Sep 2 08:23:00 2021 -0700

updated shift-drag dialog, refs #28090

commit 4e078c875f10d5b23d9540ec8dd3efba7b3af4c9
Author: Max <max@soe.ucsc.edu>
Date:   Thu Sep 2 06:35:36 2021 -0700

saving previous picked highlight color to the cart, refs #28090

diff --git src/hg/htdocs/style/jquery-ui.css src/hg/htdocs/style/jquery-ui.css
index 7e79fec..e4dd0ad 100644
--- src/hg/htdocs/style/jquery-ui.css
+++ src/hg/htdocs/style/jquery-ui.css
@@ -469,31 +469,31 @@
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane { text-align: left; border-width: 1px 0 0 0; margin: 1px 0 0 0; padding: 2px; background: #FFFEE8 }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button { margin: 2px 1px 2px 0; cursor: pointer; min-width: 100px; overflow:visible; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-resizable-se { width: 14px; height: 14px; right: 3px; bottom: 3px; }
 .ui-draggable .ui-dialog-titlebar { cursor: move; }
 .ui-dialog { position: relative; padding: .2em; width: 300px; border: 4px outset #000088; background: #FFF9D2 }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { padding: .3em .5em; position: relative; background:#D9E4F8; border: 1px outset #000088; text-align center; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-title { /* float: left; */ margin: .2em 0 .1em; color:#000088; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close { position: absolute; right: .3em; top: 50%; width: 19px; margin: -10px 0 0 0; padding: 1px; height: 18px; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close span { display: block; margin: 1px; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:hover, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:focus { padding: 0; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-content { border: 0; padding: .5em 1em; background: none; overflow: auto; font-size:small }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane { text-align: left; border-width: 1px 0 0 0; margin: .2em; padding: .1em; height: 1em; background: #FFFEE8 }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-dialog-buttonset { float: left; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button { margin: 2px 1px; cursor: pointer; /* height: 24px;*/ min-width: 80px; border-color: #003399; /*overflow:visible;*/ }
-.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button:hover { border:#0066ff outset 2px; }
+.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane button:hover { border:#0066ff outset 1px; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-button-text {  padding: 0 1em; font-size:small; text-shadow: true; }
 .ui-dialog .ui-resizable-se { width: 14px; height: 14px; right: 3px; bottom: 3px; }
 .ui-draggable .ui-dialog-titlebar { cursor: move; }
  * jQuery UI Slider 1.8.10
  * Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
  * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
  * http://jquery.org/license
  * http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Slider#theming
 .ui-slider { position: relative; text-align: left; }
 .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle { position: absolute; z-index: 2; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em; cursor: default; }