4898794edd81be5285ea6e544acbedeaeb31bf78 max Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800 Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614 diff --git src/hg/checkTableCoords/checkTableCoords.c src/hg/checkTableCoords/checkTableCoords.c index 2548749..65d117f 100644 --- src/hg/checkTableCoords/checkTableCoords.c +++ src/hg/checkTableCoords/checkTableCoords.c @@ -1,592 +1,592 @@ /* checkTableCoords - Check several invariants on genomic coordinates of * each item in all table in the specified db (or just the specified table). */ /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California - * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "options.h" #include "verbose.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "hash.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "portable.h" /* Default parameter values */ char *db = NULL; /* first arg */ char *theTable = NULL; /* -table option or second arg */ int hoursOld = 0; /* -daysOld, -hoursOld options */ char *alwaysExclude = "trackDb*,hgFindSpec*,tableDescriptions,all_mrna,all_est"; /* always exclude these patterns */ char *genbankExclude = "*mrna,*_est,*intronEst,xeno*,ref*,gb*,mgc*,mrna," "author,cds,description,geneName,imageClone," "mrnaClone,estOrientInfo,mrnaOrientInfo,productName"; /* expand "genbank" to these patterns */ struct slName *excludePatterns = NULL; /* -exclude option + alwaysExclude */ boolean ignoreBlocks = FALSE; /* skip block checks to save time */ boolean verboseBlocks = FALSE; /* more details about block problems */ boolean justList = FALSE; /* list tables to check, then exit */ boolean allowThickZero = TRUE; /* OK for thickStart==thickEnd==0 */ /* Command line option specifications */ static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = { {"table", OPTION_STRING}, {"daysOld", OPTION_INT}, {"hoursOld", OPTION_INT}, {"exclude", OPTION_STRING}, {"ignoreBlocks", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"verboseBlocks", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {"justList", OPTION_BOOLEAN}, {NULL, 0} }; // Currently we do per-chrom queries to check coords, but for scaffold-based assemblies // with many thousands of sequences that's too slow. So... we just don't check those. // This should be rewritten to do whole-table query when a table is not split. // Using annoStreamDb would keep the memory usage reasonable. #define MAX_SEQS_SUPPORTED 1000 /* Err strings for reportErrors(), all formatted with a %s followed by a %d */ #define START_LT_ZERO "%s.%s has %d records with start < 0.\n" #define END_LT_START "%s.%s has %d records with end < start.\n" #define END_GT_CHROMSIZE "%s.%s has %d records with end > chromSize.\n" #define CDSSTART_LT_START "%s.%s has %d records with cdsStart < start.\n" #define CDSEND_LT_CDSSTART "%s.%s has %d records with cdsEnd < cdsStart.\n" #define CDSEND_GT_END "%s.%s has %d records with cdsEnd > end.\n" #define ONLY_CDSSTART_ZERO "%s.%s has %d records where cdsStart is 0 but not cdsEnd.\n" #define SPLIT_WRONG_CHROM "%s.%s has %d records with chrom inconsistent with table name.\n" #define BAD_CHROM "%s.%s has %d records with chrom not described in chromInfo.\n" #define BLOCKS_MISSING "%s.%s has %d records with missing block information.\n" #define BLOCKSTART_NOT_START "%s.%s has %d records with blockStart[0] != start.\n" #define BLOCKSTART_LT_START "%s.%s has %d records with blockStart[i] < start.\n" #define BLOCKEND_LT_BLOCKSTART "%s.%s has %d records with blockEnd[i] < blockStart[i].\n" #define BLOCKS_NOT_ASCEND "%s.%s has %d records with blocks not in ascending order.\n" #define BLOCKS_OVERLAP "%s.%s has %d records with overlapping blocks.\n" #define BLOCKEND_GT_END "%s.%s has %d records with blockEnd[i] > end.\n" #define BLOCKEND_NOT_END "%s.%s has %d records with blockEnd[n-1] != end.\n" void usage() { errAbort( "checkTableCoords - check invariants on genomic coords in table(s).\n" "usage:\n" " checkTableCoords database [tableName]\n" "Searches for illegal genomic coordinates in all tables in database\n" "unless narrowed down using options. Uses ~/.hg.conf to determine\n" "genome database connection info. For psl/alignment tables, checks\n" "target coords only.\n" "options:\n" " -table=tableName Check this table only. (Default: all tables)\n" " -daysOld=N Check tables that have been modified at most N days ago.\n" " -hoursOld=N Check tables that have been modified at most N hours ago.\n" " (days and hours are additive)\n" " -exclude=patList Exclude tables matching any pattern in comma-separated\n" " patList. patList can contain wildcards (*?) but should\n" " be escaped or single-quoted if it does. patList can\n" " contain \"genbank\" which will be expanded to all tables\n" " generated by the automated genbank build process.\n" " -ignoreBlocks To save time (but lose coverage), skip block coord checks.\n" " -verboseBlocks Print out more details about illegal block coords, since \n" " they can't be found by simple SQL queries.\n" ); } int testChromSize(char *chrom) /* hChromSize recently got more picky (gates with hDbIsActive), so roll our * own so that we can use the test database for testing. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db); char query[1024]; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select size from chromInfo where chrom = '%s'", chrom); int size = sqlQuickNum(conn, query); hFreeConn(&conn); return size; } struct slName *getTableNames(struct sqlConnection *conn) /* Return a list of names of tables that have not been excluded by * command line options. */ { char *query = hoursOld ? NOSQLINJ "show table status" : "NOSQLINJ show tables"; struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); struct slName *tableList = NULL; char **row = NULL; int startTime = clock1(); int ageThresh = hoursOld * 3600; while((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { struct slName *tableName = NULL; struct slName *pat = NULL; boolean gotMatch = FALSE; if (hoursOld) { if (row[11] != NULL) { int tableUpdateTime = sqlDateToUnixTime(row[11]); int ageInSeconds = startTime - tableUpdateTime; if (ageInSeconds > ageThresh) continue; } else { verbose(2, "Got NULL update time for table %s.%s with hoursOld=%d\n", sqlGetDatabase(conn), row[0], hoursOld); } } for (pat = excludePatterns; pat != NULL; pat=pat->next) { if (wildMatch(pat->name, row[0])) { gotMatch = TRUE; break; } } if (gotMatch) continue; if (verboseLevel() >= 3 || justList) fprintf(stderr, "Adding %s\n", row[0]); tableName = newSlName(row[0]); slAddHead(&tableList, tableName); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); if (justList) exit(0); slReverse(&tableList); return tableList; } boolean reportErrors(char *errFormat, char *table, int numErrors) /* If numErrors != 0, print it out in %s,%d-formatted errFormat & ret TRUE. */ { boolean gotError = (numErrors != 0); if (gotError) printf(errFormat, db, table, numErrors); return gotError; } boolean splitAndNonSplitExist(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *tableChrom) /* Warn and return TRUE if table exists in both split and non-split versions * (except for mrna) */ { boolean gotBoth = FALSE; if (! startsWith(tableChrom, table)) { char splitTable[512]; safef(splitTable, sizeof(splitTable), "%s_%s", tableChrom, table); if (sqlTableExists(conn, splitTable)) { if (! sameString(table, "mrna")) printf("%s: Table %s exists in both split and non-split forms! " "Ignoring the non-split form.\n", db, table); gotBoth = TRUE; } } return(gotBoth); } boolean checkSplitTableOnlyChrom(struct bed *bedList, char *table, struct hTableInfo *hti, char *tableChrom) /* invariant: if table is split and has a chrom field, then all * entries in the table will have chrom matching the table name. * Return TRUE if any errors. */ { struct bed *bed = NULL; boolean gotError = FALSE; int errCount = 0; for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { if (! sameString(bed->chrom, tableChrom)) { verbose(2, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d has %s = \"%s\" " "inconsistent with split table name\n", db, table, bed->name, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, hti->chromField, bed->chrom); errCount++; } gotError |= reportErrors(SPLIT_WRONG_CHROM, table, errCount); } return(gotError); } boolean checkStartEnd(struct bed *bedList, char *table, struct hTableInfo *hti, int chromSize) /* invariant: 0 <= start <= end <= chromSize. Return TRUE if any problems. */ /* NOTE: to save time, all elements of bedList are assumed to be from the * same chrom! so chromSize can be applied to all. */ { struct bed *bed = NULL; boolean gotError = 0; int startLTZ = 0, endLTStart = 0, endGTChrom = 0; for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { if (bed->chromEnd < bed->chromStart) { verbose(2, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: %s < %s\n", db, table, bed->name ? bed->name : "", bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, hti->endField, hti->startField); endLTStart++; } if (bed->chromEnd > chromSize) { verbose(2, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: %s > chromSize %d\n", db, table, bed->name ? bed->name : "", bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, hti->endField, chromSize); endGTChrom++; } } gotError |= reportErrors(START_LT_ZERO, table, startLTZ); gotError |= reportErrors(END_LT_START, table, endLTStart); gotError |= reportErrors(END_GT_CHROMSIZE, table, endGTChrom); return gotError; } boolean checkCDSStartEnd(struct bed *bedList, char *table, struct hTableInfo *hti) /* invariant: start <= thickStart <= thickEnd <= end, * unless allowThickZero and thickStart == thickEnd == 0. * Return TRUE if any problems. */ { boolean gotError = FALSE; struct bed *bed = NULL; int cdsSLTStart=0, cdsELTCS=0, cdsEGTEnd=0, cdsOnlySZ=0; for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { if (bed->thickStart < bed->chromStart && !(allowThickZero && bed->thickStart == 0)) { verbose(2, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: %s (%d) < %s (%d)\n", db, table, bed->name ? bed->name : "", bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, hti->cdsStartField, bed->thickStart, hti->startField, bed->chromStart); cdsSLTStart++; } if (bed->thickEnd < bed->thickStart) { verbose(2, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: %s (%d) < %s (%d)\n", db, table, bed->name ? bed->name : "", bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, hti->cdsEndField, bed->thickEnd, hti->cdsStartField, bed->thickStart); cdsELTCS++; } if (bed->chromEnd < bed->thickEnd) { verbose(2, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: %s (%d) > %s (%d)\n", db, table, bed->name ? bed->name : "", bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, hti->cdsEndField, bed->thickEnd, hti->endField, bed->chromEnd); cdsEGTEnd++; } if (allowThickZero && (bed->thickStart == 0 && bed->thickEnd != 0 && bed->chromStart != 0)) { verbose(2, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: %s (%d) > 0 but not %s (%d)\n", db, table, bed->name ? bed->name : "", bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, hti->cdsEndField, bed->thickEnd, hti->cdsStartField, bed->thickStart); cdsOnlySZ++; } } gotError |= reportErrors(CDSSTART_LT_START, table, cdsSLTStart); gotError |= reportErrors(CDSEND_LT_CDSSTART, table, cdsELTCS); gotError |= reportErrors(CDSEND_GT_END, table, cdsEGTEnd); gotError |= reportErrors(ONLY_CDSSTART_ZERO, table, cdsOnlySZ); return gotError; } boolean checkBlocks(struct bed *bedList, char *table, struct hTableInfo *hti) /* invariant: blockEnd[i-1] <= blockStart[i] <= blockEnd[i] ... * * invariant: blockStarts[0] == start * * invariant: blockEnds[n-1] == end * * Return TRUE if any problems. */ /* checked by hGetBedRange: invariant: blockCount = #blocks */ { boolean gotError = FALSE; struct bed *bed = NULL; // It's OK for bacEnd and cloneEnd tables to have weird blocks -- those are what tip us // off to rearrangements between those sequences and the reference assembly. // Moreover, the "Orphan" versions of those tracks show a gap line extending in the // direction that we'd expect to find the other end by extending chromStart or chromEnd // past the block boundaries. boolean isEndPairs = (startsWith("bacEnd", table) || startsWith("cloneEnd", table)); boolean isEndPairsOrphan = isEndPairs && stringIn("Orphan", table); int bMissing = 0, bSNotStart=0, bSLTStart=0, bELTBS=0, bENotEnd=0, bEGTEnd=0; int bNotAscend=0, bOverlap=0; for (bed = bedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next) { if (bed->blockCount == 0 || bed->chromStarts == NULL || bed->blockSizes == NULL) { bMissing++; continue; } int i=0, lastStart=0, lastEnd=0; if (! isEndPairsOrphan) { if (bed->chromStarts[0] != 0) { if (verboseBlocks || verboseLevel() >= 2) verbose(0, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: blockStarts[0] (relative) should be 0, but is %d\n", db, table, bed->name, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, bed->chromStarts[0]); bSNotStart++; } } lastStart = lastEnd = 0; for (i=0; i < bed->blockCount; i++) { if (bed->chromStarts[i] < 0) { if (verboseBlocks || verboseLevel() >= 2) verbose(0, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: start of block %d (%d) is less than start.\n", db, table, bed->name, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, i, bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i]); bSLTStart++; } if (bed->chromStarts[i] < lastStart) { if (verboseBlocks || verboseLevel() >= 2) verbose(0, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: starts of blocks %d and %d not in ascending order.\n", db, table, bed->name, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, i-1, i); bNotAscend++; } if (! isEndPairs) { if (bed->chromStarts[i] < lastEnd && i > 0 && bed->chromStarts[i] > bed->chromStarts[i-1]) { if (verboseBlocks || verboseLevel() >= 2) verbose(0, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: blocks %d and %d overlap.\n", db, table, bed->name, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, i-1, i); bOverlap++; } if (bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i] + bed->blockSizes[i] > bed->chromEnd) { if (verboseBlocks || verboseLevel() >= 2) verbose(0, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: blockEnd[%d] (%d) > chromEnd.\n", db, table, bed->name, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, i, (bed->chromStart + bed->chromStarts[i] + bed->blockSizes[i])); bEGTEnd++; } } if (bed->blockSizes[i] < 0) { if (verboseBlocks || verboseLevel() >= 2) verbose(0, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: blockSize[%d] is %d.\n", db, table, bed->name, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, i, bed->blockSizes[i]); bELTBS++; } lastStart = bed->chromStarts[i]; lastEnd = bed->chromStarts[i] + bed->blockSizes[i]; } if (! isEndPairsOrphan) { if ((bed->chromStart + lastEnd) != bed->chromEnd) { if (verboseBlocks || verboseLevel() >= 2) verbose(0, "%s.%s item %s %s:%d-%d: end of last block (%d) is not the same as chromEnd (%d).\n", db, table, bed->name, bed->chrom, bed->chromStart, bed->chromEnd, (bed->chromStart + lastEnd), bed->chromEnd); bENotEnd++; } } } gotError |= reportErrors(BLOCKS_MISSING, table, bMissing); gotError |= reportErrors(BLOCKSTART_NOT_START, table, bSNotStart); gotError |= reportErrors(BLOCKSTART_LT_START, table, bSLTStart); gotError |= reportErrors(BLOCKEND_LT_BLOCKSTART, table, bELTBS); gotError |= reportErrors(BLOCKS_NOT_ASCEND, table, bNotAscend); gotError |= reportErrors(BLOCKS_OVERLAP, table, bOverlap); gotError |= reportErrors(BLOCKEND_GT_END, table, bEGTEnd); gotError |= reportErrors(BLOCKEND_NOT_END, table, bENotEnd); return gotError; } int checkTableCoords(char *db) /* Check several invariants (see comments in check*() above), * summarize errors, return nonzero if there are errors. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db); struct slName *tableList = NULL, *curTable = NULL; struct slName *allChroms = NULL; boolean gotError = FALSE; allChroms = hAllChromNames(db); if (theTable == NULL) tableList = getTableNames(conn); else if (sqlTableExists(conn, theTable)) tableList = newSlName(theTable); else errAbort("Error: specified table \"%s\" does not exist in database %s.", theTable, db); for (curTable = tableList; curTable != NULL; curTable = curTable->next) { struct hTableInfo *hti = NULL; struct slName *chromList = NULL, *chromPtr = NULL; char *table = curTable->name; char tableChrom[32], trackName[128], tableChromPrefix[33]; hParseTableName(db, table, trackName, tableChrom); hti = hFindTableInfo(db, tableChrom, trackName); if (hti != NULL && hti->isPos) { /* watch out for presence of both split and non-split tables; * hti for non-split will be replaced with hti of split. */ if (splitAndNonSplitExist(conn, table, tableChrom)) continue; safef(tableChromPrefix, sizeof(tableChromPrefix), "%s_", tableChrom); if (hti->isSplit) chromList = newSlName(tableChrom); else chromList = allChroms; /* invariant: chrom must be described in chromInfo. */ /* items with bad chrom will be invisible to hGetBedRange(), so * catch them here by SQL query. */ /* The SQL query is too huge for scaffold-based db's, check count: */ if (hChromCount(db) <= MAX_SEQS_SUPPORTED) { if (isNotEmpty(hti->chromField)) { struct dyString *bigQuery = newDyString(1024); dyStringClear(bigQuery); sqlDyStringPrintf(bigQuery, "select count(*) from %s where ", table); for (chromPtr=chromList; chromPtr != NULL; chromPtr=chromPtr->next) { sqlDyStringPrintf(bigQuery, "%s != '%s' ", hti->chromField, chromPtr->name); if (chromPtr->next != NULL) dyStringAppend(bigQuery, "AND "); } gotError |= reportErrors(BAD_CHROM, table, sqlQuickNum(conn, bigQuery->string)); dyStringFree(&bigQuery); } for (chromPtr=chromList; chromPtr != NULL; chromPtr=chromPtr->next) { char *chrom = chromPtr->name; struct bed *bedList = hGetBedRange(db, table, chrom, 0, 0, NULL); if (hti->isSplit && isNotEmpty(hti->chromField)) gotError |= checkSplitTableOnlyChrom(bedList, table, hti, tableChrom); gotError |= checkStartEnd(bedList, table, hti, testChromSize(chrom)); if (hti->hasCDS) gotError |= checkCDSStartEnd(bedList, table, hti); if (hti->hasBlocks && !ignoreBlocks) gotError |= checkBlocks(bedList, table, hti); bedFreeList(&bedList); } } else { // For scaffold-based databases, compare the number of rows with chrom found in // chromInfo to the number of rows -- if not the same, then some rows have bad chrom. int rowCount = sqlRowCount(conn, table); char query[2048]; sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select count(*) from %s, chromInfo " "where %s.%s = chromInfo.chrom", table, table, hti->chromField); int okChromRowCount = sqlQuickNum(conn, query); int badChromRowCount = rowCount - okChromRowCount; if (badChromRowCount) gotError |= reportErrors(BAD_CHROM, table, badChromRowCount); } } } return gotError; } void processExcludes(char *exclude) /* Combine alwaysExclude and command like -exclude arg (if given), and * process into a list. If it contains "genbank", add genbankExclude. */ { struct dyString *allExcludes = newDyString(512); char *patterns[128]; int numPats = 0, i = 0; dyStringAppend(allExcludes, alwaysExclude); if (exclude != NULL) dyStringPrintf(allExcludes, ",%s", exclude); numPats = chopCommas(allExcludes->string, patterns); for (i=0; i < numPats; i++) { if (sameWord(patterns[i], "genbank")) { char *gbPatterns[128]; int gbNumPats = 0, j = 0; char *gbExclude = cloneString(genbankExclude); gbNumPats = chopCommas(gbExclude, gbPatterns); for (j=0; j < gbNumPats; j++) { struct slName *pat = newSlName(gbPatterns[j]); slAddHead(&excludePatterns, pat); } freeMem(gbExclude); } else { struct slName *pat = newSlName(patterns[i]); slAddHead(&excludePatterns, pat); } } dyStringFree(&allExcludes); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *exclude = NULL; int daysOld = 0; optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs); theTable = optionVal("table", theTable); daysOld = optionInt("daysOld", daysOld); hoursOld = optionInt("hoursOld", hoursOld) + (24 * daysOld); exclude = optionVal("exclude", exclude); ignoreBlocks = optionExists("ignoreBlocks"); verboseBlocks= optionExists("verboseBlocks"); justList = optionExists("justList"); processExcludes(exclude); db = argv[1]; /* Allow "checkTableCoords db table" usage too: */ if (theTable == NULL && argc == 3) { theTable = argv[2]; argc = 2; } if (argc != 2) usage(); verboseSetLogFile("stdout"); return checkTableCoords(argv[1]); }