  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/encode3/encodeDataWarehouse/edwWebBrowse/edwWebBrowse.c src/hg/encode3/encodeDataWarehouse/edwWebBrowse/edwWebBrowse.c
index 25dcfc3..018533d 100644
--- src/hg/encode3/encodeDataWarehouse/edwWebBrowse/edwWebBrowse.c
+++ src/hg/encode3/encodeDataWarehouse/edwWebBrowse/edwWebBrowse.c
@@ -1,486 +1,486 @@
 /* edwWebBrowse - Browse ENCODE data warehouse.. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "paraFetch.h"
 #include "encodeDataWarehouse.h"
 #include "edwLib.h"
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "edwWebBrowse is a cgi script not meant to be run from command line.\n"
 char *userEmail = NULL; /* User's email handle. */
 boolean noPrevSubmission; /* No previous submission */
 boolean queryIntoTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *query, char *title, struct hash *wraps)
 /* Make query and show result in a html table.  Return FALSE (and make no output)
  * if there is no result to query. */
 boolean didHeader = FALSE;
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 int colCount = sqlCountColumns(sr);
 char *fields[colCount];
 if (colCount > 0)
     char **row;
     while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
 	if (!didHeader)
 	    printf("<H4>%s</H4>\n", title);
 	    char *field;
 	    int fieldIx = 0;
 	    while ((field = sqlFieldName(sr)) != NULL)
 		fields[fieldIx++] = cloneString(field);
 		printf("<TH>%s</TH>", field);
 	    didHeader = TRUE;
 	int i;
 	for (i=0; i<colCount; ++i)
 	    boolean done = FALSE;
 	    if (wraps != NULL)
 		char *format = hashFindVal(wraps, fields[i]);
 		char *val = row[i];
 		if (format != NULL && val != NULL)
 		    printf(format, val, val);
 		    done = TRUE;
 	    if (!done)
 		printf("%s", naForNull(row[i]));
 return didHeader;
 void printSubmitState(struct edwSubmit *submit, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Try and summarize submission status in a short statement. */
 if (!isEmpty(submit->errorMessage))
     printf("has problems");
 else if (submit->endUploadTime != 0)
     int validCount = edwSubmitCountNewValid(submit, conn);
     if (validCount == submit->newFiles)
 	printf("is uploaded and validated");  // Would be nice to report enrichment/qa status here
 	printf("is uploaded and is being validated");
 else   /* Upload not complete. */
     long long lastAlive = edwSubmitMaxStartTime(submit, conn);
     struct edwFile *ef = edwFileInProgress(conn, submit->id);
     long long now = edwNow();
     if (ef != NULL)
 	char path[PATH_LEN];
 	safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", edwRootDir, ef->edwFileName);
 	if (ef->endUploadTime > 0)
 	    lastAlive = fileModTime(path);
 	    lastAlive =  paraFetchTempUpdateTime(path);
     long long duration = now - lastAlive;
     long long oneHourInSeconds = 60*60;
     // uglyf("now %lld, lastAlive %lld,  duration %lld,  oneHourInSeconds %lld<BR>\n", now, lastAlive, duration, oneHourInSeconds);
     if (duration < oneHourInSeconds)  
 	struct dyString *time = edwFormatDuration(now - submit->startUploadTime);
 	printf("has been in progress for %s", time->string);
 	struct dyString *time = edwFormatDuration(duration);
 	printf("has been stalled for %s", time->string);
 void printSubmitSummary(struct edwSubmit *submit, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Print a little summary information about the submission overall */
 if (!isEmpty(submit->errorMessage))
     printf("<B>%s</B><BR>\n", submit->errorMessage);
 printf("%d files in validated.txt including %d already in warehouse<BR>\n",
     submit->fileCount, submit->oldFiles);
 if (submit->newFiles > 0)
     printf("%d of %d new files are uploaded<BR>\n", submit->newFiles,
     printf("No file in validated.txt has been uploaded or validated again<BR>\n");
 if (submit->metaChangeCount != 0)
     printf("%d of %d old files have updated tags<BR>\n",
         submit->metaChangeCount, submit->oldFiles);
 int newValid = edwSubmitCountNewValid(submit, conn);
 if (submit->newFiles > 0)
     printf("%d of %d uploaded files are validated<BR>\n", newValid, submit->newFiles);
 struct edwValidFile *newReplicatesList(struct edwSubmit *submit, struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Return list of new files in submission that are supposed to be part of replicated set. */
 char query[256];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
     "select v.* from edwFile f,edwValidFile v"
     "  where f.id = v.fileId and f.submitId=%u and v.replicate != '' and v.replicate != 'n/a' "
     "  and v.replicate != 'pooled'",
     // If expanding this list of special replicate case, remember to expand bits in 
     // edwMakeReplicateQa as well
 return edwValidFileLoadByQuery(conn, query);
 boolean matchInListExceptSelf(struct edwValidFile *v, struct edwValidFile *list)
 /* Return TRUE if there's something in list that is a different replica than ours */
 struct edwValidFile *el;
 for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
     if (sameString(el->format, v->format) && sameString(el->outputType, el->outputType)
         && sameString(el->experiment, v->experiment) && !sameString(el->replicate, v->replicate))
 	return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static void countPairings(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct edwValidFile *replicatesList, 
 			  int *retOldPairs, int *retInnerPairs, int *retUnpaired, 
 			  int *retPairCount, int *retPairsDone)
 /* Show users files grouped by submission sorted with most recent first. */
 int oldPairs = 0, innerPairs = 0, unpaired = 0, pairCount = 0, pairsDone = 0;
 struct edwValidFile *v;
 for (v = replicatesList; v != NULL; v = v->next)
     struct edwValidFile *elderList = edwFindElderReplicates(conn, v);
     boolean isInternallyReplicated = matchInListExceptSelf(v, replicatesList);
     if (isInternallyReplicated)
     else if (elderList != NULL)
     struct edwValidFile *ev;
     for (ev = elderList; ev != NULL; ev = ev->next)
 	char query[256];
 	boolean onePairDone = FALSE;
 	sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
 	    "select count(*) from edwQaPairCorrelation"
 	    " where elderFileId=%lld and youngerFileId=%lld"
 	    , (long long)ev->fileId, (long long)v->fileId);
 	if (sqlQuickNum(conn, query) > 0)
 	    onePairDone = TRUE;
 	    sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
 		"select count(*) from edwQaPairSampleOverlap"
 		" where elderFileId=%lld and youngerFileId=%lld"
 		, (long long)ev->fileId, (long long)v->fileId);
 	    if (sqlQuickNum(conn, query) > 0)
 		onePairDone = TRUE;
 	if (onePairDone)
 	pairCount += 1;
 *retOldPairs = oldPairs, *retInnerPairs=innerPairs; 
 *retUnpaired = unpaired, *retPairCount = pairCount, *retPairsDone = pairsDone;
 void slNameToCharArray(struct slName *list, int *retCount,  char ***retArray)
 /* Return an array filled with the strings in list. */
 int count = slCount(list);
 char **array = NULL;
 if (count != 0)
     AllocArray(array, count);
     int i;
     struct slName *el;
     for (i=0, el=list;  el != NULL; el = el->next, ++i)
         array[i] = el->name;
 else /* No submission record from this user */
     AllocArray(array, 1);
     array[0] = userEmail;    
     count = 1;
     noPrevSubmission = TRUE;
 *retCount = count;
 *retArray = array;
 char *printUserControl(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *cgiVarName, char *defaultUser)
 /* Print out control and return currently selected user. */
 char query[256];
 if (edwUserIsAdmin(conn,userEmail))
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
 	"select distinct email from edwUser,edwSubmit where edwUser.id = edwSubmit.userId order by email");
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
 	"select distinct email from edwUser,edwSubmit where edwUser.id = edwSubmit.userId and email='%s' order by email", defaultUser);
 struct slName *userList = sqlQuickList(conn, query);
 int userCount = 0;
 char **userArray;
 slNameToCharArray(userList, &userCount, &userArray);
 char *curUser = cgiUsualString(cgiVarName, defaultUser);
 cgiMakeDropList(cgiVarName, userArray, userCount, curUser);
 return curUser;
 void showRecentFiles(struct sqlConnection *conn)
 /* Show users files grouped by submission sorted with most recent first. */
 char *user = userEmail;
 if (edwUserIsAdmin(conn, userEmail))
     printf("Select whose files to browse: ");
     user = printUserControl(conn, "selectUser", userEmail);
 puts("<div class='input-row'>");
 puts("Maximum number of submissions to view: ");
 /* Get user choice from CGI var or cookie */
 int maxSubCount = 0;
 if (!cgiVarExists("maxSubCount"))
     char *subs = findCookieData("edwWeb.maxSubCount");
     if (subs)
         maxSubCount = atoi(subs);
 if (maxSubCount == 0)
     maxSubCount = cgiOptionalInt("maxSubCount", 3);
 cgiMakeIntVar("maxSubCount", maxSubCount, 3);
 cgiMakeButton("Submit", "update view");
 /* Get id for user. */
 char query[1024];
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select id from edwUser where email='%s'", user);
 int userId = sqlQuickNum(conn, query);
 if (userId == 0)
     printf("No user with email %s.  Contact your wrangler to make an account", user);
 /* Select all submissions, most recent first. */
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
     "select * from edwSubmit where userId=%d "
     "and (newFiles != 0 or metaChangeCount != 0 or errorMessage is not NULL or fileIdInTransit != 0)"
     " order by id desc limit %d", userId, maxSubCount);
 struct edwSubmit *submit, *submitList = edwSubmitLoadByQuery(conn, query);
 int printedSubCount = 0;
 if (noPrevSubmission)
     printf("<H4>There are no files submitted by %s</H4>\n",user);
 for (submit = submitList; submit != NULL; submit = submit->next)
     /* Figure out and print upload time */
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
 	"select from_unixtime(startUploadTime) from edwSubmit where id=%u", submit->id);
     char *dateTime = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     printf("<HR><H4>%s <A HREF=\"edwWebSubmit?url=%s&monitor=on\">%s</A> ", 
                 dateTime, cgiEncode(submit->url), submit->url);
     printSubmitState(submit, conn);
     printedSubCount += 1;
     /* Print a little summary information about the submission overall before getting down to the
      * file by file info. */
     printSubmitSummary(submit, conn);
     struct edwValidFile *replicatesList = newReplicatesList(submit, conn);
     if (replicatesList != NULL)
 	int oldPairs = 0, innerPairs = 0, unpaired = 0, pairsToCompute = 0, pairsDone = 0;
 	countPairings(conn, replicatesList, &oldPairs, &innerPairs, &unpaired, &pairsToCompute,
 	printf("%d of %d replicate comparisons have been computed<BR>\n", 
 	    pairsDone, pairsToCompute);
 	printf("%d replicates still are unpaired<BR>\n", unpaired);
     /* Make wrapper for experiments. */
     struct hash *experimentWrap = hashNew(0);
     hashAdd(experimentWrap, "experiment", 
 	"<A HREF=\"https://www.encodedcc.org/%s/\">%s</A>");
     /* Get and print file-by-file info. */
     char title[256];
     safef(title, sizeof(title), "Files and enrichments for %d new files", submit->newFiles);
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
         "select v.licensePlate ID, v.itemCount items, v.basesInItems bases,"
 	"v.format format,truncate(v.mapRatio,2) 'map ratio', "
 	       "t.name 'enriched in', truncate(e.enrichment,2) X, "
 	       "v.experiment experiment, f.submitFileName 'file name' "
 	"from edwFile f left join edwValidFile v on f.id = v.fileId "
 	               "left join edwQaEnrich e on v.fileId = e.fileId "
 		       "left join edwQaEnrichTarget t on e.qaEnrichTargetId = t.id "
 	"where f.submitId = %u and f.tags != ''"
  	" and (v.enrichedIn = t.name or v.enrichedIn = 'unknown' or v.enrichedIn is NULL or t.name is NULL)"
 	" order by f.id desc"
 	, submit->id);
     queryIntoTable(conn, query, title, experimentWrap);
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
 	"select ev.experiment,ev.outputType 'output type',ev.format,\n"
 	"       yv.replicate repA,ev.replicate repB, ev.licensePlate idA, yv.licensePlate idB,\n"
 	"       ev.enrichedIn target,p.sampleSampleEnrichment xEnrichment\n"
 	"from edwFile e,edwQaPairSampleOverlap p, edwFile y,edwValidFile ev,edwValidFile yv \n"
         "where e.id=p.elderFileId and y.id=p.youngerFileId and ev.fileId=e.id and yv.fileId=y.id\n"
         "      and y.submitId = %u \n"
         "      order by ev.experiment,'output type',format,repA,repB,idA,idB\n"
 	, submit->id);
     queryIntoTable(conn, query, "Cross-enrichment between replicates in target areas", experimentWrap);
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
 	"select ev.experiment,ev.outputType 'output type',ev.format,\n"
 	"       yv.replicate repA,ev.replicate repB, ev.licensePlate idA, yv.licensePlate idB,\n"
 	"       ev.enrichedIn target,p.pearsonInEnriched 'R in targets'\n"
 	"from edwFile e,edwQaPairCorrelation p, edwFile y,edwValidFile ev,edwValidFile yv \n"
         "where e.id=p.elderFileId and y.id=p.youngerFileId and ev.fileId=e.id and yv.fileId=y.id\n"
         "      and y.submitId = %u \n"
         "      order by ev.experiment,'output type',format,repA,repB,idA,idB\n"
 	, submit->id);
     queryIntoTable(conn, query, "Correlation between replicates in target areas", experimentWrap);
 /* Print validation information for submission which contains only files
  * that have been validated already. */
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
     "select * from edwSubmit where userId=%d "
     "and oldFiles != 0 and newFiles = 0 "
     "and not(metaChangeCount != 0 or errorMessage is not NULL or fileIdInTransit != 0) "
     " order by id desc limit %d", userId, maxSubCount - printedSubCount);
 struct edwSubmit  *oldSubmitList = edwSubmitLoadByQuery(conn, query);
 boolean  noNewFilePrinted = FALSE;
 for (submit = oldSubmitList; submit != NULL; submit = submit->next)
     if (!noNewFilePrinted)
 	printf("<HR><H3>Submissions without new data:</H3>\n");
 	noNewFilePrinted = TRUE;
     /* Figure out and print upload time */
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
         "select from_unixtime(startUploadTime) from edwSubmit where id=%u", submit->id);
     char *dateTime = sqlQuickString(conn, query);
     printf("<HR><H4>%s <A HREF=\"edwWebSubmit?url=%s&monitor=on\">%s</A> ",
                 dateTime, cgiEncode(submit->url), submit->url);
     printSubmitState(submit, conn);
     /* Print a little summary information about the submission overall */
     printSubmitSummary(submit, conn);
 void doMiddle()
 /* Write what goes between BODY and /BODY */
 userEmail = edwGetEmailAndVerify();
 noPrevSubmission = FALSE;
 if (userEmail == NULL)
     printf("<H3>Welcome to the ENCODE data submission browser</H3>\n");
     printf("<H3>Browse submissions</H3>\n");
 printf("<div id=\"userId\">");
 if (userEmail == NULL)
     printf("Please sign in with Persona&nbsp;");
     printf("<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=\"signIn\" VALUE=\"sign in\" id=\"signin\">");
 printf("<FORM ACTION=\"../cgi-bin/edwWebBrowse\" METHOD=GET>\n");
 if (userEmail != NULL)
     struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(edwDatabase);
 // auto-refresh page
 if (userEmail != NULL && !cgiOptionalString("noRefresh"))
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 boolean isFromWeb = cgiIsOnWeb();
 if (!isFromWeb && !cgiSpoof(&argc, argv))
 if (cgiVarExists("maxSubCount"))
     htmlSetCookie("edwWeb.maxSubCount", cgiString("maxSubCount"), NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
 // TODO: find a better place for menu update
 htmEmptyShell(doMiddle, NULL);
 return 0;