  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/hgSession/hgSession.h src/hg/hgSession/hgSession.h
index 883ddf4..77d4507 100644
--- src/hg/hgSession/hgSession.h
+++ src/hg/hgSession/hgSession.h
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
 /* hgSession - Manage information associated with a user identity. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2008 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #ifndef HGSESSION_H
 #define HGSESSION_H
 /* NOTE: some of the original contents have been moved up to cart.h for 
  * sharing with hgTracks. */
 #include "cart.h"
 /* Global variables - generally set during initialization and then read-only. */
 extern struct cart *cart;	/* This holds cgi and other variables between clicks. */
 extern char *database;		/* Current database, often but not always dbDatabase. */
 /* hgSession form inputs */
 #define hgsNewSessionName hgSessionPrefix "newSessionName"
 #define hgsNewSessionShare hgSessionPrefix "newSessionShare"
 #define hgsNewSessionDescription hgSessionPrefix "newSessionDescription"
 #define hgsDoNewSession hgSessionPrefix "doNewSession"
 #define hgsSharePrefix hgSessionPrefix "share_"
 #define hgsGalleryPrefix hgSessionPrefix "gallery_"
 #define hgsEditPrefix hgSessionPrefix "edit_"
 #define hgsLoadPrefix hgSessionPrefix "load_"
 #define hgsDeletePrefix hgSessionPrefix "delete_"
 #define hgsShowDownloadPrefix hgSessionPrefix "showDownload_"
 #define hgsMakeDownloadPrefix hgSessionPrefix "makeDownload_"
 #define hgsDoDownloadPrefix hgSessionPrefix "doDownload_"
 #define hgsSaveLocalBackupFileName hgSessionPrefix "saveLocalBackupFileName"
 #define hgsSaveLocalFileName hgSessionPrefix "saveLocalFileName"
 #define hgsSaveLocalFileCompress hgSessionPrefix "saveLocalFileCompress"
 #define hgsDoSaveLocal hgSessionPrefix "doSaveLocal"
 #define hgsLoadLocalFileName hgSessionPrefix "loadLocalFileName"
 #define hgsDoLoadLocal hgSessionPrefix "doLoadLocal"
 #define hgsLoadUrlName hgSessionPrefix "loadUrlName"
 #define hgsDoLoadUrl hgSessionPrefix "doLoadUrl"
 #define hgsDoMainPage hgSessionPrefix "doMainPage"
 #define hgsDoSessionDetail hgSessionPrefix "doSessionDetail"
 #define hgsOldSessionName hgSessionPrefix "oldSessionName"
 #define hgsDoSessionChange hgSessionPrefix "doSessionChange"
 #define hgsCancel hgSessionPrefix "cancel"
 #define hgsDo hgSessionPrefix "do"
 // Non-UI reachable function to load a session and save it, for the purpose of moving files
 // and tables out of trash/customTrash into userdata/customData after sessionData* params are
 // added to hg.conf.
 #define hgsDoReSaveSession hgSessionPrefix "doReSaveSession"
 // Back-door CGI param to randomize the suffix (usually day of month) for sessionDataDbPrefix.
 // This is for bulk re-saving old sessions to move files and tables to safe storage;
 // we don't want all of the old sessions' tables to end up in the same day-of-month database.
 #define hgsSessionDataDbSuffix hgSessionPrefix "sessionDataDbSuffix"
 char *cgiDecodeClone(char *encStr);
 /* Allocate and return a CGI-decoded copy of encStr. */
 void startBackgroundWork(char *exec, char **pWorkUrl);
 /* deal with forking off child for background work
  * and setting up the trash file for communicating
  * from the child to the browser */
 void getBackgroundStatus(char *url);
 /* fetch status as the latest complete html block available.
  * fetch progress info instead if background proc still running. */
 // -----  htmlOpen 
 void htmlOpen(char *format, ...);
 /* Start up a page that will be in html format. */
 void htmlClose();
 /* Close down html format page. */
 void showDownloadSessionCtData(struct hashEl *downloadList);
 /* Show download page for the given session */
 void makeDownloadSessionCtData(char *param1, char *backgroundProgress);
 /* Download tables and data to save save in compressed archive. */
 void doDownloadSessionCtData(struct hashEl *downloadPathList);
 /* Download given table to browser to save. */
 void saveSessionData(struct cart *cart, char *encUserName, char *encSessionName, char *dbSuffix);
 /* If hg.conf specifies safe places to store files and/or tables that belong to user sessions,
  * then scan cart for trashDir files and/or customTrash tables, store them in safe locations,
  * and update cart to point to the new locations. */
 #endif /* HGSESSION_H */