  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/hgSuggest/hgSuggest.c src/hg/hgSuggest/hgSuggest.c
index e53de85..79cf832 100644
--- src/hg/hgSuggest/hgSuggest.c
+++ src/hg/hgSuggest/hgSuggest.c
@@ -1,273 +1,273 @@
 /* hgGeneSuggest - suggest a gene. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "jsonParse.h"
 #include "jsonWrite.h"
 #include "suggest.h"
 #include "genbank.h"
 // Optional CGI param type can specify what kind of thing to suggest (default: gene)
 #define ALT_OR_PATCH "altOrPatch"
 void suggestGene(char *database, char *table, char *prefix)
 /* Print out a Javascript list of objects describing genes that start with prefix. */
 struct dyString *str = newDyString(10000);
 dyStringPrintf(str, "[\n");
 int exact = cgiOptionalInt("exact", 0);
 boolean hasKnownCanonical = sameString(table, "knownCanonical");
 char query[2048];
     // NOTE that exact is no longer used by the UI as of v271, but there are still some robots
     // using it so we still support it.
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
                  "select x.geneSymbol, k.chrom, kg.txStart, kg.txEnd, x.kgID, x.description "
                  "from knownCanonical k, knownGene kg, kgXref x "
                  "where k.transcript = x.kgID and k.transcript = kg.name and x.geneSymbol = '%s' "
                  "order by x.geneSymbol, k.chrom, kg.txEnd - kg.txStart desc", prefix);
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
                  "select r.name2, r.chrom, r.txStart, r.txEnd, r.name, d.name "
                  "from %s r, %s g, %s d "
                  "where r.name2 = '%s' and g.acc = r.name and g.description = d.id "
                  "order by r.name2, r.chrom, r.txEnd - r.txStart desc",
                  table, gbCdnaInfoTable, descriptionTable, prefix);
     // We use a LIKE query b/c it uses the geneSymbol index (substr queries do not use indices in mysql).
     // Also note that we take advantage of the fact that searches are case-insensitive in mysql.
     // Unfortunately, knownCanonical sometimes has multiple entries for a given gene (e.g. 2 TTn's in mm9 knownCanonical;
     // 3 POU5F1's in hg19); we return all of them (#5962).
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query),
                  "select x.geneSymbol, k.chrom, kg.txStart, kg.txEnd, x.kgID, x.description "
                  "from knownCanonical k, knownGene kg, kgXref x "
                  "where k.transcript = x.kgID and k.transcript = kg.name "
                  "and x.geneSymbol LIKE '%s%%' "
                  "order by x.geneSymbol, k.chrom, kg.txStart", prefix);
         sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select r.name2, r.chrom, r.txStart, r.txEnd, r.name, d.name "
                  "from %s r, %s g, %s d "
                  "where r.name2 LIKE '%s%%' and g.acc = r.name and g.description = d.id "
                  "order by r.name2, r.chrom, r.txStart",
                  table, gbCdnaInfoTable, descriptionTable, prefix);
 char *knownDatabase = hdbDefaultKnownDb(database);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(knownDatabase);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 char **row;
 int count = 0;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     // ignore funny chroms (e.g. _hap chroms. See redmine #4257.
     if(!strchr(row[1], '_'))
         // We have some very long descriptions, e.g. 4277 chars for hg38 CLOCK, so truncate:
         const int maxDesc = 120;
         char *description = row[5];
         if (strlen(description) > maxDesc + 4)
             strcpy(description + maxDesc, "...");
         dyStringPrintf(str, "%s{\"value\": \"%s (%s)\", "
                        "\"id\": \"%s:%d-%s\", "
                        "\"geneSymbol\": \"%s\", "
                        "\"internalId\": \"%s\"}",
                        count == 1 ? "" : ",\n", row[0], jsonStringEscape(description),
                        row[1], atoi(row[2])+1, row[3],
 dyStringPrintf(str, "\n]\n");
 char *escapeAltFixTerm(char *term)
 /* Special tweaks for SQL search of alt/fix terms that may include '.' and '_' characters. */
 // If there is a ".", make it into a single-character wildcard so that "GL383518.1"
 // can match "chr1_GL383518v1_alt".
 char termCpy[strlen(term)+1];
 safecpy(termCpy, sizeof termCpy, term);
 subChar(termCpy, '.', '?');
 // Escape '_' because that is an important character in alt/fix sequence names, and support
 // wildcards:
 return sqlLikeFromWild(termCpy);
 struct slName *queryAltFixNames(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *term,
                                 char *excludeSuffix, boolean prefixOnly)
 /* If table exists, return names in table that match term, otherwise NULL.
  * Chop after ':' if there is one and exclude items that end with excludeSuffix so the
  * mappings between _alt and _fix sequences don't sneak into the wrong category's results. */
 struct slName *names = NULL;
 if (sqlTableExists(conn, table))
     char query[2048];
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select distinct(substring_index(name, ':', 1)) from %s "
              "where name like '%s%s%%' "
              "and name not like '%%%s' and name not like '%%%s:%%'"
              "order by name",
              table, (prefixOnly ? "" : "%"), escapeAltFixTerm(term), excludeSuffix, excludeSuffix);
     names = sqlQuickList(conn, query);
 return names;
 void writeAltFixMatches(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct slName *matches, char *category)
 /* Append JSON objects containing alt or fix patch sequence names & optional category. */
 struct slName *match;
 for (match = matches; match != NULL; match = match->next)
     if (strchr(match->name, '_'))
         jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "value", match->name);
         if (isNotEmpty(category))
             jsonWriteString(jw, "category", category);
 struct slPair *queryChromAlias(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *term, boolean prefixOnly)
 /* Search chromAlias for prefix matches for term. */
 struct slPair *matches = NULL;
 if (sqlTableExists(conn, "chromAlias"))
     char query[1024];
     sqlSafef(query, sizeof query, "select chrom, alias from chromAlias where alias like '%s%s%%' "
              "order by chrom", (prefixOnly ? "" : "%"), escapeAltFixTerm(term));
     matches = sqlQuickPairList(conn, query);
 return matches;
 void writeValLabelMatches(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct slPair *matches, char *category)
 /* Append JSON objects containing alt/fix seqs with extra label info & optional category. */
 struct slPair *match;
 for (match = matches; match != NULL; match = match->next)
     char *seqName = match->name;
     if (strchr(seqName, '_') && !endsWith(seqName, "_random") && !startsWith("chrUn", seqName))
         jsonWriteObjectStart(jw, NULL);
         jsonWriteString(jw, "value", seqName);
         char *extraInfo = match->val;
         if (isNotEmpty(extraInfo))
             int len = strlen(seqName) + strlen(extraInfo) + 32;
             char label[len];
             safef(label, sizeof label, "%s (%s)", seqName, extraInfo);
             jsonWriteString(jw, "label", label);
         if (isNotEmpty(category))
             jsonWriteString(jw, "category", category);
 void suggestAltOrPatch(char *database, char *term)
 /* Print out a Javascript list of objects describing alternate haplotype or fix patch sequences
  * from database that match term. */
 struct jsonWrite *jw = jsonWriteNew();
 jsonWriteListStart(jw, NULL);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
 // First, search for prefix matches
 struct slName *fixMatches = queryAltFixNames(conn, "fixLocations", term, "alt", TRUE);
 struct slName *altMatches = queryAltFixNames(conn, "altLocations", term, "fix", TRUE);
 // Add category labels only if we get both types of matches.
 writeAltFixMatches(jw, fixMatches, altMatches ? "Fix Patches" : "");
 writeAltFixMatches(jw, altMatches, fixMatches ? "Alt Patches" : "");
 // If there are no prefix matches, look for partial matches
 if (fixMatches == NULL && altMatches == NULL)
     fixMatches = queryAltFixNames(conn, "fixLocations", term, "alt", FALSE);
     altMatches = queryAltFixNames(conn, "altLocations", term, "fix", FALSE);
     writeAltFixMatches(jw, fixMatches, altMatches ? "Fix Patches" : "");
     writeAltFixMatches(jw, altMatches, fixMatches ? "Alt Patches" : "");
 // If there are still no matches, try chromAlias.
 if (fixMatches == NULL && altMatches == NULL)
     struct slPair *aliasMatches = queryChromAlias(conn, term, TRUE);
     writeValLabelMatches(jw, aliasMatches, "");
     if (aliasMatches == NULL)
         struct slPair *aliasMatches = queryChromAlias(conn, term, FALSE);
         writeValLabelMatches(jw, aliasMatches, "");
 char *checkParams(char *database, char *prefix, char *type)
 /* If we don't have valid CGI parameters, quit with a Bad Request HTTP response. */
 if(prefix == NULL || database == NULL)
     errAbort("%s", "Missing prefix and/or db CGI parameter");
 if (! hDbIsActive(database))
     errAbort("'%s' is not a valid, active database", htmlEncode(database));
 if (isNotEmpty(type) && differentString(type, ALT_OR_PATCH))
     errAbort("'%s' is not a valid type", type);
 char *table = NULL;
 if (! sameOk(type, ALT_OR_PATCH))
     char *knownDatabase = hdbDefaultKnownDb(database);
     struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(knownDatabase);
     table = connGeneSuggestTable(conn);
     if(table == NULL)
         errAbort("gene autosuggest is not supported for db '%s'", database);
 return table;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 long enteredMainTime = clock1000();
 cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
 char *database = cgiOptionalString("db");
 char *prefix = cgiOptionalString("prefix");
 char *type = cgiOptionalString("type");
 char *table = checkParams(database, prefix, type);
 if (sameOk(type, ALT_OR_PATCH))
     suggestAltOrPatch(database, prefix);
     suggestGene(database, table, prefix);
 cgiExitTime("hgSuggest", enteredMainTime);
 return 0;