  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/hgUserSuggestion/hgUserSuggestion.c src/hg/hgUserSuggestion/hgUserSuggestion.c
index 2b99f04..77c5f50 100644
--- src/hg/hgUserSuggestion/hgUserSuggestion.c
+++ src/hg/hgUserSuggestion/hgUserSuggestion.c
@@ -1,519 +1,519 @@
 /* hgUserSuggestion - CGI-script to collect user's suggestion. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "errAbort.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "cheapcgi.h"
 #include "htmshell.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "cart.h"
 #include "hPrint.h"
 #include "dbDb.h"
 #include "web.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "hgUserSuggestion.h"
 #include "mailViaPipe.h"
 /* ---- Global variables. ---- */
 struct cart *cart;	/* The user's ui state. */
 struct hash *oldVars = NULL;
 /* ---- Global helper functions ---- */
 void checkHgConfForSuggestion()
 /* Abort if hg.conf has not been set up to accept suggestion */
 if (isEmpty(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_MAILTOADDR)) ||
     isEmpty(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_MAILFROMADDR)) ||
     isEmpty(cfgOption(CFG_FILTERKEYWORD))        ||
     isEmpty(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_MAIL_SIGNATURE)) ||
     isEmpty(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_MAIL_RETURN_ADDR)) ||
     errAbort("This Genome Browser has not been configured to accept suggestions yet. Please contact the browser administrator for more information.");
 char *mailToAddr()
 /* Return the address to send suggestion to  */
 return cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_MAILTOADDR));
 char *mailFromAddr()
 /* Return the bogus sender address to help filter out spam */
 return cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_MAILFROMADDR));
 char *filterKeyword()
 /* Return the keyword used to filter out spam  */
 return cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_FILTERKEYWORD));
 char *mailSignature()
 /* Return the signature to be used by outbound mail. */
 return cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_MAIL_SIGNATURE));
 char *mailReturnAddr()
 /* Return the return addr. to be used by outbound mail. */
 return cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_MAIL_RETURN_ADDR));
 char *browserName()
 /* Return the browser name like 'UCSC Genome Browser' */
 return cloneString(cfgOption(CFG_SUGGEST_BROWSER_NAME));
 static char *now()
 /* Return a mysql-formatted time like "2008-05-19 15:33:34". */
 char nowBuf[512];
 time_t curtime;
 curtime = time (NULL); 
 struct tm *theTime = localtime(&curtime);
 strftime(nowBuf, sizeof nowBuf, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", theTime);
 return cloneString(nowBuf);
 int spc_email_isvalid(const char *address) {
 /* Check the format of an email address syntactically. Return 1 if
  * valid, else 0 */
 /* Code copied from the book: 
 "Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++"
 By: John Viega; Matt Messier
 Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.
 Pub. Date: July 14, 2003
 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-596-00394-4
 int  count = 0;
 const char *c, *domain;
 static char *rfc822_specials = "()<>@,;:\\\"[]";
 /* first we validate the name portion (name@domain) */
 for (c = address;  *c;  c++)
     if (*c == '\"' && (c == address || *(c - 1) == '.' || *(c - 1) ==  '\"'))
         while (*++c)
             if (*c == '\"') break;
             if (*c == '\\' && (*++c == ' ')) continue;
             if (*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return 0;
          if (!*c++) return 0;
          if (*c == '@') break;
          if (*c != '.') return 0;
     if (*c == '@') break;
     if (*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return 0;
     if (strchr(rfc822_specials, *c)) return 0;
 if (c == address || *(c - 1) == '.') return 0;
 /* next we validate the domain portion (name@domain) */
 if (!*(domain = ++c)) return 0;
     if (*c == '.')
         if (c == domain || *(c - 1) == '.') return 0;
     if (*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return 0;
     if (strchr(rfc822_specials, *c)) return 0;
     } while (*++c);
 return (count >= 1);
 boolean validateCategory(char *category)
 /* Validate the Category from the request */
 const char *cat[5] = {"Tracks", "Genome Assemblies",  "Browser Tools", 
                       "Command-line Utilities", "Others"};
 int i;
     if (strcmp(cat[i], category)==0) return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 /* javascript functions */
 void printMainForm()
 /* Create the main suggestion form */
     "     <FORM  ACTION=\"../cgi-bin/hgUserSuggestion?do.suggestSendMail=1\" METHOD=\"POST\" ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\" NAME=\"mainForm\" id='mainForm'>\n");
     "<H2>User Suggestion Form</H2>\n"
     "<P>If you have ideas about how we can improve the value of the Genome Browser to your research, "
     "we'd like to hear from you. Please provide a concise description below. "
     "A copy of the suggestion will be sent to your email address along with a reference number. "
     "You may follow up on the status of your request at any time by <a href=\"../contacts.html#followup\">contacting us</a> and quoting the reference number.</P>");
 hPrintf("<P>Please note: this form is not the proper place to submit questions regarding browser use or bug reports. Use the links on our <a href=\"../contacts.html\">contact page</a> instead.</P>");
     "      <div id=\"suggest\">  \n"
     "       <label for=\"name\">Your Name:</label><input type=\"text\" name=\"suggestName\" id=\"name\" size=\"50\"style=\"margin-left:20px\" maxlength=\"256\"/><BR><BR>\n"
     "       <label for=\"email\">Your Email:</label><input type=\"text\" name=\"suggestEmail\" id=\"email\" size=\"50\" style=\"margin-left:70px\" maxlength=\"254\"/><BR><BR>\n"
     "       <label for=\"confirmEmail\">Re-enter Your Email:</label><input type=\"text\" \n"
     "          name=\"suggestCfmEmail\" id=\"cfmemail\" size=\"50\" style=\"margin-left:20px\" maxlength=\"254\"/><BR><BR>\n");
     "       <label for=\"category\">Category:</label><select name=\"suggestCategory\" id=\"category\" style=\"margin-left:20px\" maxlength=\"256\">\n"
     "         <option selected>Tracks</option> \n"
     "         <option>Genome Assemblies</option>\n"
     "         <option>Browser Tools</option>\n"
     "         <option>Command-line Utilities</option>\n"
     "         <option>Others</option>\n"
     "         </select><BR><BR>\n");
     "       <label for=\"summary\">Summary:</label><input type=\"text\" name=\"suggestSummary\" id=\"summary\" size=\"74\" style=\"margin-left:20px\" maxlength=\"256\"/><BR><BR>\n"
     "       <label for=\"details\">Details:</label><BR><textarea name=\"suggestDetails\" id=\"details\" cols=\"100\" rows=\"15\" maxlength=\"4096\"></textarea><BR><BR>\n"
     "<input type=\"text\" name=\"suggestWebsite\" style=\"display: none;\" />"
     "     </div>\n");
     "         <p>\n"
     "           <label for=\"code\">Enter the following value below: <span id=\"txtCaptchaDiv\" style=\"color:#F00\"></span><BR> \n"
     "           <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"txtCaptcha\" /></label>\n"
     "           <input type=\"text\" name=\"txtInput\" id=\"txtInput\" size=\"30\" />\n"
     "         </p>\n");
     "      <div class=\"formControls\">\n"
     "        <input id=\"sendButton\" type=\"button\" value=\"Send\"> \n"
     "        <input type=\"reset\" name=\"suggestClear\" value=\"Clear\" class=\"largeButton\"> \n"
     "      </div>\n"
     "      \n"
     "     </FORM>\n\n");
 void printValidateScript()
 /* javascript to validate form inputs */
     "    function validateMainForm(theform)\n"
     "    {\n"
     "    var x=theform.suggestName.value;\n"
     "    if (x==null || x==\"\")\n"
     "      {\n"
     "      alert(\"Name field must be filled out\");\n"
     "      theform.suggestName.focus() ;\n"
     "      return false;\n"
     "      }\n"
     "    var y=theform.suggestEmail.value;\n"
     "    if (y==null || y==\"\")\n"
     "      {\n"
     "      alert(\"Email field must be filled out\");\n"
     "      theform.suggestEmail.focus() ;\n"
     "      return false;\n"
     "      }\n"
     "    if (!validateMailAddr(theform.suggestEmail.value))\n"
     "      {\n"
     "      alert(\"Not a valid e-mail address\");\n"
     "      theform.suggestEmail.focus() ;\n"
     "      return false;\n"
     "      }\n"
     "    var str1 = theform.suggestEmail.value;\n"
     "    var str2 = theform.suggestCfmEmail.value;\n"
     "    if (str2==null || str2==\"\")\n"
     "      {\n"
     "      alert(\"Please re-enter your email address.\");\n"
     "      theform.suggestCfmEmail.focus();\n"
     "      return false;\n"
     "      }\n"
     "    if (str1 != str2)\n"
     "      {\n"
     "      alert(\"Email addresses do not match, please re-enter.\");\n"
     "      theform.suggestCfmEmail.focus();\n"
     "      return false;\n"
     "      }\n"
     "    var y=theform.suggestSummary.value;\n"
     "    if (y==null || y==\"\")\n"
     "      {\n"
     "      alert(\"Summary field must be filled out\");\n"
     "      theform.suggestSummary.focus() ;\n"
     "      return false;\n"
     "      }          \n"
     "    return true; \n"
     "    }"
     "    function validateMailAddr(x)\n"
     "    {\n"
     "    var atpos=x.indexOf(\"@\");\n"
     "    var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf(\".\");\n"
     "    if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length)\n"
     "      {\n"
     "      return false;\n"
     "      } \n"
     "    return true;\n"
     "    }\n"
 void printCheckCaptchaScript()
 /* javascript to check CAPTCHA code */
     " // The Simple JavaScript CAPTCHA Generator code is copied from typicalwhiner.com/190/simple-javascript-captcha-generator \n"
     "         function checkCaptcha(theform){\n"
     "                 var why = \"\";\n"
     "                  \n"
     "                 if(theform.txtInput.value == \"\"){\n"
     "                         why += \"- Security code should not be empty.\";\n"
     "                 }\n"
     "                 if(theform.txtInput.value != \"\"){\n"
     "                         if(ValidCaptcha(theform.txtInput.value) == false){\n"
     "                                 why += \"- Security code did not match.\";\n"
     "                         }\n"
     "                 }\n"
     "                 if(why != \"\"){\n"
     "                         alert(why);\n"
     "                         theform.txtInput.focus() ;\n"
     "                         return false;\n"
     "                 }\n"
     "            return true;\n"
     "         }\n\n"
     "         var a = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';\n"
     "         var b = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';\n"
     "         var c = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';\n"
     "         var d = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';\n"
     "         var e = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9)+ '';\n\n"
     "         var code = a + b + c + d + e;\n"
     "         document.getElementById(\"txtCaptcha\").value = code;\n"
     "         document.getElementById(\"txtCaptchaDiv\").innerHTML = code;\n\n"
     " function ValidCaptcha(){\n"
     "         var str1 = removeSpaces(document.getElementById('txtCaptcha').value);\n"
     "         var str2 = removeSpaces(document.getElementById('txtInput').value);\n"
     "         if (str1 == str2){\n"
     "                 return true;\n"
     "         } else {\n"
     "                 return false;\n"
     "         }\n"
     " }\n\n"
     " function removeSpaces(string){\n"
     "         return string.split(' ').join('');\n"
     " }\n"
 void printSubmitFormScript()
 /* javascript to submit form */
     "     function submitform()\n"
     "     {\n"
     "      if ( validateMainForm(document.forms[\"mainForm\"]) && checkCaptcha(document.forms[\"mainForm\"]))\n"
     "        {\n"
     "          document.forms[\"mainForm\"].submit();\n"
     "        }\n"
     "     }\n"
 void printSuggestionConfirmed(char *summary, char * refID, char *userAddr, char *adminAddr, char *details)
 /* display suggestion confirm page */
     "<h2>Thank you for your suggestion!</h2>");
     "You may follow up on the status of your request at any time by "
     "<a href=\"../contacts.html#followup\">contacting us</a> and quoting your reference number:<BR><BR>%s<BR><BR>"
     "A copy of this information has also been sent to you at %s.<BR></p>",
      refID, userAddr); 
     "<p><a href=\"hgUserSuggestion\">Click here if you wish to make additional suggestions.</a></p>");
     "<B>Your suggestion summary:</B><BR>"
     "<B>Your suggestion details:</B><BR>"
     summary, details);
 void printInvalidForm()
 /* display invalid form page */
     "<h2>Invalid Form.</h2>");
     "The form is invalid. Please correct it and "
     "<a id='goBack' >submit</a> again.</p>"
 jsOnEventById("click", "goBack", "history.go(-1)");
 void printInvalidCategory(char *invalidCategory)
 /* display invalid category page */
     "<h2>Invalid Category.</h2>");
     "The category \"%s\" is invalid. Please correct it and "
     "<a id='goBack'>submit</a> again.</p>",
 jsOnEventById("click", "goBack", "history.go(-1)");
 void printInvalidEmailAddr(char *invalidEmailAddr)
 /* display suggestion confirm page */
     "<h2>Invalid email address format.</h2>");
     "The email address \"%s\" is invalid. Please correct it and "
     "<a id='goBack'>submit</a> again.</p>",
 jsOnEventById("click", "goBack", "history.go(-1)");
 void sendSuggestionBack(char *sName, char *sEmail, char *sCategory, char *sSummary, char *sDetails, char *suggestID)
 /* send back the suggestion */
 /* parameters from hg.cong */
 char *mailTo = mailToAddr();
 char *mailFrom=mailFromAddr();
 char *filter=filterKeyword();
 char subject[512];
 char msg[4608]; /* need to make larger */
 safef(msg, sizeof(msg),
     "SuggestionID:: %s\nUserName:: %s\nUserEmail:: %s\nCategory:: %s\nSummary:: %s\n\n\nDetails::\n%s",
     suggestID, sName, sEmail, sCategory, sSummary, sDetails);
 safef(subject, sizeof(subject),"%s %s", filter, suggestID);   
 // ignore returned result
 mailViaPipe(mailTo, subject, msg, mailFrom);
 void sendConfirmMail(char *emailAddr, char *suggestID, char *summary, char *details)
 /* send user suggestion confirm mail */
 char subject[512];
 char msg[4608];
 char *remoteAddr=getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
 char brwName[512];
 char returnAddr[512];
 char signature[512];
 char userEmailAddr[512];
 safecpy(brwName,sizeof(brwName), browserName());
 safecpy(returnAddr,sizeof(returnAddr), mailReturnAddr());
 safecpy(signature,sizeof(signature), mailSignature());
 safecpy(userEmailAddr, sizeof(userEmailAddr),emailAddr);
 safef(subject, sizeof(subject),"Thank you for your suggestion to the %s", brwName);
 safef(msg, sizeof(msg),
     "  Someone (probably you, from IP address %s) submitted a suggestion to the %s regarding \"%s\".\n\n  The suggestion has been assigned a reference number of \"%s\". If you wish to follow up on the progress of this suggestion with browser staff, you may contact us at %s. Please include the reference number of your suggestion in the email.\n\nThank you for your input,\n%s\n\nYour suggestion summary:\n%s\n\nYour suggestion details:\n%s",
 remoteAddr, brwName, summary, suggestID, returnAddr, signature, summary, details);
 // ignore returned result
 mailViaPipe(userEmailAddr, subject, msg, returnAddr);
 void askForSuggest(char *organism, char *db)
 /* Put up the suggestion form. */
 void  submitSuggestion()
 /* send the suggestion to ,.. */
 /* parameters from hg.cong */
 char *filter=filterKeyword();
 /* values from cart */
 char *sName=cartUsualString(cart,"suggestName","");
 char *sEmail=cartUsualString(cart,"suggestEmail","");
 char *sCategory=cartUsualString(cart,"suggestCategory","");
 char *sSummary=cartUsualString(cart,"suggestSummary","");
 char *sDetails=cartUsualString(cart,"suggestDetails","");
 char *sWebsite=cartUsualString(cart,"suggestWebsite","");
 char suggestID[512];
 safef(suggestID, sizeof(suggestID),"%s %s", sEmail, now());
 char subject[512];
 safef(subject, sizeof(subject),"%s %s", filter, suggestID);
 /* reject if the hidden field is not blank */
 if (isNotEmpty(sWebsite))
     cartSetString(cart, "suggestWebsite", "");
 /* reject suggestion if category is invalid */
 if (!validateCategory(sCategory))
 /* Send back suggestion only with valid user email address */
 if (spc_email_isvalid(sEmail) != 0)
     /* send back the suggestion */
     sendSuggestionBack(sName, sEmail, sCategory, sSummary, sDetails, suggestID);
     /* send confirmation mail to user */
     sendConfirmMail(sEmail,suggestID, sSummary, sDetails);
     /* display confirmation page */
     printSuggestionConfirmed(sSummary, suggestID, sEmail, mailReturnAddr(), sDetails);
 } else {
     /* save all field value in cart */
 cartRemove(cart, "do.suggestSendMail");
 void doMiddle(struct cart *theCart)
 /* Write header and body of html page. */
 char *db, *organism;
 cart = theCart;
 getDbAndGenome(cart, &db, &organism, oldVars);
 cartWebStart(theCart, db, "UCSC Genome Browser: Suggestion Box");
 if (cartVarExists(cart, "do.suggestSendMail"))
     cartRemove(cart, "do.suggestSendMail");
 /* Null terminated list of CGI Variables we don't want to save
  * permanently. */
 char *excludeVars[] = {"Submit", "submit", "Clear", NULL};
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 long enteredMainTime = clock1000();
 oldVars = hashNew(10);
 cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
 cartEmptyShell(doMiddle, hUserCookie(), excludeVars, oldVars);
 cgiExitTime("hgUserSuggestion", enteredMainTime);
 return 0;