  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/hgCountAlign/winCounts.h src/hg/makeDb/hgCountAlign/winCounts.h
index 4300672..82c5689 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/hgCountAlign/winCounts.h
+++ src/hg/makeDb/hgCountAlign/winCounts.h
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
 /* winCounts.h was originally generated by the autoSql program, which also 
  * generated winCounts.c  It was extensively modified to meet the needs of
  * this program.
 /* Copyright (C) 2003 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #ifndef WINCOUNTS_H
 #define WINCOUNTS_H
 #include "common.h"
 #include <stdio.h>
 struct winCounts
 /* Counts collected for a fixed, non-overlaping window.  Note that
  * the array of letter pairs are in alphabetical order (AA, AC, ... TT),
  * as this seems to be the format most widely prefered (at least with our
  * collaborators).  This is not the same as dnautil.h ordering of bases.
     struct winCounts *next;  /* Next in singly linked list. */
     char *chrom;	     /* chromosome */
     unsigned chromStart;     /* Start position in chromosome */
     unsigned chromEnd;	     /* End position in chromosome */
     unsigned numCounts;	     /* Number of non-n-base counts */
     unsigned baseCounts[16]; /* 4x4 matrix of counts, AA AC, ... TT */
     unsigned firstCountPos;  /* Positions of first/last count in window */
     unsigned lastCountPos;
 struct winCounts *winCountsNew(char *chrom);
 /* Allocate a new winCounts object. */
 void winCountsFree(struct winCounts **pEl);
 /* Free a single dynamically allocated winCounts such as created
  * with winCountsLoad(). */
 void winCountsFreeList(struct winCounts **pList);
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated winCounts's */
 void winCountsReset(struct winCounts *el);
 /* Reset counts in a winCounts object. */
 void winCountsIncrCount(struct winCounts *el, char base0, char base1, unsigned pos);
 /* Increment the count of occurances of base1 aligned to base0 */
 int winCountsGetCount(struct winCounts *el, char base0, char base1);
 /* Get the count of occurances of base1 aligned to base0 */
 void winCountsSum(struct winCounts *dest, struct winCounts *src);
 /* Sum src counts with dest counts, storing in dest counts. */
 void winCountsStaticLoad(char **row, struct winCounts *ret);
 /* Load a row from winCounts table into ret.  The contents of ret will
  * be replaced at the next call to this function. */
 struct winCounts *winCountsLoad(char **row);
 /* Load a winCounts from row fetched with select * from winCounts
  * from database.  Dispose of this with winCountsFree(). */
 struct winCounts *winCountsLoadAll(char *fileName);
 /* Load all winCounts from a tab-separated file.
  * Dispose of this with winCountsFreeList(). */
 void winCountsTabHeaderOut(FILE *f);
 /* Print out header for tab-separated file. */
 void winCountsTabOut(struct winCounts *el, FILE *f, boolean tightCoords, char *winVal);
 /* Print out winCounts as a line in a tab-separated file.
  * If tight coords is true, output start/end of counts rather than windows. */
 #endif /* WINCOUNTS_H */