4898794edd81be5285ea6e544acbedeaeb31bf78 max Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800 Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614 diff --git src/hg/makeDb/outside/hgLoadEranModules/hgLoadEranModules.c src/hg/makeDb/outside/hgLoadEranModules/hgLoadEranModules.c index bbbc38c..e592a2a 100644 --- src/hg/makeDb/outside/hgLoadEranModules/hgLoadEranModules.c +++ src/hg/makeDb/outside/hgLoadEranModules/hgLoadEranModules.c @@ -1,691 +1,691 @@ /* hgLoadEranModules - Load regulatory modules from Eran Segal. */ /* Copyright (C) 2013 The Regents of the University of California - * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */ + * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */ #include "common.h" #include "linefile.h" #include "hash.h" #include "options.h" #include "jksql.h" #include "dystring.h" #include "obscure.h" #include "hdb.h" #include "hgRelate.h" #include "binRange.h" #include "esMotif.h" #include "dnaMotif.h" #include "dnaMotifSql.h" void usage() /* Explain usage and exit. */ { errAbort( "hgLoadEranModules - Load regulatory modules from Eran Segal\n" "usage:\n" " hgLoadEranModules database module_assignments.tab motif_modules.tab modules_motifs.gxm modules_motif_positions.tab gene_positions.tab\n" "where the parameters are:\n" " database - a genome database such as sacCer1 or hg16\n" " module_assignments.tab - a two column file: gene, module\n" " motif_modules.tab - a tab separated file with one line for each module\n" " The field of each line is the module, subsequent fields are\n" " the motifs that make up that module\n" " modules_motifs.gxm - A XML file with the motif weight matrices\n" " modules_motif_positions.tab - A big table with genes for rows and \n" " motifs for columns that says the position of each motif relative\n" " to the start of gene\n" " gene_positions.tab - A tab separated files with columns:\n" " geneName,chromosome,txStart,txEnd,strand,upSize,downSize\n" "options:\n" " -xxx=XXX\n" ); } char *tmpDir = "."; static struct optionSpec options[] = { {NULL, 0}, }; struct hashEl *hashLookup2(struct hash *hash, char *key1, char *key2) /* Return value associated with key1&key2 */ { char buf[64]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s&%s", key1, key2); return hashLookup(hash, buf); } void hashAdd2(struct hash *hash, char *key1, char *key2, void *val) /* Add value associated with key1&key2 to hash */ { char buf[64]; safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s&%s", key1, key2); hashAdd(hash, buf, val); } struct hash *loadGeneToModule(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fileName, char *table) /* Load up simple two-column file into a lookup type table. */ { struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(512); sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "CREATE TABLE %s (\n" " gene varchar(255) not null,\n" " module int not null,\n" " #Indices\n" " PRIMARY KEY(gene(12)),\n" " INDEX(module)\n" ")\n", table); sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, dy->string); sqlLoadTabFile(conn, fileName, table, 0); verbose(1, "Loaded %s table\n", table); return hashTwoColumnFile(fileName); } struct genomePos /* A part of genome. */ { struct genomePos *next; char *name; /* Gene name, not allocated here. */ char *chrom; /* Chromosome, not allocated here. */ int start,end; /* Range, zero based, half open. */ char strand; /* + or - */ int score; /* Possibly score. */ char *motif; /* Possibly motif name. Not allocated here. */ }; int genomePosCmp(const void *va, const void *vb) /* Compare to sort based on chrom,start. */ { const struct genomePos *a = *((struct genomePos **)va); const struct genomePos *b = *((struct genomePos **)vb); int dif; dif = strcmp(a->chrom, b->chrom); if (dif == 0) dif = a->start - b->start; return dif; } struct hash *loadGenePositions(char *database, struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fileName) /* Read in 7 column file and convert to hash of gene * positions. */ { struct hash *hash = newHash(16); struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *row[7]; int count = 0; struct genomePos *posList = NULL, *pos; while (lineFileRow(lf, row)) { int geneStart,geneEnd,upSize,downSize; AllocVar(pos); hashAddSaveName(hash, row[0], pos, &pos->name); slAddHead(&posList, pos); pos->chrom = hgOfficialChromName(database, row[1]); if (pos->chrom == NULL) errAbort("Unrecognized chromosome %s line %d of %s", row[1], lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); geneStart = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 2); geneEnd = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 3); pos->strand = row[4][0]; if (pos->strand != '+' && pos->strand != '-') errAbort("Unrecognized strand %s line %d of %s", row[4], lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); upSize = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 5); downSize = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 6); if (pos->strand == '+') { pos->start = geneStart - upSize; pos->end = geneStart + downSize; } else { pos->start = geneEnd - downSize; pos->end = geneEnd + upSize; } ++count; } verbose(1, "%d genes in %s\n", count, fileName); return hash; } struct genomePos *convertMotifPos(char *textPos, struct genomePos *upstreamPos, struct dnaMotif *motif, struct lineFile *lf) /* Take a semi-colon separated list of positions relative to given upstreamPos * and convert it a list of genomePos. */ { int relStart, start,end; char *s, *e; char relStrand, strand; struct genomePos *posList = NULL, *pos; for (s = textPos; s != NULL; s = e) { e = strchr(s, ';'); if (e != NULL) *e++ = 0; if (!isdigit(s[0]) && !(s[0] == '-' && isdigit(s[1]))) errAbort("Expecting semicolon separated list of numbers line %d of %s", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); relStart = atoi(s); relStrand = '+'; if (relStart < 0) { relStrand = '-'; relStart = -relStart; } if (upstreamPos->strand == '+') { strand = relStrand; start = upstreamPos->start + relStart; end = start + motif->columnCount; } else { strand = (relStrand == '+' ? '-' : '+'); /* Flip strand */ end = upstreamPos->end - relStart; start = end - motif->columnCount; } AllocVar(pos); pos->chrom = upstreamPos->chrom; pos->start = start; pos->end = end; pos->name = upstreamPos->name; pos->score = 1000; /* Not yet calculated. */ pos->strand = strand; pos->motif = motif->name; slAddHead(&posList, pos); } return posList; } char *fixMotifName(char *in, char *out, int outSize) /* Fix motif name to make it consistent. (Convert * 'Cluster XXX' to 'Motif_XXX' */ { if (startsWith("Cluster", in)) safef(out, outSize, "Motif_%s", in+8); else safef(out, outSize, "%s", in); return out; } void loadGeneToMotif(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fileName, char *table, struct hash *geneToModuleHash, struct hash *moduleAndMotifHash, struct hash *motifHash, struct hash *positionsHash, char *regionTable) /* Load file which is a big matrix with genes for rows and motifs for * columns. There is a semicolon-separated list of numbers in the matrix * where a gene has the motif, and an empty (tab separated) field * where there is no motif. The numbers are relative to the * region associated with the gene in the positionsHash. * Only load bits of this where motif actually occurs in module associated * with gene. */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *line; FILE *f = hgCreateTabFile(tmpDir, table); char *motifNames[32*1024], *row[32*1024]; int motifCount, rowSize, i; char *gene, *module; int geneCount = 0, total = 0; struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(512); struct genomePos *motifPosList = NULL, *motifPosForGene; struct genomePos *regionPosList = NULL, *regionPos; /* Read first line, which is labels. */ if (!lineFileNextReal(lf, &line)) errAbort("Empty file %s", fileName); subChar(line, ' ', '_'); motifCount = chopLine(line, motifNames); if (motifCount >= ArraySize(motifNames)) errAbort("Too many motifs line 1 of %s", fileName); lineFileExpectAtLeast(lf, 2, motifCount); motifNames[0] = NULL; for (i=1; i<motifCount; ++i) { char name[64]; motifNames[i] = cloneString(fixMotifName(motifNames[i],name,sizeof(name))); if (!hashLookup(motifHash, motifNames[i])) errAbort("Motif %s is in %s but not modules_motifs.gxm", motifNames[i], fileName); } /* Read subsequent lines. */ while ((rowSize = lineFileChopTab(lf, row)) != 0) { lineFileExpectWords(lf, motifCount, rowSize); gene = row[0]; module = hashFindVal(geneToModuleHash, gene); if (module == NULL) { warn("WARNING: Gene %s in line %d of %s but not module_assignments.tab", gene, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName); continue; } regionPos = NULL; for (i=1; i<rowSize; ++i) { if (row[i][0] != 0) { if (hashLookup2(moduleAndMotifHash, module, motifNames[i])) { regionPos = hashFindVal(positionsHash, gene); if (regionPos == NULL) { warn("WARNING: %s in %s but not gene_positions.tab", gene, fileName); i = rowSize; continue; } motifPosForGene = convertMotifPos(row[i], regionPos, hashMustFindVal(motifHash, motifNames[i]), lf); motifPosList = slCat(motifPosForGene, motifPosList); ++total; } } } if (regionPos != NULL) { slAddHead(®ionPosList, regionPos); } ++geneCount; } lineFileClose(&lf); /* Output sorted table of all motif hits. */ { struct genomePos *pos; slSort(&motifPosList, genomePosCmp); for (pos = motifPosList; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next) { int start = pos->start; int end = pos->end; if (start < 0) start = 0; fprintf(f, "%d\t", binFromRange(start, end)); fprintf(f, "%s\t", pos->chrom); fprintf(f, "%d\t%d\t", start, end); fprintf(f, "%s\t", pos->motif); fprintf(f, "%d\t", pos->score); fprintf(f, "%c\t", pos->strand); fprintf(f, "%s\n", pos->name); } sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "CREATE TABLE %s (\n" " bin smallInt unsigned not null,\n" " chrom varChar(255) not null,\n" " chromStart int not null,\n" " chromEnd int not null,\n" " name varchar(255) not null,\n" " score int not null,\n" " strand char(1) not null,\n" " gene varchar(255) not null,\n" " #Indices\n" " INDEX(gene(12)),\n" " INDEX(name(16)),\n" " INDEX(chrom(8),bin)\n" ")\n", table); sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, dy->string); verbose(1, "%d genes, %d motifs, %d motifs in genes\n", geneCount, motifCount-1, total); hgLoadTabFile(conn, tmpDir, table, &f); // hgRemoveTabFile(tmpDir, table); verbose(1, "Loaded %s table\n", table); slFreeList(&motifPosList); } /* Now output sorted table of upstream regions. */ { FILE *f = hgCreateTabFile(tmpDir, regionTable); struct genomePos *pos; dyStringClear(dy); sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "CREATE TABLE %s (\n" " bin smallInt unsigned not null,\n" " chrom varChar(255) not null,\n" " chromStart int not null,\n" " chromEnd int not null,\n" " name varchar(255) not null,\n" " score int not null,\n" " strand char(1) not null,\n" " #Indices\n" " INDEX(name(16)),\n" " INDEX(chrom(8),bin)\n" ")\n", regionTable); sqlRemakeTable(conn, regionTable, dy->string); slSort(®ionPosList, genomePosCmp); for (pos = regionPosList; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next) { int start = pos->start; int end = pos->end; if (start < 0) start = 0; fprintf(f, "%d\t", binFromRange(start, end)); fprintf(f, "%s\t", pos->chrom); fprintf(f, "%d\t%d\t", start, end); fprintf(f, "%s\t", pos->name); fprintf(f, "%d\t", pos->score); fprintf(f, "%c\n", pos->strand); } hgLoadTabFile(conn, tmpDir, regionTable, &f); // hgRemoveTabFile(tmpDir, regionTable); } } struct hash *loadModuleToMotif(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fileName, char *table) /* Load up file which has a line per module. The first word is the module * number, the rest of the tab-separated fields are motif names. * Return hash keyed by module&motif. */ { struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE); char *line, *module, *motif; FILE *f = hgCreateTabFile(tmpDir, table); struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(512); int motifCount = 0, moduleCount = 0; struct hash *hash = newHash(18); while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line)) { ++moduleCount; subChar(line, ' ', '_'); module = nextWord(&line); while ((motif = nextWord(&line)) != NULL) { ++motifCount; fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\n", module, motif); hashAdd2(hash, module, motif, NULL); } } sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "CREATE TABLE %s (\n" " module int not null,\n" " motif varchar(255) not null,\n" " #Indices\n" " INDEX(module),\n" " INDEX(motif(16))\n" ")\n", table); sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, dy->string); verbose(1, "%d modules, %d motifs in modules\n", moduleCount, motifCount); hgLoadTabFile(conn, tmpDir, table, &f); hgRemoveTabFile(tmpDir, table); verbose(1, "Loaded %s table\n", table); lineFileClose(&lf); return hash; } struct hash *loadMotifWeights(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *fileName, char *table) /* Load in XML weight motif file and save it in tab-separated format * and in hash keyed by motif name. */ { struct esmMotifs *motifs = esmMotifsLoad(fileName); struct esmMotif *motif; FILE *f = hgCreateTabFile(tmpDir, table); struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(512); struct hash *hash = newHash(16); for (motif = motifs->esmMotif; motif != NULL; motif = motif->next) { struct esmWeights *weights = motif->esmWeights; int posCount = slCount(weights->esmPosition); struct esmPosition *pos; struct dnaMotif *dm; char name[64]; fixMotifName(motif->Name, name, sizeof(name)); AllocVar(dm); dm->name = cloneString(name); dm->columnCount = posCount; AllocArray(dm->aProb, posCount); AllocArray(dm->cProb, posCount); AllocArray(dm->gProb, posCount); AllocArray(dm->tProb, posCount); for (pos = weights->esmPosition; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next) { char *row[5]; double odds[4], sumOdds = 0; int i; int ix = pos->Num; int rowSize = chopString(pos->Weights, ";", row, ArraySize(row)); if (rowSize != 4) errAbort("Expecting 4 values for weights in position %d of Motif %s", pos->Num, motif->Name); if (ix >= posCount) errAbort("Num %d out of range in Motif %s", ix, motif->Name); for (i=0; i<4; ++i) { odds[i] = exp(atof(row[0])); sumOdds += odds[i]; } dm->aProb[ix] = odds[0]/sumOdds; dm->cProb[ix] = odds[1]/sumOdds; dm->gProb[ix] = odds[2]/sumOdds; dm->tProb[ix] = odds[3]/sumOdds; } dnaMotifTabOut(dm, f); hashAdd(hash, dm->name, dm); } sqlDyStringPrintf(dy, "CREATE TABLE %s (\n" " name varchar(16) not null, # Motif name.\n" " columnCount int not null, # Count of columns in motif.\n" " aProb longblob not null, # Probability of A's in each column.\n" " cProb longblob not null, # Probability of C's in each column.\n" " gProb longblob not null, # Probability of G's in each column.\n" " tProb longblob not null, # Probability of T's in each column.\n" " #Indices\n" " PRIMARY KEY(name)\n" ")\n", table); sqlRemakeTable(conn, table, dy->string); hgLoadTabFile(conn, tmpDir, table, &f); hgRemoveTabFile(tmpDir, table); verbose(1, "Processed %d motifs into %s\n", slCount(motifs->esmMotif), table); return hash; } void crossCheck(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *motifWeights, char *geneToModule, char *geneToMotif, char *moduleToMotif) /* Do sanity check after loading. */ { struct hash *motifHash = newHash(0); struct hash *geneToModuleHash = newHash(16); struct hash *moduleToGeneHash = newHash(16); struct hash *moduleToMotifHash = newHash(16); struct hash *motifToModuleHash = newHash(16); struct hash *modMotHash = newHash(18); char query[512], modMot[64]; struct sqlResult *sr; char **row; int reusedMotifCount = 0; int fatalErrorCount = 0; /* Load up motif hash */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select name from %s", motifWeights); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { hashAdd(motifHash, row[0], NULL); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); /* Load up moduleToMotif table and note how many times * a motif is used more than once just for curiousity * (this is not an error condition). */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select module,motif from %s", moduleToMotif); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *module = cloneString(row[0]); char *motif = cloneString(row[1]); if (!hashLookup(motifHash, motif)) { warn("Motif %s is in %s but not %s", motif, moduleToMotif, motifWeights); ++fatalErrorCount; } hashAdd(moduleToMotifHash, module, motif); if (hashLookup(motifToModuleHash, motif)) ++reusedMotifCount; hashAdd(motifToModuleHash, motif, module); safef(modMot, sizeof(modMot), "%s %s", module, motif); hashAdd(modMotHash, modMot, NULL); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); verbose(1, "%d motifs reuses in modules\n", reusedMotifCount); verbose(1, "Cross-checking tables\n"); /* Load up geneToModule table, and make sure that all modules actually * exist in moduleToMotif table. */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select gene,module from %s", geneToModule); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *gene = cloneString(row[0]); char *module = cloneString(row[1]); if (!hashLookup(moduleToMotifHash, module)) { warn("Module %s is in %s but not %s", module, geneToModule, moduleToMotif); ++fatalErrorCount; } hashAdd(geneToModuleHash, gene, module); hashAdd(moduleToGeneHash, module, gene); } sqlFreeResult(&sr); /* Scan again through moduleToMotif table and make sure that * all modules are present in geneToModule. */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select module from %s", moduleToMotif); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *module = row[0]; if (!hashLookup(moduleToGeneHash, module)) { warn("Module %s is in %s but not %s", module, moduleToMotif, geneToModule); ++fatalErrorCount; } } sqlFreeResult(&sr); /* Scan through geneToMotif table checking things. */ sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "select gene,name from %s", geneToMotif); sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query); while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL) { char *gene = row[0]; char *motif = row[1]; char *module = hashFindVal(geneToModuleHash, gene); if (module == NULL) { warn("Gene %s is in %s but not %s", gene, geneToMotif, geneToModule); ++fatalErrorCount; } safef(modMot, sizeof(modMot), "%s %s", module, motif); if (hashLookup(modMotHash, modMot) == NULL) { warn("Gene %s has motif %s, but that motif isn't in %s", gene, motif, module); ++fatalErrorCount; } if (!hashLookup(motifHash, motif)) { warn("Motif %s is in %s but not %s", motif, geneToMotif, motifWeights); ++fatalErrorCount; } } sqlFreeResult(&sr); verbose(1, "%d errors\n", fatalErrorCount); } void hgLoadEranModules(char *database, char *geneToModule, char *moduleToMotif, char *motifWeights, char *motifPositions, char *genePositions) /* hgLoadEranModules - Load regulatory modules from Eran Segal. */ { struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database); struct hash *positionsHash = loadGenePositions(database, conn, genePositions); struct hash *moduleAndMotifHash = loadModuleToMotif(conn, moduleToMotif, "esRegModuleToMotif"); struct hash *geneToModuleHash = loadGeneToModule(conn, geneToModule, "esRegGeneToModule"); struct hash *motifHash = loadMotifWeights(conn, motifWeights, "esRegMotif"); loadGeneToMotif(conn, motifPositions, "esRegGeneToMotif", geneToModuleHash, moduleAndMotifHash, motifHash, positionsHash, "esRegUpstreamRegion"); crossCheck(conn, "esRegMotif", "esRegGeneToModule", "esRegGeneToMotif", "esRegModuleToMotif"); } #ifdef TESTING void convert(double logOdds[4]) { int i; double sum = 0; for (i=0; i<4; ++i) { double odds = exp(logOdds[i]); sum += odds; } uglyf("sum %f\n", sum); for (i=0; i<4; ++i) { double odds = exp(logOdds[i]); printf("%4.3f\t %4.3f\t%4.3f\n", logOdds[i], odds, odds/sum); } printf("\n"); } void test() { int i; static double w[][4] = { {0.11,0.24,-0.79,0.18}, {-0.17,0.91,-0.45,-0.67}, {0.93,-5.75,-0.45,0.12}, {-0.75,0.18,-0.45,0.63}, {1.13,-5.75,0.70,-6.03}, {-6.10,-5.75,-2.34,1.83}, {-2.65,2.11,-5.80,-6.03}, {1.40,-5.75,-0.13,-2.57}, {-6.10,0.91,-5.80,1.11}, {-2.65,-0.79,-0.45,1.31}, {0.69,-0.39,-0.85,-0.09}, {-0.75,-0.39,-2.34,1.21}, {0.93,-1.35,-0.45,-0.35}, {-0.17,-0.07,-0.13,0.31}, {1.81,-5.75,-5.80,-6.03}, {-6.10,2.17,-5.80,-6.03}, {-6.10,-5.75,2.11,-6.03}, {0.55,-5.75,0.13,0.31}, {0.81,-0.79,-0.13,-0.67}, {0.46,-0.01,-0.79,-0.03}, {-0.11,0.46,0.19,-0.61}, {0.11,-0.33,-1.35,0.69}, }; for (i=0; i<=21; ++i) convert(w[i]); } #endif /* TESTING */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) /* Process command line. */ { optionInit(&argc, argv, options); if (argc != 7) usage(); hgLoadEranModules(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]); return 0; }