  Tue Nov 23 08:10:57 2021 -0800
Fixing pointers to README file for license in all source code files. refs #27614

diff --git src/hg/makeDb/schema/dbSnoop/dbSnoop.c src/hg/makeDb/schema/dbSnoop/dbSnoop.c
index 6fbe743..d1cc999 100644
--- src/hg/makeDb/schema/dbSnoop/dbSnoop.c
+++ src/hg/makeDb/schema/dbSnoop/dbSnoop.c
@@ -1,616 +1,616 @@
 /* dbSnoop - Produce an overview of a database.. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
- * See README in this or parent directory for licensing information. */
+ * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "tableStatus.h"
 char *profile = NULL;
 boolean sortAlpha = FALSE;
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "dbSnoop - Produce an overview of a database.\n"
   "   dbSnoop database output\n"
   "   -unsplit - if set will merge together tables split by chromosome\n"
   "   -noNumberCommas - if set will leave out commas in big numbers\n"
   "   -justSchema - only schema parts, no contents\n"
   "   -skipTable=tableName - if set skip a given table name\n"
   "   -profile=profileName - use profile for connection settings, default = '%s'\n"
   "   -sortAlpha - if set changes output order of fields to make comparisons between databases which have field order swapped easier.\n"
   , profile
 static struct optionSpec options[] = {
    {"unsplit", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"noNumberCommas", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"justSchema", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {"skipTable", OPTION_STRING},
    {"profile", OPTION_STRING},
    {"host", OPTION_STRING},
    {"user", OPTION_STRING},
    {"password", OPTION_STRING},
    {"sortAlpha", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
    {NULL, 0},
 boolean noNumberCommas = FALSE;
 boolean unsplit = FALSE;
 boolean justSchema = FALSE;
 char *skipTable = NULL;
 struct slName *chromList;	/* List of chromosomes in unsplit case. */
 struct fieldDescription
 /* Information on a field. */
     struct fieldDescription *next;	/* Next in list. */
     char *name;			/* Field name. */
     char *type;			/* SQL type. */
     char *key;			/* How is it indexed? PRI/MUL/etc. */
 struct tableInfo
 /* Information on a table. */
     struct tableInfo *next;  /* Next in list. */
     char *name;    	     /* Name of table. */
     struct tableStatus *status;	/* Result of table status call. */
     struct fieldDescription *fieldList;/* List of fields in table. */
 int tableInfoCmpSize(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two tableInfo. */
 const struct tableInfo *a = *((struct tableInfo **)va);
 const struct tableInfo *b = *((struct tableInfo **)vb);
 long long aSize = a->status->dataLength + a->status->indexLength;
 long long bSize = b->status->dataLength + b->status->indexLength;
 long long diff = bSize - aSize;
 if (diff < 0) return -1;
 else if (diff > 0) return 1;
 else return 0;
 int tableInfoCmpName(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two tableInfo on name. */
 const struct tableInfo *a = *((struct tableInfo **)va);
 const struct tableInfo *b = *((struct tableInfo **)vb);
 return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
 int tableInfoCmpUpdateTime(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two tableInfo on update time. */
 const struct tableInfo *a = *((struct tableInfo **)va);
 const struct tableInfo *b = *((struct tableInfo **)vb);
 char *aT = a->status->updateTime;
 char *bT = b->status->updateTime;
 if (aT == bT)
     return FALSE;
 else if (aT == NULL)	/* Update_time is NULL for InnoDB tables */
     return -1;
 else if (bT == NULL)
     return 1;
     return strcmp(bT,aT);
 struct fieldInfo
 /* Information on a field. */
     struct fieldInfo *next;	/* Next in list. */
     char *name;			/* Name of field. */
     struct slName *tableList;	/* List of tables using name. */
     int tableCount;		/* Count of tables. */
 int fieldInfoCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two fieldInfo. */
 const struct fieldInfo *a = *((struct fieldInfo **)va);
 const struct fieldInfo *b = *((struct fieldInfo **)vb);
 return b->tableCount - a->tableCount;
 int fieldInfoCmpName(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two fieldInfo on name. */
 const struct fieldInfo *a = *((struct fieldInfo **)va);
 const struct fieldInfo *b = *((struct fieldInfo **)vb);
 return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
 void noteField(struct hash *hash, char *table, char *field,
 	struct fieldInfo **pList)
 /* Keep track of field. */
 struct fieldInfo *fi = hashFindVal(hash, field);
 if (fi == NULL)
     hashAddSaveName(hash, field, fi, &fi->name);
     slAddHead(pList, fi);
 slNameAddHead(&fi->tableList, table);
 fi->tableCount += 1;
 struct tableType
 /* Information on a type. */
     struct tableType *next;	/* Next in list. */
     char *fields;		/* Comma-separated list of fields. */
     struct slName *tableList;	/* List of tables using this type. */
     int tableCount;		/* Count of tables. */
 int tableTypeCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two tableType. */
 const struct tableType *a = *((struct tableType **)va);
 const struct tableType *b = *((struct tableType **)vb);
 return b->tableCount - a->tableCount;
 void noteType(struct hash *hash, char *fields, char *table,
 	struct tableType **pList)
 /* Keep track of tables of given type. */
 struct tableType *tt = hashFindVal(hash, fields);
 if (tt == NULL)
     hashAddSaveName(hash, fields, tt, &tt->fields);
     slAddHead(pList, tt);
 slNameAddHead(&tt->tableList, table);
 tt->tableCount += 1;
 void tableSummary(struct tableStatus *status, 
 	struct sqlConnection *conn, FILE *f, 
 	struct hash *fieldHash, struct fieldInfo **pFiList,
 	struct hash *tableHash, struct tableInfo **pTiList,
 	struct hash *typeHash, struct tableType **pTtList)
 /* Write out summary of table to file. */
 char query[256];
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 struct dyString *fields = dyStringNew(0);
 struct tableInfo *ti;
 /* Make new table info, and add it to hash, list */
 hashAddSaveName(tableHash, status->name, ti, &ti->name);
 ti->status = status;
 slAddTail(pTiList, ti);
 /* List fields. */
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "describe `%s`", ti->name);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct fieldDescription *field;
     field->name = cloneString(row[0]);
     field->type = cloneString(row[1]);
     if (row[3][0] != 0)
 	field->key = cloneString(row[3]);
     slAddHead(&ti->fieldList, field);
     dyStringPrintf(fields, "%s,", field->name);
     noteField(fieldHash, ti->name, field->name, pFiList);
 noteType(typeHash, fields->string, ti->name, pTtList);
 char *toLongNumber(long long val)
 /* Print long number possibly with commas. */
 char ascii[32];
 if (noNumberCommas)
     safef(ascii, sizeof ascii, "%lld", val);
     sprintLongWithCommas(ascii, val);
 return cloneString(ascii);
 void printTaggedLong(FILE *f, char *tag, long long val)
 /* Print out tagged value, putting commas in number */
 fprintf(f, "%s:\t%s\n", tag, toLongNumber(val));
 char *findPastChrom(char *table, struct slName *chromList)
 /* Return first character in table past the chrN_ prefix if any.
  * if no chrN_ prefix return NULL.  The logic here depends on
  * chromList being sorted with largest name first. */
 struct slName *chrom;
 for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
     if (startsWith(chrom->name, table))
 	int len = strlen(chrom->name);
 	if (table[len] == '_')
 	    return table + len + 1;
 return NULL;
 void unsplitTables(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct tableInfo **pList)
 /* Merge together information on tables that are split by chromosome. */
 /* Note, this routine leaks a little memory, but in this context that's
  * that's ok. */
 struct tableInfo *ti, *newList = NULL, *next;
 struct hash *splitHash = hashNew(0);
 chromList = sqlQuickList(conn,
 	NOSQLINJ "select chrom from chromInfo order by length(chrom) desc");
 if (chromList == NULL)
     errAbort("Can't use unsplit because database has no chromInfo table");
 for (ti = *pList; ti != NULL; ti = next)
     char *pastChrom = findPastChrom(ti->name, chromList);
     next = ti->next;
     if (pastChrom != NULL)
 	struct tableInfo *splitTi;
 	if ((splitTi = hashFindVal(splitHash, pastChrom)) != NULL)
 	    splitTi->status->rows += ti->status->rows;
 	    splitTi->status->dataLength += ti->status->dataLength;
 	    splitTi->status->indexLength += ti->status->indexLength;
 	    ti->name = pastChrom;
 	    hashAdd(splitHash, pastChrom, ti);
 	    slAddHead(&newList, ti);
 	slAddHead(&newList, ti);
 slSort(&newList, tableInfoCmpName);
 *pList = newList;
 struct indexInfo 
 /* Stores pertinent info from row returned by mysql in response to
  *   show indexes from table */
     struct indexInfo *next;
     char *table;		/* Name of table. */
     boolean nonUnique;		/* True if can have duplicates. */
     char *indexName;		/* Name of this index. Usually but not always same as field. */
     int seqInIndex;		/* For multiple part indexes, which part. */
     char *field;		/* Name of field. */
     long long cardinality;		/* Cardinality of index. */
 struct indexInfo *indexInfoLoad(char **row)
 /* Allocate and return index info based on row. */
 struct indexInfo *ii;
 ii->table = cloneString(row[0]);
 ii->nonUnique = sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
 ii->indexName = cloneString(row[2]);
 ii->seqInIndex = sqlUnsigned(row[3]);
 ii->field = cloneString(row[4]);
 if (row[6] != NULL)
     ii->cardinality = sqlLongLong(row[6]);
 return ii;
 struct indexGroup
 /* Info about a group of indexes, that is various parts of
  * a multi-column index. */
     struct indexGroup *next;
     char *name;				/* Name of index. */
     struct indexInfo *fieldList;	/* Various fields involved in index. */
 int indexGroupCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two index groups to order by name */
 const struct indexGroup *a = *((struct indexGroup **)va);
 const struct indexGroup *b = *((struct indexGroup **)vb);
 return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
 int indexInfoCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare two index groups to order by name */
 const struct indexInfo *a = *((struct indexInfo **)va);
 const struct indexInfo *b = *((struct indexInfo **)vb);
 return a->seqInIndex - b->seqInIndex;
 void printIndexes(FILE *f, struct sqlConnection *conn, struct tableInfo *ti)
 /* Print info about indexes on table to file. */
 char query[256], **row;
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 struct indexGroup *groupList = NULL, *group;
 struct hash *groupHash = newHash(8);
 struct indexInfo *ii;
 char *tableName = ti->name;
 char splitTable[256];
 boolean isSplit = FALSE;
 if (unsplit)
     struct slName *chrom;
     if (!sqlTableExists(conn, tableName))
 	for (chrom = chromList; chrom != NULL; chrom = chrom->next)
 	    safef(splitTable, sizeof(splitTable), "%s_%s", chrom->name, tableName);
 	    if (sqlTableExists(conn, splitTable))
 		tableName = splitTable;
 		isSplit = TRUE;
 /* Build up information on indexes in this table by processing
  * mysql show indexes command results.  This command returns 
  * a separate row for each field in each index.  We'll group these. */
 sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), "show indexes from `%s`", tableName);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     ii = indexInfoLoad(row);
     group = hashFindVal(groupHash, ii->indexName);
     if (group == NULL)
 	hashAddSaveName(groupHash, ii->indexName, group, &group->name);
 	slAddTail(&groupList, group);
     slAddTail(&group->fieldList, ii);
 fprintf(f, "%s has ", ti->name);
 if (!justSchema)
     fprintf(f, "%d rows and ", ti->status->rows);
 slSort(&groupList, indexGroupCmp);
 fprintf(f, "%d indexes\n", slCount(groupList)); 
 for (group = groupList; group != NULL; group = group->next)
     long long maxCardinality = 0, nonUnique = FALSE;
     fprintf(f, "\t");
     fprintf(f, "%s: ", group->name);
     slSort(&group->fieldList, indexInfoCmp);
     for (ii=group->fieldList; ii != NULL; ii = ii->next)
 	fprintf(f, "%s", ii->field);
 	if (ii->next != NULL)
 	    fprintf(f, "+");
 	if (ii->cardinality > maxCardinality)
 	    maxCardinality = ii->cardinality;
 	nonUnique = ii->nonUnique;
     fprintf(f, "\t%s", (nonUnique ? "MUL" : "PRI") );
     if (maxCardinality > 0 && !isSplit && !justSchema)
 	fprintf(f, "\t%lld", maxCardinality);
         fprintf(f, "\tn/a");
     fprintf(f, "\n");
 struct sqlConnection *dbConnect(char *database)
 /* Connect to database, possibly remotely. */
 char *host = optionVal("host", NULL);
 char *user = optionVal("user", NULL);
 char *password = optionVal("password", NULL);
 struct slPair *settings = NULL;
 slPairAdd(&settings, "host", host);
 slPairAdd(&settings, "user", user);
 slPairAdd(&settings, "password", password);
 // TODO could add support for other connection params like port, socket, ssl-params
 if (host != NULL || user != NULL || password != NULL)
     return sqlConnectRemoteFull(settings, database);
     return sqlConnectProfile(profile, database);
 void dbSnoop(char *database, char *output)
 /* dbSnoop - Produce an overview of a database.. */
 FILE *f = mustOpen(output, "w");
 struct sqlConnection *conn = dbConnect(database);
 struct sqlConnection *conn2 = dbConnect(database);
 int majorVersion = sqlMajorVersion(conn);
 int minorVersion = sqlMinorVersion(conn);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, NOSQLINJ "show table status");
 char **row;
 struct hash *fieldHash = hashNew(0);
 struct hash *typeHash = hashNew(0);
 struct hash *tableHash = hashNew(0);
 struct fieldInfo *fiList = NULL, *fi;
 struct tableInfo *tiList = NULL, *ti;
 struct tableType *ttList = NULL, *tt;
 long long totalData = 0, totalIndex = 0, totalRows = 0;
 int totalFields = 0;
 /* Collect info from database. */
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     struct tableStatus *status;
     if ((majorVersion > 4) || ((4 == majorVersion) && (minorVersion > 0)))
 	memcpy(row+2, row+3, (TABLESTATUS_NUM_COLS-2)*sizeof(char*));
     if (row[3])
 	status = tableStatusLoad(row);
 	if (skipTable == NULL || differentString(status->name, skipTable))
 	    tableSummary(status, conn2, f, 
 		fieldHash, &fiList, tableHash, &tiList, typeHash, &ttList);
 if (unsplit)
     unsplitTables(conn, &tiList);
 /* Print overall database summary. */
 for (ti = tiList; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next)
     totalFields += slCount(ti->fieldList);
     totalData += ti->status->dataLength;
     totalIndex += ti->status->indexLength;
     totalRows += ti->status->rows;
 fprintf(f, "DATABASE SUMMARY:\t%s\n", database);
 printTaggedLong(f, "tables", slCount(tiList));
 printTaggedLong(f, "fields", totalFields);
 if (!justSchema)
     printTaggedLong(f, "bytes", totalIndex + totalData);
     fprintf(f, "\t");
     printTaggedLong(f, "data", totalData);
     fprintf(f, "\t");
     printTaggedLong(f, "index", totalIndex);
     printTaggedLong(f, "rows", totalRows);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 /* Print summary of table sizes ordered by size. */
 if (!justSchema)
     slSort(&tiList, tableInfoCmpSize);
     fprintf(f, "TABLE SIZE SUMMARY:\n");
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "#bytes","name","rows","data","index");
     for (ti = tiList; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next)
 	fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n"
 	    , toLongNumber(ti->status->dataLength + ti->status->indexLength)
 	    , ti->name
 	    , toLongNumber(ti->status->rows)
 	    , toLongNumber(ti->status->dataLength)
 	    , toLongNumber(ti->status->indexLength)
     fprintf(f, "\n");
     /* Print summary of table sizes ordered by size. */
     slSort(&tiList, tableInfoCmpUpdateTime);
     fprintf(f, "TABLE UPDATE SUMMARY:\n");
     fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "#table", "update time", "create time", "checkTime");
     for (ti = tiList; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next)
 	fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", ti->name, naForNull(ti->status->updateTime), 
 	    ti->status->createTime, naForNull(ti->status->checkTime));
     fprintf(f, "\n");
 /* Print summary of rows and fields in each table ordered alphabetically */
 slSort(&tiList, tableInfoCmpName);
 fprintf(f, "TABLE FIELDS SUMMARY:\n");
 fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\n", "#name", "fields");
 for (ti = tiList; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next)
     fprintf(f, "%s\t", ti->name);
     if (sortAlpha)
 	slSort(&ti->fieldList, fieldInfoCmpName);
     struct fieldDescription *field;
     for (field = ti->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
 	fprintf(f, "%s,", field->name);
     fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 /* Print summary of indexes. */
 fprintf(f, "TABLE INDEX SUMMARY\n");
 for (ti = tiList; ti != NULL; ti = ti->next)
     printIndexes(f, conn, ti);
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 /* Print summary of fields and tables fields are used in 
  * ordered by the number of tables a field is in. */
 slSort(&fiList, fieldInfoCmp);
 fprintf(f, "FIELD SUMMARY:\t%d\n", slCount(fiList));
 fprintf(f, "#uses\tname\ttables\n");
 for (fi = fiList; fi != NULL; fi = fi->next)
     struct slName *t;
     fprintf(f, "%d\t%s\t", fi->tableCount, fi->name);
     for (t = fi->tableList; t != NULL; t = t->next)
 	fprintf(f, "%s,", t->name);
     fprintf(f, "\n");
 fprintf(f, "\n");
 /* Print summary of types and tables that use types 
  * ordered by the number of tables a type is used by. */
 slSort(&ttList, tableTypeCmp);
 fprintf(f, "TABLE TYPE SUMMARY (%d types):\n", slCount(ttList));
 fprintf(f, "#uses\ttables\tfields\n");
 for (tt = ttList; tt != NULL; tt = tt->next)
     struct slName *t;
     fprintf(f, "%d\t", tt->tableCount);
     for (t = tt->tableList; t != NULL; t = t->next)
 	fprintf(f, "%s,", t->name);
     fprintf(f, "\t%s\n", tt->fields);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
 profile = optionVal("profile", getDefaultProfileName());
 if (argc != 3)
 noNumberCommas = optionExists("noNumberCommas");
 unsplit = optionExists("unsplit");
 justSchema = optionExists("justSchema");
 skipTable = optionVal("skipTable", skipTable);
 sortAlpha = optionExists("sortAlpha");
 dbSnoop(argv[1], argv[2]);
 return 0;